MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 56

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The two are like little wolf dogs walking in the spring, all of them are filled with hormones for courtship. The four eyes met, and the tacit understanding, Xiao Chi climbed up from the beach chair, and the two walked toward the hotel one after the other.

Yu Kai was surrounded by a group of middle-aged men, and endured the wretched topic that they always surrounded the three beautiful women on the beach. The light swayed back and forth or was as strong as a hawthorn or soft beery belly and legs. He was very annoyed, holding the ice-cold cocktail and absent-mindedly drinking, his eyes crossed the group of unsightly objects, sweeping around, accidentally catching something, licking his neck and looking far away: "Hey..."

On behalf of the peak asked him: "What?"

"Lin always they..." Yan Kai stretched his arm and pointed to the back of Lin’s horror. The back of the thin, implied power was naked. After rubbing the sunscreen, the skin with light perception could almost sway the eyes. Flower, "How did they go?"

"Hey - what's the matter." People around are used to it. The two young people, Lin Jingyu and Xiao Chi, are well-known, but their preferences and behaviors are always surprising. "It is estimated that the sun is too dry. Haha, there are so many beautiful women on the beach, but they can’t keep them!”

In the laughter of the group, Yan Kai looked at the two figures in front and behind, and always felt that there was a kind of tension that could not be said to stretch his back.

Dinner is the BBQ on the beach, and Kay is more and more aware of the weird feelings.

The silk shackles on the awning stretched in the wind at dusk, and the afterglow of the setting sun gave everything in the heavens and the earth a golden red glow. The barbecue grille was smoky, and the sound of the oily flowers accompanied the diners' laughter into the auricle, and Kay Kay couldn't control his own light to sweep forward.

After disappearing for an afternoon, the two returned and changed their clothes. Xiao Chi stretched his hair behind his head, a loose linen-colored beige shirt with a light gray beach pants and double beach slippers. I was holding the sleeves and using the baking clips to remove the oxen from the iron frame. The portion of the fat oil has been curled up by the exuberant charcoal fire, and the surface is covered with just the right scorch marks of the barbed wire. No one had thought that he would cook for the meal. On behalf of the peak, they were all waiting for the finished product, and did not know what sauce he had put on the top. The semi-cooked beef began to emit a strange musk under the heat. Some foreigners who are also doing barbecues have also been attracted.

But this is not the point.

The focus is on Lin’s horror lying on the lounge chair behind Xiao Chi.

Lin Jingyu wore a shirt with a texture similar to that of Xiao Chi. It was milky white and the size was obviously wide. He folded the sleeves for two full turns. The over-wide shoulder line reached his upper arm, the long hem covered the beach pants, and slouched down, as it was at the same time, the owner of the lounge chair was full of pleats. Lazy taste.

No, or shouldn't be called lazy.

Lin stunned his head and his eyes fell silently on Xiao Chi's back. He looked at it for a while, and Xiaochi, who was busy, turned around and looked at each other. Lin stunned and moved his body, and changed his chair in a rest position, squinting to reveal a very subtle expression.

Yan Kai did not understand this expression a bit, but inexplicably felt that all the flowing eyes in the low-lying eyes were spring.

In addition to changing the suit, the appearance of the other party is no different from the afternoon. It can be a walking aphrodisiac, from the limbs stretched out on the beach chair to the wide soft shirt neckline, sometimes with the clear clavicle exposed by the movement, Lin stunned every move and even the pores They are all sensual.

Yan Kai feels that he must be sick, and he will use such words to describe a man.

He even suspected that Xiao Chi and Lin Jingyi had just been recruited together, because Xiao Chi, who has always been temperamental and calm, also had something that could not be said. The other party is normal when they talk to the peak of the generation. It is as flat as a pool of water that cannot be detected. But as long as the radius of the forest horror is less than two meters, the temperament of abstinence seems to have something wrong with it - the sharp eyes and the thick voice of the other side, even the faint look is suddenly fascinating, like the beginning The monk who tasted the taste of the ring was filled with idiots.

These two savvy guys! In front of people, but it is enough to pretend, turn around and spend more than anyone else!

Yan Kai only felt that his own eyes had discovered the truth and sneered with disdain.

Xiao Chi grilled the meat, clipped it out, displayed it on the cutting board, and cut it into pieces. The rich gravy spread unscrupulously with his movements. He used a plate to add a few slices, plus a few fresh prawns and bacon rolls, plus a bottle of golden yellow cocktail, refused to get up. The forest horror was sent over.

