MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 62

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Lin Jingyi came back to God. He first turned his head and looked at Xiao Chi. The other side looked at him with confidence and his mind was blank.

Xiao Chi gave him a slice of shrimp and threw it into the bowl. He rubbed his hand and asked him softly: "What?"

This is not the same as what he imagined. Ah! ! !


Lin was shocked and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say. Xiao’s serious expression is obviously not fake. Xiao’s father’s gesture of silence is not meaningful. The old lady is still counting the date of the lunar calendar, even the smallest Xiaomiao has not expressed any opinions on this topic. !

Do not! She said!

Xiao Miaohong said with a fine voice: "I can take time off after mid-October."

Lin Jingzhen remembered it! He remembered it all! From the first scene he saw when he got off the bus, he always felt that something was wrong! Why did Xiao’s parents so solemnly take Xiaomiao to the door to greet them, and why their expressions were so strange when they greeted them, why did Xiao’s mother accept the gift he brought without being polite, why... Why... ...

The two red envelopes in the trouser pockets, along with the string of tourmaline beads on his neck, will suddenly be extremely hot, and he will be restlessly lit by the clothes.

Ms. Xiao stared at the expression on his face and suddenly realized what it was. The distressed look brought two doubts: "Do you have any opinions?"

Lin Jingyi recalled his straightforwardness and grace when he entered Xiaochi's home. He silently converges that momentum. The wonderful emotions impact his heart and let him know how to deal with it. It seems to be joy. But it is better like being scared. This made his ear roots and a large piece of skin on the back of the neck a pink color.

Lin was shocked and weak, and he greeted the aunt’s clear eyes and whispered: "You..."

Xiao Mama: "Well?"

Lin Jingwei: "You are... When do you know... um..."

“What?” Xiao’s mother has some unclear status. “When is it? Know what?”

Lin horrified staring at her.

After a few seconds, Xiao’s mother finally realized what was happening, and her face’s expression was a little stagnant.

she was:"???"

Xiaofu also caught the key point from the vague dialogue between his wife and the guests. His face with a reluctant expression was so stiff that he looked at the son who was peeling the shrimp.

Xiao Miao’s gaze came back from Lin’s slender neck: “???”

Why didn't anyone suddenly talk?


Lin’s horror problem was not answered after all, and he was suddenly dragged into the Buddhist temple of Xiao’s family.

This is a fairly formal Buddhist temple. It can be seen that Xiao’s family is very sincere: the hollow space of the large incense burner cover in the corner of the temple is constantly flowing with fine smoke, which makes the entire Xiao family permeate this agarwood. In the breath, because of this long-lasting edification, the people of Xiao family seem to have this kind of fragrance that can feel calm.

At the center of the Buddhist temple, a statue of Guanyin is enshrined, and the kindness is good and the fairy is fluttering. The old lady respectfully introduced him: "The Bodhisattva is spiritual. For many years, we have blessed our Xiao family, and you must come to worship."

Lin Jingqi looked up at the Buddha's face, which was like a living and full of kindness. He listened to the introduction of Xiao's grandmother, and he gave birth to a deep awe. He is actually a materialist. He never feared ghosts and gods in his life. But since he was born again, he realized that there are many rules in this world that may not be explained purely by science. It is a very remarkable thing to be able to worship and respect your own beliefs for thousands of years like the devout believers like Grandma Xiao and Xiaochi.

He sighed and bathed in the Sanctuary of the temple, and the whole person's mood seemed to settle down. He took three incense and ignited it. When he was inserted into the incense burner, the old lady had closed her eyes on the futon and had words in her mouth.

Really sincere...

Lin stunned and stood far away, and some did not dare to sacred the sacred light that was plated on the other side.

In his heart, he still thought about everything he had encountered on the table, his eyes glanced at the outside of the temple, and some doubts -

Does Xiao Chi just talk to his mother? Why are you still not coming in?

Xiao Mama slaps on her son's back and avoids the two people in the temple. Her angry voice is particularly low: "What happened?! How does he seem to know nothing? You didn't tell him?" ?!"

She has done so many days of psychological work, so it is easy to convince herself not to confront the tempered son, to suppress the strong dissatisfaction with the fact that her son’s future partner is a man. She and her husband practiced for so many days before they worked out today. In the face of the coldness of the forest horror, and then racked his brains to ponder the delay time, this relatively not a vigilant strategy.

