MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 515 : Ghost City is still reliable

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"What's going on?"

"Why did it open again?"

"Could it be that the three elders who were at the pinnacle of good fortune just disappeared?"

The strength of the three ghosts that went in was not impressive, even in the ghost market, they had a great reputation.

Therefore, all the ghosts present thought that something must happen to the big fish in the barren stack.

Unexpectedly, the three ghosts who entered the barren stack did not even make a splash, and the door opened again, and the meaning of the door opening again is self-evident.

"Could it be that there are also three pinnacles of creation?"

"Or, the so-called prey is the Tongtian ghost!"

"Impossible, how could the proprietress of Huangzhan dare to fight against the Tongtian ghost?"

"It's terrible. Calculated in this way, the business there is even bigger. The first five and the last three are worth eight fortunes!"

A ghost thought of this, even though the scene was a bit weird at this time, he still couldn't help his eyes glowing, turning green in the night, like a wild wolf.

But the strength of the vast majority of ghosts is still not at the level that can touch this cake.

No matter how tempted you are, you can only watch.

But on this street, there are more than the previous three peak fortune ghosts.

Not long after, five ghosts gritted their teeth fiercely and jumped out. They were all the pinnacles of good fortune.抍

In the face of huge interests, there will always be ghosts who ignore or deliberately reduce objectively existing dangers. Even if this danger has already appeared in front of their eyes, they will still have various excuses to cheer themselves up for the sake of interests.

Five ghosts teaming up will always be stronger than the previous three ghosts!

The gate of the barren stack was closed again.

The streets became silent again.

But this time, all the ghosts didn't look back, they all focused on the gate of the deserted inn, waiting for the result.

Also in about half an hour, the gate of the barren stack opened again.

This time, all the ghosts couldn't calm down at all, and their expressions became extremely astonished.抍

" again?"

Inside the pitch-black door, the darkness that even the moonlight could not penetrate was like a devil's mouth, greedily devouring all the evil spirits that sneaked in.

"That's the pinnacle of the five creations. Is this desolate inn eating ghosts? There are so many ghosts going in, why is there no movement at all!"

"Thirteen good fortunes! Most of the good fortune ghosts on our street have gone in!"

"It's not just our street? Three of the five ghosts just came from the next street."

"That's right! That's a ghost at the pinnacle of good fortune! It's not a Chinese cabbage. Could it be that the ghost inside is really a ghost!"

"I'm withdrawing, you stay on guard, if the ghost inside comes out, be careful and you will lose your life."

The shock in the hearts of the ghosts is unimaginable.

Any one of the ghosts who entered the barren stack could crush a large group of them when they came out. However, such a powerful group of ghosts entered the barren stack, but they died without knowing how, and just disappeared.

While this shocked them, great fear arose in their hearts.

No longer caring about being a predator, they all looked like frightened mice, retreating quickly and hiding deeper in the darkness.

In the barren stack.

Lin Chendan sat downstairs calmly.

He never went upstairs from the beginning to the end.抍

It can be said that as soon as those ghosts came in, they were captured by him.

Waiting for half an hour before opening the door is undoubtedly leaving a signal for the ghosts outside.

A sign that he wasn't too strong.

Used for fishing.

The ghosts outside regarded Lin Chen as a big fish, and Lin Chen also regarded the ghosts outside as fat fish.

From the current point of view, Lin Chen is a good fisherman, but after a few operations, he is still a little bit fried.

"The combat effectiveness of this ghost city is not good."

Lin Chen shook his head. Although the harvest of the night was already great, he didn't enjoy it at all.

In his eyes, all the ghosts line up to enter the inn, and it is best to come one by one.

After thinking about it, Lin Chen came to the kitchen again.

"Master Chen, we have opened the door again according to your wishes."

The proprietress trembled.

Only the ghost who has actually seen Lin Chen make a move will know how terrifying Lin Chen is.

Forget about the five ghosts in front, their strengths are uneven, but the eight ghosts behind are not weaker than the proprietress.抍

But even if those ghosts teamed up, they didn't pose any threat to Lin Chen. In other words, in a face-to-face meeting, those ghosts didn't even have a chance to make a move, and the ghost power didn't break out into turmoil. inside.

This kind of strength is absolutely invincible in Good Fortune.

It is even very possible that Lin Chen has broken through the sky!

