MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 505 : Family reunion.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

While the three ghosts were unwilling, they also noticed something.

"The power of this rule..."

"There is no mistake! It is very similar to that power!"

"How is this possible? Could it be that the ghost outside the sky was introduced by Yuan? Or is it that Yuan is behind Chen..." "Didn't Yuan want us to destroy Lan Xing? What exactly is he going to do?"

The three discussed in low voices for a while, and finally had no choice but to suppress the throbbing in their hearts, and left here.

that day.

Chen reappeared in the world of horror and slaughtered a whole city. The news of defeating the elite ghost clan of the Yinyue Dynasty and the proud son of the sky, Hades, spread.

This matter was too much trouble, even though the three peerless ghosts and gods would not tell it everywhere, they were still noticed by other existences and announced the news.

"What? Even His Majesty the Underworld God has been defeated by Chen. He has already reached the pinnacle of good fortune, and is about to become a heavenly ghost?"

"I don't know, the source of the news is vague, but the destruction of Yancheng is a fact. In addition, I also heard an even more shocking news, that is, the three ghosts of the Yinyue Dynasty, and the three Tongtian ghosts. Difficulty in hand."

"It's impossible! The second ghost enters the blue star and is suppressed by the law, so he hates it. But the third master Ming is a real ghost. How did he do it?"

"It seems that Chen is also backed by ghosts and gods. I don't know who exactly, but this news is relatively reliable, because in the end even Ghost King Mingichi, Master Jiji of Jidao Sea, and Master Shiji of Time Island also appeared. , but Chen was not left behind, allowing him to escape successfully.”

"Killing a ghost, three Tongtian, His Highness the Underworld, many elite ghosts with the Ming surname, and a ghost city, and still escape, Chen is too heaven-defying!"

"Nowadays, Yinhuang Continent is facing internal and external troubles. There is an evil organization called the God Group to deceive the ghost race, and there is also a ghost slaughter like Chen. I don't know if we are invading Blue Star now, or Blue Star is invading us..."


After Lin Chen returned to Blue Star, he didn't return to his villa immediately.

Instead, he went directly to Chonglan.

Under the dazed look of the other party, he grabbed it and pressed it to the ground, which was a violent beating.

"Fuck! Are you so crazy? How did I offend you again?" Chong Lan wailed for a while, and at the same time asked furiously, feeling greatly wronged.

Lin Chen didn't say a word, and his attack was extremely dark, until he beat Chong Lan until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he repeatedly begged for mercy, then he let out a breath and stopped.

"Your ancestors offended me."

Although Chong Lan was lying on the ground, Lin Chen still said with an unkind expression.

"My ancestor? What does my ancestor have to do with me?!" Chong Lan became even more annoyed when he heard the words.

He suffered a series of severe beatings for no reason, which made him very aggrieved.

Besides, my ancestor offended you, you go to him, what's the matter with taking my anger out on me?

Chong Lan wanted to cry, but soon, he was taken aback and reacted, staring at Lin Chen with wide eyes: "Have you seen my ancestor?"

"It's more than just seeing, if it weren't for my life and tricks, I probably wouldn't have come back, and the twenty crystals I owe you would not be paid. "

In the end what happened?

Chong Lan took a deep breath. Those who he could call his ancestors were definitely at the level of heaven or ghosts and gods. Lin Chen was able to escape back to Blue Star in front of such strong people. Chong Lan could no longer care about his resentment. Instead, she was extremely shocked and curious.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Which ancestor? What's your name?"

"Extreme fall."

"Have you seen my second ancestor?" Chong Lan almost jumped up, his voice became sharp, and his heart was already shocked to the extreme.

Unexpectedly, what Lin Chen saw was indeed a ghost.

"Not only him, but also Shiji from the Island of Time, Ming Yi and Ming San from the Yinyue Dynasty."

Four ghosts and gods!

Chong Lan first looked at Lin Chen as if he was looking at a monster, but soon, he shook his head and abandoned the thoughts in his heart.

"Impossible, except for Mingsan, the other three are all top ghosts and gods.

Readers, when you saw them, there probably was not even scum left, how could they escape? You are lying to me. "

He couldn't believe it. In his perception, this was completely unreasonable. Even Ming San could kill Lin Chenfeng in one breath, let alone the other three.

"I also have a helper. I'm pulling an accomplice out of the mining area."

Lin Chen could tell that Chonglan had no connection with the Horror World, otherwise he wouldn't be so surprised, and the matter of the mining area was not a secret to Chonglan.

"Did you pull out the beep in the beep?"


"Fuck! Why can you say it, but I can't say it, it's not fair." Chong Lan wanted to cry, feeling the deep malice of fate towards him.

