MTL - Finest Servant-Chapter 641 Disguise

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Unexpectedly, the yamen who had been entrenched on the road entering Zhaishan was poor, and suddenly no torch was quietly extinguished. I wonder what kind of ghost was doing it. Lin Wanrong hesitated, his eyes flashed coldly, and he did not answer.

"Yilian, Yilian!" A young mito with a hatchet hung down the wall, calling around.

It was the young Miao boy named Kun Shan, Yi Lian stood up and greeted, "Kun Shan, we are here!"

Kun Shanji walked over and looked at Lin Wanrong standing beside Yi Lian with a smile, and couldn't help screaming indignantly: "Yi Lian, the government officials returned, Uncle Buyi asked me to call you!"

"Returned ?!" Yi Lian frowned, puzzled: "Alin brother killed Wu's surname, how did the official leave like this?"

Kun Shan shook his head: "The surname Wu was not dead, but his face was smashed and blossomed, and he passed out. Uncle rescued him and sent it back to the official post!"

"Not dead ?!" Yi Lian's face turned red, and she and Adi were both Miao doctors, and people's life and death should naturally be seen. It was a pity that suddenly there was an accident, she was panic-stricken, and she just ran away with Arin and forgot about it. Seeing Lin Wanrong grinning, the girl glared sharply: "Do you also know that the surname Wu is dead?"

"No, absolutely not!" Lin Wanrong waved his hands in a hurry, got along with this Miao girl for a while, and learned about her temperament, this girl is a stronger master: "I only hit when I started Happy, how could he care for him! "

Yi Lian said aloud, and smiled softly, "That's good. Dad calls us, Brother Alin, let's go home!"

She pulled Lin Wanrong to leave, and Kun Shan hurriedly stopped in front of her: "Yi Lian, Uncle just called me to call you, but never mentioned the Chinese family!"

The young man has a deep gap with Lin Wanrong, staring at his eyes very badly, the girl couldn't help frowning: "Kunshan Brother. What are you talking about? Is it true that our Miao Village treats guests like this? I want to let you Uncle Dadwang knows. He's gonna make you run all over again! "

Kun Shan did not dare to speak, and seemed extremely afraid. The young girl comforted with a smile: "Kunshan, don't worry, I won't tell Uncle Dewang. But don't embarrass Arin, he is a good man and hasn't harmed our Miao village! Did you say?"

Obviously, the youth of the Miao family is not an opponent of Yi Lian at all. Convinced by her words of comfort, she never dared to say more. Lin Wanrong smiled. The Miao girl looked weak, but in Yingyuewu, she was also a hot character.

In the middle of the cottage, in the middle of the cottage, a large wooden pile was erected according to the **** of the hillside, and a two-story wooden building was built on the pile. The roof is double-sloped. The top floor stores grain and sundries, while the sundries are piled downstairs and livestock are kept in captivity.

In recent years, the government government has severely donated miscellaneous taxes, and the livestock of the Miao family in captivity has been sold out. The storage room for the grain on the roof was empty. Buyi and several other old Miao people were waiting at the door. When Lin Wanrong was on his way, he hurried forward and greeted: "Yingyuewu welcomes guests from afar!"

This is the custom of Miao Village. Everyone who comes from afar will be greeted by the whole village, old and young, kill chickens and sheep, and be toasted by the elders to show respect. Only tonight, the situation is special, the government is disturbing, and his life is at stake, so Yi Lian led A Lingge into the cottage directly, and all forms were naturally simplified.

Lin Wanrong hurriedly folded his hands: "Where, where, Father Buyi and uncles are very kind!"

"Three brothers!" Side stood behind the elders in Miao Village and was beckoning to him. Yilian looked at him with a little regret: "Arin brother, your two friends, I only found this one, and the other did not know where to go!"

Lin Wanrong hurriedly haha: "It's okay, that brother Gao has sent a whistle on the mountain. He will come to us in a few days. Don't worry!"

As Father Buyi entered the hanging foot building, although the house was simple and shabby, it was neatly packed, clean and tidy. A beautiful Hmong woman used a bamboo pot to bring water, with a branch in the middle, and bowed in front of Lin Wanrong. .

"Mother!" Yilian stood quickly beside her, pointing at Lin Wanrong. Mom looked at the noble guest, and spoke softly in her daughter's ear, not knowing what to say. Yilian looked anxiously, hurriedly pointed at him, and said a few words, her mother's look was better.

