MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 91 A genius and a monster

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When Yun Ranran woke up, her vision was pitch black, she could only smell the smell of grass juice and soil, her eyes were red and swollen, her voice was even hoarse, her stomach and throat felt like they were on fire, and she couldn't help retching stand up.

But after vomiting for a long time, there was only some bile, and she was in great pain.

Just at this chaotic and uncomfortable moment, the vision finally brightened.

The darkness was dispelled, and the original appearance gradually appeared before the eyes.

She was on an island, stepping on the wet soil, the purple flowers and leaves swayed gently, stretching over the entire island like a purple ocean, and in the distance were towering trees that could not be seen without end. The chirping of birds came, and the daylight was thin and extremely bleak.

Her consciousness gradually became clear, this is the land of exile, she came in, she turned and looked back, the back is the same as the front, it is an endless island, covered with purple vegetation.

can not go out.

She looked down at her hand, there was no scar, it was very clean, it belonged to her, not Qin Ziqi's.

So what she just experienced was Qin Ziqi's memory fragments?

It was because he stayed in the land of exile and his will was completely destroyed that he finally became like that, but isn't it impossible to go out of the land of exile? How did he get out?


The last episode she experienced just now was experienced after entering the land of exile. What is Lin Qingyou's deception?

The purple flowers swaying gently on the ground exuded a faint fragrance, and she finally focused on these flowers. When she came in, she saw this vast and endless purple.

So many purple flowers, what exactly are they?

The petals open like a fine net, stained with dew, slender and enchanting.

Yun Ranran inexplicably felt a little familiar, and carefully recalled it in her mind, and then remembered the bright red blood-like flower, Nether Flower, that she had seen before.

It was the flower of despair planted on the people of Lingshui Town. Except for the color, it was very similar to this purple flower.

She remembered that Lin Qingyou was good at nurturing, and most of the spiritual plants in this world came from him. Could it be that this purple flower has something to do with him? What does that have to do with Nether Flower?

So similar it's hard to call it a coincidence...

If the Nether Flower was really cultivated by the Tianxiang Sect, it would be a disaster in the cultivation world. How unnatural and cruel the Nether Flower is...

What kind of flower is this purple...

The jade pendant was slightly hot at this time, Yun Ranran took a look.

【The name of this flower is—weak underbelly】

[It is similar to Nether God, but Nether is the power of cultivation, and weakness is the power of spirit. After the spirit power collapses, it will become the flower of weakness. 】

[These purple petals in front of you are flowers of weakness, made by absorbing spiritual power. 】

[The flower of the underbelly grows under light, and can release pure non-attribute spiritual power. This kind of spiritual power can be absorbed by the black tortoise shell in the exiled land, forming an indestructible shield, and suppressing Cang Jue here. 】

[The mysterious tortoise armor absorbs spiritual power, and there are still some leftovers after refining, part of which overflows the land of exile, and becomes the treasure land of Tianxiangzong to cultivate spiritual plants—Tianxiang Lingtian. Improving spiritual power is hard to find in the entire cultivation world. 】

[A part remains in the exiled land, becoming a real nightmare for those who enter. 】

【What Qin Ziqi encountered was a real nightmare. As long as he enters it, he will be pulled into the nightmare by these mental powers that collapsed due to despair, and he will continue to experience the most collapsed illusion until he loses himself and becomes a man without spiritual power. The waste of human slaughter. 】

Yun Ranran was startled, it was a real nightmare, if what Qin Ziqi encountered was a nightmare, then did Qing'er and Qing'er's grandma not die? She was about to ask Yupei, but Yupei had guessed what she was going to ask and replied directly.

