MTL - From the Dungeon, Slaughter the Demon Apostle-Chapter 629 Drunk talk

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"You have to pay a corresponding price for using my Hastings family as a spearman. This is the case for Fan Helsing, and you, a little Lingfei, are no exception."

Recently, Ling Fei and Master Kai have been getting closer and closer, and they even feel like they hate seeing each other later. The two have similar tastes, like fine wine, and treasures. I heard that they even went to the Golden Cave together.

People from the Kurnier family pointed at Ling Fei behind his back, but he still went his own way. It seemed that even the eldest lady and Elder Tussell had a lot of opinions on him, but he was a member of the Kurnier family after all, so At this time, if you criticize him too deeply, I'm really afraid that he will walk away. Ever since, everyone can only open one eye and close one eye, pretending not to see it.

But today, someone finally couldn't bear it anymore. That person is Pisman.

"Elder Lingfei, you are with Hastings every day now, we have endured it, but now you are free to publicize that our Kunier family has blood inheritance, what is your intention?"

In another family meeting, Pisman finally broke out.

It's no wonder that he is so annoyed. The bloodline inheritance is a jealous existence in the Terra continent. No matter which family has news about the bloodline inheritance, they will try their best to cover it up and hide it, fearing that others will find out and cause trouble.

However, Ling Fei is fine. He and Kai Shao get drunk and say something outside. The City Lord's Mansion is interested in the blood inheritance of the Kunier family, so it plans to use tricks on the Kunier family. In this way, Bo No one in Pau knows that the Kunier family has blood inheritance.

This is good, before the city lord Van Helsing made a move, the Kunier family was continuously spied on by seven waves of unknown masters. Although no casualties were caused, the guards on duty every night were always in fear. It's really unbearable for people.

No, yesterday, the residence of the Fenzhi family was suddenly attacked by unknown persons. Although Pissman discovered it in time and fought back, he was still escaped safely, so the patriarch finally couldn't help but exploded.

Following his outburst, there were naturally some people who had long been ignorant of Ling Fei, and made noises. After a while, the routine meeting used to study the food distribution of the family members turned into a denunciation meeting to denounce the rumormongers.

Although Ling Fei's words of righteousness proved time and again that he was the truth, and that he had to do so in order to publicize the ugly face of the city lord, Fan Helsing, but he finally chose to give in with the tide of saliva pouring down his face.

But the good times didn't last long, and after a few days of peace, Elder Lingfei was drunk again, so his unbelievable big mouth started talking nonsense again, and even Pissman was sentenced to death in the parliament for catching an assassin. All the stories about his criticism were pulled out and shared with others. And Pisman also became a joke in Popo City, making the patriarch Pisman ashamed to face everyone in Popo City.

Although afterwards, Ling Fei made a deep introspection, but because of this, he also became the man with the biggest mouth in Popo City. Many people even specially invited him to drink, and then listened to his words after drinking.

Fortunately, this elder, who is addicted to alcohol, seldom speaks ill of the eldest lady, but later people learned from his words after drinking that he once showed his love to Moni, but was severely humiliated. Fan, so he never had any interaction with the young lady again.

As time slowly passed, half a month passed in the blink of an eye, and with the continuous spread of news by Elder Lingfei with a big mouth, the Kunier family had almost no secrets to speak of. Even though the family had banned him from participating in the meeting, they still could not Gag him.

If there is any good news, it is naturally because rumors about the bloodline of the Kunier family are gradually increasing, and more and more powerful people are visiting the Kunier family, but no one has found the so-called In terms of bloodline inheritance, some strong people even revealed in private that they have turned the Kunier family upside down, and they have seen some inheritance.

In the end, all the powerhouses agreed that this was actually a method used by Ling Fei to make himself famous, and the news that the Kunier family had blood inheritance was simply a hoax.

Under such circumstances, the guards of the Kunier family can finally be on duty at night with peace of mind, and Elder Lingfei has a new nickname, Elder Liar!

When the sky was slightly bright, Ling Fei, smelling of alcohol, entered the inner courtyard through the side door, and walked towards his residence unscrupulously. The guards who worshiped him in the past saw him and avoided him like a plague god. The girl who admired him also began to hate him, and in just half a month, he became the most notorious demon king in the family.

When he finally walked into the room and closed the door, the laziness and decadence on Ling Fei's face stretched his waist, he still had no doubts about this nocturnal lifestyle. Some are not used to it, but it seems that his plan has gradually taken effect, at least fewer and fewer infiltrators are the best explanation.

However, this is only the first step. I wanted to wash up and go back to sleep, but before I walked a few steps, I heard the familiar sound of floor knocking.

Ling Fei sighed helplessly, and groped on the wall for a while, and the stone slab on the ground moved automatically, revealing a dark hole.

Taking a ray of purple fire with him, Ling Fei jumped into the hole without hesitation. The moment he jumped down, the stone slab moved again and finally closed again.

Ling Fei walked forward along the long and dark tunnel. After about five minutes, he came to a corner and fumbled in the dark corner for a while. The wall suddenly rose, revealing a hidden door again. Only this time, there was a faint light coming from the door, Ling Fei breathed out, extinguished the purple fire, and continued to walk down in a swaggering manner.

At the end of the corridor is a spacious hall. On both sides of the hall's walls, two rows of candles are lit, brightly illuminating the hall. At this time, there are already two people sitting in the hall.

Seeing the two of them, Ling Fei opened his mouth and complained:

"This life is really not human. I drink with Master Kai at night, and I can't rest during the day. Do I have to report to you every day?"

But one of them said dissatisfiedly:

"Why, can't stand it? You came up with this idea yourself. Don't you want me to show my face? Besides, I heard that you are in those fireworks places, but you really have a confidante. Don't you Don't tell me that someone else framed you."

Facing the other party's aggressive attitude, Ling Fei finally broke out:

Read The Duke's Passion