However, Lin’s attitude at the wedding table just at the dinner table was too much wrong for her!

Xiao Chi straightened her back and let her vent. He didn't think it was a big deal. It was only a while ago that Lin Jingzhen seemed to be very nervous about going to the door to eat. By the way, he came back to his parents in advance. The mother’s anger made him feel very puzzled: “I forgot to tell him, but what are you mad at?”

Xiao Mama hates not being able to just pick up a thing to beat this unlucky son, how can she make such a thing out!

Xiao Chi looked at the sad mother who went upstairs. When she first entered the Buddhist temple, she saw Lin Jingzhen lying in a futon in the corner. His kneeling posture is flat, his hands are close together, his head is like a harmless lamb, his straight neck is as slender as a swan, and his body is filled with silence.

Xiao Chi stepped forward, probably because of bare feet, Lin Jingzhen unexpectedly could not find. He looked at the other person's serious look for a while, and suddenly leaned down to lower the body probe and kissed each other's lips.

Lin opened his eyes and looked scared. He first looked up at the high Guanyin statue in the distance.

Sin has been sinned!

Lin Jingwei gently pushed Xiao Chi a hand and blamed his opponent for being unscrupulous in front of the Buddha.

Xiao Chi didn't seem to feel any guilt. He was shook his eyes with a smile and grabbed Lin's wrist. Then he pulled a piece of futon and took it to the other side.

In the Buddhist temple, there was a tape of chanting. The old lady took a sign from the table and was shaking it. The atmosphere was solemn. Lin’s thrilling and uneasy heart gradually settled in this atmosphere. He bowed his head and looked at Xiao Chi’s side face by the dim light of the candle.

He did not expect it, I really couldn't think of it.

So until now it is still like a dream.

Xiao Chi noticed his sight, turned his face, and looked at him, and his back lips slightly screamed: "Go in the middle?"

Lin Jingsheng took him, whispered: "Don't bother Grandma."

The look of the old lady's shaker looks particularly sacred! It seems that getting closer is a slogan of faith! Lin Jingyu escaped from the distance!

Xiao Chi looked at him blankly, what bothered? When he came over, he heard an ear. Isn’t Grandma asking Bodhisattva if he can eat a box of chocolates after dinner?


Xiao Daddy was so angry in the study: "This is nothing to say!"

He was still in the opposite direction, Lin was surprised that the nose was not the nose and the eyes were not the eyes. I wondered how to give the other party a beautiful downhill for a few days. Now I think that I am really sick, and I am all wrong.

Xiao’s mother sat down in the study sofa and her face was bitter: “What can I do?”

The other party’s attitude was unclear. In the end, she did not give a definite answer to the marriage. Xiao’s mother thought that the other party was rushing, and then she realized that her son was step by step.

She was so painful that she couldn’t even know what kind of expression she should use to treat Lin Jingsheng.

Xiao Dao was also fleeing in the past, and the cold face could not be seen when he left. At this time, he patted the table, and his heart was not convinced for a while. Xiao Chi’s stinky boy usually looked very powerful. He couldn’t even move himself with his face. How can he even make a man?

Too little to plant! Too little to plant! Tell people to throw away people!


The meal was boring, and Lin’s horrified mentality changed from the tension at the time of entering the door to the current shackles. He wanted to leave early, but Xiao Miao’s cake was nearly twelve o’clock, and the old lady said nothing. Willing to let go.

"Just stay at home for one night." After Xiao’s mother came down from the upstairs study, her expression was weird, but she still kept her voice. “The aunt at home has already packed up the room.”

Xiao Chi’s attitude is very bachelor: “What room to clean up, sleep in my room is not good?”

Xiao’s mother looked at her twitching husband and her daughter’s face, who suddenly rose red. She sneaked her son’s back in secret: “Let me give me so much!”

Xiao’s serious atmosphere was not spared in the guest room. Lin’s horror was still difficult to calm down. He closed the door of the room and put himself into a fluffy bedding that was faintly exuding woody aroma. This fragrance reminded him of Xiao Chi, who never expected that today's visit would end with such an ending.

He thought about a lot of things in the quilt, took a shower and took a shower, and when he came out of the bathroom, the big brother on the bed rang.

