MTL - Fanatic Martial God-Chapter 2071 The soul of the soul appears

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"Be careful? You can't hide in the peak state, not to mention being seriously injured." The sneer of disdain, the cold eyes glanced at Xiao Chen, and the sneak sneer, arrogant.

"Master, this **** is too arrogant!" Shen Jian said with a voice, really can't wait to rush out and hurt.

With the terrorist strength of the cold emperor, it is impossible to hurt the short-selling, the horror of strength, it is unimaginable.

"This is really over, the strength of the hollow is too terrible, we are not his opponent at all, and now even the cold emperor has no power to fight back." Eyes flashed in horror, **** tremble slightly, facing such terrible The enemy, not afraid that it is fake.

Tens of thousands of meters away, the cold emperor was extremely serious, his face was pale as paper, there was no trace of blood, his mouth was gasping, his body was crumbling.

The seriously injured cold emperor, Xiao Chen is still the first time to see that in the past, Xiao Chen’s impression is that the cold emperor is a terrible existence, but now there is no power to fight back in front of the hollow, and two hits are already Suffering serious injuries.

Xiao Chen is also a dilemma. If you leave, the Qing Palace will be destroyed. If you don't go, they will all die.

"Cold Emperor, this young master will send you on the road first." The cold eyes glanced at the crumbling cold emperor, and the sneak sneer, the power of terror has been condensed on the fingertips.

Wen Yan, Xiao Chen's face changed slightly, burning eyebrows, anger in the belly is rolling, but there is no way.

"call out!"


There is no hesitation in the hollow. For the enemy who is injured in his injury, he chooses to kill his opponent. The fingertips are separated by a finger, and the sharp and harsh sounds of the sound are emitted. The blue energy light column bursts out with lightning. Vibrate again.

Such a terrible force, if the severely wounded cold emperor is hit, it is definitely the end of the soul, so the situation of the cold emperor is very dangerous.

"Space Transfer! Heavenly Emperor!"

The moment when the hollowed out shot, the heart suddenly burst into a burst, Xiao Chen has already sacrificed the gods to transfer away, if not to keep the cold emperor, then the person will die. ,

Just in the blink of an eye, Xiao Chen has been strangely appearing in front of the cold emperor, Xiao Chen’s appearance, the severely wounded cold emperor is stunned, watching Xiao Chen suddenly, the cold emperor can’t believe that Xiao Chen actually Keep him, dare to risk the terrorist power of the hollow.

The cold emperor can't believe that he has such an important position in Xiao Chen's heart! At the moment when Xiao Chen appeared, the cold emperor was at the same time, and his heart was also filled with a warm stream.

"The Lord of the Lord..." In the heart of the cold emperor, the gratitude and embarrassment that can't be said, the eyes are a little moist.




Xiao Chen’s forefoot appeared. After the hollowing out of the destructive power, the foot came and crashed. The sound of the earth-shattering explosion, even if Xiao Chen sacrificed the Emperor of Heaven, but in front of the power of destruction, it was still shocked and bloody. Fly out with the cold emperor.

The injury just recovered and he was injured again. At this moment, he was seriously injured again.

"Master, the power of hollowing out is terrible, and the armor can't stand it!"

Xiao Chen also can't believe it. In the case of offering the gods, the hollow can also seriously damage him, but it is also good for the gods to bear most of the power, otherwise Xiao Chen and the cold emperor may be killed in an instant.

Although the Emperor of Heaven has a strong defensive power, but it is also limited, the strength of the hollow is clearly beyond the tolerance of the armor.

Of course, unless Xiao Chen is also a sacred place, and integrated into the power of the Holy Spirit, the armor can explode a more terrible defense force.

The cold emperor who was seriously injured, although he saved his life, but the horrible afterglow energy also made his injury worse.

"Oh? Artifact armor? Actually can withstand such a huge force, Xiao Chen, I don't think you have such a powerful artifact, it is not simple." Xiao Chen and the cold emperor did not die, the hollow was slightly surprised.

The fierce eyes are staring at the hollow, Xiao Chen’s heart is fierce and swearing: “This **** bastard! Why didn’t that mysterious force still appear? Hurry up!”

Even if the mysterious power can't beat the hollow, it can make Xiao Chen hold for a while.

If he died in the hands of Yu Kui, Xiao Chen is really not reconciled. Now it is burning his eyebrows, and he is in a hurry.

"Cold Emperor, quickly take the remedy!" completely disregarding his seriously injured body, his eyes quickly looked at the cold emperor, Xiao Chen shouted.

"You have no chance." The sneer of disdain, the cold air, the body shape is already exploding, and the momentum is magnificent.

"Little Master! Be careful!" The **** face suddenly changed, and the panic screamed, and it was also shot out.

Can the **** speed block the air? The heart is angry and the sky is full of blood, and the blood is roaring and screaming: "Small! Give me a hand!"

"call out!"

Suddenly a black shadow appeared, blocking the **** way, turbidity and sneer: "Bloody, don't break the good things of the Lord."

