MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 392

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outside the tribe.

Xiyue had already moved, her body trembled slightly, and she disappeared into a black shadow.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and it rushes towards a certain direction in the forest.


In the back of the forest, the red-haired man shouted loudly, the sight kept locking on the fast-moving figure, and the next moment, he pulled the trigger.

The muzzle of the gun suddenly produced a violent energy reaction, and between the arcs of the thunder, a laser light cannon that was far more powerful than just before suddenly blasted out.

Wherever it goes, it is destroyed, and everything is powder.


Xiyue avoided the laser light cannon in a thrilling manner, and the speed did not decrease at all.

The red-haired man's face changed slightly, he locked on the target again, and pulled the trigger.




One after another laser light cannon blasted out.

The entire forest trembled.

However, Xiyue's figure was like a ghost, dodging all attacks.

The expression on the red-haired man's face became more and more panic. After the heavy gun fired several times in a row, the gun body was already hot, but he seemed to not know it, and his eyes were fixed on the figure.

Seeing the distance between the two sides getting closer and closer, the red-haired man was so frightened that his movements began to deform.

Other people around don't know what's going on.

Immediately pull him up,

"Get out!"

Without any hesitation, they all evacuated from the place.

The red-haired man's face was extremely gloomy, but there was a flash of fear in the depths of his eyes. What kind of monster was that? ?

Can you even evade attacks from world items?

More than once? ! !

However, this is not over yet.

Everyone who was fleeing soon found that the enemy was still chasing behind, and the distance was getting closer and closer, and they couldn't help but feel a little panic.

In the end, Xiyue appeared in everyone's sight with a sprint.


next second,

The body trembled, and disappeared from everyone's sight again strangely.

"Be careful!!!"

Kill, start.


Tribal Palace.

Bai Yu admired this one-sided massacre.

Yes, it's torture.

Those intruders in uniforms obviously have higher identities and can take out world props.

However, it is such a group of people who cannot make any effective resistance when facing Xiyue who is in full swing.

In terms of speed alone, it was crushed to death.

If you want to escape, you can't escape, and you fight to the death, but you can't even touch the enemy's clothes.

Watching the teammates around him die one by one,

That kind of despair.

"Tsk tsk."

Bai Yu smacked his mouth and shook his head. At this level, how dare he covet the power of the snake god? ?

Be more mindful in your next life.

514 The time to become a **** is right in front of you

Twenty miles away from the tribe.

On a certain hill, a middle-aged man wearing white knight armor and specially designed prosthetic eyes was observing the situation of the tribe, his face was extremely ugly.


The middle-aged man said to the others without hesitation.

"But isn't the action over yet? There are people from other forces..."


The middle-aged man glanced at the young man who spoke, with deep fear in his eyes, and said in a heavy tone:

"If you don't leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave."

When the others around him heard the words, their expressions changed.

To be able to make a middle-aged man say such words, one can imagine what terrifying things happened in the tribe at this time.

Heart can not help but feel incredible.

To know that for this plan, all the forces can be said to have exhausted everything.

All kinds of god-level props, preparation of world props, contacting the strong on the leaderboard and the master lander hidden in the folk, to join this plan,

There are even many national-level forces to support.

Even so, is it impossible to break through that tribe? ?

Is it more than enough to go to war with the [Uri World] Empire of Humanity? !

The young man wanted to say something else, but a woman next to him held her shoulders and shook her head at him.

Everyone glanced at the direction of the tribe and followed the middle-aged man away.


tribe, palace.

"It's over."

Bai Yu said lightly.

With Xiyue annihilating the intruder team, this drama, which was not very turbulent, almost came to an end.

At the end, there was also a small easter egg, that is, some intruders who disguised and sneaked into the tribe.

Under Rin's perception, there was nowhere to hide, the original form was revealed, and finally he fell in front of the palace with hatred, and he didn't even enter the palace until he died...

His eyes were filled with deep unwillingness, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

After about half an hour.

The battle is completely over.

All invaders are wiped out.

Xiyue, King of Darkness and other members returned to the palace one by one.


The red dragon came by the wind, and the huge body attracted the attention of everyone in the tribe, all with shocked expressions on their faces.

In the tribe, is there such a big guy hiding? ?

It seems to be able to enter and exit the palace freely, could it be...

Invariably, an idea arose in everyone's heart. While curious about the palace, they were even more in awe.

If only they were lucky enough to enter that palace one day...

"The battle is over, thank you for your hard work."

Bai Yu showed the gentle side of the boss of the organization that cared for his subordinates.

All members feel like a spring breeze.

After playing for a while, the spoils brought back by Xiyue, the world props of heavy firearms.

After continuing to explain a few more words, Bai Yu was ready to go offline to pass the time, and the members returned to their respective positions and performed their respective duties.

"Yemengard, when will you take me to learn how to change shape?"

Honglong showed a coquettish expression and asked coquettishly.

"Come on, just in a few days."

Bai Yu glanced at the power of faith and smiled.

In fact, if it goes well, I can take it to the 50th floor tomorrow.

"Really, then it's settled, hehehe."

Honglong let out a barbell-like laugh, no nose or eyes, and left with Xiyue.

Originally, it wanted to play with the tribe for a while, but it was too big to attract attention, and Bai Yu had to leave, so he gave up the idea.



Villa living room.

The beam flashed away, and Bai Yu's figure returned here.

The whole person lay casually on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and brushed it with ease.

When the time came to noon, Bai Yu went online to take a look at the situation and then went offline again.

Continue to kill time a little bit.



At the same time.

All over the world, almost all the forces involved in the invasion of the tribe have received news of the failure of the operation.

For this result,

Not only those powers that dominate one side, but also the countries that hide deeper, all fell into silence.

completely annihilated!

They spent so much manpower and material resources, and finally got such a result? !

Oh no, another team is back.

Because they did not participate in this battle at all, they chose to retreat midway.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the end will only be the same as everyone else.

Ironically, it was because of this only team that came back that the various forces got some clues about that tribe.

Red Dragon.

There is actually a red dragon comparable to a rare boss in that tribe? ?

In addition, there are three perverted levels of combat power!

Read The Duke's Passion