Lin was shocked to connect, there was Xiao Chi’s low voice: "Come to my room to sleep."

“Roll!” Lin Jingzhen remembered the attention paid by Xiao’s parents when he went upstairs with Xiao Chi. What’s in it? It’s self-evident, God, Xiao’s mother even said the location of the room. It seems that I am afraid that they will not be able to hold themselves at home, which is too horrible! Lin Jingzhen is like facing a tough mother-in-law. He never thought that he would face such a dilemma one day!

He hurriedly hang up the phone, and the ringing of the phone rang. He seemed to throw the thing aside with something hot, and refused to pick it up.

Xiao Chi made another two calls, and this finally disappeared. Lin Jingwei looked at the big brick that was still on the bed, and the emotion in his chest was even the emotion he could not understand.

He was like a drowning man who fell into the water and was pulled ashore, eagerly wrapped himself in a seemingly safe bedding.

In the silence, only his own breathing and heartbeat, the door was suddenly knocked.

First, three gentle and slow taps, paused for a while, and repeated again.

"Shocked." Xiao Chi's low voice came in through the crack in the door and pierced his auricle. "Open the door."

Lin Jingyi didn't want to open the door, but when he came back, he had already been opposite to Xiao Chi.

Under the dim light, Xiao Chi's deep and sharp eyes gazed at him, and then the aggressive body outside the door took a step forward and forced him back into the room.

The door is closed and a slight lock is made.

In the next second, Lin leaps and jumps and jumps directly into the arms of Xiao Chi.

Like a pile of gasoline, a faint fire source burned the raging fire. The burning flames turned the vast world into scorched earth, and the only remaining reason was sunk into the abyss. Lin Jingyu had left his mind to avoid what he was now. He sucked Xiaochi’s thin lips and only hated to The hot body swallowed into his stomach.

Xiao Chi just started to fall behind for two seconds, but he announced his sovereignty with a more aggressive attitude. Lin was shocked by him on the wall, the soul was almost sucked away along the lips, he eagerly used the trembling fingers to disassemble the button of the other shirt, fingertips repeatedly groping at the throat swallowed by the other side.

Xiao Chi was stunned by his unprecedented enthusiasm, throwing the person in his arms on the bed, and then opening the drawers of the bedside table to look for it.

Lin horror got up and licked his hair in the flip of the sundries, and his lips were smothered and kissed.

The hot breath of the two sides collided together, and Xiao Chi sucked his tongue tipto in an unbearable manner. The force of the big hand kneading almost screamed the horrified pants: "Set..."

"Don't..." Lin Jingyu's waist trembled fiercely, melted softly in the quilt, and his breath was full of familiar aromas, pouring in from all directions. His face was blushing, his eyes were so wet that he almost dripped water, and even his voice was full of stickiness: "You are direct..."

Xiao Chi just wanted to kill the little white rabbit immediately. He hurriedly left the room and touched a bottle of emollient oil in his mother's bedroom. Then he realized his thoughts with this bottle of oil.

The emollient oil is about the smell of roses. After opening the cover, the house is full of sweet fragrance.

Xiao Chi was amazed at Lin’s enthusiasm today. The other side was wide open, and the cool hand continued to pull his sweater and fell on his metal belt buckle.

Xiao Chi half faded his scorpion, and the hand twirled his strength slightly. He clamped his leg and made a short cry. Xiao Ji grabbed his mouth and licked the tears in his eyes, and he sighed in his ear and said: "Small voice, my parents seem to be next door."

This sentence is like a thunder and thunder blows in the heart of Lin’s horror, and all the mixed emotions appear like crazy in a flash. He didn't know where the impulse came from. He turned over and sat on Xiao Ji's leg, letting his opponent's powerful arm wrap him around, and his hands clasped Xiao Chi's head and squatted on his chest.

The shirt has been almost smashed and earned, only the half of the button has been untied and the shirt that has not been taken off completely has been hung there. Xiao Chi's face is close to his skin, and he can hear his heartbeat that is much faster than before. Some are unknown. He broke free of the look of Lin’s horrified expression, and Lin’s horrified hand pressed his back of the head, and the five fingers penetrated into his fluffy hair and grabbed it.

