MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 61

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Lin Jingwei asked Xiao Chi at night: "What are you doing after work today?"

Xiao Chi took out a handful of hand-written scriptures in the bag and offered it to the chopping board of the Buddhist temple at home. By the way, the grandfather of Lin’s horror wiped the dust off the spirit and lit the three musk.

"Go home and talk to my dad for a while." He was very calm in his voice. "Then I went to copy the script with my grandmother. I haven't written calmly for a long time."

Lin stunned the scrolls, the ink was golden, and the surface was still flowing with brilliant waves. He didn't understand this. He only thought that those flying heads were really beautiful, and Xiao Chi's words had always been well written.

He did not doubt him, and he gave his grandfather a scent and then went back to the house to wash. When Xiao Chi changed his pajamas back, he unconsciously glanced at the other side, glimpsed the reflection on the window glass, and frowned.

"What happened to you here?" Lin Jingyu stepped forward and grabbed Xiao Chi's arm, and turned his body. Xiao Chi's broad and strong chest, the left half of the chest muscles, spread a piece of the foot with a large palm, describing the horrible bruise.

It’s like a blunt instrument that smashes the mark on the flesh. The skin around it is red. Lin stunned and frowned at the explorer, trying to tentatively touch it with his fingertips, but did not wait. When I touched it, my wrist was pinched by a fiery big hand.

Xiao Chi opened his own button on his pajamas, and the newly washed hair was fluffy. He looked down at Lin’s horrified and serious expression. His eyes showed a smile, and he used his other arm to take a look at Lin’s horror. The waist pulled over to myself.

Lin stunned into his arms and raised his arms around his neck.

"When I copied the scripture, I didn't stand on the corner of the table." Xiaochi touched his face with his thumb. The strength of his fingertips was gentle with the cherished, "It hurts."

"How can I be so careless?" Lin Jingyi screamed at him while he was licking the medicated oil. The strength of his hand was surprisingly gentle, as if he was afraid that he would hurt him too much. Xiao Chi squinted and enjoyed, but he did not shout for himself. He only calmly reminded: "Don't forget to go to my house for dinner on the 5th. I have already discussed it with my family today."

"What?" When I mentioned this, Lin began to feel a little nervous again. "I really go?"

Xiaochi did not understand his question: "Or else?"

Lin Jingzhen thinks and thinks that the previous concerns are ridiculous, and I am afraid that Xiao Chi is difficult to do. I still haven’t said it, only whispered a sentence: "Oh."

He wondered what gifts he should bring when he came to the door. Xiao Chi’s family structure is clear to him now, but Lin Jingzheng really has no experience in going to a friend’s house. Xiao Chi's family is bound to be different from Gao Sheng's family. Even more, he has ghosts in his heart, and he is even more unable to take it easy. Therefore, even if he only visits as an ordinary friend, he still wants to do a good job.

Xiao Chi hugged him to lie down, his hot body and breath tightly hugged him: "You can rest assured that they will not be difficult for you."

Lin was shocked to say nonsense, and it was not normal for my aunt to bring a friend who was a guest at home.

It’s just that Xiao Chi obviously can’t understand this kind of embarrassment, and it doesn’t seem to take this matter seriously. Just talking a few words and turning away the topic: “How are you doing things in the afternoon to answer the phone? Didn't you have any trouble?"

Lin sighed and sighed. He moved a position in Xiao Chi’s arms and let the other party tighten himself.

His eyes were empty for a few seconds, only to feel the strangeness of this embarrassing self.

Why are you nervous? He doesn't quite understand. Perhaps it is clear, but I don't want to think deeply in that direction. It seems that after the Hawaiian language that Xiaochi said, the relationship between the two became different. This is somewhat different from the boundary he had for himself in the rules. The other breath that invaded into life made him involuntarily immersed in the heart but also feared from the heart.

What is the relationship between him and Xiao Chi?

They live together, wake up from a bed, sleep each night, and have breakfast and dinner together. When there is no entertainment every day, they stick together, occasionally have unexpected entertainment, and they will report their whereabouts to each other. Xiao Chi will wash clothes and cook for breakfast in the morning. When Lin Jingsheng returns home, he will dry the clothes in the dryer and iron them. They stared at the days to change sheets, exchanged the taste of different flavors of lubricants and condoms...