"You give me away!" His face was stunned, his eyes flashed scarlet, his **** anger roared, the power of horror and the murderousness erupted, and the terrible temperament was actually a few steps away from the turbid wind. .

"Blood, don't worry, wait for the Lord to kill them, the next one will be your turn." The cold eyes glanced at the bloody, hollowed out.

It was blocked by the turbid wind, and the distance was greatly opened. The blood was already unable to stop, but it was also the turbid wind.

"Let's the lord, hurry!" The cold-stricken Emperor, who was struggling to speak.

Just a blink of an eye, the hollowing out is already in front of Xiao Chen. For the hollowing out, it is more important to kill Xiao Chen than to kill the cold king.

"What is the mysterious power? It is not yet!" The appearance of the hollow, Xiao Chen is more and more anxious, and the heart has been waiting for the emergence of mysterious power.

"Can't go!" Sen cold smiled, hollowed out fiercely, the palm of the hand with terrible power, has been ruthlessly smashed to Xiao Chen's heavenly cover.

The fierce eyes stared at the hollow palm, Xiao Chen biting his teeth and anger, his heart was roaring: "Mysterious power! Come out!"

"Little Master!" The cold-stricken Emperor, shouting in a hurry, unable to stop, can only watch, the taste of the heart, simply dead and uncomfortable.

"It's over! Xiao Chen is finished!" Among the Qingyi Palace, Zhao Yuxi and other disciples were terrified.

"Sketch! Stop!" Bloody crazy roar, the murderous madness of the sky broke out.



I didn’t look at it, but I slashed my left hand and waved a devastating force. The bang banged and the blood was actually flying out, and a blood was sprayed out.

Just a wave of hand, once again let the **** body be seriously injured, the power is terrible.

However, just when everyone thought that Xiao Chen had to be emptied out of the air, the hollowed out palm of Xiao Chen’s heavenly cover was inexplicably stopped.

Feeling a force in stopping him from attacking, frowning, and screaming coldly: "Who is stopping the Lord?"

Cold Emperor and Xiao Chen also smashed the gods, and also sensed an extremely terrifying force blocking the attack of hollowing out.

Only a moment, Xiao Chen and the cold emperor's face suddenly changed, becoming excited and ecstatic.

Just finished, the face was slightly stunned, and the whispered whispered: "The level of the late sage, and is about to enter the realm of the peak, such a terrible power, it seems to be the soul of the world."

"Oh, the world is empty, your innate power is really strong." A faint old voice whispered in the sky.

The laughter fell, and the terrorist forces that blocked the hollowing out were also dispersed, and the hollowing out was also the recovery of the arm.

"call out!"

In a short while, an old man wearing a white robe appeared, and the coming is the hegemony. The body is full of majestic momentum and horror.

"It is the master of the tyrants!" Fang Qianxing was shocked and stunned.

The domineering spirit first looked at Xiao Chen and the cold emperor and the blood in the distance, and the old eyes of the deep squint looked at the hollow, and the soul of the soul faintly said: "The world is empty, you want to fight against Xiao Chen, now It's not the time, you are now arguing that it is strong and weak. If Xiao Chen is promoted to the early stage of the Holy Spirit, you may not necessarily be his opponent, and it is still the case that the power of chaos is taken away by your righteous father."

Hearing his face, his face was frowned, and he was obviously annoyed. He was cold and cold: "He is so confident in Xiao Chen, are you so confident in Xiao Chen? Are you too small to see me?"

A faint smile, gently swinging his hand, the soul of the soul whispered: "Go back, this seat will not work for you, go back."

The face is getting more and more ugly, and the sky is cold and cold: "The soul of the soul, we will have a period later, I believe we will see each other soon."

"Today's account, I wrote down Xiao Chen! I will count with you later." At that moment, Xiao Chensen was cold, and his pale face was full of fierceness and anger.

Hearing his words, his eyes turned to Xiao Chen, his face showed a trace of disdain, and his sneer sneered: "After? I am afraid that you do not have this opportunity, and there is no such thing."

The voice fell, and the face showed a sneer sneer. The squad turned and left, and the turbid wind and the strong injured in the distance also followed.

The domineering spirit has already appeared, the strength of the hollowing out is stronger, and then self-confidence, it is not likely to be a domineering opponent.

"Xiao Chen, cold emperor, how are you injured?" Looking at Xiao Chen, the fear of the soul is somewhat worried, and immediately waved, the **** blood in the distance is also appearing in the air.

Give the three men a nine-turn return to the soul, and the injury quickly recovered.

"Lord, why did you let go of the bastard?" After the **** anger of the heart, after recovering the injury, he quickly asked.

Hearing, faint smile, hegemony: "Blood, change to be your identity, will you work with a back? Hollow is confident about your strength, but I don't believe Xiao Chen will Lose to him!"

Looked at Xiao Chen, gently patted Xiao Chen's shoulders, the domineering faint smile: "The war is coming, trying to cultivate, it is best to break through the sacred environment, for the teacher to wait for you to defeat the hollow day! Let him know that you are not worse than him!"

Read The Duke's Passion