A little pain was transmitted from the scalp into the nerves. Xiao Chi licked the delicate skin stuck on the cheeks, leaving a warm mark on the top, keeping his hands on, mixing the skin oil and stirring the sound of the wet water. Lin’s waist trembled fiercely, and the micro-eyes exude a moist luster. His chin rested on the other’s head. It seemed that the sweaty liquid had flowed from the corner of his eye: “The bastard”

Xiao Chi took a sip of him and maintained such a position and hurriedly smashed his scorpion down. The hot palms ran down the thighs. When the perineum arrived at a hard and hot object, Lin stunned and smacked his side face in Xiao Fu's fluffy hair. The voice seemed to cry and cry: "...when are you..."


"...when are you telling your parents?"

Without a set, Xiao Chi squeezed in a little bit and lost the layer of itching. He became more and more thoroughly aware of the hot temperature of Lin Jing. The air exudes the sweet smell of hormones, which makes him cover a layer of fog to the clear mind. Since Lin Jingjing likes this position, he controls the other's waist and slowly sinks toward himself: "I have already said it." ""

After the hips reached the hard muscles of the abdomen, Lin convulsions tightened his arms, almost smashing the head of his chest into his body: "Why?"

"Why what?" Xiao Chi's face was honed to a suitable position, and the beads containing his chest were turned upside down.

Lin Jingzhen tightened his muscles from the toes to the top of his head, and Xiao’s natural attitude made him suddenly realize a lot of things. Deeply inside, he could hardly believe his own guess, but the other party immediately accelerated the frequency of the ups and downs and whipped it in his body.

The pain and pleasure are intertwined, and a little bit fits out the right proportion. Xiao Chi quickly finds the familiar old position, which makes Lin Jing into a deeper shack. The thrill of soreness is like a tidal wave that gradually gathers and waits for the breakwater. He clenches his teeth, but it is still difficult to self-controlly spill over the teeth.

"...why...send your family?"

Xiao Chi was panting, and the voice revealed a hoarseness that was lower than ever: "What are you messing with?"

Lin Jingqi clenched his lower lip. He stroked Xiaochi's face. The fingertips seemed to touch the mystery of the layered package. "I am you...what are we...what is the relationship?"

Xiao Chi heard that his voice was wrong, and the action suddenly stopped. He tried to look up in a puzzled way, but his head was hugged by Lin’s arm.

Sticking to the naked chest of the other side, Xiao’s misplaced voice brought a bit of confusion, and reached out to try to open the hand of Lin’s horror, but did not dare to force: “You let me see you.”

Lin panicked his head and grasped his hair stubbornly.

Xiao Chi thought about it. He carefully stroked Lin’s sweaty back and whispered, “I’m not happy? Sorry, I’ve been together for more than a year, I thought you’re ready...”

"What?" The questioning voice from the top of the head suddenly raised two tones. "How long have we been together?"

When Xiao Chi is not clear, he counts the time: "In September last year, I sent you a bunch of beads..."


Lin horror unbelievably released his hand to Xiao Chi's eyes. Xiao Chi finally saw his expression as he wished, and he jumped up and raised his hand to touch his reddish eyes.

Lin stunned his voice and waved his hand: "Don't touch me, you can make it clear."

"??? Xiao Chi confusedly with him," is more than a year! "You forgot? Hu Shaofeng also hit your car that day..."

Lin Jingwei: "..."

"You later sent me a dress..." Xiao Chi still wants to say something. Lin Jingyu put his head back on his chest, and tightened his head, and he snorted.

Xiao Chi was numb with the scalp, but before he reacted, the forest horror sitting on him suddenly began to shake his body.

Xiao Chi subconsciously followed the impact, and the smashing physical collision sound became more and more intense after a short pause. Lin stunned and hugged him, and the broken snoring sprinkled a little from the top of his head.

"Wang Ba Gu... Wang Ba Gu... Wang Ba Gu!"

As he groaned, his waist was swaying more and more fiercely. Xiao Chi was immersed in his enthusiasm for fire, and he was unclear. One turned over and threw the forest back into the bed and won the sovereignty.

His powerful waist muscles seem to contain a high-speed motor, and Lin Jing’s body is soft, turning into a stream of honey that has been blown out of the beehive, and the legs are wet and muddy. Xiao Chi gasped and blocked his slightly open lips with bright water, kissed for a moment and then scorned the liquid at his flushed eyes: "Don't cry..."