The mother and daughter talked in Miao language, and Lin Wanrong couldn't understand one sentence, but their eyes kept looking at him, and it made him feel uncomfortable for a while.

He didn't understand the rules of Miao Village. Aunt Yilian brought clear water and put it in front of her. I didn't know what it meant. Did she tell me to wash my face? What is this branch for, and is it made of a towel? After hesitating for a long time, he finally gave a handful of water and was about to splash it on his face. Yilian giggled and stopped him: "Alin, this is our Miao family's custom," Go to Dust ". It is specially welcomed from afar. Land for guests, not for washing their faces. "

She picked up the branch, covered it with a few drops of water, and brushed it on him, meaning "to remove dust." Lin Wanrong came to her senses, and the old face flushed, and hurried to learn her appearance, and sprayed a few drops of water on her body.

Looking at the clumsy appearance of the Hua family, the Chinese in Miao Village couldn't help but Yilian stood beside him, laughing non-stop. The embarrassment in Lin Wanrong ’s heart was incomparable, and he finally “dusted off” and landed on the seat. Mr. Buyi thanked him: “Guest, you are fighting for justice today, and we are unhappy for our Miao village. The whole Yingyuewu is grateful!

"Where and where, Lin was reckless, and was almost ashamed of the cottage!" Lin Wanrong sighed.

He didn't take a shot easily, he almost split the surname of Wu, and it was true that the accident was caused. Yilian looked at him with blame, and said busyly: "A father, how can those officials leave for no reason? Anymore? "

Buyi looked at Gangan's first skinny, not showing mountains or water, but he could become the master of the Red Miao Village in Yingyuewu. It is needless to say that he is smart and old. Daddy Buyi glanced at Lin Wanrong and nodded meaningfully: "It should be a good friend! Guest, do you mean it ?!" !! I don't know too much! ". Rong Che hit haha.

Buyi smiled and said, "Yi Lian, her mother, what are you still doing? The guest is far away. Our sake, come up!"

Aunt made a sound, glanced at her daughter, and looked at her husband again. He was afraid to move. Buyi glared at her: "What's wrong ?!"

Yilian said "ah", clutching the bamboo tube in her hand, her face was red and her ears red, her head hurriedly lowered: "A father. I. I--"

Lin Wanrong stunned. Seeing that embroidery tube, she was shocked. It turned out that the sake that Yilian had sent to the mountain stole her dad, and now he drank a few sips. Where else?

This little girl! There was no more touch in his heart, and he hurried to stand up and protected Yilian behind him: "Daddy is not polite. I'm not thirsty at all!"

Seeing the bamboo tube in her daughter's hands and the blood-stained cheeks hiding behind her family in China, Bu Yi snuggled for a long time, then suddenly shook her head, and sighed long: What is not thirsty, you have already drank! !!

Dad was silent for a long time, saying nothing, only looking at him as if to see him through.

Lin Wanrong couldn't stand his vicious eyes. Hurrying: "Right. Daddy Buyi, how long does it take to walk from here to Wulian Peak and Biluowu ?!"

"Go down the mountain road. Although it's a bit dangerous, let's go for four or five days." Father Buyi glanced at him: "Guest, you also want to go to Wulian Peak and participate in the Huashan Festival?"

How could Lin Wanrong say he was going to go to the blind date with his elder sister and hurriedly sneered, "Where, where, I just go and see!"

The elder Miao nodded and said, "Just right, we have to go to Midi and Michai in our village. There are dozens of people. It's better to be on the road together! The third day of September is not a few days. It will be early tomorrow morning. It's time to go. "

Lin Wanrong was a headless fly in the middle of the Xuzhou government. He was worried and couldn't find the way. Hearing that so many people went together, he was right in his heart and nodded happily.

"Guest, you hit the son of the county coy today," Buyi frowned. "It's too dazzling to walk with us in this suit. If you don't want to abandon it, you might as well change your seedlings and go on the road."

Put on seedlings? This idea is really good! Lin Wanrong slaps and laughs: "Okay, I'll be a Miao family again! Dad, Kunshan, you should take care of me!"

In this era, the Miao people have been oppressed for a long time, and their social status is extremely low. How can the average Chinese family dress up as Miao people? But in Lin Wanrong's mind, there is no such idea. Dahua people live in harmony and live in harmony. Everyone is a sibling. How can we divide people into three, six, nine, etc. because of their differences?