Lin couldn't climb, and his physical exhaustion made his current legs soft. Xiao Chi pressed him to the floor-to-ceiling window that was said to be able to see the sea. Perhaps the strange environment made the uneasy uneasiness in his heart dilute, and perhaps the distance between the crowds on the beach downstairs was too irritating. Although it was said that it could not be seen through the glass from the window, Lin Jingzhen Still excited to come out many times. In the end, if Xiao Chi was holding him, he would not have the strength to maintain his position. The spirit was always at the boundary of the climax, and he could not fall back for a long time.

If I was not worried about what speculation would be caused by the absence of dinner, I would rather sleep in the house and sleep.

Xiao Chi put down the plate and asked him softly: "Would you like to eat?"

Lin was shocked and moved. The small half of the chest in the neckline of the large shirt fell out of the neckline. The little reddish piece of the reddish piece of material lost the cover of the cloth. The water stood in the ground.

Lin stunned and lazy: "No appetite."

Xiao Chi stared at the eyes, but looked at the other side of the deliberately stunned and dared to open all the way, leaving a red-eyed eye, but also know that Lin was scared and exhausted. Therefore, he is not forced to eat, only whispered: "I will send you back to rest."

The sun has completely sunk into the sea level, the sound of the waves is getting bigger, and the lights on the beach are illuminated. The forest horror steps barefoot on the sand.

The quiet night is like a safe fortress surrounded him. He no longer insists on the distance in front and behind, and after walking out of the field of vision of most people, he slows down and walks side by side with Xiao Chi.

Lin stunned and looked up at the sky: "There are so many stars."

“Do you like it?” Xiao Chi raised his hand and grabbed his back. The dark pupil in the side of the head reflected the starry river. “My mother also likes to watch the stars. There is a small observatory on the top floor of our house. City, take you home to see."

"..." Lin said with amazement that this person is really a god, and he is daring. However, in such a beautiful atmosphere, I don’t want to say anything about the scenery, so I just nodded and nodded.

Xiao Chi’s reaction was bigger than he had imagined. He looked serious and even asked: “Have you promised?”

Lin Jingzhen did not expect that he was actually serious. Sometimes he was embarrassed, but after thinking about it, the normal aunts should not guess the relationship between the son and the male friend who brought back the guest.

Lin Jingyu hesitated and could not help but stop. Although he has experienced a lot, he still has some relatively traditional views in his heart. Different from Xiao Chi’s style of bringing people to the house at home, the family has always been very sacred in his concept. He always feels that no matter what kind of feelings, after seeing the elders, the essence becomes different, but Xiao Chi has been able to ask him to go home to eat from a long time ago. It is obvious that there is a difference between him and him.

Lin Jingzhen is a little confused. For his own conflicts in his concept, he feels that his own cognition may be wrong. It is because of the false order that he has never been able to get a family.

Deep inside, he also has some subtle desires, but this subtle content is what he does not want to go into.

Lin Jingyu nodded: "Accepted, you arrange time."

Only when it is an ordinary guest, there are still some horror in the face of the elders.

He was thinking about how to handle it at the time. Xiao Chi, who was around, suddenly turned his hand and grabbed his waist without warning. Then he pulled his arm and took him up.

Lin couldn't help but scream, and subconsciously took the other's neck and put his legs on Xiao Chi's waist. After he returned to God, he quickly looked around. Fortunately, there was no one in the garden of this hotel. He let go of his heart and looked at Xiao Chi in a wrong way: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Chi looked at him fixedly, holding him in the same place and then gently pressed against the raised wall made of stones next to the road.

Lin stunned in his breath and body temperature, the tight nerves could not help but relax, and his eyes became soft. He raised his hand and gently touched the other's earlobe. He said that it is very easy for a calm person to learn to impulsively and release himself when he goes abroad for a holiday. He is somewhat petite and blamed: "Let me down, just be seen." To..."

See it when you see it! Xiao Chi hates that the whole world knows the joy in his heart!

He held the back hip of Lin’s horror in one hand, and the other hand touched the loose hem of Lin’s horror. The heart and the liver were caught by the soft eyes of the other side. He only hated his poor expression and could not express his flying feelings. .