This kind of life is no different from ordinary couples.

However, Lin Jingxi’s heart is clear that the acceptance of this society is far less high.

He can not care about the outside world. In fact, no one in this world can influence his opinions. One of his parents, Jiang Qiaqi, he hates that he will never see each other forever. As for Lin Runsheng... He has a flaw in his heart, but it is really difficult to treat the other person as a father who needs concern and awe.

He was alone, without any concern, and the bachelor was not invaded. But Xiao Chi is different.

Xiao Chi has family members and a happy family. According to Hu Shaofeng’s past description, Xiao Jia is a family and a strict family. This is not a secret. Lin Jingzhen sometimes hears some clues from other people.

In the last life, Lin Jingyu’s dating circle is full of dragons and snakes, and there is no shortage of **** to special people. The general situation of this group of people is bad, but the occasional appearance of these few, but also failed to resist the pressure of the family.

This is true in the afterlife of the open atmosphere of information, let alone this era?

When he was discovered by Yu Kai, Lin Jingyi often thought that maybe one day, he opened the door and went home. The house had already gone to the building, and he could not see the traces of another person’s life.

With their current social status, Xiao Jia is sure to be too ugly. The most likely outcome is that the two sides end the relationship so utterly and silently.

Lin Jingyi leaned on Xiao Chi's chest and listened to the ear to capture the familiar heartbeat. He sniffed the scent of the medicinal liquor, and the palm of his hand slid on the hot skin of the other.

The various possible outcomes in his mind flashed through his mind, and then he was tightly **** by a slender rope and kept in his heart.

"It's okay, not as troublesome as I imagined." He laughed, his tone calm enough to hear a clue, and the voice gently said the troubles encountered in the factory today.

Xiao Chi heard a frown: "This is very troublesome. Our country's preconceived awareness is very strong. Your products have not yet been officially launched into the market. The first stage will be greatly affected. Is the formula leaked?"

Lin Jingyi recalled the soy sauce that he had eaten and shook his head: "There should be no."

As soon as he thought of this, the low mood had just warmed up a lot. He even squatted up in bed and smiled at Xiao Chi: "I told you that I found a particularly unexpected thing today. ”

Xiao Chi looked at him with a smile, and his sharp vision turned into a thick jam under the dim light: "Well?"

"It’s a small, high victory for me.” Lin Jingyu avoided the bruised wounds, kneeling in Xiao Chi’s shoulders, his eyes squatting comfortably together, and the crowded cheeks made him look like a eater. The little otter, "I found that I have been looking down on him. Do you know what he gave to the factory today?"

Xiao Chi has not listened to him, and he is immersed in the sparkle in his eyes. With a sigh of doubt, his head was getting closer and closer.

Lin Jingxi kissed him for a while, and when he let go of his lips, there was some confusion in his eyes, but he still remembered this, and stubbornly described the content: "...he said let us urgently prepare funds and advertise..."

Xiao Chi bit his nose and pointed his hand in the bedside table: "Can't the strawberry taste?"

Lin Jingyu was squinted by his extensive movements.


Lin’s suggestion is that the lawsuit must be played. In the long period of time in the future, the rules of the domestic shopping malls are quite confusing. The cottages are endless, copyright is hard to protect, and merchants are profitable. If Haishu Food Factory was bullied for the first time, it would only endure more and more on the nose.

The lawsuit is not only to fight, but also to poke people. But at the same time, we must not delay the official landing of the market.

But at that time, the brand named "old name" has already seized the opportunity in advance. The other party has a name that is so easy to make, and it has quickly entered the major market of Yanshi, and it has almost covered the popularity. How to win the recognition of consumers under the premise of losing the first killing advantage has become a very important issue.

Lin Jingyi did not expect that Gao Sheng’s eyes could be so keen. After the other party and the friends in the interest group negotiated, the suggestion was to advertise.

And not an ordinary advertisement. Wherein the s Panel is filled with sf

We must know that this was the beginning of the 1990s, and television has not yet been fully popularized throughout the country. Most businessmen don't even have the concept of advertising, let alone go directly to TV.

Therefore, it is said that Zhou Mu, even seeing Wang Quan, who is well-informed, hesitated after listening.

