MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 504 : Next time, or next time, you will be the prey.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The fight between the four ghosts and gods was too terrifying. If Lin Chen hadn't been protected by the flood demon, he might have had to use ecstasy as soon as possible to avoid this aftermath by using the power of rules.

A strange power erupted from the Flood Demon, turning the surrounding land instantly into black. This is a color full of death, the power of barrenness.

Compared with the surroundings, Hong Mo exudes blue divine power, which is incomparably vast and magnificent. Among so many mines, Hong Mo is definitely the front-line foreman.

He was able to give Lin Chen a sky-high price of 10,000 square meters of divine crystals. It is conceivable that Hong Mo refined the divine crystals in the mining area over the years.

And this kind of power also caused the three ghosts and gods to change their colors at the same time.

"There is such a high level of divine power!"

"Is this an extraterrestrial resource?"

While the three ghosts and gods were shocked, a trace of hotness and greed flashed in their eyes, and they shot more swiftly and fiercely, sparing no effort.

Just at the very beginning, all releases gave the strongest means.

There was a strange fluctuation in the cloudy moon in the sky, which was connected with Ming Yi.

The moonlight seemed to become brighter, covering the earth with a silver glow.

The moonlight on Ming Yi's body was obviously stronger, and as he continued to absorb the power of the moon, his clothes gradually turned to silver. At the same time, his aura became more terrifying, like the emperor of the moon, under the moon, Every move can make the world collapse.

Time freezes, everything loses sound, the long river of time behind Shi Si becomes extremely turbulent, the rich power of time is fluctuating, Shi Si opened a vertical eye on his forehead, and in the pupil, there seem to be countless connected gears that are slowing down. Turn slowly.

Ji Zhi tore his shirt, his body grew, and became four meters tall, and his appearance changed drastically. A kind of red armor appeared on his body, covered with barbs, and even his face was covered. Leaving out a pair of scarlet eyes, he scanned the flood demon.

The real ghost!

This kind of ability, even at the level of ghosts and gods, is a very strong increase.

They usually look like people, but at this time, they are truly pure evil spirits, both in appearance and in essence.

"What pure ghost power, what a strong divinity!"

Hong Mo's eyes flickered, his spirit was tense, and he was not careless from the beginning to the end.

He also activated the ghost avatar and turned into a strong man like an iron tower. Except for the different body shape, his appearance is not much different from usual, but at this time, there are strange black patterns on his body. , like a tattoo.


Time and space are crumbling. The four ghosts and gods fought together again.

All the changes are almost in the blink of an eye. Their speed is too fast. Both sides have their own plans and want to complete them as soon as possible.

Lin Chen didn't stand still, he tried his best to grab Ming San amidst the turbulent energy.

As long as Ming San and the other three Tongtian are taken away, his mission with Hong Mo will be over!

After all, the Flood Demon has already confessed, and it is already difficult to withstand the attack. It is impossible to defeat these three top ghosts and gods in the horror world.

But this action is not simple. At this time, Lin Chen is like a small boat in a storm in the battle between the four ghosts and gods. It is very difficult to keep it from turning over, and he can't control the direction at all.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Fortunately, the distance between Mingsan and Lin Chen is not far away. The flood demon tried his best to intercept the attack of the three ghosts and lighten Lin Chen's burden. In the end, Lin Chen's hand successfully touched Mingsan. Ming San's upper body slipped inside.


Seeing Lin Chen's actions, Ming Yi uttered an angry voice, full of majesty, like the will of heaven and earth. No action was seen by Ming Yi, the power of the moonlight permeating the air suddenly exploded, and in just an instant, cracks appeared in the protective cover on Lin Chen's body.


Hong Mo snorted coldly and threw out a punch. The violent energy evaporated the power of Yuehua, and the power of Yuehua around Lin Chen was instantly emptied.

There was a gap.

Lin Chen's heart was beating wildly. This kind of life and death crisis could already be called, even if it was him,

It is impossible to be really calm, but this emotion is at most a kind of tension, not fear.

Lin Chen has never had any fear of ghosts. This kind of mentality seems to be innate. Coupled with his years of experience in tying ghosts, he has always regarded ghosts as prey.

And he has always been crazy, even if he meets Yuan, he wants to give it a try, not to mention the three ghosts in front of him.

Lin Chen's hair turned blue. Although he didn't participate in the battle, in order to control himself, he also activated the ghost avatar.

The holy power in the body is running at full force, the main body is blue, and mixed with red divine energy is released on it.

Although that kind of divine energy is far less powerful than the four ghosts and gods, its quality is extremely high. It seems to have the same origin as the flood demon's divinity, but there are obvious differences.

Even the four ghosts and gods in the battle showed shock.

"His divinity is so strong!"

"Blue Star's son of luck is too miraculous!"

"The secrets on Chen have the same source as the Flood Demon. As long as we catch one, we can explore the news from beyond the sky!"

Mingyi and the other three ghosts and gods whispered, and Hong Mo's eyes also flashed with surprise. He could clearly feel that Lin Chen's divinity definitely did not all come from the mining area.

