MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 642 Lied to the honest

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Rain does not fall in the sky,

Amei dare not say something.

Brother Qiao who killed someone,

Come and listen to my sister's heart ... "

When I was awake and half asleep, I listened to the crisp love song uploaded by Shanliang, and glanced out the window. The moon was clear, the sky was full of stars, and it was only four minutes later. With the lights on, the smoke from the smoke rising upstairs, a busy scene.

I remembered last night that I was going to learn folk songs with Yilian, and I got up quickly, got dressed, took a step, and jumped directly from the hanging foot to the hillside.

The girl stood on the hill, glanced at him, and turned away: "Hum, you are late!"

Lin Wanrong scratched his head, embarrassed and said, "This, this, you are too early! Of course, blame me. I lived in Miao Township for the first time. I was too excited last night and I didn't fall asleep. I got up late!"

"Want the aunt to think?" Yi Lian smiled.

This girl guessed accurately, but I said you must not believe it, he laughed a few times, it was a mess.

"Alinger, the love song of our Miao people is straightforward. No matter what, as long as you dare to sing, someone will dare to listen. The tunes are very similar, but it is not difficult to learn. I will teach you slowly on the road these days. . "

The lecture started, and Yi Lian Xun Xuan said, "It is difficult to find the lyrics in the lyrics. These folk songs were sung by the ancestors one generation after another. My mother can remember a thousand songs. I can only remember six now. More than a hundred. I teach you everything I know, you have to remember! "

Six hundred? Oh my God! Lin Wanrong vomited her tongue and retracted her head. Yilian giggled, "Just remember as much as you can. I don't expect you to sing Lark anyway!"

This girl was returned in the original words. Lin Wanrong shook her head and smiled, her eyes fell on her face, and she saw her eyes wide open, covered with bloodshot, and suddenly said, "Yilian, you, did you take a rest last night?"

The girl shook her head embarrassedly: "Ama is going to help me clean things up. I want pancakes to prepare dry food. She didn't rest all night. How can I sleep? Mi Do Mi Gu Gu, who is going to the Huashan Festival in this village, everyone That's it! "

No wonder you got up so early, Lin Rong suddenly became anxious, and pulled her away: "Don't teach today, go back to sleep first! I tell you Yilian, my bones are my own, it ’s useless for others to say good things . It's true that you cherish yourself. Do you understand? "

"Eh!" Yilian smiled sweetly: "Alin, I listen to you!"

Back in the room, Yi Lian sneaked into the room. The Buyi and his wife were already up, and they were amazed to see the guests wearing seedlings. Mom smiled and said a few words, and Mr. Buyi translated: "Mother Yilian said, guests, if you put on seedlings, you are also very handsome!"

"Is that so?" Jun Mi laughed more loudly. Hurrying to hold his fist: "Ama is very polite. No matter how good I wear it, I can't compare with my dad!"

Grandma looked at her husband with a smile.

"Yi Lin, this girl!" Buyi father smiled bitterly, holding his hand tightly. The words are serious: "Guests, on the way, I will trouble you to take care of Yilian Kunshan a lot."

"Where and where, take care of each other!" The guest said in a rude tone.

Dad shook his head and said, "Guests are too polite! Kun Shan Yilian, they are still some children! But you are different, you can see that when you hit the surname Wu, your hands are not pampered, but raised The knife! "

Lin Wanrong was secretly shocked, Miaoxiang is so talented! This dad is peaceful and inconspicuous on the outside, but is subtle on the inside. No wonder he can become the leader of the Hongmiao. With such help, Miaoxiang can take good care of it!

"Relax, Dad," he never dared to take it lightly again. "I, Lin is not a good person, but it is by no means a good person! I will not let Kunshan Yilian be bullied!"

After speaking a few words, he heard the tinkering of silverware, and slowly came out of the girl from the back room, Lin Wanrong glanced at him, and suddenly stopped.

The young girl was dressed in a brand-new seedling dress, with a beautiful eyebrow and beautiful eyes. She had only bathed before, and the dazzling silver ornaments strung into a shiny circle, holding her wet long hair. Silver was inlaid on her head, neck, chest, and wrists. The faint silver glow reflected her skin, and her face was as beautiful as jade. She wore a white jade belt around her waist, although she didn't wear silver jewelry, she embroidered a pair of red butterflies in the middle, lively and cute.