This made the three ghosts' fear of Lin Chen climb to a new level again.

"I know, but it seems that there shouldn't be any ghosts coming in. Your ghost city is not as dangerous as the real operation dungeon. You know, if it is a dungeon of the same scale, there are at least dozens of heaven-level native ghosts in it." , These few fortunes are not enough to fit between the teeth." Lin Chen said contemptuously.

The three ghosts looked dumbfounded.

what's the situation?抍

Is there anyone who doesn't think ghost cities are dangerous enough?

But thinking of Lin Chen's identity, they still suppressed their beating hearts.

The human being in front of him is an unreasonable existence!

"Do you want to close that door?" The proprietress asked cautiously.

"No, it's up to whoever wants to come. Besides, is there any way for you to let more ghosts enter your barren inn?" Lin Chen asked.


The three ghosts shook their heads subconsciously. They are traders who talk about the willingness to take the bait, and murder is a matter of murder after they come, but they never take the initiative to solicit customers.抍

Not to mention the fact that Lin Chen was already scared of the ghosts outside, no one dared to come in at this time even if he pulled him.

Lin Chen frowned, and a dangerous light appeared in his eyes.

Seeing this, the proprietress's body trembled suddenly, her thoughts flashed rapidly, and she quickly said: "Yes... also, but it will definitely not work today."

"You don't want to delay time, do you?" Lin Chen twitched his lips.

"No, the closer to the trading day in the ghost market, the more lively it is. It is estimated that starting tomorrow, the number of ghosts will increase again, and the business in the inn will also increase. Many ghosts even come from afar just to taste it in an inn like ours. one time…"

After all, the proprietress dared not say the word human flesh, but Lin Chen already understood it. He just thought about it for a while, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly:

"Since that's the case, let's take away the ghosts who are staying in the store today, and make room early. Starting tomorrow, I will also enter the back kitchen and serve those ghosts who eat people with you."

The word "service" was emphasized a little bit, and the three ghosts shuddered when they heard it.

After all, Lin Chen still used his spiritual power to leave a mental restraint in the body of the proprietress Sangui, which strengthened his deterrent power against the Sangui, so that the Sangui no longer had any chances.

Originally, he didn't plan to keep these three ghosts for too long. After finishing this ticket, he planned to change the inn tomorrow, but it seems that these three ghosts can still be used.

Then, it cannot be completely stocked.

Ignoring the unsightly expressions of the three ghosts, Lin Chen turned and left, went straight upstairs, took out the wire, and started harvesting room by room.

The door with the power of rules couldn't stop Lin Chen at all, and the ghosts inside the door didn't rest. When they saw the door suddenly opened, their faces were full of disbelief, but before they could react, they were put in the sack by Lin Chen among.

Especially the two men and two women who had a certain intersection with Lin Chen in the first place. The death of the old man made them frightened all night. When they saw Lin Chen appearing, they were even more stupid. Take it away in the morning.抍

After a while, the entire barren inn turned into a real "barren" inn, with no tenants except Lin Chen, a villain.

This night, undercurrents surged in the ghost market.

What happened in Huangzhan was passed on to many places in the ghost city.

Hearing that a prey had killed thirteen good fortune ghosts, many ghosts were shocked and gloated at the ghosts who kicked the iron plate. At the same time, they were secretly glad that they were not there, or "missed the opportunity".

Some ghosts also showed great interest.

In the ghost market, there are also ghosts that reach the sky. Lin Chen's matter is not small, but it is not too big, and it does not violate the rules of the ghost market.

At most, it's nothing more than cooperating with the proprietress of the barren inn.抍

Because of this, many ghosts will have suspicion and hostility towards the proprietress of Huangzhan, and become wary of Lin Chen or continue to hold the greedy mentality that existed in the first place.

That's all.

In the ghost market, as long as the regulations are not violated, no matter how many ghosts are killed, no one will take care of them. Here, the lives of ghosts are nothing more than benefits.

next morning.

Lin Chen walked out of the inn early and found that the seemingly desolate ghost market had indeed become more lively. At least, ghosts were no longer so rare.

When it was close to noon, many ghosts crowded into the deserted inn, or they opened rooms for accommodation, or ordered food and drink, and all of them wanted human flesh.

