MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 501 : Are ghosts amazing? I'm going to shake people!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

There is nothing wrong with that kind of power and coercion.

The figure under the cloudy moon must be a ghost or a god.

The commotion is too loud!

The two top eight stars fought with all their strength, even though Lin Chen controlled everything and compressed the time to the extreme, it was a single move that decided the outcome.

But the **** smell of the little shark still attracted bigger sharks and giant whales!

The presence of ghosts and gods can be called a huge crisis.

This is not comparable to ghosts and gods like ghosts and gods who suppress their realm and are restricted by laws. His power, I am afraid that as long as he raises his hand lightly, Lin Chen's good fortune will die instantly.

The gap is too big, the distance between them is like a moat.


Without hesitation, Lin Chen didn't want to know who this ghost was from the Yinyue Dynasty, so he directly used the teleportation ability of the dungeon to leave.

The golden light bloomed, layers of rule power appeared, and the space teleportation began immediately.

However, the dungeon transfer function, which is said to be undisturbed, turned into a dense light spot and disappeared into the night the moment it appeared.

The reason is that the figure in the air glanced lightly!

With just one glance, the teleportation power of the dungeon was broken.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, continued to teleport, and used the second escape card.

Fixed-point teleporter!

When this talisman is transmitted, it will also gather the power of rules, and it will be difficult for ghosts to disturb it. Once Lin Chen used this talisman to leave the horror world through the closed restriction of the sea of ​​flowers on the other side.

This is Lin Chen's second and last way to leave the horror world at this time.

The teleportation light appeared again.

A strange look flashed across the face of the ghost in the air, as if he was a little surprised by Lin Chen's many methods, but he quickly put away his expression and slowly fell down.

As before, without much movement, Lin Chen's teleportation light collapsed again without a sound.

At the same time, the three Tongtian ghosts had rushed over.

The faces of ghosts and gods are also handsome, and they look younger. It seems that the ghosts of the Yinyue Dynasty, or the Yinyue ghosts, are all very good looking, but the other three Tongtian ghosts are either old or middle-aged.

Compared with the expressionless ghosts and gods, the faces of the three Tongtian ghosts were full of anger and worry. "Chen! Where is Your Highness Underworld?" "Hand over His Highness Underworld!"

The two teleportation failures almost cut off the possibility of Lin Chen leaving directly.

There are three Tongtian and the only ghost staring at him.

At this time, Yancheng has become Lin Chen's jedi!

The distance from the four ghosts is only tens of meters!

Lin Chen took a deep breath, his thoughts turned sharply, he sighed helplessly, showed a smile, and turned his head and said, "I really didn't expect that such a small matter would attract three Tongtian and one ghost . "

"Hmph! Although it's true that you're overqualified, if you're caught, it's not a big price, it's just a matter of moving your body." A Tongtian ghost sneered.

"Hand over His Highness the Underworld God and surrender to the Yinyue Dynasty, maybe you can be spared!"

Lin Chen shook his head: "It's fine if you want the **** of the underworld, but you can go and accompany him."


"court death!"

Tong Tian shouted loudly, but the ghost suddenly smiled, and said: "You really have the guts, you can still face death like this, no wonder you can do so many earth-shattering things, even me and me The third brother with great ambitions is all in your hands."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

He didn't have obvious anger, or he might have hidden it in his heart.

This kind of top strong man who doesn't know how much money he has lived is not an excessive psychological gap, and he will not show his true emotions in front of outsiders and the weak.

Lin Chen put the iron pan into the pink sack and said with a smile, "If it's all about death, I'd rather die laughing than crying. Do I have to show you my ugly face?"

"When it comes to the Yinyue Dynasty, you will be full of ugly faces." Ghost God calmly said.

"I won't go

. "

Lin Chen shook his head.

As soon as this remark came out, the ghost seemed to be interested, and said, "You seem to think that you still have room?" Lin Chen smiled and said, "Have you asked for advice yet?"

"Ming San."

Lin Chen really laughed out loud this time, and said, "A ghost who stands at the top of the horror world and is also known as the royal family, so it would be such an ordinary name."

Although his attitude was a little disdainful, Lin Chen's heart trembled.

Ming San, then the one who was sold before was Ming Er, which means that there is Ming Yi above him, and there is even Ming Si below him!

It has to be said that the strength of the Yinyue Dynasty is indeed too terrifying.

No wonder he can dominate the huge Yinhuang Continent!

"After all, it's a big mess." Lin Chen sighed and shook his head.

The power of the horror world is too strong. His current strength, not to mention sweeping, even surfacing is full of dangers. This kind of thing of destroying the city and destroying the **** of the underworld is like shining a bright spotlight on him, which is too much. conspicuous.

