MTL - Epiphanies of Rebirth-Chapter 55

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The first batch of products in the factory, Zhou Mu and Wang Quan hesitated for a long time, still chose bean paste.

This is the most suitable stepping stone for the market at the beginning of the factory – other categories of products, more or less always face many problems such as shelf life. This is too complicated for them to be involved in the food industry. The bean paste is the best choice for keeping foods that are relatively low in environmental requirements.

What's more, Zhou's hand made bean paste is still in short supply in the snack bar.

In order to manage the construction of the factory, the working week mother in the snack bar has now been handed over to Zhou Dad. Zhou Dad helped in the store during this time. He had been learning with his wife for a long time. The things in the snack bar menu were all done, and they almost understood 70% and 80%. What's more, the taste of Zhou's mother's food, a large part of it comes from her special sauce, such as the spoonful of bean paste when stewed with burdock, almost become the essence of the whole dish.

This makes the daily operation of the store not much affected. In addition to a few things that are too complicated, Zhou needs to be hand-picked by Zhou, and the rest, Zhou Dao can already be fully qualified.

It’s just that he has a little opinion about what Zhou’s mother suddenly put down in the store and not to drum up what to open the factory. The couple used to be state-owned workers. They used their dead wages to eat public meals. The westbound line of self-sufficiency has already been engraved in the bones. Now they have settled in Yanshi from Jinyun, and they have a small store with a lot of income. Zhou’s father is very strange. Is there any place for his wife to be unsatisfied?

For this reason, the two had recently quarreled for a few days, but in the end no one could convince anyone. Ms. Zhou was not the weak woman who had listened to her husband in the past. The operation in the shop was almost entirely supported by her cooking skills. Because her contribution to the family economy is getting bigger and bigger, her waist is getting harder and harder, and she has opened up her eyes with Wang Quan. This time, she has invented the scale of the snack bar that used to satisfy her. How small. A productive woman does not need to pay attention to her husband's anger, not to mention that everything she does is to make Zhou Haijun enjoy a better life like Wang Quan's children after graduation. She is fearless!

The soybeans of one car and one car were pulled from the province to Yanshi City and dumped into the warehouse.

Lin horrified half-squatted on the ground, picking up a palm of the bean, and letting them slide down the grit from the finger joints.

The full color of the soybeans is bright, the grains are intact, and each other collides with the crisp sound of the pearls, and then gathers into a golden lake.

Ms. Zhou praised: "This soybean is so good that it is suitable for making sauce at a glance. The north is really different, we can't produce such a good bean."

The source of goods was Wang Quan’s search. He also had acquaintances in the place of production. He couldn’t help but smile: “The land in the nest is really good. They have raised the experience of the soybeans from generation to generation, and they have developed experience. But the beans are well raised. What is the use? Poor is also really poor. Some farmers can't afford to eat at home."

Linchao is close to Yanshi, so it has such a good name, but the daily presence is not high, and Lin Jingyi has not paid special attention to it in his life. At this time, when he heard Wang Quan, he was a little surprised.

He still remembers that in a conference where he participated in the theme of "facing economic globalization" in a decade, a big cow who made a fortune in futures has also published an increasing proportion of China's imports and exports of soybeans. issue. The name of the nest at that time has long been known to the world by several futures wars, but I did not expect this industry to experience such pains in the early 1990s.

At the thought of this, Lin Jingyi could not help but recall the past few years of food-related futures.

When he returned to God, Wang Quan was still describing the hardships of the peasants who lived in the nest with his mother. He couldn’t help but see the latter’s eyes linger.

Lin Jingsheng threw the beans in his hand back into the pile of beans and gently patted the dust left on his hands.

"Let's manage well and try to put the shipments up. After the demand for soybeans is large, we can invest in soybeans directly in Linchao." He said, but he couldn't help but start thinking about the profits in grain cultivation. It can perfect a complete product line from planting to sauce production and sales, and the benefits to the operation are undoubtedly very obvious.


