MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2072 time flies

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"I will not let the Master disappoint." Nodded, Xiao Chen firmly.

If today is not the domineering spirit to come in time, Xiao Chen may have been killed, such a huge humiliation, how can Xiao Chen swallow?

Seeing Xiao Chen’s firm eyes, the soul of the soul nodded with relief, and immediately turned his hand, a medicinal herb appeared on the palm of his hand, handed it to Xiao Chen, and the soul of the soul smirked: “This is the breakthrough of the sacred Dan. Medicine, I believe that you will be able to break through and go back to practice."

"Thank you for your respect." The heart was slightly happy, Xiao Chen laughed, and with this medicinal medicine of the soul, Xiao Chen also had confidence in breaking through the sacred.

A few words of simple conversation, the soul of the soul will return to the temple of the soul of the soul to continue cultivation, and Xiao Chen is left to gather with the brothers and sisters of the Qingyi Palace.

The hollowing out and the turbid wind retreat, and everyone in the Qinglan Palace is completely relieved, but the fear in the heart remains for a long time.

Xiao Chen did not stay for a long time, and talked with the Qinglan Palace for a long time, but also rushed back to practice.

The war is coming, Xiao Chen can't waste too much time. For the strongest of the sacred world, Xiao Chen's strength is indeed too weak, and there is no resistance at all.

Xiao Chen poured all the Jinwu Amethyst sources into the bathtub, and several avatars were also practicing the Shengyuan. The realm of alchemy temporarily stopped practicing.

There are Jinwu Amethyst sources and a large number of Shengyuanshi help, and there are several ways to practice together. Xiao Chen’s cultivation speed is undoubtedly faster. Moreover, Xiao Chen’s current cultivation speed is faster than thought. Xiao Chen is already this time. Decided to close the door!


"It's a pity. At the crucial moment, the bully spirit actually intervenes in, otherwise the young master will be able to kill Xiao Chen and the cold emperor." In the temple of the Kui Kui, the eyes are fierce and murderous, and the air is cold and cold.

"The lord of the temple, once the lord of the temple is out, Xiao Chen, they all have to die, the death of the early death is the same." The turbid wind respectfully said.

Hearing his words, his face sneered a little sneer, and the emptiness said: "This is not a fake. It is not a problem with the cultivation of the righteous father. It is not a problem to eliminate the soul and the wind. But what the righteous father wants most is not killing them. It is the power of the sanctuary, and by then it may be able to ascend to a more powerful world, the world that abandons our people."

"Abandon?" The face was slightly stunned, and the turbid wind did not understand what it meant.

"The war is coming, the wind is blowing, and the people who are summoned back are summoned back. You are also closed, I believe that you can also break through the sacred world." Looked at the turbid wind, the hollow smile.

"Small temple owners, their subordinates are worried that Xiao Chen will take the opportunity to take the opportunity, subordinate..." The windy wind also wants to retreat, but unfortunately after the black wind died, the task of guarding the palace fell on his shoulder. I really don't have time to practice.

"The guardian palace is guarded by the young masters. Moreover, the strongest of the sacred temples, I am afraid they are all retreating. Otherwise, they will not use the soul of the soul to take the shots themselves. You don't have to worry about it, even though the retreat is." Slightly waved, hollowed out Faintly.

"Yes! Little Lord!" The heart suddenly rejoiced, and the turbid wind hurriedly respected.

"Retreat." He waved his hand and made a faint whisper.


Time has passed for three months. In the temple of the domineering soul, the repair of Feng Tianlie and others, with the help of powerful medicinal herbs, most people have been promoted to the status of the holy prince. The speed of cultivation is terrible. .

Don't look at them all coming from the realm of the gods, but they are all one of the best geniuses in the realm of the gods. Even in the sacred world, due to the relationship of cultivation talents, the cultivation of nature is fast.

The fastest improvement is whether the gods and the wars are fighting them. It is the realm of reaching the peak of the mid-sacred monarch. The guardians and the strongest of the sacred temple are secretly amazed and envious.

For three months, Mu Nai and the happy homeowners have all grown up their respective forces, the Tiandao Temple and the Happy Temple, and so on. At this moment, they have grown at a terrible speed.

The sanctuary was quiet for three months. Some big forces also speculated that the war is coming, and they are all doing their own self-protection work. They are all beginning to migrate to other places and worry about being implicated.

The more calm, the more representative of the huge storm is coming, and because of this, it is even more frightening for the sacred people.

In order to be able to participate in the war, they are all desperately practicing, because the hegemony has said that without the cultivation of the emperor's realm, he can only hide in the independent space of the Bawang Temple, and the war broke out. At the time, the independent space of the Bawang Temple will be completely blocked.

It can be said that they are not the best time to fly, but it is the most dangerous period. Even the sacred circles have not gone shopping, and the war is imminent.

In the past three months, the hollowing out was relatively quiet, and there was no attack on the forces sitting down in the temple of the Patriarchate. It has always been cultivated in the temple of the Kui Kui.

The calm sacred world, the time passed very fast, and the blink of an eye has passed for half a year. The sacred world has always been very quiet and quiet.

