MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 500 : Crisis, ghosts and gods are coming!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"I don't know about courting death, but I'm contributing to the dynasty. Don't you think that these ghosts have become very powerful? Your Highness the God of the Underworld!" Yan Wang was so nervous that his hands were sweating, but he continued to maintain his previous expression , like a ghost with an insane mind, talking to the **** of the underworld.

"His Royal Highness, if you also join the group of gods, then I can introduce you to the **** of taboo, so that you will have unparalleled rights and power."

Why did King Yan reveal his identity in front of the two creations present?

Hades didn't think much about it.

The ghosts of the God Group are inherently crazy, and King Yan can do anything.

And such a big thing happened, Hades was furious in his heart, and the ghost he suspected, King Yan, would naturally not be as polite as before, so King Yan knew he couldn't survive, so he was exposed.

There are many reasons.

But what he didn't notice was that Yan Wang's exposure and Yan Wang's words made him even more angry. This kind of extreme anger would affect his reason.

It also made him completely ignore a ghost.

"you wanna die!"

Underworld God grabbed Yan Wang, his heart is not weak, even so, he still didn't kill him, but wanted to take Yan Wang away, whether it was a soul search or torture, so that he could understand what happened. the truth of everything.

The power of the gods and ghosts erupted, and the cloudy moon in the sky sprinkled the moonlight, making the whole Yancheng enter the special moonlight.

He is rich and handsome, and under the package of Yuehua, he looks even more mysterious and extraordinary.

In terms of appearance, even the ghosts and gods of the underworld may not be as good as the gods of the underworld, so it is no wonder that this ghost can be named after a god.

This is a ghost who was born standing on the top of a mountain.

Yan Wang looked crazy and showed no fear of death, but in fact his palms were already sweating. He had no room to resist in front of the **** of the underworld. pinched the neck.

Immediately afterwards, a tyrannical mental force rushed directly into King Yan's spiritual sea, exploring his memory.

The scenes that once happened in King Yan passed quickly. He saw King Yan being captured in Huahai, and saw King Yan becoming a ghost slave.

"If it weren't for the sake of your ancestors serving the Yinyue Dynasty, I would have searched for my soul a long time ago!"

Hades became more and more angry in his heart. He had always been suspicious of King Yan, and because there was no evidence pointing to King Yan, he didn't attack King Yan at first. After all, the horror world also has the rules of the horror world! If the strong do whatever they want, the cohesion of the ghost clan will collapse, so he also has hesitation.

But seeing so much information now, he couldn't help but start to regret it.

From King Yan's memory, he was completely certain that the instigator of the God Group was none other than Chen!

At this point, he had guessed this because of the breath-holding talisman and the information he obtained from the soul search of King Mu.

As Chen's enemy, the horror world will naturally analyze some of Chen's methods and information.

"There must be more information!"

The closer to the truth, the more excited the heart of Underworld, and the more devoted his mind.

Sure enough, that face that is known to all the ghost world,

However, just when he saw Lin Chen meeting with Yan Wang with a mysterious real king, he brought a large amount of holy water.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

He also saw some core members of the God Group.

Mingshen believes that as long as King Yan's memory is thoroughly searched, he will definitely know the whole truth about the God Group and where Chen is going!

Just when he was about to learn more about memory.

A figure moved silently.

Time slowed down imperceptibly, and that figure slowly approached Hades, and took out a pink sack.

Just like that sentence.

Hundreds of ghosts walk at night in the heavy rain, and some people are more happy than ghosts mixing in it.

Underworld, who was attracted by King Yan's memory, never saw all of this.

And Lin Chen's progress was also extremely smooth, his movements were very light, his breath restraint technique was brought to the extreme, and he even attacked from behind.

With the blessing of two great skills.

Underworld God was furious at first, lost his mind, and searched for King Yan's soul, so naturally he was not as keen as usual.

King Yan, whose soul was being searched, was constantly groaning, looking extremely painful, but at this time, there seemed to be another environment in the hall, which was unusually quiet and slow.

Lin Chen's sack, like the mouth of the **** of death, slowly moved towards the top of the **** of the underworld.

However, Hades is not an ordinary person after all.

When Lin Chen's sack was about to reach his head, he suddenly felt a palpitation, a feeling of being stared at by a great terror.

In fact, this feeling seemed familiar to him.

That was the fear he felt when he was glanced at by Yuan's body. Let him have a feeling of suffocation in the ice cave!

It was bitingly cold, and the hairs stood on end!

And this feeling didn't just come from the pink sack. At that moment, thoughts in his mind turned wildly, and he realized that he had ignored a ghost.

It's the ghost behind him!

He understood that everything was prepared for now. First, let all the Ming ghosts become members of the God Group, and explode in front of him, arousing his anger.

Afterwards, King Yan's self-disclosure of identity attracted his attention, and he ignored the ghost.

Everything is premeditated.

"Is it really him?"

Hades let go of King Yan, retracted his mental power, and exploded with ghost power. At the same time, the ghost in his mind overlapped with a certain human face in his memory.

He had some doubts about Gui Mie, but there was only one reason why he was not sure, and that was that human Chen, who was supposed to be at the level of a true king, was not at the same level as the ghost power that Gui Mie radiated.

This is unreasonable.

The base of ghost power in the early stage is small, and the rapid improvement is acceptable, but the real king jumps to good fortune, undoubtedly climbing a big mountain!

Ordinary ghosts need hundreds of years of condensed ghost power.

Ghosts with strong species and high potential can compress time, and with resources, etc., this time will be faster.

But no matter how fast, it is impossible to jump to a big realm in just a few days!