The tip of the nose was close to the forest, and the two sides twitched each other mischievously, their lips licking their lips, and Xiao Chi whispered the name of his lover: "Shock..."

"Hmmm?" Lin Jingyu had some confusion. He looked down at Xiaochi's lips uncontrollably and even wanted to follow when the other side left slightly.

"I am good... I am good..." Xiao Chi's breath was heavy, sprayed on his lips, his forehead and nose tip rubbing him repeatedly, and two curls that could not be bound by the rubber band hit him on his face. Lin Jingyi didn't know what he wanted to say. The finger touched the neck of the other hand and touched the neck. Then he finally passed the head and finally recovered the smooth hair, and finally fell on the back of the other's back.

"What are you?" Lin Jingyi wrapped the shackles between his fingers. He only felt that the curvature of the tail was smashing through the palm of his hand. Xiaochi’s lips seemed to fall, and he was confused.

He opened his lips and felt the heat from his other lips, and finally couldn't help but lick his tongue to gently rub the other's creeping lips.

Xiao Chi's face was covered, and the atmosphere was overwhelming, like the light covered by his figure.

The latter half of the sentence finally flowed out of the lips.

"I am good..." Xiao Chi gasped, and the light voice was like a low-pitched song. "...I love you so much..."

Lin Jingwei has a moment of confusion.

Then his chest jerked, and he clenched his fist and grabbed Xiao Chi's hair.

He leaned his head and kissed Xiao Chi, as if he had been lingering, and he was fierce than ever. Xiao Chi explored the tongue in his mouth and was enthusiastically entangled with him. He swallowed hard, and the sound of the sound of the sound echoed in the ears of the two people echoed. What was not seen by outsiders at this time was not in their concept.

The sound of the collision of the branches and leaves suddenly appeared, no one distracted, but in the next second, a familiar voice passed from the side.

"The trough! The trough! The trough!"

The movement of this scenery could not help the two to be temporarily separated. Xiao Chi frowned and looked impatiently toward the sound source. Lin Jingyu was forced to separate his lips, reluctantly licked his mouth, and the tip of his tongue slowly recovered. By the way, the saliva that overflowed the lips was swept back.

He hasn't reacted yet, and he has a soft face attached to Xiao Chi's face, and his faint eyes have looked at him.

The moment when Yan Kai contacted Lin’s horrified expression, he suddenly stepped back two steps and almost fell to the ground. His face was pale and his arms were pointed at each other and they were close together and intimate to each other. Lin’s legs were even wrapped around Xiao Chi’s waist, with a metaphor of incomparable pornography. He had seen two people secretly leaving, only thinking that they had to go to do something that was sloppy, such as touting, and want to keep up with the handle. Unexpectedly, the truth turned out to be far beyond his imagination. From the time when Xiao Chi took Lin’s surprise, he realized that there was something wrong with it. The sudden kiss suddenly broke his world view.

Yan Kai stared at Xiao Chi's hand, which seemed to be still moving in the forest, and stood in the bush for two minutes. He turned his eyes and fell on the red and swollen lips of the forest and the eyes that were almost dripping with water, and suddenly reacted. The trembling questioned: "You!"

"you guys!!"

Xiao Chi did not let go of Lin Jingzheng, but it was a little tighter. He frowned and said: "Is there something?"

"What are you doing?!" Yu Kai seems to have been shocked and the spirit is not normal. He did not see the meaning of his drive, and he said in confusion. "What are you doing!?!?!"

Xiao Chi didn't take care of him at all, and he also put on the lips that Lin Jingzhen was still rubbing with him.

The wet entangled tongue can also be seen in the lips that are slightly open from the moment, and the forest horror is stunned and smacked twice. The sound went into the ear, and Kay was just like a thunder. He stepped back a few steps and his eyes fell on the pink skin on the side of Lin’s horror. He turned suddenly and chased after the ass. Like, I ran away without a choice.

After two steps, the gravel road was too slippery, and he fell down awkwardly, and the body and the ground collided with a shocking sound.

Lin Jingsheng suddenly returned to God, he finally realized what, raised his hand against Xiao Chi's shoulder and wanted to push it.

Xiao Chi’s hand snapped a hand on his lower back and let go of his lips and muttered: “...I love you so much...”

Then groped and posted it.

Lin stunned a sorrow from the throat of the moment when the lips and teeth re-entangled, and then indulged himself into the fear of sinking into it.