"Fart, you **** only cried..." Lin Jingyi covered his eyes with his arms, those were just sweat. Xiao Chi’s words slammed into his chest like a bomb, and his body and soul were blown up into scattered debris. His hatred did not come from where he came, and was wrapped in soft and loving love: "... are the bastard..."'

Xiao Chi used this as a special love language. He turned Lin Jingyu into a body and changed the position that the two sides could reach deeper. He couldn't resist to insert it.

He nailed Lin’s horror to the bed, and kissed the back of the sweaty Khanjin, along the spine, and covered him in the ear: “We got married, my parents like you...”

Lin Jingyu issued a cry with a cry in a stormy sea: "...not..."


Xiao’s parents stood at the door of the study and witnessed the whole process of the son’s theft.

For the first time in their lifetime, they saw such a son with a disheveled hair and a sullen look. They were shocked and forgot to say anything. The door of the room slammed shut and covered everything behind the door. Xiao’s mother cast her wrong eyes on her husband.

The couple looked at each other and the emotions of both sides floated for a few minutes.

Ms. Xiao can't help but recall the history of her previous reading of books trying to find out if her son who has never been in love has a cold sign.

At that time, she was worried that she could not sleep well all night.

But now she just wants to poke her eyes.


The situation when I left the next day was a bit strange.

Lin was scared to death the night before, and the two men got exhausted after the middle of the night, so they woke up at noon.

Although Lin Jingzhen immediately swiftly returned the sleepy Xiaochi back to his room, this move did not play any substantive role, and the Xiao family obviously felt something.

In addition to the cheerful grandmother's performance as always, Xiao Chi, who has no expression, is still confident, and the others on the table are more or less awkward. Fortunately, everyone knows how to cover up their emotions. It doesn't show much. The attitude of Xiao's parents is more cautious than that of yesterday's dinner, but the eyes are a bit strange.

Lin Jingzhen tasted the bitter fruit of indulgence, and immediately left after eating.

As the car drove off the gate of the yard, he took back the window of the window and said goodbye, leaning against the glass and looking at the more and more distant figures in the rearview mirror, still feeling that he was immersed in the dream.

Xiao Chi in the driver's seat was a natural appearance. He glanced at him and advised him: "Sleep, you were tired last night."

How could Lin Jingyu sleep so that even if he had a backache, he still squinted his eyes.

He squinted at Xiao Chi's expression of driving, and the warm voice of the other party last night was especially on the ear. Xiao Chi said at the time -

"Let's get married."

Lin stunned and confusedly combed his still unsettled mood. What did Xiao Chi mean when he said the sentence?

In fact, he found that he never understood the other person's thoughts. Xiao Chi always silently did something that was shocking, for example, the actual purpose was far beyond his original imagination.

So what about marriage? Is he and his family kidding?

Lin Jingyu has never heard of homosexuals in China who can prove this kind of thing.


There is usually no one walking around the courtyard in the afternoon, and the hum of the engine echoes in the empty world. In the dense forest behind the trail, a three-storey villa balcony, Shinan Star is lying on the rocking chair to feel the winter sun. He glanced at the distance and saw only half of the body that had been crossed behind the bushes. He asked, "Xiao Chi's car?"

Yan Kai’s eyes were sharper than him, and he saw it long ago. He frowned and said, “It’s him.”

I looked at my watch again and I was puzzled. "It’s all at noon. How did he go out?"

Shinan Star is better informed than him. "He should have lived at home, but his father suddenly returned home early, and he also went home. It is estimated that something is going on."

Yan Kaixin said that Xiao Chi would not be exposed to Lin Jing’s affair, and he thought it would be impossible. In different places, this has to be replaced by a sly father. Usually, even if you have a lot of pets, you have to interrupt a singer. You can’t hear it. They can’t hear a little wind. Xiaochi can’t be here anymore. Still safely driving the car out.

Lin Jingzheng is estimated to have a bad mold. The kid has no background, no foundation, and he dares to entangle with Xiao’s son. What is the reputation of Xiao’s family in this film? Do not say that others, that is, Kai Kai, I thought that every year I went to Xiaojia to have a trepidation in the New Year, and I was so scared that I was afraid that the ten old women who were not smiling would not be able to pinch.