However, Gao Sheng did not know where the news came from. He not only proposed this suggestion, but also knew that the TV station was preparing to launch a new TV series recently, and it will be broadcasted after the month. At this time, it is preparing for investment.

If you want to advertise, you must contact the TV station as soon as possible. When the meeting was held, Wang Quan had some hesitation.

There are not many TV stations that can be received at the moment, so there are so few. He also knows the things inside because of work. The advertisements on TV don’t look short and small. Thousand yuan. This is a considerable expense in the moment, at least tens of thousands in a month!

Soy sauce, this trivial thing, as for...

Mother Zhou is even more hesitant, TV!

When she was in Jinyun earlier, she didn’t even dare to think about it. Now that she has a good life at home, she also bought a TV. But I usually look at the news and TV dramas, and the TV is still hopeless. thing!

Gao Sheng is obviously not so sure whether his own ideas are correct. In the face of the hesitation of the elders, he can't help but feel embarrassed.

In order to increase the feasibility of his own proposal, he even inquired about the situation of the upcoming TV series, and bound the various materials into a book. After Wang Quan read it over, he became more and more questionable. This is a nest of newcomers. Most of them are students. There is almost no popularity. The drama is not made on Hong Kong Island. The investment fees of TV stations are still very high. A full moon of 30,000!

Although the TV station promises that the advertisement will be broadcasted next to the TV series, who knows if the show will be popular? Although the investment conditions for some of the hottest TV dramas are far more demanding than this, Wang Quan is still very difficult to be satisfied.

The advertising fee of tens of thousands of yuan a month is really a heavy burden for a small factory that has not yet established itself. Although everyone does not lack this money, I am afraid that this number will not be the same, but the business investment is different. Every minute must be spent on the blade. The meeting was stuck here for a while.

Lin Jingyi opened the book of information that Wang Quanbai questioned. The black line on his head immediately hangs because he saw a lot of familiar names.

He doesn't usually watch TV dramas, but there are always a few of them that have been regarded as classics. They will be mentioned by the audience many times in the decades after the broadcast. This is the case of the "Legend of the Rivers and Lakes" in the data. Later in the summer, almost every summer file will be posted on each of David's replays. Even Lin Jingzheng had the privilege of seeing a few eyes. The young faces in the dim screen on the screen had already become the most active superstars in the domestic entertainment industry. I heard that this work that made them collectively famous has caused quite a sensation in the era of the first broadcast. When the media described it, it usually used "the empty alley" to describe the situation at that time.

More than two-thirds of the forest horrors in the row of stars under the name of the repertoire are impressed.

He was amazed and felt awkward at the same time. Before the people became the absolute authority of later generations, they had experienced the period when such fame and fortune fees were questioned.

Wang Quan is still paying the bill, how high the profit of a bottle of bean paste is, the amount of advertising, and how many audiences will be targeted, and whether this group of people will contribute to the sales of the bean paste in the factory.

In the early 1990s, the advertising industry was more immature than toddlers, and almost lived in the hustle and bustle, trying to learn the language.

Gao Shengli was naturally questioned. He also felt that his ideas were very aggressive, so he was lying down and arguing, not much to argue.

The forest horror, who usually didn't talk much at this meeting, closed the stack of thick materials at this time, and then slammed the stack of information heavily on the table.

The sound of the impact attracted everyone's attention, and even Wang Quan, who was still calculating, looked up.

When Gao Sheng thought that the other party might dismiss his proposal, Lin Jingyu asked: "Where did you start producing TV and DVD players?"

Wang Quan stunned: "At the end of the 85th year."

"There should be professional market data in your hand." Lin Jingyu asked, "What is the average growth of your shipments from 85 to 90?"

"This..." Wang Quan did not know what he thought of, and his brow was slightly picked up.

"What is the time between 90 and 91?"

Wang Quan put down the computer in his hand and began to think.

"Is there a significant change in these months from the beginning of 1991 to the end of the year?"

Wang Quanqi smiled and said: "It’s just a noticeable change. In the past five months, we have shipped more TV sets than we have in previous years."

When he said this, he realized it too. Chao Lin sighed with a sigh: "Really, nowadays, small cities can't say that the TV coverage rate in Yanshi should be much larger than in previous years."

He looked at Zhou Mu: "Ding Zong, do you want to shoot one?"