It is mixed with another kind of divine energy of the same level!

This shocked him even more than the other three ghosts.

At the same level as the mining area Shenjing?

What it means behind this is self-evident!

That is the divine energy of another eternal god.

"The divinity of another eternal **** can use unimaginable power of regulation to shuttle back and forth in the mining area, and he can successfully bring me out. Is he really an angel?" At the moment when the ghosts were surprised .

Lin Chen, who had activated all his powers, finally put Mingsan into the pink sack in the violent ocean of energy!

The biggest fish had already been caught, Lin Chen caught the second smaller fish without saying a word, which was one of the three Tongtian ghosts.

"Ming San! Human, you are courting death!"

Seeing that Ming San was put into the sack by Lin Chen, Ming Yi's eyes turned cold, and he unleashed several terrifying attack methods, attacking Lin Chen and Hong Mo from all directions.

Seeing this, Hong Mo opened his palm first, and then shook it suddenly.

The invisible ghost power was turbulent, and the continuous roar of "Boom Boom!" came from the air, which was deafening.

"Time stop!"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Shi Si whispered, he looked a bit grim when he opened his vertical eyes, but he still had that detached temperament, and once again used the power of time to stabilize Hong Mo and Lin Chen.

The time stop this time is not comparable to the previous ones. Even the Flood Demon can only struggle with the power of time and cannot break through it quickly.

Shi Tinggui ranks the highest and has a great reputation in the heavens, but his ability is still too unique.

Taking advantage of this time, Ming Yi attacked again, the light of the cloudy moon in the sky became even brighter, and the endless power of the moonlight turned into countless spears, stabbing at the flood demon.

Shi Si's power was controlled very precisely, only targeting Lin Chen and Hong Mo, and did not affect the other two ghosts and gods.

Hong Mo's face stern, and the strength in his body exploded again, and he successfully swung a punch, blocking most of the Yuehua spears.

But there were still a small number of spears that hit the flood demon.

bang bang bang!

The spear successfully pierced Flood's body, and a blue mist of blood burst out!

Dozens of holes appeared in Hong Mo's powerful ghost body.

The blood of ghosts and gods spilled into the sky.

The battle between the four ghosts and gods finally began to see blood.

It's just that this kind of injury is nothing to a ghost.

Sure enough, even in the time domain's package, Hong Mo's injuries were still recovering rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, he recovered as before.

It's just that the combination of the three ghosts and gods is indeed too terrifying. When the extreme figure flashes, when it reappears, it teleports to the front of Hong Mo and strikes an extremely powerful punch.


this moment of crisis.

Hong Mo's face turned grim, and with a loud roar, he broke through the power of time around him again, and successfully swung his arm, punching Ji Yun.


The world exploded in this punch.

The two peerless ghosts and gods are both physically strong. The strength of this punch is not weaker than any previous collision.

The sharp spikes pierced Flood's fist, and in terms of shape, the limit did have some advantages.

It's just that this kind of penetrating injury is only a formality to Hong Mo, and it is not considered any harm at all.

It's just that Ji Yun's power is really too strong.

The limit took two steps back, while Hong Mo took five steps backwards. With each step, the space and the ground collapsed, and the whole earth trembled.

The last step stopped, and after stabilizing his body, Hong Mo rushed forward again, shouting at the same time:

"Brother, are you alright, I can't stand it anymore."

At this time, Lin Chen had successfully packed the two Tongtian ghosts into pink sacks, and started to catch the third Tongtian ghost.


Lin Chen replied that the long river of time behind him was also no longer smooth. He could be largely immune to the power of time, but his opponents were ghosts and gods after all.

In fact, if it weren't for the ability of the Flood Demon to stop the ghost while resisting, it would be difficult for him to take too many actions.

"Don't take the last one, let's throw it away!"

Hong Mo roared and swung a powerful punch, successfully knocking the polar ghost back, and at the same time dodging multiple attacks by Ming Yi and Shi Si.

His pressure is not normal.

"I've got it!"

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen responded that at this time, he finally caught the third Tongtian ghost and covered it with a pink sack.

All the big fish and small shrimps were caught, and it was indeed time to leave.

Originally, there were two ways for Lin Chen to leave, but with the destruction of Yancheng, the copy of the Ghost Restaurant has undoubtedly been destroyed, and he can only leave with the fixed-point teleportation talisman.

"Block it for a few more seconds, and I'll teleport right away."

It has to be said that although Xu Renfeng is a little mentally abnormal, he still has some brains. Among the five talismans given to Lin Chen, three of them were designated by Blue Star, which left a lot of ways out.

When Lin Chen teleported before, Ming San broke one of them, and now there are two more that can be used.

With the teleportation light of the power of rules on, Lin Chen once again used a fixed-point teleportation talisman.

Hong Mo's head was already sweating.

The ghost power of ghosts and gods is almost endless. In terms of stamina, two ghosts and gods of the same strength may have to fight for three days and three nights to separate life and death.

But that's at the same level.