【died. 】

[The real nightmare that Qin Ziqi experienced was constructed by the remaining spiritual power of the mysterious tortoise shell. The dark prison, water drop, and Shi Ning were all constructed, but for a person with strong mental power like Qin Ziqi, he will suffer and doubt , but it is difficult to collapse in a short time. 】

【Thus, Lin Qinghuang manipulated the flower of weakness in it, and the flower of weakness in the entire black tortoise shell was cultivated by him. He can manipulate the real nightmare through the flower of weakness for a short time without entering the land of exile. 】

【Qing'er and Qing'er's grandma were deliberately pushed into the Land of Exile by Lin Qinghuang, using their deaths to force Qin Ziqi to collapse. 】

[This is a monster with insight into people's hearts, he can easily know your real weakness. 】

The bastard!

Yun Ranran's eyes turned red, and her fingers tightened suddenly!

She calmed down for a moment, and said softly: "That's why you want me to borrow Qin Ziqi's memory fragments to come in."

"I know I'm Yun Ranran, but the Exiled Land thinks I'm Qin Ziqi, so I went through everything Qin Ziqi experienced with him, and I still maintain my sobriety."

"If I came in as myself, I would be Yun Ranran, and I would also be pulled into the real nightmare by these remaining mental powers, and I would have nightmares that I couldn't bear until I completely collapsed."

[Yes, that's why I said you enter by yourself, ten deaths and no life. 】

[No one can be an exception, everyone has weaknesses. 】

So Qing, senior brother, Wuxuan and Xiaoqi all disagreed with her entering, and asked her to just take a look and leave.

The jade pendant continued to heat up, showing new characters.

[Only by pretending to be Qin Ziqi, can one get a glimpse of the reality of the exiled land. 】

[If you miss it, you will have no chance to enter. 】

Yun Ranran looked up, and saw that the purple soft underbelly flowers almost covered the field of vision, all of them were dazzling, and if you looked carefully, you could also see the faint white mist like filaments.

Each flower is a lost soul.

These people, like Qin Ziqi, experienced such a painful past, and finally died without dignity, becoming the nourishment of the black tortoise shell.

Qin Ziqi was obviously so tenacious, he didn't die in the Demon Realm, but he died on the way home.

Damn Lin Qingyou!

Yun Ranran calmed down and began to think about the next thing, how to find Cang Jue and how to get out.

She thought of that eight-year-old child. If he entered the land of exile, he would definitely enter the real nightmare. What kind of painful reincarnation did he experience in this place?

Did he break down? Did he also lose himself like Qin Ziqi? Has he also become the flower of these many weaknesses?

Does he still exist?

Yun Ranran's heart tightened, and he began to search around the island.

The island is huge, as if it will never end.

Qin Ziqi went out more than ten years ago, and Lin Qingyou also said that the black tortoise shell had just formed, and the supply of spiritual power was insufficient, so someone broke it from the inside, who could it be? Could it be Cang Jue?

Impossible, if it was Cang Jue, the Tianxiang Sect would have been in chaos long ago. With that guy's personality, if he really came out, the entire Tianxiang Sect would have no survivors. She has never heard of such a catastrophe happening to the Tianxiang Sect .

Judging from the current stability of Tianxiangzong, Cang Jue must still be in the land of exile.

Then how did the mysterious tortoise shell break? Qin Ziqi only lost his memory after he went out. He should have witnessed all of this back then. Maybe she should find a place where the flowers of weakness are strong and open Qin Ziqi's memory fragments again to learn the truth of the year.

As soon as she said it, she began to look for the place where the flower of weakness was the most luxuriant. This thing must have nothing to do with the sun, but must have something to do with the strength of the spirit. She walked along the wet land.

The sunlight illuminates the crystal dewdrops on the flowers, and the purple flowers are of different sizes, all of which are swaying in the wind.

Just when Yun Ranran crossed a hill, she was suddenly stunned by what she saw.

There was a whole field of bewitching purple flowers in front of her, full of purple soft underbelly flowers, those flowers were different from others, other petals were as big as a fist, but the plants here were as huge as round plate.

These soft underbelly flowers are so large and dense that they can hardly be seen at a glance.