Most of these ghosts are new ghosts who have entered the ghost market from the outside world today. They don't know anything about what happened in Huangzhang yesterday.抍

"The resources in the ghost market are unmatched by the outside world. The wine and meat here are very good."

"That's right. Tasting the flesh and blood of Gao Xing's players is a worthwhile trip."

After the ghosts ordered their meals, they all expressed their anticipation.

There are more ghosts entering today than yesterday, and the entire inn is like a carnival of evil ghosts.

Originally, they were ghosts in the ghost market, but they also mixed in with the ghosts at this time. They came to investigate the specific situation of yesterday.

The death of more than a dozen good fortune ghosts still involved some interests. Some ghosts did not intend to simply give up Lin Chen as their prey, but Lin Chen's strength did indeed frighten many ghosts.

So there is no direct conflict, but a trial.抍

Some of them tried to communicate with the proprietress, while others looked around, trying to find the truth through some details.

But the ghosts in the barren inn had long been captured by Lin Chen, and the whole inn seemed to be "refreshed", and there was no evidence to provide clues.

As for the proprietress, because of the mental restraint, no one would pay attention to her.

In fact, from yesterday to now, she has been preoccupied. Anyone who is occupied by others and whose life is in danger at all times may not be able to calm down.

Therefore, in this seemingly bustling deserted inn, there are actually ghosts in everyone's mind.

In this regard, Lin Chen just sat in the corner, holding a wine glass, and looked at the ghosts.


"What's going on! Madam Boss, we've been here for a long time, why didn't you get a piece of human flesh? Could it be that there's none in your shop?"

"So did we. We were only served drinks for such a long time. We didn't come here just to drink!"

"It's the same with us."

The bustling inn became more noisy with a voice of dissatisfaction.

All ghosts have found a problem.

It was the human flesh and blood they ordered, which was not served at all. The owner and waiter of the barren inn seemed to be perfunctory, and only brought out some drinks.

The proprietress took a deep breath and looked at Lin Chen.抍

This happened naturally because of Lin Chen.

With Lin Chen around, she dared not use human flesh and blood at all.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, then said a few words through spiritual voice transmission, and then walked towards the back kitchen.

After the proprietress received Lin Chen's news, she forced a smile to comfort her and said, "It's about to start, everyone, don't worry, just wait quietly for a few minutes."

In the back kitchen, the chef ghost stood in front of the counter restlessly.

He swore that this was the happiest day he had spent in the ghost city.抍

But he didn't feel slack because of this, on the contrary, he felt extremely uneasy.

"What are you doing."

In the silent environment, a hand stretched out from the darkness and put it on Chef Ghost's shoulder. Lin Chen's face emerged from the shadows, approached his ear, and asked softly.


Why is he here!

Chef Ghost's body trembled. Lin Chen's appearance made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and at the same time, he couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

"Master Chen, I..." For a moment, the chef ghost didn't know what to say.抍

Lin Chen patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said with a smile, "There is no human flesh and blood in the shop, right?"

"No, Master Chen, I will never touch that thing again!" Ghost Chef expressed his opinion quickly.

Lin Chen shook his head: "How can a businessman not meet the needs of customers?"

Chef Ghost was taken aback, not knowing why Lin Chen said that.

"They want to eat meat, so let's prepare it for them." Lin Chen laughed.

"Master Chen, you are... ah!"

The chef ghost was a little suspicious at first, and then suddenly let out a scream.抍

His arm has been broken!

Blue ghost blood sprayed out, and the broken arm fell to the ground.

And between Lin Chen's two fingers, there was an extremely small blade, and ghost blood flowed through the blade, dripping down from the fingertips.

The pitiful screams of the chef ghost also spread outside.

Many ghost customers all looked towards the kitchen.

The power of rules is pervasive there, and sight and mental power cannot pry into it, but they can hear this voice clearly.

For a moment, they couldn't help but nodded, and all the dissatisfaction in their hearts dissipated.抍


The ghost market is still reliable, although it was a bit late, but it still started to kill people!

And some ghosts who were originally in the ghost market were a little surprised.

When did the supply side start selling living people?

The proprietress and Leng Ying froze in place.

The landlady's face turned pale, cold sweat dripped from the cold baby's head.

They knew that the screams were not made by humans, but by chef ghosts!抍

Read The Duke's Passion