"Yi Lian, you are so beautiful!" Lin Wanrong praised from the bottom of her heart.

The girl in the costume was flushed and hid behind her mother.

"Of course it is!" Buyi nodded, and his face was very proud: "Yilian, our family, is also famous in Shili and Baxiang! To go to the Huashan Festival, of course, they must dress up beautifully. This is their whole life. The most important festival in the world! "

Blind date, of course it matters. Lin Wanrong hesitated, full of doubts: "However, dad, wearing so many silverwares on the road, isn't that a bit arrogant ?!"

Dad laughed: "Guest, you do n’t understand the customs of the Miao family! We Hmong people like silver jewelry because it is as pure as the moon in the sky. As soon as our daughter is born, we will save money and save it for her. Accumulate silver. When it comes to major festivals and marriages, you must put on all the silver jewelry that you have accumulated for many years. The more you wear, the more glorious, this is a rule! It ’s just that I have suffered from Yilian, who has had a hard time these years. She added a silver bracelet, and the rest were handed down from her grandmother to grandchildren, not a few, shabby! "

Sure enough, if you look closely, most of the silver ornaments worn by Yilian have signs of wear and tear, apparently passed on for many years. Seeing that the eyes of the parents were red and sad, the girl hurriedly said, "A father, mother, daughters don't want silver rings or silver bracelets, they just want you to be healthy and longevity. Our family will always be together."

Lin Wanrong hurriedly agreed: "Daddy Grandma, Yi Lian is right, you can earn no more money, but you ca n’t buy happiness and health! Believe me, the days in Miaoxiang will be better! Wait until On the day of Yilian's marriage, maybe your family already has a lot of silver jewelry, so you can't carry it! "

"Alin brother--" Yilian shrugged with shame. The Buyi and his wife were relieved by his relief.

Not too early, twenty or thirty young guys in Yingyuewu gathered in one place. Mi guesses all wore silver ornaments, their faces flushed with excitement, beautiful and cute, all Mi Duo, did not dare to blink. The tinkling silver ornament rang lightly, in the parents' request and expectation. The crowd set out along the mountain road.

Yingyuewu is located on the outskirts of the Shuzhou Mansion. It is a little far away from Wulian Peak in Junlian County. Yilian chose to copy the road near the mountain. Although it was rugged and difficult to walk, in the eyes of these men and women of Miao family, it was not a big deal. Instead, they used Lin Wanrong and Side to get used to the plains, and they got a hard time. .

Among this group of people, although Yi Lian is a weak girl. However, because of her hot style and firm personality, she deservedly became the leader. Everyone served her, even the mixed boy Kun Shan had to listen to her.

Lin San and Si De were originally two fake microphones, but everyone was young, and they were mixed together, and they would get acquainted after a short while.

Lin Wanrong is calm and experienced. Can speak. Telling a joke one by one, telling a story is a set of things, what a flower, snow and moon, sword and sword. The hands came, without the heavy samples, all of which Midomi guessed had never heard of and never seen before. The girl guy heard his eyes flashing and looking forward, all rushing to follow him and talk to him.

I heard that he is going to learn folk songs, not only diligently teaches Yilian, but Michai also taught him the best skills, but unfortunately, Arin is really limited in this respect. He learned this and forgot about it, which led to everyone. Joke.

The girls of the Miao family love to be clean. Every evening, they have to find a mountain spring playing in the laundry and clean up the silver ornaments. The other Mi Du can only hold the hatchet and keep the whistle around.

Listening to the laughter of the girls, most of the guys were itchy, but Lin Wanrong was the most suffocated. Once he saw more seas, it was not strange, and secondly, he felt that such a peaceful life was really a treat. Listening to the Miao family girl playing and singing in the water, thinking about the days of life and death in the sea of ​​death, and the long journey, it is clearly a world apart. What else is insatiable?

Temperament is a product of cumulative accumulation and character precipitation. His experience is unparalleled in the world, and he has never had less sorrow and joy, which can be described as humiliating. The calmness and calmness that was far beyond ordinary people even attracted the attention of these young Miao men and women. At night, they couldn't wait to light the bonfire, happily surrounded him, listened to him humorously, and enjoyed it.

The girl Yilian likes this the most. Whenever she sits next to him at night, listening to him laughing and scolding and telling stories, she laughs while leaning forward and backward, but she has an unreal illusion, as if these stories are Alling. Personal experience. Is it true? She always wanted to figure it out, but she lacked the courage to ask it!

