MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 92 The boy curled up into a ball, crying...

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Cloud remonstrance?

She doesn't know her, but since she is in this kind of place, she should be the same as her and have experienced those...

But why does he look so relaxed? Still smiling at her?

He stretched out his hand towards her, and with a little force, helped her to sit up. Her body was like a puddle of mud, and she couldn't sit upright at all, so he helped her behind a boulder.

The back is leaning against a hard stone, and the top of the head is a huge leaf. The rain hits the leaves, making a tinkling sound.

Her gaze flicked over the boy's face, and when she looked around, she saw those endless purple flowers.

She's only been through it once...

She couldn't help asking: "These flowers are all you..."

The boy sat cross-legged opposite her, looked up at Luo Yu: "It's because I grew it."

Those flowers are endless, and all of them have thick roots, revealing the darkness and despair inside.

She frowned, feeling inexplicably scared. Can ordinary people really bear so much? Is this guy named Yun Jian a human or a ghost...


No matter how you think about it, it's impossible...

While she was still thinking wildly, the boy's expression suddenly became serious: "I didn't expect to meet you."

She didn't understand what he meant.

Yun Jian explained: "I've been here for a long time and never left this place. I thought it was just me."

She still didn't understand what he meant, but he had grown so many flowers, it should be because he was constantly falling into nightmares, and he really couldn't leave this area.

She was also able to climb here because of a complete breakdown and exhaustion of mental strength.

But so what if she climbed here, whether it was mentally, physically, or physically, she couldn't hold on anymore.

She said vaguely: "Just treat it as if you are the only one."

The boy frowned slightly: "Since I saw it, I can't ignore it."

What is he going to do? She couldn't understand a word he said.

She simply turned her face away, she was just waiting to die, even if she met this strange boy, she couldn't change anything.

The rain didn't know how long it would last, and the clothes mixed with mud and blood stuck to her body, making her chills intermittently, her mind was drowsy, and she gradually fell asleep.

Yun Jian sat opposite her, looked at her carefully, and asked when she was about to fall asleep, "Did you meet anyone else when you came here?"

She was brought back to her thoughts by these words, drooping her eyelids and shaking her head.

"Then you know there are others?"

She said sleepily: "Yes, if Lin Qingyou can send me in, she must have sent someone else in."

Yun Jian said: "You must be different from others. I have been here for so many years, and no one can reach here."

Her eyes suddenly became wet, she didn't know whether it was rain or tears, and the words came out of her mouth with difficulty: "There is no difference now."

After she said these words, she was very sleepy, and her eyelids seemed to be heavy, and she could no longer open them. Just as she fell into a deep sleep, someone shook her shoulders violently.

She cried out instinctively: "Stop beating, I will do everything, I will obey you, please, please stop beating."

She curled up into a ball and fell into great pain, hysterical and unable to stop, her whole body was soaked in tears and rain, spread out in the mud like a tattered rag.

Someone softly whispered in his ear: "Qin Ziqi, wake up, wake up."

She opened her eyes with tears in her eyes, and saw the boy's worried face.

Gradually regaining consciousness, she finally stopped crying, but her body still twitched uncontrollably.

Yun Jian held him down, and originally wanted to say something, but his eyes suddenly became lax. After he calmed down a little, he earnestly said: "Don't die."

She couldn't hear clearly.

The boy gritted his teeth and repeated.

"Before I come out, don't die!"

Then the boy disappeared before his eyes like water ripples.

He entered a real nightmare.

She hugged herself tightly in fear, a real nightmare... She couldn't help shivering when she thought about it.

The rain became more and more violent, and the broad and flat branches and leaves above her head were unable to resist, drooping down in dejection, and all the rainwater poured on her body.

It was icy cold, she braced her body and climbed into the thick flowers and trees, looked at the place where the boy disappeared, and couldn't help thinking, will he come back? Will it change when you come back?

She thought of the young and cheerful appearance just now, if he was destroyed, it would be really sad...

Wanting to see if he would come back, and if he would change after he came back, such an inexplicable thought was engraved in his mind, even though he kept trying to fall asleep, he finally managed to keep his eyes wide open.

Yun Jian came back sooner than she expected.

When she only persisted for a stick of incense, she saw a thick purple flower growing on the ground.

Then she saw the boy fall out of thin air on the muddy ground in front of him, covered in blood, his cheeks were bruised, and his face was stained with tears.

The boy curled up in one place like her, crying hysterically, and speaking vaguely.

The collapse of anyone is so similar, no matter how strong a person is, there are weaknesses.

She didn't have the slightest strength to help him, so she could only turn her face away.

Under the black rain, two ragged people collapsed to the ground like mud.

The sound of the rain was so loud, but it still couldn't cover the heart-piercing cry.

She fell into a deep sleep amidst the crying, and she didn't know how long she slept, her cheeks were itchy, forcing her to open her eyes, and as soon as she opened them, she met the boy's clear eyes.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought you were dead."