There was some subtle joy and unwillingness in his heart, but he said in his mouth: "If you have long eyes, you should let them be unlucky."

"Oh!" Shi Nanxing did not agree. He only sneaked a cold glance at him, and warned him, "Don't always play this kind of child temper, it is not good for you with Xiao Chi."

He paused, didn't know what he thought of, his face was even more gloomy, and he stretched out a finger on the coffee table next to it and didn't move it.

What he ordered was a paper bag that had been taken apart and a few thin sheets of paper were bound into a fragile booklet. Yan Kai sighed and pulled out the booklet. The edge was already pinched out of the messy fold by Shi Nanxing. The first page was opened and the name was a familiar name.

He frowned and folded the paper: "You said what you did with this thing, things have passed."

"You know a fart!" Shi Nanxing hated to interrupt his voice. "Do you know how long I have arranged the sea line in the south of the group? Five years! Five years! How much do I send out for these routes?" The grandson asked the grandfather to tell his grandmother, and arranged hundreds of people up and down, and the **** was mixed by a batch of antiques! Fang Fang that old is not dead!"

Yan Kai sighed: "What can you do? Hey, I am not saying, if you pass this out, my grandfather will have to smoke your ear. It is easy to go abroad when you go. My mother is almost killed. You know. Well, I have to be sneaked to the Fang family to apologize. Now things are going to pass, what do you want to stir up?"

Shi Nanxing was silent for a moment, and his expression was chilly: "I didn't want to mix anything. I just didn't think that my mother had everything arranged, and I ended up planting it in a group of antiques."

He did not say clearly, but Kai Kai understood it. This is a horror in the grievances.

In fact, Yan Kai was also very surprised. He checked the source of the group of southern bronzes that had not been found for so long. The donors would actually be Lin Jingyu!

It was simply not more coincidental, so that the moment he saw the result, he thought that the group of people Shi Nanxing was looking for was fooling himself.

He understands the anger of Shinan Sing. After all, for a long time, they would rather believe that the so-called folk donation of the bronzes is just the momentum of the Fangjia master. After all, he and Shinan Sing really paid too much for the smuggling line in the south of the group. For several years of operation, the up and down management, spent most of their lives, and finally even brought the historians and fathers into the group. It can be said that it is arranged like an iron bucket, seamlessly drillable, not afraid of water and fire.

Yan City has the strength of the old man and the historian. The south of the group is far away from the emperor. No one dares to provoke them. In their original expectations, those seas can be safely maintained for at least 95 years. The time in this is enough to make them accumulate the wealth of the rich and the enemy. It is much faster than doing real estate business. Just send two containers, and it is not a big investment of hundreds of millions.

Fangjia stared at them and they knew it long ago, but they always determined that the other party couldn’t make any waves. Sure enough, in the previous year, Zheng Cunzhi couldn’t start even if he jumped his feet. At that time, every time the overseas black auction ended, when the funds were remitted into the account, what was the beauty of Yu Kai’s heart.

As a result, no one expected that there would be such a batch of antiques inserted horizontally.

The timing of this pile of antiques was too coincidental, and the value was just right. In a flash, the original loose eyes of the country were gathered in two places - one is cultural relic protection and the other is southern.

The smuggling empire that had not yet grown up collapsed in the first place, and the bright future that saw it suddenly vanished. During the time when Yan Kai was crazy, he wanted to find a breakthrough. The news of the confidentiality of Fang’s home was really good. The specific source of antiques was simply protected.

After all, he took up the small head, and this time of boiling has slowly passed, and Shinan Star has suffered heavy losses until now.

Yan Kai advised him: "Oh, why bother to find trouble for yourself? You told me that Xiao Chi can't provoke, this forest horror is working with Centrino Real Estate this time, Xiao Chi can watch you move him? Not to mention your front section Time is not to say that there is a good road in the middle of Yunnan Province. Without the smuggling line in the south of the group, we still earn money, and remember what the little grievances in the past are?"