So, for five consecutive days in the precipitous mountains, nights and daylights came out, and there were bubbles on the feet, but there was no shadow of a market town. The girls of the Miao family were not panic, but Lin Wanrong was anxious. Taking the time to rest his feet, she pulled the girl and said, "Yilian, when will you go to Junlian County ?!"

"Hurry up!" Yi Lian smiled slightly, took out the dry food from the bag, picked the largest piece and delivered it to him: "Alin, give you this!"

Lin Wanrong's snacks were distributed by Yilian as early as in Miao Village. The dry food these days depended on the wild vegetable cakes that Yilian's mother and daughter had cooked overnight. He was accustomed to rough and rough cultivation, and has never eaten anything in the desert, which is of course natural.

Yilian was so pleased to see the incense he ate, and hurriedly handed him the bamboo tube filled with water: "Alin, I ask you something!"


"What did you do before, how do you know so many things?"

"I used to," he wiped the water leaking from the corner of his mouth, and smiled proudly: "I used to be a little tadpole who used to cheat and seduce a lady!"

"Just talk nonsense, I don't believe it!" Yi Lian giggled.

Cangtian, earth, why do I never believe anyone when I tell the truth? On the contrary, when telling lies, followers are like clouds and they are rushing! Am I really too bad? He was sad in his heart.

Yilian opened her eyes and looked at him, and said gently, "Alin, if you can stay in Miao Village forever, that's fine!"

Lin Wanrong's pupils suddenly enlarged, and she stared blankly behind her, her mouth twitching and her legs began to tremble: "Yilian, you, don't move!"

"What's wrong?" The girl was puzzled.

"Shh," Lin Wanrong grinned. He slowly got up, his body trembling, and suddenly he reached out his hand and hurriedly hurried Elaine behind him: "Hurry, go!"

A crimson letter spewed out of the woods behind the girl, revealing a triangular head, with stars in its dark body, which was actually a giant snake of six or seven feet long. Dish on the bush. Slowly spit out the probe.

Looking at his trembling body. Yilian blinked: "Alin, are you afraid of snakes?"

"No, no, no, not afraid!"

The girl pouted and laughed, pinching the snake body, and the jade hand suddenly stretched out like electricity. Fast and ill, holding the snake seven inches.

"Squeak ---" The serpent uttered a letter, and the core stretched out for a long time. Lin Wanrong yelled, his hands were clasped, and his face was scared.

Yi Lian smiled, took the trapped snake off the tree, and handed it to him: "Alin, brother. This is a poisonous young man! Don't be afraid. You touch it, it's very good!"

Poisonous blue letter? Seeing Yi Lian holding the snake like cutting vegetables, his heart pounded. How dare you reach out and touch. This is not his timidity, surrounded by thousands of people and tens of thousands on the battlefield, and he did not frown. It is true that people have inverse scales, and they are always afraid of something in life. As a Chinese family, being afraid of snakes is not a shame.

"Coward!" The young Kunshan saw that Yi Lian was unusually good to the Chinese family, and she could no longer get used to it. At this time, he saw him timidly and sneered dismissively: "The Hua family does not have a good thing! ,do not mind him!"

Lin Wanrong frowned: "Kunshan brothers, why does the Hua family not have a good thing?"

"Is not it

Kunshan indignantly said, "Did you not see the scene in the village that day? When did the Hua family have a good man?"

Lin Wanrong shook his head: "The Hua family is really bad, but if one person is bad, can it represent the entire Chinese nation? Is that the bully in Zhaizi that day, in addition to the government, there is Hei Miao, but that is the Miao family. According to your inferences, are the Miao families also bad guys? Is Yilian a bad guy? Is Daddy Buyi a bad guy? Are the big guys here all bad guys? "

"This--" On the rhetoric, who in the world is the opponent of the three forests, Kun Shan was dumbfounded and dare not answer. Men and women around the Miao family saw that they were in a dispute and had already surrounded them. After hearing several questions from him, all of them frowned.