She thought, what difference does it make?

The cool sun shone on the ground, and it turned out that the rain had stopped.

The huge flat leaves on the top of the head couldn't hold the more and more rainwater, and suddenly bent, the bag of rainwater fell on the head.

She shivered all of a sudden.

Yun Jian laughed out loud.

She was in so much pain, what's the matter with this person, can she still laugh at such a time? He obviously just came out of a real nightmare.

But this guy is really weird, you say he is strong, the time he collapsed was so short, he knelt down and begged for mercy almost not long after entering, but you have to say he is weak, the purple flowers all over the ground are because of He was born, and he can still laugh out loud.

It's outrageous, what's going on with this guy...

Yun Jian was still trembling, his clear eyes were sometimes chaotic and sometimes clear, he pressed his trembling fingers, and said carefully: "You must not die, I will think of a way."

She said dejectedly: "No need."

Yun Jian said, "That won't work, since I know there are other people here, I can't let it go..."

She shrank into a ball, trembling: "Leave me alone, I can't help it, I can't help it..."

The young man held her by the shoulder and said seriously, "Persist a little longer."

Tears burst out of her eyes: "I have persisted for a long time, I am tired."

Yun Jian thought for a while, then said: "Then before I die, don't die, is that okay?"

She froze for a moment, not understanding the meaning of this.

But he stopped talking, covered his head wearily, and wrinkled his whole face in pain.

She thought this young man was so strange, so strange that she had lost all fighting spirit, but she still wanted to see what he wanted to do and what he could do...

When he finally calmed down, she asked a question that had been bothering her for a long time.

"You collapsed so quickly..."

Yun Jian froze, scratched his hair, and said with a smile, "I'm fragile."

"Deng Deng is so small, they actually..."

As he spoke, his eyes became red again, and he burst into tears.

She was dumbfounded, this guy was still laughing just now, but now he is crying... But she thought it should be the sequelae of the nightmare, it's normal...

He cried very sadly, choked up and said: "It's useless to beg, the child still died in front of me, it's small, covered in blood..."

She didn't know what to do, she was very fragile with exhausted mental strength, she didn't want to contact anyone, she just wanted to find a hidden place to die, but the boy was crying so pitifully, she still couldn't help holding his hand.

The boy wiped away his tears with her hand, crying even more fiercely.

He didn't suffer for a long time, and he returned to normal after a while, his eyes were red and swollen with tears, but the corners of his lips showed a fearless attitude.

Same as when we first met.

Yun Jian moved his body with difficulty, picked up a few branches and piled them up in front of the two of them, which already exhausted all his strength.

He fiddled with the branches and said to her, "In this way, next time I wake up, we can start a fire."

She stared at him blankly, not understanding what was the use of him doing these things, what was the use of lighting a fire?

When Yun Jian was still about to say something, his eyes began to slacken again, and he was about to enter a real nightmare again.

He waved to her at the last moment and told her, "Don't die."

Then the boy disappeared.

Her tears fell involuntarily.

What he entered was a real nightmare, such a terrifying place, how could he still have the mood to care about others...

She suddenly wanted to live for him, but it was not up to her to decide whether to live or not.

The body was getting colder and colder, she couldn't hold on, and fell into a coma again.


The sound of "beep beep bobo" sounded in my ears, and there was the smell of burning charcoal fire.

Someone called him.

"Qin Ziqi, wake up, wake up."

She struggled for a long time before barely opening her eyes, and vaguely saw Yun Jian who was in a bad state.

He didn't know what to ignite the branches that had been piled up earlier, and the orange flame kept jumping between the two of them.

Pale smoke rose into the pitch-black sky, dimming the desolate moonlight.

Her voice was terribly hoarse, and she said dryly, "You broke down again?"

Yun Jian covered his head and shrank behind the flames, sobbing "Mmm".

When she was dying, she suddenly became interested and asked, "What happened this time?"

Yun Jian said vaguely: "It's A-Ding, they stopped me and forced A-Ding to demonize, I saw that scene with my own eyes..."

Adin, another new name...

The young man lost consciousness in pain, and said inarticulately: "It's my fault, it's my fault."

She looked at the jumping flames, gritted her teeth and stretched her palms in. The pain came instantly, and her consciousness turned from blurry to clear under such stimulation.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she crawled up to Yun Jian and held his hand.

The flames beeped and beeped, and the gray-white smoke shot straight into the sky.

After a while, Yun Jian stopped trembling and he regained consciousness.

The boy was lying on his back on the muddy ground, he looked down at her holding his hand, and said softly.

"Qin Ziqi."

She looked at him blankly.

The boy's clear eyes were still filled with tears after crying bitterly.

"Let me help you find your former self, okay?"

She was taken aback.

Obviously it didn't matter anymore, but the tears still poured out without warning.

She suddenly cried bitterly, more hysterical than ever.