Zhou’s mother hasn’t spoken yet, and Gao’s eyes are bright: “Really shoot?”

Zhou Mu didn't know much about this. Seeing that both shareholders agreed, the position was shaken: "I don't know this. I don't know how to shoot ads. Who are we going to shoot?"

Gao Sheng, a classmate around him, said excitedly: "It is better to find Li Xueli? Now she is the most red in Hong Kong Island stars!"

Gao Sheng obviously disagreed: "Li Xueli is getting popular, how much is charged, I heard that her movie has a million pay."

Everyone is now proposing candidates, hate to pick a superstar that is unforgettable at first sight, but they are unwilling to give such a high budget.

"If this is not the case." Lin Jingyi put forward a brand-new idea in the disputes of all parties. "In any case, we are buying the advertising space of TV dramas. Is it better to use this group of newcomers? Most of them are students, and the asking price is definitely not It will be high. When the TV series is broadcast, the audience will see the familiar faces and increase the intimacy with our brand. Isn't it two things?"

Lin Jingzhen can almost imagine that the endorsements of all generations are all high-end, familiar with the familiar faces of international luxury goods, and the appearance of holding their own bean paste.


Even if you are embarrassed, the day of the fifth day will come. It happens that this day is Saturday. In the morning, Shen Yan called and asked Lin Jingzhen what food he wanted to eat at night. He was so early to prepare.

Lin Jingyi rarely refused her, only said that she has something else to do today.

Indulge in surprise, the dinner schedule of the family every Saturday lasted for so long, Lin was shocked and unimpeded, and rarely, so she was very curious, could not help but wonder: "Is there anything wrong with Auntie?"

Lin Jingzhen was very satisfied with the right distance between them and their family. He replied quickly: "No, I really agreed with my friends early."

"Are you ready?" Shen Yan heard the words, the voice could not help but bring a few points: "Is it a love?"

Lin Jingzhen did not refute, only smiled and apologized to her, and hurriedly hung up in the curiosity of Shen Shen.

Xiao Chi came to the phone and said that when he picked him up, Lin Jingzhen had already visited the shopping mall in the afternoon.

He asked what kind of gift he should bring. During this time, the trustee got some from the Hong Kong Island District, but he always felt that there was not enough room for it. However, after buying a lot of piles, I couldn’t help but feel that the scene of my friend’s visit was too grand, and I was worried that I would leak out of my feet.

Xiao Chi's trunk was filled, and the back seat was piled up with a lot of things. The forest horror frequently looked out the window, and the car drove into the familiar shade, but after passing the squat to Shen. It took a while to turn, and he rarely took foot in this place. For various reasons, Lin Runsheng did not take him with him when he went out to celebrate the New Year.

After work hours, the sky was a bit dark, and the afterglow of the setting sun hit the courtyard at the end of the road. There was not much different architecture from the outside. Lin Jingqi was hard to see the strictness.

Therefore, when he got out of the car, he was so nervous that he even forgot to understand the seat belt, or Xiao Chi grabbed his wrist and unfastened his seat belt.

Lin’s gaze was seen through the window, and Xiao’s door stood with three figures, looking at the direction of their car. Two of the faces are familiar to him. The young girl is very beautiful, but the temperament is clear and cold. The two middle-aged people behind are like husband and wife. They are standing hand in hand and their faces are surprisingly serious.

This is exactly the same as the family that he originally imagined. but--

To... As for the arrival at the door? !

The standard is too high, right? !

Lin Jingwei was a little confused, but he still advised himself not to be too over-excited.

Xiao Chi took his wrist and looked at him for a while, and it was rare to show a clear smile: "Don't be nervous."

"What am I nervous about?" Lin Jingyi looked at him every time he looked like nothing, and he sighed with a hard mouth, and then thieves guilty to smash his hand. "Be careful, beware of it."

He said that he got out of the car, and the body immediately exuded a cautious and modest atmosphere. He smiled and greeted the Xiao family who came along with the position of the car. "Hello, uncle, aunt, please."

His smile was impeccable, and Xiao’s parents’ attitude was very strange. The couple first looked at each other and then looked at Lin’s horror with strange and unpredictable content. Xiao’s mother opened her mouth after a few seconds: “Hello.”

Xiao Dad’s mouth was pumping and he didn’t talk. He just nodded gently to the forest.

