MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 516 : Human beings in captivity.

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in the kitchen.

Beads of sweat kept dripping from the chef's ghost head.

He gritted his teeth, enduring this severe pain that he had never experienced before.

The heart is terrified.

Normally, with his strength, the injury of a broken arm can be easily recovered in an instant with ghost power, but he found that his broken arm cannot be repaired by ghost power at all!

Is this the power of morning!

Lin Chen urged: "What are you waiting for? Cut into slices, the customers outside are waiting to eat the meat."



The chef ghost's eyes widened.

Cut off my arm for food and let me make it myself? Is there such a bully?

Even though he was afraid, he still felt a bit of anger, but when he saw Lin Chen's eyes, the anger dissipated instantly.

Without saying a word, he picked up the kitchen knife with one hand and chopped it down with tears in his eyes.

"Divided into enough quantities, every ghost has to eat. If the quantity is small, I can continue to provide ingredients."

"Enough, enough, sliced ​​raw meat, definitely enough." Chef Ghost said hastily.

Lin Chen nodded.

Then save the other parts for the next batch of ghosts.

Chef Ghost was very fast, and within a short while, one arm was handled by him.

Seeing this, Lin Chen took out a bottle of obedient water, and sprinkled it evenly on each dish under the surprised gaze of the chef ghost.

"Let Leng Ying come over and serve the food."


After a while, Leng Ying imp walked in from the outside, seeing the appearance of Chef Ghost, he couldn't help turning pale.

He didn't dare to ask any more questions. According to Lin Chen's intention, he took out a plate of vegetables and placed them in front of every guest outside.

"Is this the player's flesh and blood? Why does it feel different from the impression?"

"There is a lot of energy, every inch of flesh and blood has been moistened by ghost power."

"Haha, top-notch stuff! This player's strength is estimated to be extremely strong."

"Humans use the power of ghosts. The ghost power is contained in the body, and the body has been tempered to such a degree. Those who don't know think it's ghost flesh."

"Are you kidding? No matter how ghost meat is, it will continue to dissipate after it is separated from the body. The meat in front of you is exactly the same. This is human flesh."

Although the pieces of raw meat looked a little weird, they were different from normal human flesh and blood.

But the ghosts still didn't think about ghost meat.

And the name of the ghost market also made them not feel that the proprietress would cheat in this regard, so they subconsciously took the anomaly as their own shallow knowledge, and grabbed pieces of meat and stuffed them into their mouths.

As soon as the entrance was made, the faces of all the ghosts changed.

"Puff puff!"

"What's the situation, this meat is **** stinky!"

"Miss Boss, your meat is soaked in shit?"

"Is this how the ghost market does business?"

All the ghosts vomited out, and a few powerful ghosts even patted the table unceremoniously.

The corner of the proprietress's mouth twitched, and it was the first time for her to see such a big scene where dozens of ghosts scolded her!

But soon, there was another change in the field.

All the clamoring ghosts suddenly rolled their eyes and fainted on the table.

One second he was still roaring, and the next second he was already sound asleep.

As a result, the entire inn suddenly fell silent.

"This is..." The proprietress was shocked again.

At the same time, Lin Chen walked out of the kitchen, looked at his masterpiece, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he took out the pink sack and swept away all the ghosts.

"Clean up and get on with business."

Lin Chen told the proprietress.

The door of the inn has always been closed, so the disappearance of these ghosts will not be directly seen by anyone, at most it will arouse the suspicion of some ghosts who have been paying attention to the restaurant.

However, Lin Chen didn't care about this kind of thing.

His clientele is currently mainly ghosts from outside.

The proprietress did it herself and cleaned up the table with Leng Ying.

Not long after, as expected, more evil spirits began to enter the door one after another.

Seeing that there were no other ghosts in the inn, they didn't notice any abnormalities, but ordered meals by themselves.

Lin Chen harvested three waves before it was over.

In the afternoon, the guests who come in basically don't order food, but put forward a request to stay in the hotel.

Lin Chen was not too anxious about this kind of ghosts, and after signaling Leng Ying to take them into the guest room, he came to the proprietress and said, "Go out and contact your channel for buying and selling human flesh, treat it as a normal transaction, and don't worry about anything else. .”