Because you used to be a miner and I wasn't.

Lin Chen naturally understood the reason. When he asked about the situation in the Chonglan mining area before, this product kept "silencing". It was Lin Chen who only understood it.

"No wonder, there are many strong people there, I can accept Huahua escorting you back, but you are too surprising to me, you can not only enter at will, but also pull Huahua out, this is too unbelievable "Chonglan was shocked, and then he couldn't help asking curiously:

"It's only been a few days, even my second ancestors have come out, what have you experienced?"

"I got rid of Hades first." Lin Chen didn't hide anything, and after venting his anger on Chong Yuan, he finally felt refreshed.

Sure enough, happiness is based on the pain of ghosts.

Moreover, in this game with Xin Jing World, although it was dangerous, he won in the end. He successfully left the Horror World under the noses of the three ghosts and gods, and he also gained a lot.

After relaxing, a smile appeared on his face.

"God of the Underworld? That proud son of the Yinyue Dynasty, you even defeated him!" Chong Lan was a little surprised, and found that she still underestimated Lin Chen's strength a lot.

Chonglan thought that even if he broke through the good luck ghost, it would be difficult to suppress the underworld god. At least he had to condense the ghost power to above the middle level to be sure of victory.

After all, Hades is not a simple character, with great talent and potential, and with the behemoth Yinyue Dynasty behind him, he has a lot of resources. He is definitely a top-notch ghost, and he can be called one of the strongest creations in Yinhuangzhou.

"However, since you captured the **** of the underworld first, it is indeed not a small disturbance. I think that is why those ghosts and gods appeared, hehe... I met that guy, the **** of the underworld, after his return. Displeased, but now it seems that he may not be able to escape the fate of a miner, I really want to see his expression after entering the mining area." Chong Lan suddenly felt a sense of schadenfreude.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

He has no sympathy for the **** of the underworld, which is definitely an alternative, but he really maintains neutrality, and because of the deal with Lin Chen, he can even be regarded as a villain who frightens the world.

Lin Chen was also happy, and said, "In that case, I can send you there together."

Speaking of which, Chonglan can still exchange for a red treasure chest, but this task is not time-limited, it is always there.

Hearing this, Chong Lan quickly took two steps back, avoiding that place like a snake and scorpion, shaking her head like a rattle.

Lin Chen stopped joking, and continued to talk: "The **** of the underworld is very strong. When I caught him, there was an accident, which caused the energy to burst out, so I simply destroyed Yancheng and captured him. There were 20,000 little ghosts, but Ming San came too fast, and my escape method was restricted by him. At the critical moment, I hid in the mining area and pulled a ghost out."

"It's just a Mingsan, wait! You won't..."

Chong Lan noticed something, and a guess that made his scalp tingle appeared in his mind.

"Ming San was soon taken care of by the ghosts and gods I called, and it was precisely because of the battle between the ghosts and gods that the other three ghosts and gods were alarmed again..."

Lin Chen briefly explained what happened next.

Chong Lan was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell off, he stared at Lin Chen dumbfounded: "That is to say, you captured another ghost and god, and three Tongtian?"


"Fuck! How much is this worth?"

Chong Lan didn't care about the loss of the Horror World at all. Instead, his eyeballs were turning green, and he was so envious that he was mad. He knew that ghosts could be exchanged for **** crystals with Lin Chen. The last time he traded with ghosts and gods, he got two Baifang Shenjing.

He also knew that a ghost was worth more than Qianfang Shenjing, but he didn't complain about it, after all, he just provided some information.

It's just that right now, he still can't hold back his mentality, he is envious from the bottom of his heart.

What a windfall this must be!

Seeing the dozens of small fish and shrimps he had only caught after blocking the door for half a month, Chong Lan suddenly felt unsatisfactory, and even had a crazy idea in his mind to enter the horror world with Lin Chen to tie ghosts .

"Okay, I'm out of breath, and I owe you the twenty crystals I owed you last time."

Lin Chen threw out twenty divine crystals, and at the same time took away the ghosts that Chonglan had caught, converted into two divine crystals, threw them to Chonglan, and then flew back to his villa.

It didn't take long for the news of the horror world to reach Blue Star.

After Zhou Geng kept confirming with Lin Chen, hearty laughter kept ringing out in the office.

And announce the news as soon as possible.

This is not to claim credit or show off. Blue Star's situation is in crisis. With such good news, it is natural to release it to cheer people up.

Hearing that Li Shen sneaked into the horror world again and made such a heinous event, both ordinary people and other players fell into madness again.

The word Li Shen appeared on the streets, on the Internet, and on the news.