Yan Kai broke his knees and hung a small leg of blood back to the beach, and they were shocked by the peak. On behalf of the peak, he hurried forward and helped him to walk in a limping manner: "What happened? How did you get this? What happened?!"

祁 魂 soul is not guarding, listening to the concern greetings suddenly turned back: "ah?"

Looking at him on behalf of the peak, he seems to be stupid, and he is more afraid to take it lightly. He hastened to put down the things at hand and greet the people around him to help.

Those members of the alliance immediately swarmed and helped Yu Kai to the beach chair. The hotel's waiter rushed to send the mineral water, unscrewed the peak, and washed the wound on the knee of Kay Kay. It was shocking: "In the end What is going on?!!"

Qi Kai was rushed to hurt, but it was a point of recovery. The first reaction was to look back in the direction of the back garden, but Xiao Chi and Lin Jingzhen did not catch up.

I didn’t know what it was like in my heart. He shook his head and shook his head. He replied in the center of the quest at the peak of the peak: "Don’t pay attention to it."

"How can I be so careless!" Dai Gaofeng took the blame, but also saw the direction he had just come, frowning and scolding, "Don't look at the time, the black light in the garden, you go What are you doing!"

In the mind of Yan Kai, they screamed out the two entangled figures, and Lin was shocked to catch up with Xiao Chi’s kiss. His brain was swollen, and the temple suddenly swelled, and he couldn’t help but hold his hand and breathe.

I was shocked by the peak of the generation: "Is there a headache? What happened?"

Do you want to say? Do you want to say? Do you want to say?

His mind was filled with this problem, and the heart trembled fiercely. He shook his head and whispered: "Nothing, maybe you just fell when you fell."

The peak of the generation looked at him with a stern look. He said that he was so careless. This is a foreign country. It is not as convenient as the domestic ones.

The hotel staff used bandages and disinfectant water to wrap the wounds of Kay's flesh and blood, and it looked less serious. On behalf of the peak straight up to watch their movements, the heart of a leader big brother is being shattered. He couldn't help but have some cups of snakes and shadows. He glanced around the crowd and found that there were two fewer. The heart immediately raised: "What about Xiao Chi and Lin?"

Qi Kai originally had a sullen hair and heard that his head suddenly lifted up. Because the movement was too fast, he almost twisted his neck.

"Yeah yeah." Several people around the peak of the generation also asked, "How are these two people gone? It will not be an accident?"

Yan Kai opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse: "They -"

The eyes of everyone were all surrounded by the moment.

"They..." Yu Kai was suspicious for a moment, and the ghost swallowed the last half of the sentence he wanted to export. "...they should... go back to the room and rest..."


Yan Kai fell too heavy, and Hawaii was so hot and humid. On behalf of the local hospital, the decision was made to return home early the next day.

He led a group of worried people back to the room to rest, but Kay couldn't sleep. He sat in the lobby of the hotel near the beach and ordered a bottle of whiskey.

The starry sky above the head is like the unpredictable rule of the world here. He can't figure out how he can get together. How can the two men, Lin Jingyu and Xiao Chi, get together.

He ordered a cigarette, pinched between his fingers, looking at the smog rising from Mars, and suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him -

"Is there a cigarette?"

He suddenly turned his head and touched the injured leg and almost squatted on the table leg. The line of sight fixedly looked at the person who was coming out.

Lin Jingyi changed his clothes and was a loose-fitting holiday suit in the local style. The tropical bright cloth is very suitable for his skin color, and the loose size makes his body look more slender. His inch has not been shaved for a long time, and he grows about four to five centimeters in length. It may have just been washed and not dried, so he slammed it backwards. The wet hair was separated from the top of the head, and a few squats slid down to the sides, hitting his smooth forehead, and the whiteness was more than two points.

Yan Kai was on his sight and fell into a short-lived confusion.

Lin Jingyi did not get an answer, and gave a soft sneer. He held the back of the sofa on the sofa where Yan Kai was sitting. His arm was slightly forced and he jumped on the back of the sofa.

Yan Kai was scared to lean back and almost slipped off the seat, but Lin Jing was only faintly extending his hand.


In such a calm confrontation, Yan Kai took a sip of the barely touched wine on the table, and then took out the smoke and lighter from his trouser pocket and handed it to the other party.

