MTL - Galactic Dark Net-Chapter 459 Crossing time

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The desolate ancient battlefield, let everyone breathe a sigh of relief, the entire ocean, full of insects and the body of the square face people, as for the Longmen Feiyu, this powerful pirate group has entered the battlefield of others, the same loss is heavy, from time to time You can see the body marked with the gantry flying feathers.

"This is not right!" 9527 held a bunch of instruments in his hand and shouted: "We are in the frontal universe! And I can no longer find the signal of the dark net! What is going on here?"

"Because we have traveled through time." Pluto said lightly.

"Time!?" Everyone looks to Pluto, the mysterious guy, who seems to know some truth.

"Yes, time." The eyes of Pluto glanced at the people present, Shen Sheng said: "The so-called dark net stuff from north to south, is actually a code name, referring to four different time periods, the eastern representative now, the west represents Nirvana The south represents ancient times and the north represents the original."

"Don't you find out? The thing that can bring us into here is called the blood of time and space, not the blood ring of space. Time is exactly what we just crossed. As for the dark net, there is no dark net during the Nirvana period. This is dark. The universe has not yet been born."

"From our time ago, it was 1,764,335,500 trillion years."

9527 was confused and was shocked.

Han Lang looked at the empty palm, and the blood of time and space disappeared after he passed through here.

"I am going! We have traveled through time?"

"This is really interesting for him! It is more fun than crossing the space!"

"Nirvana period? What is there in the universe during this period? What are these square faces and bugs?"

Unexpected things happened. I heard that I have passed the time. Most people are not panicked. Instead, they are interested in asking about the king of the king, asking them to travel.

"I really want to tear down your head and see what is in your head!" 9527 said annoyed.

His nerves to these guys are so big, it's really incomprehensible. They are so interesting when they travel through such a terrible time. Funny ghost! In this way, everything is in a mess!

Pluto faintly said: "They are not called square faces. They are the King Kong, the strongest force of humanity in the Nirvana period, and those bugs are enemies."

"Let's go, we need to see the King Kong now, Clark, I need to know where there is a city of King Kong."

Clark just had to fly into the air to investigate. At this time, the silver fox jumped out and pointed out the direction for everyone. He had the power of plants and would get help from the plant family. So he only needs to ask the seaweed in the sea and he will know the King Kong. Where is the city?

Along the coastline, I walked through the bodies of countless bugs and King Kong, and Han Lang gradually approached the city of King Kong.

Han Lang was questioning Pluto all the way. The strange thing is that Pluto seems very impatient with other people and disdain for explanation. But for Han Lang, he knows everything, which makes 9527 a little angry.

According to Pluto, the dark universe has not yet been formed during this period. The strongest race in the universe is the Zerg and the human race, and the strongest force of the human race comes from the King Kong family.

The King Kong family is known for their bravery, but at the same time they also have significant shortcomings, that is, the head of a rib, do not understand the flexibility, in addition to the death or the end of the battle.

When I saw the city of King Kong, everyone was surprised to say nothing.

The city was built on the back of a giant beast, starting from the coastline and reaching the snowy mountains at the end of the horizon. The body of the behemoth is thousands of kilometers long.

The behemoth looks like a cheetah with wings. At this moment he is kneeling on the ground and closing his eyes.

Built on the body of the behemoth is a city of steel, streets, walls, houses, all cast with steel, so that when the behemoth moves, the city will not collapse due to shaking.

The face of the King Kong family laid down countless suspended ladders from the city. The surrounding prairies are all tents of the King Kong family. I am afraid that there are millions of them. No, tens of millions of soldiers gather at the behemoth and the big city of steel at this moment. .

"It is an ancient star beast. In the era when the transition engine was not invented, all the intelligent life was shuttled into space by the help of superstar beasts. Unfortunately, the superstar beasts have perished in the later years, leaving only some lower levels. The small star beasts, those small star beasts, many have lost the ability to cross the space." Pluto explained plainly, as if he had known all this.

With doubts, the people followed Pluto to the city of the King Kong family. On the way, they met their sentinels. When they saw the strangers, they saw another King Kong child and the strangers together, shouting. Get up and run back quickly to report.

The child of the square face does not have any indications. It is indeed a little guy like a glutinous king, who is not sensitive to everything that happens around him. He does not express excitement or closeness when he sees his own people.

This road has not been blocked, but there are more and more King Kong fighters behind Han Wave. Han Lang is slightly nervous, but Pluto is only taking a big step forward, not thinking about these King Kongs. Warriors will not attack.

On the outskirts of those tent camps, Han Lang saw Jinlongmen, who seemed to be fighting the King Kong.