"Good money road? Do you think that good financial roads are so well spread? The tobacco industry is much harder to do than smuggling. The people at the border are taking guns to eat! The head is not on the belt at any time. "Shen Ningxing said that his anger could not help but once again attacked his heart. "My **** sea is mixed by his pile of broken bronzes. I have to risk my life to get the tobacco. You said that it is a little grudge? ”

Yan Kai was drunk, frowning impatiently: "What do you want to do? Bark with Xiao Chi?"

"What does this have to do with Xiaochi?" said Shi Nanxing. "I want you not to provoke Xiaochi. It is in the presence of their family. There is Xiaojia behind Xiaochi. Is there a fart behind the name Lin?" He is a countryman and has opened a real estate company in Yanshi. At best, he has a precise vision. What kind of character do you really belong to? Xiaochi just cooperates with him, not his relatives. We can’t get him now, wait for him and Xiao. It’s not good to end the cooperation. If you don’t want to mix them up, I don’t believe that there is an opportunity to start the real estate. Xiao Chi will not start.”

In particular, Yan Kai wanted to tell him the truth, but another kind of reason held his words, so he only licked his hair irritably: "I don't know what you told me!"

He pushed the balcony door and turned back to the house. Shi Nanxing was stunned by the heat and looked at his back but it was not a serious matter. He is a small nephew who grew up from a young age, but his courage is not big. He can be scared by a little wind and grass. He wants to follow the drug business in the South and become a big thing.


Lin Jingwei was lying in the chair behind his desk, his heart was calm and like a boat moored in the harbor. On the hand, playing with the bunch of shawls given by Xiao’s grandmother, the beautiful and clear color reflects the sunlight into a series of spots. He has a string of wood on his hand. When he collides, he makes a sound like jade. This is what Xiao Chi put on his neck very long ago. When they are together, he puts the bunch of beads that seem to have been around for many years in the office, and take it out from time to time.

The phone rang, he turned on, and there was a high-pitched voice: "Thriller, I have already contacted the ad and the ad actor! Now there are only people looking for a script, and looking for a suitable director!"

The advertisement of Haishu Douban is imminent, and the investment date of the TV series new TV series is not long.

His awkward thinking immediately condensed into a sharp weapon, and sat up and said: "Well, you should arrange it as soon as possible, and it is necessary to make the finished product in the shortest time!"

There was a military order over there and the phone was hung up. The other call was then interspersed and it was indulged.

Sinking yesterday, I got the news of Lin Jingyu’s fall in love and immediately told her husband that the couple were so excited that they didn’t sleep. Lin Runsheng had two more bowls for dinner. The early morning newspaper was also absent-minded and sat on the sofa. Listen to your wife on the phone with your ears up.

The voice of Shen Qian is very rare and playful: "What is the date of the appointment yesterday?"

Lin Jingzhen was asked a glimpse, the heart of the fluttering heart could not help but press a little weight, he hesitated for a while, then whispered softly: "It's good."

"You, this child, don't talk to the family earlier, your father knows it after being happy yesterday, his face is not so dark." Shen Yan is very happy, her mentality is quite simple, Lin Runsheng is happy she is also happy However, not to mention the age at which Lin is shocked, falling in love is indeed something that deserves to be valued by the family. Her thoughts are heavier and more knowledgeable. I can't help but ask more questions: "How long have you been sure of the relationship? Are there any plans for the future? I tell you that boys have to take responsibility and can't just play, must Take your feelings seriously."

"I will." Lin Jingyi promised, took a breath, and added a sentence, "I... I want to marry him."

"That's good, then it's good!" Shen Yan was even more happy, which was more intimate than she had originally guessed. After encouraging Lin Jingzhen for a while, she hangs up the phone reluctantly, and can't help but feel relieved when she puts down the receiver.

The voice of the call from the hands-free is abruptly stopped. He smiles and looks at the side of the coffee table. He pretends to read the newspaper. In fact, his eyes are filled with chicken thieves and his ears are coming out of the sky. Husband: "How are you satisfied?"

Lin Runsheng grabbed the newspaper, staring at the phone with a good eye, his face stretched tight, and his heart was full of gratification from his old father. He recalled everything he had just heard. In the face of his wife's laughter, he didn't know what he was going to say at the moment. He only licked his mouth and was so excited that he was blind.

The tears quickly condensed, making him a pair of fierce eyes that looked like water.

Son... The son actually fell in love, or went to marry.

that's nice.

that's nice.