The so-called quietness can be seen from the enthusiasm of the business of the Chamber of Commerce. On a regular basis, more or less will encounter powerful forces of all sizes. Now it is almost a year, and the strong forces of the Holy World are like evaporation. Never showed up.

After half a year of mad cultivation, Shen Tianhu's cultivation is a leaps and bounds, and it is about to break through the realm of the Holy Emperor, and everyone else is following their footsteps.

Feng Tianlie and other older generations, who are also promoted to the status of the Holy King, the strength can be said to be growing.

As for the new forces, after half a year of development, it is now a weak force in the South, and it is still a coalition relationship. Even if it is a big force, it must be awe.

The calmness of the sanctuary, knowing that two years later, some strong people gradually appeared, and the people of the big forces gradually became active in the sanctuary.

After two years of retreat cultivation, the soul of the soul and the broken wind have been successively cleared. The ancient medicine gods and the ancient strongmen are also out of the customs. The five powerful forces who have sat down have also gone through the customs. Now I am busy preparing for the war.

Even after the battles and the gods of the gods, after two years of retreat cultivation, the repair has successfully broken through the level of the Holy Emperor, of course, many people are still in retreat.

The emergence of these strong players means that the war is getting closer.

However, in the quiet two years, Xiao Chen has never been moving, and Xiao Chen’s small main hall has already become a forbidden place for the Bawang Temple. Even if they are cold, they can’t step on the road. Enter the main hall of the temple.

Even Feng Cingxiang and Mu Qing are also worried about the impact of Xiao Chen's cultivation, but also consciously do not step into the main hall.

The sanctuary was calm for two years, and the temple of the Kui Kui finally had a movement, retiring for more than two years, and finally appeared in the temple of the Kui Kui.

The appearance of Qi Kui, indicating that Qi Kui has been the fusion of Xiao Chen's chaotic power and his own strength, if not, Qi Kui will never go out.

Among the temples of the Kui Kui, the strong people are very excited because of the appearance of the Kui Kui. In their view, the Kui Kui clearance, the repair is bound to be more horrible than two years ago, and the horror to them can not imagine The point.

"Congratulations to the righteous father to cultivate can be improved!" In the hall, the empty and respectful fists congratulated.

"Congratulations to the main repair of the temple is a big increase!" The two guardians and others, also because of the squad, and rushed back from the Forgotten Valley to congratulate.

Smiling slightly, and nodded slightly, and Kui Kui smiled: "This time the power of chaos is combined, it is still smooth."

Looking at the hollow, Kou Kui then smiled and said: "Empty children, you really did not let the father disappointed, so quickly broke through the realm of the Holy Spirit, and now is the peak of the peak of the Holy Religion, and soon after, it will I can step into the middle stage of the Holy Spirit."

Wen Yan, Junxiu's face showed a smile, and he smiled and smiled: "This is also thanks to the elder's medicine. Otherwise, for more than two years, I am afraid that the repair of the child can't be improved so fast."

I couldn’t help but nod my head, and my eyes immediately turned to the elders. Qiu Kui asked: "How is the seal of the Great Elder, Forgotten Valley?"

With a sigh, he shook his head helplessly. The elders smiled bitterly: "The seal of the Valley of the Forgotten Valley is too strong. With our cultivation, in the past two years, it has been impossible to shake the seal, but it was wasted a lot. Time, and consumed a lot of power."

"No problem, you have to work hard during this time. You should go back to rest and rest. The seal will be broken by this seat. As soon as possible, you can restore your peak strength. You can't wait to kill them. After waiting for so many years, you should be impatient. "Slightly smiled, 湮 Kui faint, deep eyes, at this moment is also a murderous murderous.

"Father, what about the sanctuary? Now I haven't found the whereabouts of the Sanctuary." Wrinkled, and asked.

"Without the Sanctuary Treasure Box, you can't open the Sanctuary. They don't have a domineering spirit. We don't have to worry about it. After we destroy them, we will slowly find a way. Nobody wants to stop this seat from flying. The top **** above. It is said that it is to help this seat, let this seat guard the sacred world, but there is no benefit, hehe! This seat has lost patience." Eyes flashed fiercely murderous, 湮 森 森 森.

Slowly dry the palm of your hand, took a look, and then Kui Kui then sneered: "Now there is the power of chaos, wrong, it should be said that more powerful than the power of chaos, dealing with the soul of the soul and breaking the wind is easy, waiting for this seat After flying, it is not necessarily much weaker than those old things. The power of chaos has the ability to devour all power. This seat will try its best to seize their power!"

"The righteous father said yes. Two years ago, I saw the soul of the domineering. I haven’t refined myself. Even if I have been improved for two years, I am definitely not the opponent of the righteous father. Others can be air. "The arrogant smile, the hollow smile.

Satisfied with a look at the hollow, Qi Kui immediately said: "Two big law, three elders, this seat gives you half a month, restore the peak power as soon as possible, the turbid wind is unified, let others prepare At that time, the seat will personally break the seal of the Forgotten Valley, the seal will be broken, the sanctuary will appear, and the domineering spirit will certainly appear, then it is the time to kill them."

PS: Two more this evening!

Read The Duke's Passion