MTL - Film Emperor’s Adorable Wife From Ancient Times-Chapter 24

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In the evening, Z City Guanhao Hotel, the second floor restaurant.

Looking at the opposite face, smiles, but the mind is deeply hidden. Tang Guo is a little bit annoyed. He secretly slammed his elbow and hit Qisen next to him: "Qi Ge, are we not so good? Young Master ......"

Yang Lan let Tang Guo look at Yang Anyu well. It is best not to leave. He hopes that his younger brother Yang Anyu usually tries to see Yi Chenyan in private, but this situation is now...

Tang Guo wants to get more and more entangled, Mr. Yi has always avoided the media these few days, and quietly came over to find the young master to play at night. Tonight, I wanted to stay out of the door, but I was still pulled out to eat.

Looking at the side of Tang Guo's frowning face, Qi Sen certainly knows what he is entangled, but he is not like Tang Guo, he will listen to Yang Lan's instructions, and Qi Sen is now the agent of Yang An Yu, and also has his own considerations.

Between Yang Anyu and Yi Chenyan, the identity of the two stars is very important, but at this time, Qisen thinks that Yi Chenyan is a predecessor of the entertainment industry, it should be able to teach Yang Anyu a lot of things, and these two people already It is a "couple" and there is no need to interfere too much.

Therefore, Qisen is rather calm: "No matter, eat well."

Tang Guo: "Oh."

Mr. Yang, this is purely helpless. It’s really not that he deliberately wants to leave his job!

In the hotel room, Yang An Yu and Yi Chenyan still maintain a sly posture.

Washed Yang Anyu, wearing only a white bathrobe under his body, his hair is still not dry, his body also exudes the faint scent of shower gel, and Yi Chen said on his body and also took his face. .

"Yang Anyu, what if I am going to do now? Are you afraid?"

Yi Chenyan's low and elegant voice is in his ear, and Yang Anyu can't help but make a mistake.

He was staring at Yi Chenyan, and found that Yi Chenyan’s dark eyes could not find a hint of joke, and Yi Chen’s eyes seemed to have a kind of magic at this moment, which made people unconsciously attracted, then Slowly fall into it.

However, Yang An Yu suddenly closed his eyes and closed his eyes. When he opened his mind again, the whole person has become more awake from the shackles.

"I am not afraid, and you will not do anything."

"Are you sure?" Yi Chenyan said again, his mouth was stuck in the ear of Yang Anyu.

The warm and crispy-itch feeling in the ear made Yang Anyu a little embarrassed, but he still decided: "Well, sure."

Wen Yan, Yi Chenyan’s eyes changed. He removed the palm from Yang’s face and the man slowly stood up.

He also confirmed one thing. The person in front of him is really not the original Yang Anyu.

"Yi Chenyan, you just... played very well, thank you."

Yang An Yu smiled, and for what Yi Chenyan had just done, now he wants to understand.

It is estimated that Yi Chenyan is still helping him to try the show, helping him to try and experience the psychological changes of Aken. In fact, the reason why Aken is so sad and crying is that it is sadness and pain on the one hand, and that he is afraid on the other hand. It is a kind of uneasiness and fear that comes from the bottom of my heart.

He is a **** killer. He has been helpless for countless times. Aken is afraid that his brother Yuan Zhiming no longer likes himself, and he is afraid that the world can no longer accept him.

See Yang Anyu smile and say "thank you" to himself, Yi Chen said slightly, the big boy is very optimistic and smart, but this time, he only guessed half.

As for the other half? It is the temptation of Yi Chenyan, and the identity of Yang Anyu is also his own heart.

"Yang Anyu, why do you want to enter the circle?" Yi Chenyan suddenly changed a topic, regardless of the work and other aspects of the work.

Yang An Yu lived.

Yi Chenyan’s eyes became precise and sharp: “Because me?”

At this point, Yang Anyu immediately thought of the two sentences written in the original master's diary -

[I want him to look at me, even if only one look!

If you can stand at the same height with him, if...

Yang Anyu looked up at Yi Chenyan, and the two quietly looked at each other. Now, although he has not stood at the same height as Yi Chenyan, he has already seen himself.

Unfortunately, Yang Anyu is not the original owner. Sometimes thinking of this, Yang An Yu will be sad, some heartache the original owner.

At the beginning, he wanted to know more about and understand Yi Chenyan, but later he was liked and recognized by more and more people. Yang Anyu felt that he had another responsibility. He didn't want to live up to the fans' likes and expectations.

"Half." After thinking for a long time, Yang Anyu replied.

It turned out that he is also half hidden.

