MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 391

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All the invaders' eyes were red, and they all burst into the strongest fighting state, and they rushed forward resolutely.

One after another buffs are superimposed on the body, and various medicines are continuously poured into the mouth,

The energy in the body seems to be adding stimulant hormones, soaring wildly, and the momentum is rising.

They have to break through!



Bai Yu sat down again and continued to watch the play.

Looking at the decisive appearance of the intruders, who had left them dead and reborn, I was a little surprised.

Then there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

very good.

Just to show that kind of energy.

Since he covets the secret of the Serpent God, he tries to gain the power of the Serpent God in vain

How about not paying a heavy price?

Otherwise, how can this "treasure" be seen as precious?

"But you have to speed up, otherwise, there will be no chance."

In Bai Yu's observation, the battle on the Dark Lord's side has ended.

Rin, the strongest warrior of the tribe, enjoyed a higher standard of treatment, but the victory was only a matter of a few minutes.

Not to mention the Red Dragon,

Its appearance can be said to be completely beyond the expectations of the invaders. At this time, it is chasing those invaders to kill, and it is estimated that the battle will end soon.

Finally, there is Xiyue.

Facing the team of invaders who resolutely formed a group, Xiyue showed a higher quality than any rare boss.

Let these intruders see what true despair is.

No matter how well they cooperated, how hard they fought, how hard they fought, or how many precious items they used...

Totally useless!

It has never been able to break through Xiyue's defense.

Under normal circumstances, any monster boss should be beaten and screamed in a team battle of this scale.

Xiyue did not.

She was like a hidden boss in human skin, overwhelming everyone.

The intruder can't help but start to have doubts in his heart!

Can they really win?

Really able to enter the palace?

Can you really find the secret of the Zombie God?

Do not,

Now is not the time for self-doubt!

This battle must be won,

Otherwise, it's all over!

Even their lives may be buried here!

Unwillingness, fear, anger, all kinds of emotions flooded into my heart.

The invaders broke out again.

who can be selected for this team,

All of them are elites among the elites, and they are far superior to ordinary people in all aspects of strength and temperament.

They are not willing to fall here!

They are going to fight to the end!

They are going to defeat the enemy!


Violet flames burned violently.

Contain the momentum of all intruders.

Xiyue raised her palm, and the purple flames suddenly moved around, enveloping all the invaders, and there was no way to avoid it.

Then, with a thought, it controlled the purple flames to gather together, forming a natural barrier, completely isolating the invaders from the outside world.

"Useless struggle, offending Lord Snake God, your fate is only... death!"

As Xiyue's voice fell,

The flames erupted again, filling the entire space, the air showed distorted traces, and one after another miserable screams came from the sea of ​​​​fire.


At this moment, in the sea of ​​​​fire, a huge golden box suddenly condensed out of thin air, and then quickly disappeared,

Disappeared together, as well as those intruders trapped in the sea of ​​​​fire.


Xiyue frowned slightly.


almost at the same time,

A laser light cannon suddenly shot from the forest, making a whistling sound that ripped apart the air.


At the critical moment, the stone-winged monster turned into a hard shield to block in front of Xiyue, resisting the impact of the laser light cannon.

One after another air wave accompanied the thunder to impact and spread around, the ground was all broken, and one after another cracks the size of the mouth of the bowl spread wildly like an angry dragon.


Above the shield, cracks spread.

Xiyue's eyes narrowed, and a purple flame rose from the palm of her hand. At the moment when the shield shattered, her hand knife slashed down.

Immediately, the laser light cannon was chopped into pieces, producing a violent explosion.


As the air waves swept through, the hood kept fluttering, and the girl's long and narrow eyes stared at the direction of the laser light cannon.


Somewhere in the forest dozens of miles away, a group of figures in uniform stood here.

In front of the crowd, there is a heavy firearm with a strong sense of futuristic technology, which is the initiator of the laser cannon that was fired just now.

"It's all right? Wouldn't it be too exaggerated??"

Everyone looked at the situation in the tribe and couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

The red-haired man who controlled the heavy firearm spit out the cigarette **** in his mouth, raised the corner of his mouth and said:

"Don't worry, I just tried my skills just now, and I didn't use all my strength. The next shot will definitely kill her."

Everyone heard the words silently, but they didn't think there was anything wrong with the red-haired man's words.

After all, this is a world prop.

No matter whether he is a human being, a ghost, or a ghost, in front of the world props, all of them are not worth mentioning.

513 What is despair

Palace, on the throne.

A look of surprise flashed across Bai Yu's eyes.

From the sudden appearance of the golden square box just now, to the laser cannon behind with a range of more than ten miles,

No one no longer shows the extraordinaryness of these two props.

Above the god-level props?

World props...? ?

The mental sense instantly locked the group of people in uniform in the forest. Bai Yu looked at the heavy-duty firearm full of technology and saw its extraordinaryness at a glance.

"It should be a world item without a doubt..."

Judging from the performance just now, neither the destructive power nor the range is as good as the energy breath.

However, even if it is relatively weak, this prop is quite useful.

What's more, looking at the confident expressions of the invaders, that world item should not have shown its true power.

"It can be used to arm the tribe."

While Bai Yu observed the group,

Among the other party, someone clearly felt that something was wrong in the surrounding environment.

"Wait a minute, there is a situation!"

"What's wrong??"

"I feel like someone's spying on here!"

When this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

What a joke, they are more than ten miles away from the tribe, who can spy on them? ?

The woman in uniform looked solemn and looked around, "It's not right, it's really not right!"

She faintly felt a pair of eyes looking at them, but as for where, she couldn't find it for a while.

It made everyone around her a little influenced by her.

"Hey, hey, don't be so suspicious, it will affect my performance later."

The red-haired man in control of the heavy firearm quietly crawled on the ground, closed one eye, and stared at the figure in the scope.

Indifferently said:

"It's a big deal, after this shot, can't we just change positions?"


"Did you notice it?"

Seeing the reaction of the uniformed woman, Bai Yu, who was far away in the palace, couldn't help but smile, his perception was quite sharp.

However, it is not easy to find him.

"Rin's side... it's over."

Bai Yu noticed the battle situation on the other side, Rin had already dealt with all the invaders and rushed back towards the tribe.

The Dark Lord is still wandering in the woods, seemingly searching for other intruders.

The Red Dragon's side is also coming to an end, the battle situation is terrible, completely one-sided,

The god-level props that the invaders thought they were relying on had no effect at all on the entire situation.

"When Xiyue's side is over, this farce should almost end."

Bai Yu whispered and rubbed the hair in front of his forehead, ready to welcome the end of this drama.


Read The Duke's Passion