Outside the tent camp of the King Kong family, there are metal-built fortifications. It is a bit like the refusal of horses used in ancient wars. Jinlongmen leads those who are still alive and is yelling outside the horse. The King Kong family in the camp does not care for them.

The time was small, and the King Kong family sent a team of soldiers, as if they were deliberate, and the number of people sent by them was similar to that of Jinlongmen.

And Jinlongmen screamed and said: "I want to let Laozi go, the door is not! You pay for my brother's life! Otherwise, I will not finish with you!"

"Brothers! Kill them again!"

Shouting, the people of Longmen Feiyu are ready to rush to kill the people of the King Kong family. Pluto faintly said: "Han Lang, stop this war."

Han Lang nodded and his right hand suddenly opened, opening up his extinction field.


In an instant, the superpowers of both sides were all deprived, and the farther camps, millions of King Kong fighters found that they had no super powers at the same time, and then exploded, and there was a chaos.

"How come you!" Jin Longmen found strange, turned back, they saw Han wave, they asked loudly.

"It has nothing to do with you." Pluto said.


At this time, the refusal horse outside the camp was removed by the soldiers. A cold middle-aged man dressed in animal skin and decorated with two black horns on his head, behind him, followed the countless soldiers.


The middle-aged man shouted the name of the child in the square face. 9527 let go of the child's hand. He looked at 9527 and walked toward the middle-aged man step by step.


The middle-aged man gave the child a slap. Han Lang guessed that this should be the father of the child. The father and son reunited. It is rare to meet in this way. It seems that the King Kong is indeed quite individual.

The child named Yan Mo looked up and took a slap in the face of his father. He was very energetic. His face was blue, and then the father and son were together and laughed. The soldiers around them laughed. It is also open.

Yan Mo pointed to Han Lang and these people, telling the situation at the time, he was saved by these people.

The middle-aged man slammed and rushed over. He didn’t say anything grateful, but hugged everyone all over again. It’s really everyone. Han wave, although they don’t have many people, it’s also five. For more than a hundred people, this process took a full hour, but the middle-aged people insisted on doing so.

Han Lang can see his sincerity from the eyes and face of this middle-aged man.


Different from his enthusiasm, after a long time, the middle-aged man only found two words in his mouth. He took a handful of Pluto, and one hand took Han Lang, so that everyone would enter the city with him.

Jinlongmen was completely stupid, and no one came to take care of them.

Han Lang thought about his middle-aged man: "We also know these people, is there any misunderstanding between you?"

The middle-aged man glanced at his eyes and looked at Jinlongmen unfriendlyly. Shen Sheng said: "Misunder."

After all, the middle-aged man walked to Jinlongmen and looked at the hundreds of people who were still alive under his hand. He asked faintly: "Is it still playing?"

Jin Longmen blinked: "You haven't told me why you want to kill my brother!?"

"War, misunderstanding." Middle-aged people cherish the words like Jin Dao: "Is it still playing?"

Han Lang also feels a little bit broken, and this King Kong temper is too straight, right? How to reverse the past, you will say these two sentences.

At this time, Lushui Qiulin flew over and coughed twice, saying to Jinlongmen: "What is going on?"

"What is going on? Our brothers just crossed the wall of sorrow and encountered these square heads and bugs fighting. I wanted to help them, who thought they would attack with us with bugs!"

"The worms also kill them, and my people still kill them! I am not a man at both ends! I have killed hundreds of brothers!"

"Until later, they realized that we are human beings like them, so they no longer attack, but my brothers are already dead!"

"I came to them to settle accounts. They sent people out to fight with us without saying anything! The number is not much, just like us, they have been playing until now, they don't even say anything! You are angry? ”

Pluto said in the distance: "They said it was a misunderstanding on the battlefield."

"And then?" asked Jin Longmen.

"Then there will be no, if you do not accept this is a misunderstanding, with the character of the King Kong family, they will continue to fight with you. How many people do you have, how many people they will not, but they will not take advantage of it, but you will not think about it in your life. Let them apologize," Pluto explained.

Jinlongmen is completely stupid. What kind of race is this? The character is just like the stone in the pit, stinking and hard!

Pluto said: "You decide for yourself. The King Kong family never admits mistakes, and never finds a post-account. As long as you are willing to accept this is a misunderstanding, everything will vanish."

He inked his focus and looked at Jinlongmen. It meant very simple. If you don't let go, you will continue to play with you. If you don't want to go, we will never be jealous.

Jin Longmen sighed with a sigh of relief and said: "I am a servant. How can there be such a character in the world?"

Pluto said: "It is because of this character that the King Kong family is the backbone of mankind. Only they can fight to the genocide, and they will never admit defeat. Let's go, as long as you no longer attack, they are their friends."


翟墨他爹 seriously extended his right hand, Shen Sheng: "Friends!" (~^~)

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