In the current battle, the time did not delay too long, but each of the three ghosts and gods was somewhat stronger than Hong Mo. With the joint efforts, the difficulty of Hong Mo can be imagined. For him, the high-load battle The consumption is not small, and being able to persevere until now has already shown that the Hong Mo is stronger than the Hong Mo.

However, fortunately, this battle was not in vain. Lin Chen successfully captured the third-class ghost, and now there is only one last step left, which is to send Lin Chen away, so that Lin Chen's teleportation light cannot be resisted.

After finalizing his strategy, Hong Mo took a deep breath and his eyes became extra firm.

"Don't think about it!"

"You can't go!"

"Leave it!"

Sure enough, the three ghosts and gods would not let Lin Chen leave, and they all shot at Hong Mo and Lin Chen immediately.

Their faces were quite calm. In their eyes, Hong Mo himself was already overwhelmed, and the regulatory power brought by Lin Chen's fixed-point teleportation talisman was almost breakable!

However, something unexpected happened to Sangui.

Hong Mo didn't pay attention to the attack on him at all, but used himself as a meat shield, teleported to Lin Chen's body, and forcibly carried all the energy.

A blue **** light erupted from his body again!

"How can it be!"

The three ghosts and gods exclaimed, completely shocked by Hong Mo's actions.

It's fine for a ghost to help Lin Chen, there may be various interests entangled in it, but if they use their body as a shield and protect Lin Chen to withstand so many attacks for Lin Chen, they can't figure it out at all.

All ghosts and gods are ants.

No matter how special Chen was, it was nothing more than a good fortune. Why did Hong Mo, an extraterrestrial powerhouse like him, work so hard for it?

Could it be that the secret Lin Chen possesses is more special and mysterious than Hong Mo?

"40% off!"

Lin Chen spoke in the teleportation light.

Just two words, Hong Mo's face showed a smile, he didn't care about his injury at all, and laughed, which sounded extremely carefree.

But what he was laughing at, and what the so-called 40% discount meant, the three ghosts couldn't understand it at all.

It's just that they didn't give up, but continued to try to prevent Lin Chen from leaving.

However, the determined Hong Mo completely regarded himself as a meat shield. The attacks that could be blocked with ghost skills were ghost blocks, and those that could not be resisted with ghost skills had physical resistance, and blue blood mist erupted.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Hong Mo's body was constantly damaged and rebuilt, always avoiding vital points, and it was not something the three ghosts and gods could defeat at once.

And Lin Chen's teleportation has come to an end.

"Three ghosts and gods, I remember you." Lin Chen said with a sneer, staring at the three ghosts and gods with hairy eyes.

"One day, I will come again, maybe the next time, maybe the big next time, sooner or later you will become prey, I am looking forward to that day."

The faces of the three ghosts and gods were stern. They all came out, but Lin Chen was still not left behind. This made their faces dull, and at the same time, they all felt a kind of unwilling anger in their hearts.

Especially Ming Yi, he has not stopped attacking until now, the anger in his heart can be imagined.

You know, his clan brother Mingsan is still in Lin Chen's hands.

"Then... see you later." Lin Chen spit out these words faintly, his voice was calm, but it seemed to carry a special meaning.

For some reason, the corners of the eyes of the three ghosts and gods suddenly twitched, and a coolness flashed in their hearts.


The three ghosts and gods were startled, but they didn't take this feeling seriously.

How could such a mere good fortune make them feel cool?

But now that Lin Chen has left, their attacks have also temporarily Hong Mo, since Chen has already left, do you want to listen to our advice and stay behind to plan big things together? "Shi Si spoke.

Since Hong Mo didn't leave with Lin Chen, he has already become a turtle in the urn.

With these three peerless ghosts and gods in front of them, no matter what kind of transmission method, they can forcefully suppress it. The blue color flowed across Hong Mo's body, but the joy on his face became more and more intense.

He was already a fighting madman. To him, fighting three such powerful ghosts and gods was a worthwhile trip.

"I won't stay anymore, because I can't control this matter, but this occupation is really fun! Haha, Mingji, Tokiichi, what is it? I remember you too! Looking forward to seeing you next time.

"Ten minutes are just over.

The light of teleportation also began to light up on Hong Mo's body.

"This is…"

"not good!"

The faces of the three changed drastically. They didn't expect Hong Mo to use such a method.

The power of rules attached to the teleportation light can be said to be unprecedented, and it is not comparable to the so-called fixed-point teleportation talisman.

This again exceeded their expectations!

"Leave him!" The anger on Ming Yi's face could not be suppressed completely, and he let out a low growl.

The three ghosts and gods can be said to shoot at the same time.

However, even though their power could turn the hundreds of miles of land behind the Flood Demon into a deep pit, and the nearby space and time were completely shattered, under the power of that rule, nothing was created at all.


Seeing this, Hong Mo immediately burst out laughing, the laughter was full of sarcasm, and successfully disappeared at the same time as the teleportation light.

The surroundings became completely quiet, leaving only three ghosts and gods with extremely ugly faces.

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