According to what Yupei said earlier, a person's spiritual power can only grow a weak flower. She also saw that the plants are almost different, but the flowers here are too similar, and the difference from other flowers is very obvious.

She almost instinctively noticed that these flowers of weakness came from the same person.

Who the **** is this? He actually has so many weaknesses and such a strong mental power. What kind of person is this...

After a complete collapse, a flower of weakness will grow. The flowers in front of him are endless. How many times has he collapsed?

And it's too easy to collapse, right?

If he really grew so many flowers of weakness, then he must have completely collapsed. After the collapse, he should be devastated, become a muddy waste, and wait to die in the exile, but he recovered... After recovering, his mental power was activated, and then He was pulled into a real dream once, then collapsed again, and he who should have waited to die cheered up again... Then he entered the real nightmare again, collapsed again, and it started again and again, thus forming this ocean-like flower field.

Who the **** is this...

More like a monster than a genius...

In this world, can anyone really do this?

Moreover, with so many flowers of weakness, is this person still alive?

Yun Ranran stopped her thoughts. She knew that this was the place she was looking for. There could be no place in the entire exiled land with more spiritual power than here, so she walked to the core of the huge flower of weakness and looked out from here. , the eyes are full of this giant soft underbelly flower that far surpasses other petals.

The strong mental power is pulling her nerves. If she is not considered to be Qin Ziqi by the exile, she will definitely be smashed to pieces under the real nightmare of these spiritual powers.

She sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes, and relaxed her consciousness under the strong spiritual force.


Pain, heart-piercing pain, pain all over the body.

It was raining, tick-tock and icy cold.

She was lying on the ground, her whole body was soaked, but when she moved, her whole body was in pain.

Her limbs were all broken, and now there was no intact part of her body. She remembered that she was Qin Ziqi, who had just knelt at Shi Ning's feet and handed over everything she had.

She is not Qin Ziqi, she is a lost dog.

The pain that was unbearable in the past has become sharp and incisive. After losing her willpower, she has become timid and weak. As long as it can relieve her pain, she can do anything, anything, anything.

She saw a flamboyant purple flower growing beside her. The petals were like a fine net, fluttering in the rain.

She took a look and looked away. She clenched her fists and crawled forward with all her strength. She didn't know where she was going. She just wanted to leave this flower, far away.

The rain water had softened the soil and stained her whole body with muddy mud.

That's how dogs live, and she's no different.

A line of blood snaked out where she crawled, and was quickly washed away by muddy water and rain.

The rain was getting stronger and stronger, she could barely open her eyes, she was crawling aimlessly, not knowing where she was going, at this moment, she climbed over a small hill, and there was a valley below, she couldn't control it for a while Well, the whole person fell down, and Gululu fell into the heart of the valley in a state of embarrassment.

She was lying on her back on the ground, her muscles and bones were broken, and she couldn't even turn over.

She saw a huge purple flower standing in front of her, which was much bigger than hers. She turned her face and saw the endless green rhizomes.

How come there are so many, what exactly is this?

When she was dumbfounded, the sound of ground breaking suddenly sounded in her ears, followed by a small purple flower that grew rapidly in front of her eyes, and soon opened a huge net-shaped petal, which was just like other petals in the blink of an eye .

grown out?

She remembered that when she came out of the illusion, there was such a flower growing in front of her eyes. Could it be that the person was about to leave the illusion?

She couldn't move, she could only look up at the sky, the rain hit her face violently, making her unable to see.

At this moment, a huge green leaf suddenly appeared above the head, separating the rain curtain.

She opened her eyes vaguely, and saw a boy's face.

His eyes were red and swollen, as if he had just cried hard, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a brisk appearance.

How could someone still laugh in such a place?

The boy smiled and asked, "Who are you?"

With a hoarse voice, she worked hard for a long time: "Qin Ziqi, about you?"

The boy's cloud-white hairband was blown and fluttered by the strong wind, he said with a smile.

"I, my name is Yun Jian."

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