Lin Jingxi’s heart sighs really seriously. The focus is on Xiao Chi’s sister. The gesture is very generous: “Hello, Xiaomiao, happy birthday. We have seen you before, I am your brother’s friend, my name is Lin Jingzhen.”

The fascination in Lin’s impression is that it’s cold and cold, and it’s like a fireworks. But today I don’t know why, her face turned red after a moment of watching.

Lin Jingwei: "...???"

Xiao Miao whispered to him: "Brother."

Straight, is it called a brother directly?

Really... really cute...

Lin horrified and rushed to let Xiao Chi open the trunk and give gifts to everyone.

The family of three in the same place looked at Xiao Chi’s screaming voice and was called to turn around. They looked at each other and didn’t know what to say. They thought that Lin Jingzheng would show some uneasiness and shame when he first went to the door, but never thought that the other party would be so generous, so they didn't know how to deal with it.

Lin Jingyi puts a big bag on his hand, and his smile and posture are very natural: "Uncle and aunt, and my sister, I met for the first time. This is a bit of a wish. I hope you like it."

He originally thought that the Xiao family would be pushed for a while according to the normal elder logic, but did not expect the voice to land, Xiao mother just sighed and reached out.

She did not know why the tone was helpless: "Let you bother, just come directly next time."

Said the serious aunt transferred all the bags in his hand to the husband on the side. After the empty hand, her hand reached into her pocket and found a thick red envelope and handed it to Lin Jingyu.

Lin Jingwei looked at the red person and suddenly he was a bit stunned. He counted the time. He said that it should be early from the New Year. What is Xiao’s mother who has nothing to do with red packets?

He didn't know what tradition it was for a while, but he didn't understand whether he was picking up or not picking it up. He only hesitated for a few seconds. Xiao Da, who was carrying something, was very serious and snorted: "What are you doing?" ”

Lin stunned and subconsciously took over and said thank you to Auntie.

Xiao’s mother glanced at him in a complicated way and turned to walk toward the door: “It’s cold outside, let’s go into the house.”

Lin Jingyu was puzzled by their strange attitude. When entering the house, he whispered Xiao Chi: "Do you have few friends who are at home to play?"

Xiao Chi raised his hand on his shoulder and whispered, "How many of them are Hu Shaofeng? What happened?"

Lin Jingxi said that it is no wonder that when you look at your home, you are not always looking for a guest, and you are worried about what you are seeing. You have to pull down Xiao Chi’s arm on his shoulder.

Xiao Chi is somewhat dissatisfied: "What are you doing?"

Lin was shocked by his back, and he was mad at this unconscious guy. He was afraid that he would suddenly turn back when he was in front of his elders. He could only whisper to him: "You are far from me!"

When I accidentally saw the two kissed honey sticks together and touched the body, Xiao’s mother’s mouth was pumping, and the eyes of her husband’s eyes had already begun to twitch. She rushed to look like she wanted to attack. The other party.

"..." Xiao Shenxing glared at his wife with a sigh of relief.

Yu Yurong said to him: "You give me something!"

Although Xiao Shenxing has been reluctant to do so, she has been completely cleaned up by her wife and mother in these days, so she can only secretly bite her teeth.

After entering the house, Lin Jingzhen finally saw the legendary Grandma Xiao. This is a kind old lady. It is not as terrible as Hu Shaofeng said. She has been holding a cane and smiling since she saw the first face of Lin Jingzhen. Lin was shocked by her sitting on the sofa and was held by the old hands. He had never been so close to any old man except the grandfather. The smile was a bit shy. The old lady is very satisfied. The sight is wrong and the temperament is soft. It is just that the words of the export are all things that Lin Jingzhen can’t understand.

"Okay, this side is really full, the chin has meat... What day is it?"

Although Lin Jingzhen did not know why she asked this question, she still said it truthfully. When she exited, she got the other party’s claim: “Good, good! Time is good, life is strong...”

As she spoke, she talked with Xiao Chi from time to time. Lin Jingyu was seen to be somewhat stiff, and she quickly took out the gift she brought from her pocket.

The old lady smiled and took over the jade carving. The backhand took a string of tourmaline beads that she had stayed on her neck and wore it on the head of Lin’s thriller.