Haishu Food Factory began to recruit, and recruitment is quite simple, and there are still many talents to choose from. The fall of Yan City has arrived. Near the end of 1991, major state-owned factories and factories began to show signs of decline. Some of the more marginal factories even began to pay wages. Due to the comprehensive development of the north of the city from the roadbed to the real estate, more and more people are rushing to Yanshi from the surrounding cities to find work. The originally empty and wide Yanshi seems to be suddenly bustling, and the residential buildings for rent start to be popular, and the traffic on the road More and more. There are a few roads to the city, and traffic jams have begun to appear at the peak.

The international metropolis of the later generations has already begun to take shape. This time, Lin Jingzhen was honored to be a member of the building. The U-shaped houses that surround the triangle have been completely dismantled, and the construction team of Centrino Real Estate has entered. The designers and architects have taken their drawings and, after the ceremony, dug up the first clay to dig the foundation. .

Mao Dongqing was very busy. He wore a safety helmet and arranged work on the inside and outside of the construction site. He had already had experience in building a shopping mall in the SAR. Although the results are different from the current complex, the details inside have a lot in common. For example, what kind of design can make the people working in the building get more efficient convenience, such as the degree of vision is the most comfortable range for the customer, so he and his team provide the designers of Centrino Real Estate very much. More quality advice.

The final rendering of the finished product combines the convenience facilities of Mao Dongqing in line with the preferences of domestic consumers, and incorporates the trend design that Centrino Real Estate design team has learned and experienced in overseas developed countries all the year round. Many luxury commercial buildings are not much. You can see the location of this uniquely-located building, and the sparkling shape will set off in this CBD business center.

It was getting colder, and the helmet was not too hot. In the iron house that was temporarily built at the construction site, Lin Jingyi was listening to Mao Dongqing’s self-consultation on whether a small detail on the drawing needed temporary modification.

After listening to it for a long time, he heard that it was a good suggestion, and he nodded and praised the other party: "Well, if there is no problem in determining safety, you will start work."

Mao Dongqing's ability is in no way confined to the name of the "ghost talent" that his future business partners have crowned him. His advice is very practical, but in the present society, it sounds somewhat sloppy. He took up the drawings and was very grateful to Lin for his once again trust. His thoughts were always ridiculed by whimsical thoughts. Whenever I met Lin Jingsheng, I immediately became the perfect fit for a good talent. At the beginning, Mao Dongqing, who was only looking for a lot of income, was stunned by the fact that he had given up the idea of ​​starting another stove since he was the director. For a creative creator, nothing can be more rare than a confidant who can trust and use his confidant.

Lin Jingying followed the drawings of Mao Dongqing's shining crystals. The comprehensive building is ready to build 30 floors, 2 underground floors and 28 floors. This height is considered moderate in several office buildings that have already started construction in the surrounding area. It is a unique one, one to five, all divided into shopping malls.

Such a good position in Erzhong Road, investment is definitely not to worry, and Lin Jingzheng integrated the real estate industry that was most affected by e-commerce in later generations, and intentionally avoided its edge from the beginning stage. From the beginning concept, the commercial part will be The focus is on high-end brands. Therefore, he is very concerned about the internal initial design, and does not allow a little omission.

When Mao Dongqing was on the side for his whispered explanation, the door of the iron house was ringing. A new assistant who had recruited him opened the door after getting permission. When he saw Lin Jingzhen, he did not dare to speak. He was only embarrassed. Eyes handed to Mao Dongqing.

Mao Dongqing knew what he was, and he sighed with a sigh: "Nothing, let's talk."

"Lin always, Mao Zong." The little assistant sighed and his face slammed out of the window. "Mr. Shi brought someone back."

"Mr. Shi?" Lin Jingyi looked at the window and saw the outside construction site came to a few outsiders. The head was a tall young man in a black suit, and his proud and proud appearance was incompatible with the surrounding environment. He asked Mao Dongqing: "Who is this? What is it?"

Mao Dongqing shook his head: "No, it’s just a few old acquaintances."

The four or five people, the one headed by is also called Mr. Shi...?

In the brain, Lin Jing’s mind suddenly flashed a flash of light: "Is it from the small team that you brought from the SAR to Yanshi?"

Mao Dongqing smiled and said: "Yeah, before they went to Qiqing Real Estate, they didn't agree with my idea and talked about it."