Make people reverence and awe.

For the entire Blue Star, the word "Li Shen" is already a kind of belief.

The ghosts hiding in Blue Star were completely stunned. Certain legendary ghosts, similar to water ghosts, were so frightened that the ghosts lost control and collapsed into a pool of water.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

An invisible existence taking a bath in a certain bathhouse, muttering to himself: "Grandpa, the old ancestor is too badass, my grandson, I can never return to the horror world, and I can't get rid of the invisible state, he is too strong It's terrible, the rest of my life, I might as well just spend the rest of my life here..."


Lin Chen ignored the news from the outside world.

Instead, after returning to the villa he rented, he broke through the different space and plunged into it.

It took a long time before he cut off the kidneys and ghost domains of all the real king ghosts and hall ghosts, and either amplified himself or threw them into the ghost domain.

The two little guys haven't finished dealing with the mental energy that the ghosts and ghosts have decomposed, and these tasks have become more...

Even if they are absolutely loyal to Lin Chen, they still feel a kind of despair about the future workload, because they know that the mental energy decomposed by these ghost domains in front of them is just an appetizer, and there will be a good fortune, three Tongtian, and another A ghost and **** in Huangquan is waiting.

"Although Dad hasn't stopped, but I feel that Xiao Hei and I will never be free again, so tired..."

"Ho Ho."

Hearing the two little guys complaining, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing and said, "When I come out of the mining area, I'll give you a week's vacation. Ling'er will go to school to experience life, and Xiao Hei will just go to the zoo for a few days." Well, there is room and board included.”

"Let's keep working, Blackie."

"Ho Ho."

Lin Chen smiled, but he was only joking just now, and after dealing with this matter, he will stop for a while, and then he can give the two little guys a few days off.

In fact, Lin Chen has always treated these two little guys as his own children. It is extremely pitiful that God has denied them the chance to be humans, beasts, and living beings. Being dependent and loyal, Lin Chen would naturally treat them kindly and not be harsh on them.

"Like a **** descending."

Lin Chen activated his ability, and came to the flood cave with the light of rules.

Seeing Lin Chen's arrival, most of the injuries on his body have recovered, at least on the surface it looks no different from usual

The Hong Mo suddenly laughed.

"Brother, you are a little late, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

The other two ghosts and gods were looking at Lin Chen with burning eyes.

Ming Guishen Ming Er is the complete opposite, with a face full of ashes, obviously having received news about the horror world, and knowing that something has happened to Ming San at this time.

It's just that he seems to have accepted the new round of "education of love" given to him by the Flood Demon, and he didn't dare to jump up and shout.

"Taking things up."

Lin Chen simply dismissed the topic, then took out the pink sack, and poured out all the Mingsan, the three Tongtian ghosts, and the gods inside.

At this time, the five ghosts had all regained their consciousness, and when they saw the surrounding scene, they immediately showed expressions of disbelief.

"What is this place!"

"It's not like the horror world, and it's not popular either!"

"Could it be... Chen brought us to another world? Where is this?"

The three Tongtian ghosts were astonished. First they were defeated and fell into the hands of others, and now they are in an unfamiliar environment. Coupled with seeing Hong Mo, Lin Chen, and two other strange ghosts and gods, this lineup and situation can't help but make them feel nervous. There was a trace of panic.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Ming San." Ming Gui Shen Ming Er spoke from behind, which immediately attracted the attention of all the ghosts.

"Second brother!" Ming San, who was looking around with stern eyes, immediately turned his head when he heard Ming Er's voice, and exclaimed when he saw that it was indeed Ming Er.

"Master Ming San!"


The three Tongtian and Mingshen were also shocked, and quickly saluted.

"Why are you here, aren't you already... what is this place?"

Ming San asked eagerly.

He never expected that after he was defeated by that strange ghost, he opened his eyes again and saw his "dead" second brother.

"This is the world beyond the sky, a dark mine."

Compared with the astonishment of Ming San and other ghosts, Ming Er's heart was full of despair, and he explained with a pale face.

"Mine? What kind of mine? What are they bringing us here for?" Ming San and other ghosts realized something in astonishment.

But at this time, Lin Chen didn't wait for Ming Er to answer, and interrupted directly:

"What else can I do? Of course I will send you to mine to show off your talents."

All the ghosts were dumbfounded.

Lin Chen didn't care. Almost everyone was in such a state when they entered the mining area, and they needed some education to get used to it.

For example, Ming Er...

"Now I announce that you have been sold to Brother Hong Mo by me, and you will be the miners of Brother Hong Mo in the future. You must work hard and don't embarrass me and the horror world behind you."

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