Where does Lin’s horror dare? This string of tourmaline beads is transparent and mellow. At first glance, he knows that the value is very high. He immediately refused: "This is how it works, it is too expensive..."

"Oh..." The old lady was very strong on his neck. "Let you take it away, and where can you not meet you for the first time?"

Speaking and taking a pocket, I took out a red seal.

Lin Jingzhen just got two thick red envelopes when he entered the house. He couldn't figure out the situation confusedly. He turned to Xiaochi for help. Xiaochi had only one sentence: "It's good to take it."

No, is there such a custom?

Lin Jingqi did not start to fantasize about Hu Shaofeng when they came to Xiaojia to play. Xiaochi, his parents and the old lady also gave a red envelope to give gifts. This is really too psychological pressure, no wonder Hu Shaofeng sees it as a beast.

Lin Jingzhen was so pondered, and after getting on the table, he became more and more confused.

A whole table of sumptuous dishes, but I can't see how everyone moves chopsticks. It is obviously a wonderful birthday, but the topic is not around the protagonist. Xiao’s mother ate the dish and thought about it again: “What is your parents doing?”

Lin Jingyu has been the focus from time to time. Although he is not sure, he also replied: "My father taught at Bohai University. My mother is doing business. They divorced in their early years."

“Oh~” Xiao mother didn’t know why she was very curious about his family. “How much did it relate to Mom and Dad?”

Lin Jingke shook his head: "Not often contact."

"Do you have brothers and sisters at home?"

"My father's family still has a step sister."

If it is not good psychological quality, he certainly can't maintain the usual face of the present, so he understands more about Hu Shaofeng's fear of Xiao family. On the dinner table, Xiao’s eyes were all staring at him. Anyone who came to a friend’s house to eat for the next time would not dare to go to the door again. What's more, he still has two thick red envelopes in his pocket, and a long string of tourmalines hanging around his neck. Hu Shaofeng, if they are treated like this from a urinary, it is really tough and can only be together with Xiaochi for decades. Maintain friendship.

His heart was awkward, breaking the strange atmosphere on the table, and toasting to Xiao Xiao: "Happy birthday to you."

Xiao Miao whispered a thank you, and he touched the cup.

Then it will return to silence.

Lin’s funny expression was almost disguised. He turned his attention to Xiao Chi, who was sitting next to him. Xiao Chi’s stunned, only sticking chopsticks into his bowl and pinching a stew, licking him. :"eat more."

Xiao Ma’s roots were finished, and she asked if she couldn’t ask. Her eyes glanced at her husband and coughed.

She was initially satisfied. Lin’s condition was much better than she thought. Looking at her personality, I should not be a serious personality. It’s generous and polite. If the son has to be with a man, it is not bad to find such a thing.

She sighed and looked at the old lady who was holding a candy on the first seat and ate with relish. She was busy with the dish of Xiao Chi, who was so surprised that she couldn’t help but fall on the string of flowers on the other side of the neck. This string of tourmaline beads has been passed down for generations, and the old lady can send this out of the game, which is necessarily the meaning of satisfaction.

She was too lazy to resist, and the hand under the table smashed her husband's waist.

Xiao Shenxing coughed and looked serious.

He was silent for a meal, and at this time he finally opened the mouth: "Lin... Xiaolin."

Lin Jingqi chewed the dish in his mouth and looked at Xiaofu.

Xiao Shenxing stared at him, a pair of brows wrinkled tightly, and his lips almost smashed into a thin line, but after a long while, he finally opened his mouth in the sight of Lin’s doubts.

He said: " and Xiao Chi..."

Lin Jingwei: "?"

Xiao Shenxing’s heart is: "You must not be too hasty to marry."

Ms. Xiao stared at Lin’s horrified eyes, and some of them were embarrassed: “My father and I have been busy all year, at least after October next year.”

Xiao Grandma's mouth full of sugar, quickly chewed and swallowed, swearing: "The seventh day of the lunar calendar next October is good, with your eight characters, but I have to find the Bodhisattva to know."

"No hurry." Xiao Chi said without hesitation. "I will go to the temple together with you."

He agreed with the old lady and slammed his shoulder and stunned Lin: "Can't you go?"

Lin Jingzhen felt that he had fallen into a group of obstacles, and he stared blankly at the face of a table that seriously looked at him.

? ? ? ?

? ? ? ?