Lin Jingzhen still remembers this embarrassment. Although things have passed, but before that, Qi Qing Real Estate and Yu Kai colluded with him and his means of robbing employees could not be mad at him.

He asked: "So how do they look back again? Also advise you to change jobs?"

"Where, I want to jump and our company is almost the same." Mao Dongqing said, "Qi Qing Real Estate, they still have to stay!"

Recently, there were quite a lot of things. Lin Jingyu was busy enough. After seeing the results from the last counterattack, he almost never paid attention to the status quo of Qiqing Real Estate. Hearing this can't help but wonder: "What happened to Qiqing Real Estate? I remember the salary. Not quite high?"

"Hey." Mao Dongqing shook his head. The bitter fruit that the brothers who had parted with him had tasted before, he couldn't see any gloating, but he also had no sympathy. "That was the old yellow calendar of 800 years ago. At the end of the month, Qi Qing suddenly began to lay off employees, and opened more than a dozen. The remaining ones also said that they should adjust their wages. Shi Yuan, he rose to the department head, and his salary fell from 1200 a month to 800 a month. Others originally Take seven or eight hundred and drop it to the normal level. You said that they can do it! I have already told them that when they went, I told him that such a high salary is not normal, but he just doesn’t listen. Now that I am losing money, I want to apologize to me and say that I have misunderstood before... Hey."

He only said a part of this, and the details inside were even more unbearable. Shi Yuan was looking for him not only to apologize. After being promoted to the position of director, Lin Jingyi’s treatment for Mao Dongqing rose to 3,000 a month. After the completion of the project in the triangle, he said that he could get a six-figure bonus. Shi Yuan didn't know where he heard about this embarrassment, and his eyes were almost irrational. In recent days, he often found him, and he tried desperately to try to let Mao Dongqing walk away and start recruiting them into the real estate. In the end, it’s been a brother for so many years. It’s noisy and affectionate. Mao Dongqing really doesn’t want to see him bow to his knees without a bottom line. He can only avoid it.

Shi Yuan couldn't catch anyone, and I heard that he often stunned him behind his back. After saying that for many years, the brothers have their own feelings, and even for the morality to follow Mao Dongqing directly from the SAR to the Yan City, Mao Dongqing is hard-hearted, and does not want to care about the old feelings.

Mao Dongqing sighed and suddenly caught Lin Jingyu looking at his own eyes with some exploration, could not help but be surprised.

He was afraid of Lin’s misunderstanding and quickly explained: “You can rest assured that I don’t forgive them. It’s never going to be confused with the company’s interests. To be honest, Shi Yuan’s ability is definitely there. After all, his famous university Graduation, the results are also excellent. But this person is too heavy, it is easy to turn face ruthless, using his risk is too big, not suitable for our company."

Lin stunned and laughed and patted him on the shoulder: "Explain what, I believe in you, will not let me down."

Shi Yuan stood outside for an hour and a half, and was covered in sweat by the sunshine of the early autumn, but he was still not allowed to see Mao Dongqing.

He looked at the set of very simple cottages in front, almost hate to rush to break into the door. But now Mao Dongqing is not the good brother who can be intimate with them. It is not an ordinary employee who can be interviewed by outsiders. Shi Yuan looks at the few people who seem to walk around around their own pedestrians. In fact, the security that has been guarded, hesitated for a long time or did not dare to impulsive.

"What should I do?" A buddy asked anxiously behind him, "Let's go back like this??"

Some people resented: "It’s too much, and you can’t share wealth with your own hardships. If you mix well, you won’t see us.”

But after the voice landed, I couldn’t help but sigh: "Oh, when I was quarreling, Shi Ge really said it was too much. Although can I directly say that he is disabled? To be honest, I listened. I am chilling, and I can’t blame him for being angry."

Someone asked: "Shi Ge, what do we do now? Can't you think of a way?"

"What do I want!!" Shi Yuan listened to those words, and the sentences seemed to blame themselves, so his face was very gloomy. "Go back first."

The buddy who had been in opposition to Mao Dongqing at the time was not willing to leave: "Just go so far? Is it true that we really stay in Qiqing? You are okay, you can get a hundred for each month." What can we do? My and Xiaoliu are the ones with the lowest wages. Jiang always adjusts directly to three hundred, which is similar to the workers in the factory!"