"Good people and bad people are not distinguished by nationality. Every nation will have good people and scum. This is because of human nature! The Hua family and the Miao family are not enemies. From the age of our ancestors, we are brothers and sisters who depend on each other. Everyone is living in the same mountains and rivers, and have lived together for generations. All are glorious and all are lost. Only loving each other and helping each other can build a good home and make all the flesh and blood compatriots of the Huajia Miao family have a good life! "

His eloquence didn't have to be said. These are the younger generations in Miao Village. They were very prejudiced against the Chinese family. They just listened to the good days in his mouth, but he was bewildered by him. A Mi Gu shyly said, "But now, the Chinese family always bullies us, Brother Arin, what should we do?"

Lin Wanrong nodded and smiled: "Wait and see, the bad guys in the fish town, no matter whether they are Chinese or Hmong, there will be some people cleaning up their land! At that time, I am afraid that everyone will put on silver jewelry again, and the festival is once again, Everyone guesses, you must collect your money! "

The young girls laughed out loud, and based on the prestige he has established among the people these days, everyone was convinced by him.

"Alin brother--" Yi Lian was tightly beside him, staring blankly at him, only one call, and I didn't know what to say. Her eyes were filled with water mist, and even the blue letter with red letter in her hand forgot it. .

"Well, wow--" Lin Wanrong grinned in horror, jumped away a few steps, pointed at the snake in her hand, and said carefully: "Yilian, can you put this thing away first, me, I'm a little faint! Do n’t play, just be bitten by it! "

Everyone laughed aloud. The timid and fearful look of Aringer and the generosity of his speech were exactly two looks. This is the real Aringer, the favorite Aringer!

The Miao family lives in the mountain forest and grows in the mountain forest. Almost all of them are masters playing with snakes and scorpions. Yi Lian is a Miao doctor in the cottage. He is even more outstanding. He ca n’t even laugh when he hears words: "I Got it, Arin is afraid of snakes. I understand now, giggle, if you dare to bully me in the future, I will catch a few cauliflower snakes to bite you! "

"What kind of snake is a cauliflower snake?" Lin Wanrong was frightened.

"Poisonous, very poisonous!" A few Mi Guai laughed and blinked.

"Dead Nizi!" Yi Lian blushed and yelled, and the girls frolicked.

Speaking of poison, Lin Wanrong was silent. It took a long time to pull up the sleeves of the Miao girl and whispered: "Yi Lian, ask you something!"

"Huh!" Seeing his solemn expression, the girl did not dare to joke, and nodded hurriedly.

"In your Miao village, is there a poison that can be very toxic in the body, and it is intact at first, and after five or six months, it suddenly kills you?"

"Yes, of course. With different drug combinations, at least you can formulate hundreds of this poison you said! Brother Arin, what do you ask about this?"

Lin Wanrong grasped her hand and said anxiously, "Is there a quick way to detoxify? I have a very, very important person who is poisoned and is in danger!"

Yilian glanced at him, and gently shook her head: "It depends on the poison used by the poisoned person. Different medicines require different solutions, some are common and some are special!"

What poison is used? Only Ann Fox knows, so that she can't solve the poison? He sighed silently and said nothing.

"Alinger, are you the person who matters, is Mimi guessing?" Yi Lian cautiously said.


"Does she look good?"

"Good-looking! She is a smart and a little silly little sister!"

Yilian was silent for a while, and suddenly said softly, "Alin, sorry!"

"Sorry? Why?" Lin Wanrong puzzled.

"Because," the girl lowered her head, whispered, "because I lied to you!"

No, Lin Wanrong blinked: "Fool me? Fool me? I'm neither rich nor colory!"

Yi Lianyi smiled a little ~ ~ A little embarrassed and said: "Actually, we are already in the county of Junlian. From here on down the mountain is the market! I, I deliberately induced you to turn around the mountain for another day ! "

"Why ?!" Lin Wanrong said in shock.

Yilian hee heely said: "Because I bet with my mother, she said that you are a person with a lot of hearts, and no one can lie to you! I just don't believe it. So I try-hee hee, mother is nothing Say, Brother Arin, you really are a good person! "

No, Brother Arin suddenly opened his mouth and wondered what to say! Even Yilian and Xiaomei will come to lie to me, honest people really can't do it!

"Brother Arin, do you blame me?" Seeing him not talking for a long time, the girl of Miao family opened her eyes in fright.

Lin Wanrong laughed, "Weird-Blame you for treating me as an honest person!"

Yi Lian giggled with relief, holding his hand and saying, "Let's go down the mountain! When you get to Lianlian, Wulian Peak is right in front of you. Arling, your wish will be paid!"

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