In fact, the proprietress has always been responsible for buying goods from the source in the ghost market.

The proprietress was startled, then forced a smile and said, "My lord, we really don't dare to sell human flesh anymore."

"Just let you go."


The proprietress was very sensible, agreed, and after tidying up her expressions, she walked out of the inn.

Lin Chen flashed out of thin air, his body disappeared in place, he had already put on his invisibility cloak, and followed behind the proprietress.

outside world.

After seeing the proprietress walking out, some ghostly eyes moved slightly.

Some ghosts even left and contacted the strong behind them.

Whether it was the expressionless proprietress or Lin Chen who was following behind, they all noticed these ghostly movements.


Soon there was a figure standing in front of the proprietress.

He was dressed in black, with a deep breath, standing quietly in the middle of the street, and the surrounding environment seemed to have become gloomy because of his presence.

"Hongji, your store seems to be a bit uneasy recently." The black-clothed ghost said.

"Master Heiyuan." The proprietress saluted, and the person who came was a heaven-reaching evil ghost.

The proprietress only hesitated for a moment, and then she said: "A mysterious ghost came to the store, and he only lived in one room, so I opened the door of the inn last night, hoping to make some windfall with my brothers, but I didn't expect that. The strength of ghosts is beyond my expectation."

Hei Yuan nodded, and said: "It should be Tongtian, but do you know what kind of ghost it is and what force it comes from?"

"It's not clear, his face is a little strange, and he has never seen it before."

The proprietress didn't tell the real situation of Lin Chen. Due to the mental restraint, she didn't dare to betray Lin Chen at all, but the news about the inn had already been spread, so it was impossible for her to express her ignorance, which would cause even more trouble for her. Big trouble.

"Since it is Tongtian Ghost, the death of those ghosts can only be considered unlucky. It is a joke for the ghosts to hunt and kill Tongtian Ghost."

"Your Excellency said it was true. I also blame the younger sister for being abrupt and opened the door rashly."

"However, in this ghost city, even the Tongtian ghost is not absolutely invincible. There are more than one or two Tongtian ghosts who died in the ghost city." Hei Yuan said meaningfully.

The proprietress looked awe-inspiring and remained silent.

"Open the door tonight, and I'll go and have a look."


Hei Yuan left, her eyes flickering with greed, and the proprietress watched Hei Yuan's back for a long time, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Although Heiyuan is very powerful, he is not an ordinary Tongtian ghost at all.

But in her eyes, if Heiyuan really dared to come, the ending would definitely not be too good.

because it was morning,

It is the morning that has been singing all the way since it appeared, turning the horror world upside down.

If that kind of unimaginable talent and strength is really at the sky level, then there is only one who can really suppress Chen now!

That is the ghost of the ghost city.

The former copy master.

It's just that only she and the chef ghost Leng Ying know about all this, and they can't tell the other ghosts.

Not only the proprietress, but also Lin Chen watched Hei Yuan leave.

The proprietress went all the way to the end of the street, and after looking around, she came to a closed door.

This is an iron gate, somewhat dilapidated and rusty.

It looked like an abandoned store.

But Lin Chen clearly felt that there was a lot of power of rules attached to it, and it formed a kind of introversion. If it wasn't for his superior mental power and the ability to reverse the rules, he was very sensitive to the power of rules, and he might have discovered There is no exception to this door.

The proprietress knocked rhythmically on the iron door.


The iron door opened automatically, and there was no light inside, it was very dark.

The proprietress walked into it, followed closely by Lin Chen.

The iron gate is closed.

The proprietress walked towards the interior with ease.

The environment is very dark, and you can't see your fingers, but this doesn't affect the vision of Lin Chen and the proprietress at all.

There is a living room inside, which looks a bit empty, there are no tables, chairs and benches at all, only a bar counter in front of it.

There are ten porcelain jars with skull patterns placed on it.

"Uncle Wu."

The proprietress spoke softly.

The voice fell.

There was a sudden noise in the silent room.

One of the porcelain jars was opened out of thin air, and a black shadow that perfectly blended with the darkness emerged, and gradually grew larger, forming an old man's face.

"It turned out to be Hongji, but came to buy ingredients?"

The old man's face didn't see Lin Chen wearing the invisibility cloak, and after looking at the proprietress, he chuckled.