"Your behavior today will definitely become even more famous after it is spread. I have followed you for a long time and have a deep understanding of your growth. Now it seems that you are the lucky child of Blue Star. "

Ming San didn't seem to be in a hurry to make a move, but started talking. He was indeed too strong. In his eyes, Lin Chen was just a bigger ant. When he was crushed to death, it was completely according to his will.

However, Ming San's words shocked Lin Chen and asked, "What do you mean?"

"In the world that was extinct before, there was a very special human being who was so powerful that it was unreasonably strong and difficult to kill. This kind of person was blessed by the will of the world and was entrusted with hope, so he was called the child of luck. This news Naturally, it is unheard of for low-level ghosts, but at the level of ghosts and gods, it is not difficult to cross continents, so I naturally know."

There is a bright light in Ming San's eyes. As long as Lin Chen is wiped out, Lan Xing's fragile world will have no room to resist.

When Lin Chen heard the words, he communicated with the system in his heart.

"System, did you have a host before?"

【How can you doubt me? you are the only one. 】

Lin Chen felt cold, and then he was completely sure.

Ming San guessed wrong, he is not a child of luck, his strength has improved too fast, it is all due to his own hard work...

Blue Star's real son of luck is a certain psychopath.

Xu Renfeng!

Lin Chen said calmly, "It seems that I still know too little about this world."

"If you hid in Blue Star, you might be able to create more trouble for the horror world, but I still overestimated you. I didn't expect you to throw yourself into the trap."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Ming San shook his head.

Lin Chen sneered, communicating with the system in his heart.

"System, why don't you come out and kill these four, I don't want the money."

【If I make a move with a sack on it, my strength will be sensed by Yuan immediately, and you will die faster. Yuan will never let you survive. You only need to rely on the rules I can give you to resolve the crisis. 】

Lin Chen sighed. Naturally, he still had a way, but that kind of way would cost a lot.

But at this time, Ming San decided not to talk nonsense, and grabbed Lin Chen.

If it weren't for Lin Chen's extraordinary excellence, he might not have said a word, but he could say so much because he saw that Lin Chen was bound to die, and that Lin Chen was the child of luck.

An irresistible suction came from Mingsan's hand. Under this kind of force, Lin Chen felt that his body was out of control for the first time, and also felt his own weakness for the first time.

Everything seems to be doomed.

However, Lin Chen was not afraid, but a look of madness appeared on his face.

Send instructions to the system in your mind.

"Enable ecstasy!"

The next moment, the strong power of rules reappeared, and Lin Chen started the teleportation again, but this time the teleportation was completely different compared to before.

Lin Chen uncontrollably flew towards Ming San's body and stopped abruptly in the air, and the strong power of rules instantly protected Lin Chen in it.


"How can there be such a strong power of rules!"

"Is he going to enter the copy?"

The faces of the three Tongtian ghosts changed, and for the first time they felt that things seemed to have changed, and they were derailed from their expectations.

Ming San's face also sank, and then his gesture changed from grabbing to clapping.

Terrifying power appeared, and the blow of ghosts and gods could be said to destroy the world.

A giant ghostly hand as big as a mountain condensed out, and the strong wind suddenly rose, forming an extremely violent storm.

As soon as this palm appeared, the whole world trembled, and it became very mysterious, as if it was out of touch with the original world.

Endless power vibrations, just like this, make the buildings of Yancheng continue to collapse.

Those evil ghosts who were lucky to have escaped from the ghosts and gods, disappeared instantly under this kind of power.

Even if they are not targeted at them, even the most marginal remaining prestige is not something they can resist.


The giant palm fell, pressing Lin Chen, who was being shrouded in golden light, under it.

And the next moment, the sky collapsed and the ground cracked, all the magma and water in the depths of Yancheng erupted, and the ground at the beginning of Yancheng was even more compressed, turning into a huge palm print.

This kind of power, which can be called a map cannon, is so destructive that it can destroy a city in an instant, and the remaining 20,000 evil spirits died tragically in an instant, without even making a sound!

Ming San didn't hold back. The rules attached to Lin Chen's last teleportation power made him feel wrong. To avoid accidents, he had given up capturing Lin Chen, but exterminated Lin Chen directly!

Even the proud son of heaven, Mingshen, whose life and death are unknown, no longer thinks about it.

Blue Star's son of luck must die!

However, when the dust settled and the palm strength receded, the expressions of Ming San and the three Tongtian ghosts could not help but change.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Among the dilapidated ruins and deep pits, the golden light was still shining brightly, and Lin Chen inside was unharmed!

