MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 630 enjoying the moment

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"Damn it, old Tu, you have no conscience, who am I out there every day for? Take it for me, let me tell you, if it wasn't for you, I would at least have entered the sanctuary now."

Hearing Ling Fei's complaints like a suspicious woman, Mo Ni giggled. I don't know why since Ling Fei's reputation is getting worse and worse, the people who winked at him in the past have gradually decreased. Although now Ling Fei Fei is notorious and hides from everyone, but Mo Ni is inexplicably happy, and because of this, she is also in a very good mood recently, as long as Ling Fei complains, he can't help laughing.

Tu Sier shook his head helplessly, this girl no longer knows what restraint is:

"Okay, stop chatting, let's get to the point, tell me, where did you go last night?"

Ling Fei thought for a while: "Yesterday, I went to two Gold Elimination Caves with Young Master Kai, but it didn't yield much. After all, I heard some news by accident. I think we can take advantage of it."

"Oh? What news?"

Mo Ni's eyes lit up, and she asked, every time Ling Fei said that, she would be able to surprise them, so this time she was also full of confidence.

"I heard that Contra and the madman Yuri got into a fight. The reason seems to be that Contra always wants to overpower Yuri, but Yuri doesn't follow him at all. The biggest contradiction is that the city lord's mansion sent people to intercept and kill him last time." Regarding the matter of our branch, it is said that Contra gave Yuri an order to intercept and kill, but Yuri refused directly because of the task of defending the city. In the end, it was done by Tongtra himself. Just for this matter, the city The guard camp and the guards of the city lord's mansion are at odds."

Ling Fei said it lightly, but he knew that this news would have a profound impact on Mo Ni and the others.

Sure enough, after Ling Fei finished speaking, both Mo Ni and Tussle fell into a state of silence. Finally, it was Mo Ni who broke the silence. She turned her head, her eyes were extremely clear, and she said seriously:

"What's your plan?"

Ling Fei smiled: "Would you like to have an unexpected encounter, and then let them fight."

Tussle frowned, obviously dissatisfied:

"Just fight? Is this too cheap? How about I sneak in and kill Contra?"

Ling Fei scratched his head, and said awkwardly: "Actually, in my opinion, the process and result of this matter are not important, our purpose is only to deepen the antagonism between the two sides, and to ensure that the city guard camp and the guards can communicate with each other. Create a situation of opposition, only in this way can we take advantage of it.

Of course, it is also possible to take advantage of the situation to kill Contra, but we need to consider, if Contra dies and the guards change to a new leader, how will the leader deal with their relationship with the city guard battalion? This is out of our control. "

As soon as Tu Sier heard it, he knew that what Ling Fei said was definitely in their interests, but after all, he couldn't let go of the **** massacre and shameless framing of the City Lord's Mansion. In the end, those branch elders who quit the family failed to give them As expected, they also became the accomplices of the bandits. Although they were saved from death, they still don't know where they will be imprisoned for punishment.

Finally he sighed and said to Mo Ni:

"It's still up to the young lady's orders."

Mo Ni glanced at Ling Fei, and said lightly:

"Then I'll leave it to you to be responsible for this task, don't let me down?"

Ling Fei sighed and stood up, weakly received:

"Understood, but I want to go back to sleep now, so don't bother me."

After finishing speaking, Tusle and Moni couldn't say anything more, and disappeared into the dark corridor.

Tussle scolded angrily:

"This guy, who makes trouble outside all day long, makes us worry about it here, and can't sleep well all night. He is fine, and he still thinks we are annoying when he comes back. Really."

Mo Ni smiled and said, "Elder Tusle, don't talk about him anymore, he has even lost his reputation now, we have lost as much as him."

Tu Sier also said with some disapproval: "But, why do I feel that he seems to be enjoying it?"

Mo Ni smiled, and she was not arguing with him. I don’t know why Elder Tusle’s attitude towards her has been much kinder since he knew that it was the City Lord’s Mansion who wanted to deal with their family. He had always been cold before, but now he even Will take the initiative to joke with him, this transformation makes him very happy. But there was an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart, and a voice told him that the war was coming.

"Elder Tusle, I don't know if it's my illusion, I feel that the City Lord's Mansion should make some moves in the near future."

Mo Ni truthfully expressed the premonition in her heart.

Tusr also restrained the smile on his face, and said calmly:

"I think the same way. Van Helsing is not a fool. He must have seen them doing so many small But he may never have taken our counterattack seriously. Maybe our family will eventually It will still be shattered, but I think he, Van Helsing, may regret it when he finally knows our plan."

"Isn't this exactly what we want? We will definitely be slaughtered."

Looking at the vicissitudes of Tusr, Moni made a final statement.

Contra's sat on the martial arts arena, watching the intense training of the guards, with a gloomy expression.

Although he and Yuri have always been honored as the second base of the City Lord's Mansion, and have been brought by Van Helsing's side, and have added trust, but he still feels unbalanced in his heart.

Although he can always accompany the city lord and control all the military defenses of the city lord's mansion, after all, there are only 1,000 guards, while Yuri's men have 3,000 troops. In addition, Yuri's city guards have strict military discipline and law enforcement. , even compared the thousand people under him.

As usual, Contra didn't care about these details at all, because fighting alone, he suppressed Yuri for nearly a hundred years, and the atmosphere of the entire Terra continent is based on personal bravery, and the strong are respected.

However, now after losing an arm, he began to become suspicious.

In order to regain Van Helsing's reuse, he had to work harder than usual, but Yuri's non-cooperation made him, who had always been proud and proud, feel inexplicably humiliated.

In fact, the massacre of the 300 lurkers of the Docunier family was an order he asserted without authorization. In his opinion, since the city lord wants to destroy the Kunier family, he must kill the roots. These guys who absconded and hid are The seeds of the weeds, since they planned to make a move, they were about to be struck by a thunderbolt. That's why he turned the order that Fan Helsing gave him to find the hidden person of the Kunier family into a massacre on the grounds of exterminating bandits. .

Read The Duke's Passion