It was unexpected that he promised so readily. Yilian was so happy that Buyi smiled, but Kun Shan glared and hummed.

Dad glanced at his daughter: "Girl, can I go this time ?!"

"I, I don't know!" Yilian bowed her head and ran away.

Buyi snorted and looked at Lin Wanrong and said, "It's time to say so, it's not too early, please take a rest first."

In accordance with the rules of Miao Village, welcoming distant guests would have to wait in a row, but Yingyuewu was so poor that it could not be opened, and secondly, Buyi ’s father was so energetic. This most important step was simply avoided and arranged directly. The VIP went to sleep.

The two-story loft, the Buyi family lives downstairs, leaving the guests upstairs. The room was quiet and tidy, and the mattresses on the warm hay were very comfortable.

Thinking of leaving for Wulian Peak tomorrow morning, Lin Wanrong was excited and anxious, but couldn't sleep, and simply opened the door.

The hanging foot building is built on the mountain. Once you lift your foot on the top floor, you can cross the hillside. The cold moonlight sprinkled in the forest and on the ground, and it was cool.

"Alinger!" A gentle voice rang out behind him, and he turned his head, Yi Lian held a set of Miao's men's clothes in his hands, and looked at him with a smile.

"It's Yilian!" Lin Wanrong laughed. "It's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

The girl shook her head: "I have to leave early tomorrow, my mother will pack a lot of things for me! This is Ady's clothes. If you do n’t want to abandon the ground, just put it on and not fit?"

The clothes were neatly folded and said to be proper, and there was some scent of wormwood. Lin Wanrong looked at God, Buyi's clothes? He is so thin, can I wear it on the ground? It's just that the facts are far from his imagination, and the clothes seem to be brand new. They don't look too big or small, they're just right.

Yilian seemed to be able to see through his surprise, and couldn't help laughing: "This is the clothes of Ada when he was young! Let me tell you, my Ada was handsome when he was young. He is as tall as you, and smiles like you It ’s just as good-looking, Michai of Jiuxiang Shibawu likes him— "

No, Lin Wanrong was stunned, watching today's Buyigan's dry and thin appearance. Was he as romantic and handsome as me today? This contrast is too great!

"So, Daddy Buyi is still fascinated by everyone?" He nodded with a smile, moving around proudly. I looked at myself in a seedling dress: "So how did your mother conquer your addy ?!"

He used the word conquest. She made the girl smile. But it was right by accident. It turns out that most of the Miao people are monogamous and small families. Most of the property is inherited by men, but housewives enjoy high power and status in the family.

Yilian looked at him in a seedling costume and chuckled: "My mother was also a handsome and pretty girl who was famous for hundreds of years. Guess, the folk songs she sang can lead the birds to come! As soon as Dad heard her sing. No work was done, Chai did not fight, the boat did not support, and she did not eat any food. She hid behind her stilted building and listened to her singing. Once, I hid for three days and three nights without going down the mountain! My mother found him and looked at him pitifully. Then he gave him a bowl of simmered rice! Who knew that Dad was done with his meals. If he didn't leave, he hid in the mountains without moving. My mother couldn't help it. Every meal Give him food. Later on-- "

Lin Wanrong laughed, the love of this Miao family is really wonderful, the most simple and the most romantic.

He just put on his seedling clothes

Stroking around, his eyes fell on his waist. Suddenly said: "Well, this waist!"

Elaine whispered, "It's very chic, but you have to be careful!"

"Watch out? Watch out?" Lin Wanrong opened his eyes wide.

The girl smiled shyly: "This is called a jade belt. According to the customs of our Miao family, if both men and women agree, they will give each other a belt as a token of love! So ah. This jade belt. You have to give it to your favorite Demi guess! Mic guess gave you the jade belt. If you do n’t like it, you must not accept it! "

It turned out to be the case. There are so many rules in the Miao family. Lin Wanrong wiped the sweat beads on his head: "Say this. Is there a jade belt on your clothes?"

Elaine nodded. A few touches of bright red floated on his face. Carefully arranged the seedlings for him, and looked silently for a while. Only smiled: "No wonder Mom said that Dad looks the best in this clothes. I only understand it now! I wear this clothes once when he gets married!"

"No, right?" Lin Wanrong jumped in shock, hurriedly chopping down his clothes, and Yilian quickly stopped him: "What are you doing ?!"

