MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 25

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In the apartment where Kenn lived, on the messy and cold ground, the trash can fell to the ground, scattered a lot of gauze and paper **** contaminated with blood, and a bunch of syringes, and Aken’s whole person shrank into a group, uncomfortable. Breathing and squatting - squatting.

"Well, ah! Hey..."

Aken's poison-addiction was committed again, but he desperately suppressed the desires and impulses of his heart.

The lips were pale and cracked, and the brows were about to wrinkle. Aken's face gradually became distorted, but he thought of his brother Yuan Zhiming, who bit his teeth and slammed a syringe on his hand.

Hold back! He must bear it!

"Wang Hao..." The Corgi dog at home heard the movement and hurried over. The little guy was very distressed by the master. He used to help him relieve the pain.

Seeing this, Aken slammed out a smile, slowly plunged into his arms and began to make a broken sob...

As night falls, such a thin and lonely figure, with such a suppressed cry, the dark lens from near to far, slowly stretched and rendered, in just a few minutes, the other side of the role of Aken is deeply highlighted. Out.

"cut!" Xu said, he was a little surprised.

After several consecutive shots, Yang Anyu’s performance was significantly better than before. Although there are still some details and small movements that have not been handled well, but let Yang Anyu pay attention to it later, it should be no problem to take more shots.

"Yes, Xiao Yu, you have improved."

When Yang Anyu heard it, he couldn’t help but smile, and the two small dimples on his mouth appeared again.

Li Wei, Qi Sen and Tang Guo also guessed this result. After all, last week, Yi Chenyan came over and gave Yang Anyu special "guidance".

Xu was coughing twice, and he said: "But don't be too proud of it. Your acting skills are not as good as big ones."

"Hey..." Yang Anyu stayed and looked at the big man who was shaking his tail.

"Haha, Xu Dao, don't tease Xiao An Yu." Ye Lin smiled.

"Lin Ge, I think Xu Dao said that it is also true. It is a professional, and it has been shot more than me." Yang An Yu smiled, but he didn't mind, and he picked up the big deal.

Big can scream at his tongue, this kind of praise, the little guy seems to be very useful.

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Dao and other staff members couldn't help but laugh.

In this harmonious and warm atmosphere of the crew, Yi Chenyan also slightly bent his lips.

Suddenly, he was very pleased. He played the male number one. Yi Chen said that he was very tired and busy during the filming, but he still helped Yang Anyu a lot. It is really rare to see him so much about a person.

This marriage may not be a mistake.

This Friday, "The Voice of Tomorrow" broadcast the latest issue. In the 10th Five-Year game, Guo Lixu stopped the eighth.

After getting the news, Yang Anyu got through his phone for the first time.

"Xiao Yu, I think this is ok."

Guo Lixu’s mood is not low. He has been psychologically prepared, and his original purpose is to test his strength and increase his exposure through this stage.

"Li Xu has been awesome. Now there are not a lot of fans who are obsessed with you, haha."

Yang Anyu smiled and comforted. He knew that Guo Lixu was very relaxed on the surface. In fact, he had done a lot of efforts behind him. Guo Lixu was often injured when he was practicing dancing. Some accidents almost injured the bones and almost could not compete.

"Hey, let me say, your kid is not? When you have not debuted, you will be on the Internet. Now you can make a movie with the predecessors just now! I am envious of people! I heard that The seniors took care of you in the crew. What is your relationship? Wouldn't you know it long ago?"

"This..." Yang Anyu paused. In fact, they knew each other in the past, and now they are married. However, this unclear relationship, Yang Anyu is inconvenient to talk to Guo Lixu.

"He is a predecessor of Shang Yi, probably looking at my brother's face, so I am a little better for me."

“Slightly?” Guo Lixu was dubious, but he was too lazy to ask, “There are people in the entertainment circle who have backgrounds and are not bad for you. Every year, there is a bunch of small fresh meat debut, who can fire for too long? No one knows. In short, you must grasp the opportunity, the first month of the water platform, you must cherish every opportunity to get close to the predecessors!"

Yang Anyu: "..."

How strange is this how to listen?

"Good." Yang Anyu nodded. "But Guo Shaoye, who has already been eliminated, don't worry about me anymore. What are your plans for the future?"

"I have discussed with my parents, and decided to take the singer this way."

"Well, come on."

Although Guo Lixu left the stage of "The Voice of Tomorrow", Qin Nuoxi, who has both value and strength, remains on the stage. The "Sound of Tomorrow" program is getting late, the fewer players remaining, the more intense the competition. It is.

As a friend, I also appreciate Qin Nuoxi. During the break, Yang Anyu will sell Amway to everyone in the crew, and often pull Ye Lin to vote for Qin Nuo.

"Hey, Xiao An Yu, why do you like this Qin Nuoxi so much? If you go on like this, I have to be jealous!" Ye Lin grinned, but apparently joking.

"Hey, Ye Lin, you and Xiao Yu are not so familiar yet?" Pretty **** Kang Kang could not help but spit.