Lin Jingwei didn't black his smoke this time. He only ordered one for himself. He threw the cigarette case and the lighter on the sofa and took a back and took a sip.

Yan Kai dragged the leg and looked back at him. Lin Jingyi bowed his thin back and leaned his elbows on his legs. The slightly wet hair slipped from the top of his head because of his bowing movement, blocking his forehead. The forest horror in the darkness can't see the expression, only to see the lazy movements when smoking, and the voice is more hoarse: "The daring is really small."

His words were vague and ambiguous, but the content was obviously meant to be pointed out. Yan Kai looked at his indifferent appearance and felt the pain from his knees. He immediately did not fight out: "Perverted! Disgusting! ”

Lin was not angry, and chuckled, looking back and smiling at him: "Frightened?"

The bright eyes of the other side were slightly bent when smiling, which made him look very peaceful, and he felt that he had become the unreasonable one.

There was a malicious in his heart: "Do you find it interesting? You and Xiao Chi, you two men... you... you are not normal..."

He brewed for a long time, but he didn't know where he was thrown in the past. He hadn't really finished a complete sentence for a long time, only desperately venting his own anger. In the past, Lin Jingzhen, who had always been in a tit-for-tat with him, was rarely quiet this time, letting him attack with all kinds of ugly words. After he recovered, he only slipped on the back of the sofa, bypassed the handrail and walked to the front.

Yan Kai stood up and stood up, igniting two hot flames in his eyes, and he said, "What do you want?!"

Lin’s horror didn’t take care of him. He just took half of the smoke from the ashtray on the table, and then quietly swept his wound that looked very gauzy wrapped in gauze. “I listened to it. Always say that you are falling heavily, come see you."

祁凯明明 is imposing, but inexplicably feels that he is in a disadvantage. He hates Lin’s horrible and hateful moments. He is angry and said: “You still worry about yourself! You wait! I will take you back when I return home. Xiaochi’s things go out! You disgusting people...”

Lin Jingyi has been in the fear of exposure and Xiaochi's relationship exposure, but after the exposure, he calmed down. In the face of Yan Kai’s threat, he just shrugged his shoulders indifferently: “With you, since you are fine, I will go back to sleep.”

Yan Kai’s attack did not get a response, but he was even more angry than when he was confronted with others. He stared at Lin’s back and shouted: “I am your mother!”

Lin was shocked to wear the hotel's holiday suit, and the temperament was rare. He was swayed and swayed. He only waved his hand from the open elevator. The answer came out of the open elevator: "Go, go."

Returning to the appearance of a person sitting alone, Yan Kai threw his body back into the sofa with exhaustion. He closed his head on the back of the sofa with his eyes closed, and he had little spare time to care about the leg that was still painful. After a long while, he screamed with anger and groaned, then groping his hands, grabbing the cigarette case that Lin Jingzhen had thrown into the sofa, regardless of the ground.


Lin Jingzheng felt that Kay must be said to go out, so he was also unscrupulous, and at night he simply slept in Xiao Chi's room.

Xiao Chi is also about the same idea as him. The two did not talk about the content of Qi Kai. They just stayed together as usual, and then exchanged the lingering good morning kiss when they woke up.

Early the next morning, everyone had to leave. He didn’t sleep for a night, and when he opened the door with dark circles, he was hitting Lin’s room from Xiaochi’s room.

He subconsciously looked up and saw the doorplate of the door behind Lin Jingshen. The door that had not been completely closed was opened at this time. After Xiao Chi woke up, he had not had time to comb his hair and his head was revealed from the door. The horror didn't know what to say. The two men were still entangled in sight. After finishing the conversation, they exchanged a kiss.

After the kiss, Xiao Chi retracted into the house, and the temperament regained its appearance as if it had no feelings of seven emotions. Only before closing the door, the sharp eyes were cut like a knife. Yan Kai vowed to see the deep pride and threat in the depths of the other's eyes.

The two men kissed in front of themselves, and Kay’s eyes were fast.

Lin Jingwei just said "Good morning" to him without any fuss, and he passed him by nothing.

He looked back at the back of the other side with a sly look. The peak of the generation came from the other side of the corridor at this time. When I saw the two, I smiled and said good morning, and then the doubtful eyes fell on the place where I stayed. Body: "What's wrong?"

"..." Lin’s room door opened and closed, and Kai’s lips trembled. After a moment, he replied, “Nothing.”