Lin Wanrong hurriedly waved his hand: "Yi Lian, this can't help but shame me!"

The girl shook her head: "This is the best outfit in our cottage. I asked Auntie for a long time before she was willing to take it out! If you don't wear it, I don't know what clothes to find for you!"

"This, this—" Arinko was stunned.

Elaine laughed: "Alin, do you know what my mother said when she saw you first ?!"

The mother and mother murmured in Miao language for a long time before the ghost knew what to say. Seeing him shaking her head, the young girl said hesitantly: "She said, looking at your face, you know that you are the most scheming Huajialang. It must be a smooth mouth and a dangling man. It is not a good thing. Tell me not to be a man to you. I cheated you! "

Arin, that sweat, go down! This sing folk song mother is really jealous of the eyes.

"I told my mother, not like that, you are a good person, I know in my heart! I told you about my land, and my mother said, it is even more incredible. You Huajialang can eat people. She didn't spit out her bones, but it scared her, giggle— "

The girl laughed and leaned back and forth, Lin Wanrong scratched his ears and scratched his head. Why did the old mother treat me so unbearably? What can eat people not spit out bones? Am I such a bad person? I have nothing to do with Yilian, and I have a very pure friendship!

Yilian saw his face frowning, and finally stopped smiling: "Alin, you can rest assured, this clothes has been pressed at the bottom of the box for many years! I have worn it once when my father got married, and my mother never allowed him again. wore!"

"Why ?!" He froze.

"Ama said, I'm afraid that Dad would put on this clothes, and he would hook up with other michai!"

what? !! Lin Wanrong is stupid, does Buyi really have such a big charm? !! The Miao family is really interesting. He hehe laughed, "If that's the case, then I'll put on everything!"

Yilian said lightly, "You can only wear it once!"

Hung the hatchet, walked back and forth a few steps, and flamboyantly, really a little bit Miao's momentum, the girl nodded with a smile.

Lin Wanrong suddenly remembered something: "Yes, Yi Lian, Buyi Ayi asked if you want to go to the Huashan Festival, how do you not know? Didn't you tell me you were going ?!"

Yilian's cheeks were red: "I always forced my father to marry, and drove me to the Huashan Festival. I never went there! This time, I didn't plan to go. But Arin, no one leads you, I will go. Take a look! "

It turned out that just like me, they just went to "take a look"! Lin Wanrong said aloud, and said mysteriously, "I see. You must have a favorite local in the village, so you don't want to go to the Huashan Festival! Well, this young guy in Kunshan is good and matches you!"

"Kunshan?" The girl shook her head and said, "How did you get on to Kunshan? I grew up with him and he was like my brother, so you'll think wildly! Brother Arin, If I like to speak alone, he will be like my dad, different! "

Daddy Buyi really became an idol! Lin Wanrong laughed. The more you get along with the Miao family, the more they feel cute.

The cottage is lonely, the moonlight is like water, and the breeze blows slowly, making people feel refreshed. Feeling the peace and tranquility of the earth and soul here is something that cannot be given elsewhere.

Lin Wanrong was silent for a long while, and suddenly said, "Yi Lian, you are a Lark in Miao Township, can you teach me to sing folk songs ?!"

Yi Lian blinked: "You want to learn to sing? Oh ~ ~ I understand, let's talk about it, you still have to go to the Flower Festival Festival! Arin, you are in our Miaoxiang, really Did you guess me please? !!! You want to learn to sing for her? "

"I'll tell you again very seriously, my favorite Michai is a sage-look, you don't believe it again ?!"

You are so serious! Yilian covered her lips with a giggling and kept giggling: "This is also the person you like? Mi Duo in Miao Township, who doesn't like Sheng Gu ?! Well, well, you can teach me if you want to learn. Reason! But everyone started learning at the age of six. You are now so old, I ca n’t guarantee what it will teach! "

He grinned: "Just do it with all my heart, and I don't expect my aunt to expect me to sing a lark!"

"I can't leave my aunt, but it really looks like it!" Yi Lian murmured, jumping up angrily: "To learn to sing, please go early tomorrow! I'm gone!"

She said that she could just walk away, with a quick pace, and the slamming of floor pedals, Lin Wanrong shook her head helplessly, quite funny.

The mist is thick, and the mountains and water have long been hidden in the night. I'm leaving for Wulian Peak tomorrow morning, and I'm close to Sister An! What a beautiful night, what is she doing?

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