"That is, Mao Ge, he is staying at the beginning, I heard that there are thousands of bonuses without bonus every month. Sun Yi loves her and her daughter, and there are also one thousand and five per month. Look at them, then look at us, let's Why do you fight this cheap worker?"

"If it wasn't originally..." The person who spoke coughed and complained, "We also started with Mao, I don't know how much more stable than now..."

"Then go!!"

Shi Yuan originally went out in a variety of chattering, but when he heard this sentence, he did not know which nerve was suddenly touched. The anger was like a tsunami and covered his face: "Go! Come on!" Love to go! Look for your Mao brother! Look at the people Mao Dongqing can't see you!"

The crowd was so quietly stunned by his sudden anger, and then they went back without hesitation.

"What use is it for you to get angry with us? If it wasn't for you..."

"I was not you at the beginning..."

"I was not you at the beginning..."

Let's go, okay, almost every sentence begins with "I was not you."

Shi Yuan trembled fiercely in all kinds of complaints, and his strong remorse tortured him to his throat. Around the neighbors who were originally brought together by Qi Qing Real Estate, who were very happy and respectful to him, they became debt collectors. He turned his head and looked inside from the open door of the construction site. A large number of excavators were working intensively, and the construction site was dusty.

Outside the fence, the giant advertisements posted on the “starting from real estate” are clearly defined.

Below is a line of advertising slogans -

"The place where the dream begins."


In the ten days after Qiqing Real Estate cut off ten basic employees who started to recruit and started to work in the first place, they only left some ability to pick out. This is a thunder.

The post-adjusted salary that was subsequently announced made the employees who had not returned to the commotion immediately commotion - this is a full-scale downgrade, no one exception, and the adjustment is too large, the smallest is at least 20% evaporated .

This is also the treatment that some of the basic management that has been promoted has, and ordinary employees, such as positions that can be replaced in the office, have a salary drop of 50% or more. For a time everyone complained.

Jiang just apparently felt that the company's office atmosphere has become more and more wrong in recent times. She complained angrily to Qi Qing: "This group of people who are looking forward to the hustle and bustle are really lacking in the hearts of the people. Is it very low in one month? The treatment given more is not normal, and now it is back to normal levels, they are so arrogant."

Qi Qing smoked the cigarette and did not speak. The minister of the Ministry of Personnel pushed in the door and stunned the couple's look. They put a stack of paper on the coffee table in front of them.

"Qi Zong, Jiang Zong. This is the list of people who have been handed over from the Ministry of Administration and the Ministry of Management in the afternoon."

Jiang just took a look at it, there are four, and all of them are employees who have the ability to be on the list. Qi Qing Real Estate does need to lay off employees, but this does not mean that we must drive away these practical things. She didn't talk and threw the sheets back to the table. She slammed the table in a clear and violent manner: "Don't watch, let them roll!"

The Minister of Personnel did not fear that he was angry. He nodded in nowhere: "I know."

After she went out, Qi Qing sneered: "What attitude!"

"She is dissatisfied with her heart." Jiang just sighed and smiled. "The salary has dropped directly from one thousand two to six hundred. She has no opinions before she has a ghost. It is estimated that the next batch of people will go..."

Jiang did not say that he was down, and he closed his mouth. The next second she jumped up in shock and slammed her face on the sofa and said: "Are you okay?!"

Qi Qing’s sweat on the forehead’s forehead rolled down, his face slammed into the cold, his right hand slammed his chest, and his left hand trembled at the drawer of the coffee table: “Pharmaceutical...medicine...”

Jiang just rushed out of the drawer and pulled out a bottle of painkiller. He opened it and fed it.

I don't know if it is the role of medicine. The sudden pain has gradually dissipated in a minute or so.

Jiang just worried about Qi Qifu sitting up and said: "You have been so many times, always do not take painkillers, when we have to go to the hospital to take a closer look."

"Where is there time?" Qi Qing sighed weakly. "Next time."

"What next time next time! Just this afternoon!" Jiang just took the opportunity to help Qi Qing.

But just at this time, the big brother on the table suddenly ringed the ringtone, and she had to stop and take the call.