Yichen, who has always been indifferent, has a rare interest, but seeing Yang Anyu does not want to say more, he did not go deep into it, but asked: "Yang Anyu, do you want to be another person?"

Yang An Yu’s heart panic, and suddenly he stunned. What does this mean? Did he see what?

"Our actors need to touch a variety of scripts and perform different roles. Have you ever thought of becoming a role?" Yi Chenyan added.

"I... I don't want to." Yang Anyu squeezed his hand. "I don't want to be anyone, I am me."

The soul wears this strange world and changes the auxiliary body. Although Yang Anyu lives as the original owner, the road he has to follow is completely different from the original owner. The way he treats people, he also gradually realized a new "Yang Anyu".

"But..." Yang Anyu turned and said, "I want to help the characters complete their respective stories, let more people see them, witness their joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows."

Yi Chen said nod, Yang An Yu basically has an actor's ideological consciousness, that is, experience and experience are far from enough.

"Forget yourself, when you start to enjoy the fun of filming, you will be half successful." Yi Chen said seriously, "The crying scene, immediately in front of me, you play again."

Yang An Yu is stupid, is this asking him to cry only in front of Yi Chenyan?

This... feels shameful - shame!

"Hey, that, can I change my clothes first?" Yang Anyu, who was wearing a bathrobe, said.

After half an hour -

"No, come again. Remember that the emotions are inward, don't go out, or it's easy to flow on the surface."

Yang Anyu lying in bed licked his red eyes. How did he feel that Yi Chenyan was higher than Xu’s request, but also harsh?

The crying scene was originally Aken huddled on the floor, but only tonight to practice the mood, and Yang Anyu has also been bathed, Yi Chenyan let Yang Anyu temporarily interpret in bed.

"Remember, you are now Aken." Yi Chenyan stressed that Aken is far less optimistic and open-minded than Yang Anyu. He has weakness and has a very fragile side.

Yang Anyu: "Yeah."

To be honest, as a newcomer, Yang Anyu is very grateful for the guidance of Yi Chenyan, but in this situation, they are alone in a room, how can it be a bit strange!

However, Yang Anyu thought that he was an actor. Maybe there would be more embarrassing and shameful shameful kisses and bed scenes, and he must be allowed to open, so he will be excused.

"Do you know what to think about at this time?" Yi Chen said with deep eyes and asked.

Yang An Yu stunned his eyes.

"miss me."

"..." Yang Anyu stunned.

But he quickly condensed and told himself that he must not think about it.

He is just Aken at the moment, and Aken, who is suffering from pain, is thinking about his brother Yuan Zhiming.

"Do you understand?" Seeing Yang Anyu a little embarrassed, Yi Chenyan asked.

Yang Anyu nodded, so he snorted and snorted, and the sound of crying rang again.

"Ah, um... oh... um, oh..."

Outside the door, Tang Guo, after the meal, happened to come back in advance.

Listening to the sound coming from inside, Tang Guo is not awkward, this is this... This is simply the young man’s pet-healing welfare!

I knew that I shouldn’t come back so early!

After a long while, seeing the time is almost gone, Yi Chenyan did not want to disturb Yang Anyu's rest, and went back with Li Wei.

After Yi Chenyan left, Yang Anyu was obviously relieved, but his heart was still very happy. I think that the situation they first met is now a big step closer.

He and Yi Chenyan should be regarded as friends.

Seeing her own owner and smirking, Tang Guo wanted to call Yang Lan to report the situation. The result was helpless sigh and put down the mobile phone.

Since the young master is so infatuated with Mr. Yi, so loved him so desperately, he should help.

Mr. Yang, I can't help it!

At 10:30 in the evening, the hotel where Yi Chenyan is located.

After Yi Chenyan took a shower, Li Yan looked at his watch and smiled and said: "Chen Yan, you can spend more time than usual today. When you were with Yang Shaoye, the body reacted?"

Yi Chenyan immediately gave him a look.

Li Xiao smiled, for several days in a row, a certain film emperor "to the public to seek private", seems to always secretly eat the tofu of Yang Shaoye by his predecessor.

"You stared at me and secretly followed him with Weibo trumpet."

Yi Chenyan still did not say anything, and quickly walked into another room.

The curvature of the corner of his mouth was deeper, and he was in a good mood. It seems that the **** of a certain emperor - the coldness has really improved.

Soon after the next Monday, almost five days later, Xu Dao looked at Yang Anyu's good condition, and then went to shoot the important crying before the stagnation.

Yang Anyu, who had made a good makeup, looked a lot bleak and became the **** killer Aken. He glanced at Yi Chenyan, not far away, brewing his emotions, and then slowly huddled on the ground under the camera...