"How can it be!"

"What kind of power is this?"

"Even if it is the teleportation power of the dungeon, it should interrupt the destruction!"

The three Tongtian exclaimed on the spot, and Ming San's face showed anger for the first time.

Since he came forward, he wanted to be safe, but at this time Lin Chen was able to escape in person, blocking his fatal blow.

Ming San's ghost power erupted, and the cloudy moon in the sky cast a divine light, and it seemed that the final blow was about to be launched.

But before he could make a move, Lin Chen's teleportation had been successfully activated, and when the golden light dissipated, Lin Chen's figure also disappeared without a trace.

"He went to another world! And it's not Blue Star!"

Feeling the power of teleportation, Ming San looked gloomy and made a judgment immediately.

Although the three Tongtian ghosts were furious, after thinking about it, they immediately thought of something.

"He seemed to have used this ability in the sea of ​​flowers on the other side, and escaped the strongest blow, but not long after, he reappeared and brought out a good fortune and a true king."

"It is true. From this point of view, if he leaves that world, he will probably return to the same place. That is to say, he did not escape successfully, but just avoided the fatal blow of Lord Ming San."

They did do a lot of research on Lin Chen, and quickly analyzed the truth.

And after Ming San understood it, the heart that had just pleaded, let go again, and sneered:

"Then I will wait for a while. He has too many secrets. He is indeed the son of luck."


Lin Chen who successfully arrived at the mining area breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time secretly gritted his teeth.

Ghosts and gods are amazing, right?

Wait for me, I'm called shaking people! No, shake ghost!

His appearance is very conspicuous every time.

When it arrived, it immediately attracted the attention of many ghosts.

This mine is exactly the one with the three ghosts and gods.

The strongest ghost, Hong Mo, came over and laughed loudly: "Brother Chen, you really came. We have already prepared the second batch of **** crystals. You are a few days late."

When selling ghosts and gods, the transactions between Lin Chen and Hong Mo and other ghosts were divided into ten-day periods. Now that half a month has passed, they naturally thought that Lin Chen had come to collect the second batch of payment.

Lin Chen glanced around, saw the ghosts and gods digging, and sneered inwardly, but complimented Hong Mo on the face: "Brother Hong, the ghosts and gods are the world's top existences outside, and the Yinyue behind him The dynasty dominates a continent, and you have been trained to be so obedient in such a short period of time, the means are really extraordinary.”

As soon as this remark came out, the face of the underworld ghost suddenly turned red, not because of shame, but because of complete anger.

He didn't hate Hong Mo's ghosts and gods who oppressed him so much, but hated Lin Chen, a vicious ghost dealer!

He overlooks all living beings, controls everything, possesses invincible powers of ghosts and gods, but was sold by Lin Chen to mine in the mining area. If you think about it, there is only one sentence to describe this kind of thing.

That is, only tears can do it! It's all tragedy and blood and tears.

Now being ridiculed by Lin Chen again, if he hadn't been unable to resist, he might have just violently attacked and died with the **** Lin Chen.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"Haha, UU Kanshu is very wise. Compared with being beaten and tortured endlessly, he can only cooperate." Hong Mo first handed 1,000 Fang Shenjing to Lin Chen, and then his eyes flashed A glimmer of expectation.

In his eyes, Lin Chen was a lucky star. He might bring a lot of ghosts with him when he appeared this time. As for the existence of ghosts, he could say that he would never reject anyone who came, and the more the better.

Lin Chen used a sack to take away the **** crystals. Looking at the **** coins he was consuming and increasing, he laughed and said, "I caught a lot of ghosts this time, tens of thousands!"


Hong Mo was shocked, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Not only him, the other two ghosts and gods in the mine were also greatly surprised.

And ghosts and gods who had been eavesdropping were stunned on the spot.

Where did Lin Chen's ghost come from? There is no doubt that it must be the horror world.

Tens of thousands of ghosts?

What the **** did the **** do? Can the city be massacred?

However, Lin Chen didn't take out the ghost, but said, "Don't worry, you three. These ghosts are just little ghosts, and they won't do much. I have a big deal to discuss with you."

"A business bigger than tens of thousands of ghosts?"

Hong Mo was even more shocked, his eyes were filled with anticipation, and his voice became louder.

The ghosts and gods on the side thumped in their hearts. At his level, he already has a sense of heaven and the ability to predict good and bad. He always feels that Lin Chen's "business" has some kind of connection with him.

What the **** is he going to do!

Lin Chen glanced at the three Tongtians, and finally looked directly into Hong Mo's eyes, seriously:

"That's right, this time I can help you capture three Tongtian ghosts and a ghost!"

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