"Yes, I need the flesh and blood of a Samsung player." The proprietress looked very respectful.

"The trading day is almost here, as long as there is only one, it seems that the business of your store is very ordinary."

"There are evil customers in the shop, they are very powerful, and have killed many ghosts."

"Huh? That's interesting. If you can kill this villain, the money you can reap is much better than selling some human flesh and blood. The villain who can't be dealt with by your strength should be the Tongtian Ghost."


"Interesting, but this has nothing to do with the old man. I prefer doing business rather than fighting."

The old man's face was full of wrinkles, and he had a chrysanthemum-like smile. His eyes were big, but there were no pupils, only two tiny blue will-o'-the-wisps.

He walked out of the porcelain vase he was perched on, and landed on the ground, only 1.3 meters high, dry and dry. He bent his back and coughed lightly: "You wait here, I'll help you get the goods here."

The old ghost left the front desk and walked towards the back door.

Seeing this, Lin Chen followed directly.

Soon, the two left the dilapidated shop through another door.

It's just that when I saw the outside world again, the surrounding environment was already a little different.

The buildings in the ghost market usually look a bit dilapidated, but when I saw it again this time, I was actually under a group of high-rise buildings, as if I stepped through the back door of the shop and came to another world.

These high-rise buildings are very close together, forming lanes and lanes, like a maze.

The old man didn't know whether he was vigilant or had his own way of doing things, but his speed was very slow. After a long time, he came to another store under his hesitation.

There is a sign on this store that reads "Inch steps."

The window was open, and a middle-aged male ghost was waiting for something in front of the window.

In fact, this was the first ghost Lin Chen encountered after entering here.

"Boss, let me have a piece of mutton, Samsung's is fine."

The old ghost spoke in a strange tone. Even though he was very familiar with the middle-aged male ghost, he still had to keep to the basic rules.

Use special codes to communicate.

This signal is simple and clear, but the tone is very weird, it sounds like a big show.

"Young or old?" The tone of the middle-aged male ghost was also a little strange.

"Young, young tender meat."


After the communication, the middle-aged male ghost withdrew his head and prepared to temporarily close the window with his hand.

Seeing this, Lin Chen immediately blurred his body, turning into an invisible shadow, and slipped in through the window.

The old man ghost waited outside in a daze.

Following the middle-aged male ghost, Lin Chen walked through a door again, and the scene in front of him changed from a high-rise building to a brand new scene.

There is no sky here, but indoors.

There is dim candlelight, but it is still dim. The surrounding walls and the top of the head are all earthy, which should be underground.

In fact, Lin Chen already understood when he got here.

At this time, he is no longer in the ghost market!

Whether it is the high-rise buildings before, or the underground in front of you.

It's all another space.

The two layers of different spaces opened up by the powerhouse of the ghost city with great power!

No wonder the proprietress said she didn't know where those humans were hidden.

Even if he knew, Lin Chen couldn't walk in here without going through those two doors, which are the coordinates.

Lin Chen and the middle-aged male ghost are in a deep passage.

There are ghost clan leaders wearing black armor on both sides, and their strength is all higher than that of the real king.

Although the middle-aged male ghost is a powerhouse at the Heavenly Level, when he got here, he still took out a token to prove his identity before walking inside.

This passage was very long and very rough. The middle-aged male ghost walked at a leisurely pace, turned many corners, and walked for five minutes before arriving at the final destination.

In front of the passage, there is a wide space.

Except for some patrolling ghosts, the first thing Lin Chen noticed were the black crystals.

There are tens of thousands of these black crystals adsorbed on the top of their heads!

And inside each spar, a human being is sealed.

UU reading can clearly see their appearance.

Men, women and children.

Lin Chen even saw the newborn baby.

They were naked, with their eyes closed, like clumps of frozen raw meat.

Below, there are pieces of skeletons, like a forest of corpses.

The smell of blood was extremely strong.

After walking into this spacious space, Lin Chen felt a strange feeling under his feet, as if he was not stepping on a hard ground.

It's like stepping on a soft carpet.

bow your head.

Lin Chen finally noticed that under his feet, there was a pitch blackness, which was composed of countless hairs rubbed together.

What kind of carpet is this? It is clearly a ground paved with countless human hairs!

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