After a while, her face burst into a glory of surprise: "Really? Hey total! Really!?"

On the other end of the phone, Kai Kai replied lazily: "A few months later, I also annoyed you. Anyway, there is no specific plan for Wubaoshan here, and the development rights are handed over to you. Do you want?"

"I want it!" Although Zhenxiong did not participate in the development of the incident, Jiang was very surprised, but the two have waited for several months for this right. How can she disagree? Immediately ask the question that I value most, "What about the loan..."

"Let's come in your name, but Zhenxiong will cooperate."

Qi Qing did not say that he was penniless, and he was quickly exhausted by the huge expenses that the company had to give every day. Jiang is a pleasant surprise, and thank you again and again.

When she hangs up the phone, she still feels like she is in a dreamland. She looks back and hears the content of her speech and then surprises her on the sofa.

As for the small matter of going to the hospital to see a doctor, of course, it was immediately smashed by the news of this surprise.


Sunny beach, coconut wind and sea rhyme.

Lin was sitting on the sun lounger with the sunshade flag. The eyes behind the sunglasses stared at the soft waves in front of him. I couldn’t figure out how I came here inexplicably.

Members of the Real Estate Alliance have been rushing to focus on the sparsely populated beaches of this resort. On behalf of the middle-aged men, the middle-aged men wearing swimming trunks are terrible and are gathering together to discuss a hot bikini beauty in front of them.

During this period of the 1990s, the island tourism facilities of many countries in Southeast Asia were not as mature as those of later generations. Therefore, the islands are only hot in the United States and Australia. They are relatively unpopular, and the faces of the East are very rare. Few people can understand Chinese. Their discussion was unscrupulous.

A handsome man with a strong, wheat-colored skin came forward, and there was no trace of flesh, which made middle-aged people full of alertness and hostility.

"What is this good-looking?" The girls around the peak saw the eyes almost all of them focused on the person in front, so it was sour, "Our country does not eat this set."

"Yes." Someone echoed. "My daughter said, "What are the popular flowers now? You look at the few popular singers in Hong Kong Island. Isn't that white and clean?"

"Is it the look of the little boys in the nightclub where the last generation took us?"

“噫~~~~”, the question was unanimously disgusted, but then the discussion about the early experience was unfolded –

"Men and men..."

"No, no, I can't accept it."

"Hahaha, I always remember that you were drinking very well last time drinking!"

"Hey! Oops!"

Everyone stunned each other, prompting their companions not to forget the shape, and then lifted their eyes and chin to the direction of the forest horror, and changed the clothes in the beach to slowly walk out of the direction of Xiao Chi.

Everyone was quiet at first sight, and each showed a tacit look, and the topic was opened. Chatting this thing is to make everyone happy and interesting, and it is not worth the loss. They can still remember the way that Xiao Chi and Lin Jingsheng came out on the day, and the two young people's ability to accept is lower than they think.

Therefore, when the topic turned, it changed to the body of Xiao Chi.

Looking at the eight straight lines of the younger body, the smooth and smooth abdominal muscles, and the rest of the beautiful and not too exaggerated uplift, the peak of the eyes is somewhat envious: "When I was young..."

Everyone has no ambiguous scenery. When the peak is young, it is almost the current round shape. At most, the beer belly is a little smaller.

Xiao Chi did not forget to take his bead from his hand. When he approached, he found that the discussion of the warmth of the people had subsided, and his dynasty peak cast his doubtful eyes.

On behalf of the peak, I avoided everyone and pulled him aside: "How? This hotel is the best in the archipelago. How do you feel about honeymoon?"

Xiao Chi looked back at the direction of Lin Jingyu. Lin Jingyi turned over and lay on the side of the lounge chair. He slouched on the sand surface with one hand and slammed it with his fingers.

He couldn't see the other person's preferences for a moment, only said: "I think about it."

On behalf of the peak, he left himself and walked straight to the forest, and then he left the bath towel in the recliner near the forest.

Hey, the peak of the generation frowned and looked at the empty chairs around the circle. There were some concerns, but after thinking about it, it was thought that Centrino Real Estate is now working on the Erzhong Road Triangle Project, which started with the real estate.