"Who said, I saw him as a younger brother." After that, Ye Lin grabbed Yang Anyu's neck.

Yang Anyu blinked his eyes: "Well, Lin Ge, then you want to support Nosh with me."

"Xiao An Yu, you are too embarrassed! I am really jealous!"

Here, the people with good relations are making a lot of noise, and Yi Chenyan, who is sitting not far away, never says anything, but his brow is slightly wrinkled.

In fact, he has long been concerned about Qin Nuoxi, the man Yang Anyu often hangs on his lips.

Yang Anyu's Weibo homepage, the first dynamic is to send three selfies, a brief introduction to themselves; the second is to transfer the news of Shanghao Media's official blog, and then the third article, Yang Anyu forwarded Qin Nuo's Weibo, sent a cute expression to cheer him up.

Before the draft, Yang Anyu seemed to have had a few faces with Qin Nuoxi.

A few episodes of "The Voice of Tomorrow" show, Yi Chenyan learned some things from Jiang Ziqian, he admitted that Qin Nuxi really has a lot of singing talent and talent, looks good, but...

Yi Chenyan suddenly has troubles, Yang Anyu likes this type?

Seeing the appearance of Yi Chenyan began to entangle, the side of the fierce smile, changed to the former, this busy movie emperor can never ask Yang Anyu's friends.

The days passed quickly, and after the professional "small actor" was sent away, the film "Ming Heart Carving" was completed more than half of the film. According to the schedule, today's scene is recognized by Yuan Zhiming and the Aken brothers. The scene is also a more important emotional drama.

In the next medium shot, the brothers hugged together, and Aken’s face was buried in his brother’s neck. He could barely see his expression, mostly from the back, so Yang’s request was not high, and this Part of the focus is on the male lead Yuan Zhiming, who is also Yi Chenyan.

"Xiao Yu, hold tight."

Seeing Yang Anyu is embarrassed, just gently hugged Yi Chenyan, and the action is stiff, a little bit of a hand, Xu guide immediately frowned.

"Yeah." Yang Anyu responded, he moved and approached a little.

"Don't be shy, hold on!"

Yang Anyu continued to nod, his hands rubbing the waist of Yi Chenyan, and then gently placed his chin on his shoulder. Yang Anyu squinted his eyes and secretly rejoiced that he would not have to look at "emotional" with Yi Chenyan at this time, otherwise he would have to smash it.

Yi Chenyan’s twilight changes, and he also placed two big palms behind Yang’s feathers. Yang Anyu’s trepidation was unbearable, and his body was still somewhat unaccustomed.

"What do you do in the middle of the sky? Xiao Yu, your body should be close to the past! Chen Yan will not eat you!"

Xu Dao said, he looked at him and died quickly. This is too unnatural.

At this time, Yi Chenyan, who had been standing still, didn’t move much, but it was a collection of arms, and Yang Anyu immediately embraced his arms.


Yang An Yu’s heart suddenly jumped. Because of his height, his face was completely buried in the arms of Yi Chenyan.

Yi Chenyan’s arms have a taste and breath that is exclusive to him. Yang’s ears are unconsciously burnt, and the subconscious wants to struggle, but now it’s not easy to move.

"Good, start shooting!"

Xu Xuan ordered, the 28th scene began.

"It's okay, Xiaoyi, there is me."

Yuan Zhiming, holding Aken, patted his back with a warm, thick palm, softly soothing his younger brother. "No matter what you become, you are Yuan Zhiyi, my brother."

Yuan Zhiming said, the palm of his hand slowly moved up, and then licked the head of Kenn Kenn.

Yang An Yu was shocked, but Xu Dao was a bright eye.

This is the action that was not found in the original script!

"Cut!" Xu guide smiled and praised, "Yes, you said that you are doing very well."

Some actors are very experienced and will find skills based on their own understanding of the characters, often an expression, a small movement, can make the character's image more full and vivid.

Xu Dao took a moment to look at it. In his childhood memories, Yuan Zhiming liked to touch the head of his younger brother Yuan Zhiyi. Now, at this moment, Yi Chenyan has fully grasped the hearts of the audience through such small details.

"Come once again, Xiao Yu, you have to have a good time."

Yang Anyu: "Well, understand."

In the evening, the crew resumed work, and the stars also returned to the nearby hotel to rest.

Just returning to the Guanhao Hotel where I stayed, Zisen was temporarily absent, and Tang Guo got close to Yang Anyu, and her emotions were a little excited.

"Young Master, I... I want to interview you."

"Ah?" Yang Anyu is a bit unclear.

"Young Master, may you ask Mr. Yi to touch the head so many times, how do you feel?"

Tang Guo thought about the filming situation this afternoon, and properly "touched the head"!

Wen Yan, Yang Anyu grabbed his head and laughed twice: "Slightly... a little embarrassed."

“What else? Is there any other difference?”

"Hey..." Yang Anyu turned his eyes and his lips were raised. "It's so comfortable."

Tang Guo: "..."

This expression, the young master is really a face to enjoy!