On behalf of the peak, he looked worriedly at his absent-minded appearance and his still shackled hands. He said that a good child would not be so stupid.

In the future, Yan Kai witnessed what it means to be unscrupulous!

Lin Jingyu and Xiao Chi are inseparable, even when they are sitting in the seat, they are deliberately changing to sit together, and they will die next to Yan Kai. The two men stalked each other all the way, and the outsiders seemed to feel normal, but in the eyes of Yan Kai who learned their true relationship, this is simply an unbearable public provocation! Especially during the flight, these two people are not enough to talk. From time to time, they have to take the time to exchange a short kiss.

Qi Kai looked at Xiao Chi, who had just pulled back his tongue and dried his lips, and began to pinch the beads toward the stewardess. He was deeply shocked by this shameless model.

Along the way, he wanted to violently scream, but his thoughts rose every time, but he was immediately suppressed by a hesitation that he did not know where he was born.

He couldn't remember when he returned home, and immediately after the plane there was a car that took him to the hospital to deal with the wound. After re-packing the good medicine, Lin Jingyu and Xiao Chi had already left and left. He and the group of people who did not know whether they were true or false, said goodbye and then were sent to the door by the driver.

After the official retirement of his father, he almost stayed at home. After he greeted him, he discovered that Shinan was also there.

He didn't have any thoughts to deal with this little man, but Shinan Star went straight into his room and threw a paper bag directly on Yu Kai's desk.

"Look." Shi Nanxing signaled him to open the file bag and looked at his legs in confusion. "I thought it was just a small injury. How can I go to Hawaii and fall into this?"

Yan Kai didn't want to remember at all, so she didn't answer. She only asked for the file bag and asked, "What is this?"

Sinan did not think much, and obediently turned the subject: "Do you remember the forest horror that you told me before? I asked people to check him and find out the problem."

When Kay’s hand was on, he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"You guess what I found out?" Shi Nanxing did not see his resistance, only explained to him with great interest. "This person actually came from the south of the group, and the group of people in the south, you didn't think there was anything." Is the place strange?"

Yan Kai asked: "What?"

"Is you forgotten the antiques that were made before the old man? Is it from the group? If there is no such antiques, will he and Zheng Cunzhi have such a big storm?" It can be said that Shi Nanxing and Yan Kai Unfortunately, it is also the beginning, so when talking about the past, Shinan star looked gloomy. "They slammed the news very tightly, but I still inquired. The source of this antique should be the one in Jinyun. Maybe it is Jinyun!"

Yan Kai’s brain didn’t have him to be so good, he heard it: “This thing has passed. The antiques are already in the museum. What are you doing to check the source? In case I was told by my grandfather and grandfather...”

"You know a fart!" Shi Nanxing snorted. "Lin Jingzhen is said to be a grandfather. He died a few years ago. No one knows even aunt. This kind of foreigner who has nothing to do is outside. Grab a hand, what is Fang Wenhao and Fang Laotou taking care of him? He came from Jinyun, and there must be a flaw in the head. Right!"

What he suddenly thought of, staring at Yu Kai: "I heard that he and Xiao Jia Xiao Chi have contradictions?"

Yan Kai was asked a bit: "Who did you listen to?"

"The outside is so passed, I heard that they have also played?" said Shi Nanxing. "Really, if it is true, the head can still make a fuss."

Yan Kai listened to his eagerness to plan, and he was tired: "You don't think about it, it's impossible!"

Sinan is still very reliant on his own news channels. Hearing this can't help but say: "What? Isn't their relationship so bad?"

祁 Kai sulking: "Well."

"Impossible..." Snangxing did not believe, "Where did you come from? The outside is clearly passed down, and the peak is confirmed by the peak."

Yan Kai simply hated not telling him what he saw. He thought about it and groaned. He found another reason: "You didn't see the two companies in the second middle road. They also cooperated."

Shi Nanxing is not so easily convinced: "What is this, you and Qi Qing, they are not also cooperating?"

Yan Kai’s brain was almost blown up, but he couldn’t think of a suitable reason to prove his argument. He just ignored it: “Anyway, you listen! I lied to you?!”

He tempered without warning, and then drove Shinan Star out of the house. After closing the door, he was so annoyed that he could not die, or dig his own eyes that saw a lot of things that should not be seen.

Ah ah ah ah ah--

I have to have a long eye! Got it!