Everyone is an adult, it should be... not so naive.

He put a little bit of heart down and walked back to the crowd, his eyes fading and another figure coming out of the hotel. The coquettish egg-flower swimming trunks swayed his eyes and took a moment. The generation peak immediately laughed: "Yu Kai, have you not said before?"

Yan Kai slowly took a cup of iced drink from the tray of the entertainer who passed by, and smoked in his mouth. He smiled and said: "I don't want to come here suddenly."

On behalf of the peak push him: "come coming, everyone to talk together."

Yan Kaiyao pointed out the direction of Lin Jingyu: "I am going there to sit..."

On behalf of the peak heart, go to your mother! A Xiaochi and Lin Jingzheng will be gone. Under the broad public, the two may not be able to fight. It is hard to say that there is a contradiction with anyone who still has no contradiction.

So it was hard to pull him away.

While pulling back and looking back, Xiao Chi was holding a bottle of sunscreen oil on the back of the forest and stunned it. The atmosphere on both sides looked temporarily harmonious, which made him feel gratified and the power of the monks grew bigger.

Lin Jingying stared at Xiao Chi's swimming trunks and pushed his sunglasses down with his fingers down, revealing the eyes of the back looking forward.

He bit his lower lip, with a sly smile in his curved eyes. With the cover of Xiao Chi’s body, he stretched his legs and smashed the crotch that was wrapped in loose beach pants. The toes were separated and he wanted to clip it. .

Xiao Chi's eyes quickly grabbed his ankle, and then a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. When he approached, he did not let go, and directly put Lin's soles on his lower abdomen.

Lin’s horror was too ridiculous, and his smug expression on his face disappeared immediately. He slammed the other person’s foot and dared not use his strength. His eyes slammed into the direction of the group of people in the dynasty. “Sow it! I saw it for a while.”

Xiao Chi looked at him fixedly, then released his hand. Lin horror almost ugly, retracted his foot and did not put the sunscreen on the table to the other side: "Help me wipe it!"

Said to turn over, kneeling down on the beach chair.

Xiao Chi began to work with a sigh of relief, pouring liquid on his back, and then the hot palms pushed evenly over the skin.

Lin Jingwei snorted comfortably, not forgetting to watch the vigilant eyes toward the peak of the generation. Fortunately, rubbing the sun on each other may seem normal. In short, no one deliberately pays attention to them.

Sunscreen oil is provided by the hotel. It is made from natural coconut oil. I heard that cooking can be used, but it does not prevent tanning. Xiao Chi's palm is very powerful, one inch and one inch pressed in the forest thrilling weekdays because of the busy muscles of the work, and then let them become smooth and stretch.

Lin Jingyi could not help but close his eyes and sleepy under this powerful button.

But the next second, he suddenly woke up.

Go back and ask: "What are you doing?!"

Xiao Chi's hot and sharp eyes fixedly looked at him, his hand reached into his beach pants, his fingers clearly explored where he should not go.

Coconut oil is said to be used for skin care and is not irritating. Lin Jingyu never thought it could be used for lubrication before.

Xiao Chi’s low voice plunged into his ear: “I’ve just stepped on you... stood up.”

There was no one around him. The movement on his hand suddenly became bigger, and the squeaking sound in his pants. Lin stunned a short sigh of relief. He grabbed Xiao Chi’s wrist with his backhand, but his waist was soft and he could not lift his strength.

Xiao Chi changed his position, and one leg squatted on his squatting beach chair, and it looked like he was concentrating on sunscreen for him. Lin Jingzhen was stimulated to want to curl up, desperately suppressing the sound, but the muscles were getting tighter and tighter, and finally the thighs twitched a few times, and the softness kept breathing.

Xiao Chi's fingers were mixed again, and he pulled out wet and stretched over and licked his face.

Lin Jingzhen was made sweaty, his eyes blushing across his face to look at him, his fingers used to cover, and he licked his pants from time to time.

Xiao Chi asked: "Is your room still my room?"

Lin stunned two times and gently said: "I can see the sea in my room..."

Xiao Chi pinched his buttocks and grabbed the meat. He couldn’t let it go, and he couldn’t do it.

Read The Duke's Passion