In the blink of an eye, he has realized many truths and resisted angrily.

"Mingshen, when you poked your hand into Half Boundary Mountain, it hurt me so much."

Lin Chen stopped pretending and spoke with a sneer. The dazzling blue light filled the venue, and his blackness turned blue, like a **** descending from the earth.

Lin Chen would not be careless about the **** of the underworld. He is not the only one in this world who is a special case, and the **** of the underworld is at the peak. If he wants to make a contribution with one blow, he must go all out.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Divinity power, ghost power, internal power, and Dao Yuan power are all fused together, and it even opens up the real body of the ghost species.

"You have such power!"

Mingshen's face changed again, his pupils shrank sharply, shocked by Lin Chen's explosive strength.

He himself has always been an invincible existence, but at this moment, he has to admit that Lin Chen's strength actually surpasses his.

And this is because of the gap in realm, if they are both at the peak of fortune, this gap in strength will be even greater!

The ghostly power of Yuehua was overwhelming, if it hadn't been blocked by Lin Chen's space barrier, the entire venue building would have been shattered by Yu Wei.

The **** of the underworld also used all his power. The moonlight ghost power has a different color, which is also a divine power, and it is a god-level ghost stone similar to the flower sea on the other side. It can allow him to have ghost-like power, and as a ghost The top genius in the Moon Royal Family, he never lacks in resources, and his divinity can be said to be very strong.

But this kind of divinity is impossible to compare with Lin Chen's power, which was born after absorbing two super high-level **** crystals.

"Is that all?" Lin Chen chuckled, but he didn't care.

This voice was heard in the ears of the **** of the underworld, and it was an indescribable irony. In his eyes, the insects that could be crushed to death with only one hand across multiple spaces were not only stronger than him, but also He also showed disdain for him, which made it difficult for him to accept.

The handsome and unparalleled face gradually became distorted, and he growled: "Chen!"


All the strongest blows were unleashed, colliding with Lin Chen's power.

Unimaginable energy erupted here, Lin Chen's eyes flashed, he directly broke through the space barrier, and immediately used the ghost slave contract to take Yan Wang back into his body.

Those black-haired ghosts were directly blown away by his power.

These ghosts must not be wasted.

Although it was the impact of ghost power, under the darkness of night, the two were blue and gray, and the burst of energy, bursting with light, filled the entire sky of Yancheng.

The ghost clan in Yancheng fled in all directions, looking nervously at the core explosion point.

This blow actually alarmed all the ghosts.

"What a terrifying power, is His Royal Highness the Underworld God fighting with someone?"

"There is a ghost who can fight His Majesty the Underworld God, who is it?"

"Why are there so many black-haired ghosts? Could it be that His Highness Hades is fighting a strong man from the God Group?"

"Let's go back quickly. The combat power of the good fortune level is too strong. If it really explodes, the entire city of Yan will be reduced to ruins."

The ghosts were both shocked and terrified. Immortals fought against each other, and mortals suffered. They all evacuated quickly, causing panic.

The bandage ghost also came out of the shop, looking towards the place where the energy erupted, a gleam of worry flashed in her eyes, she knew that Lin Chen had entered the world of horror, and thought that the existence of fighting the underworld might be related to Lin Chen.

Can't help but pray in my heart.

And with the other ghosts, they turned into ghost shadows and quickly moved away from Yancheng.

No matter what it is, this is not something she and those weak ghosts can interfere with.

However, the impact of the aftermath of the battle was not great, the energy of this full-strength blow was shaken into the air.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

And the moment the strong light appeared, it began to fade, and the energy began to decrease, until finally, the night and the moonlight occupied the entire world, and everything returned to normal.

Under the moonlight, there was only one figure left in the sky.

The victory and defeat have been divided!

All the ghosts who reacted turned their gazes to the past.

The next moment, all of them were shocked.

"Where is Your Highness the Underworld God?! Who is that?"

The figure was wrapped in moonlight, but it was not a **** of the underworld, but a brand new figure.

And after this figure was seen clearly by all the ghosts, they all gasped, because his face was not unfamiliar!

"It's a ghost!"

"What a ghost, he is Chen, he is the human Chen!"

"How is it possible? Master Hades lost?"

"Why did His Royal Highness disappear?"

"According to the legend, the morning will kidnap the ghost... Could it be that His Majesty the God of the Underworld was caught by him? The sky is about to change."

The ghosts were shocked to the extreme, they stayed where they were, the shock in their hearts was indescribable, and some smart ghosts turned pale with fright, trembled all over, and turned around and fled while suppressing their fear.

The bandage ghost finally let go of his tense heart.

And Lin Chen in the air finally made a move.

He shook his head slightly at first, and couldn't help but sighed.

Hades was caught, but even after laying the groundwork for so long, he still caused quite a stir. According to his original intention, he originally wanted to capture Hades without anyone noticing.

It got to this point.

However, there is no way to do this. Underworld God is indeed too strong. Lin Chen can't control the direction of the battle with all his strength, which has already been explained.

If there were no previous actions and foreshadowing, Hades might have been defeated and fled, or even dragged him back and lured the Tongtian Ghost of the Yinyue Dynasty over.

"Since it's exposed, let's maximize the benefits."

Lin Chen guessed that since there was such a big commotion, the Yinyue Dynasty must have received the news at this time, but no matter how fast the Tongtian Ghost was, it was impossible to arrive at the scene in an instant.

So he still has some time.

Take out the iron pan.

A huge river of time emerged behind Lin Chen, and the huge power of time enveloped the entire city of Yan.

With just one thought, the actions of all ghosts were frozen in time.

This kind of manipulation of the power of time, even if the Creation Level Shiding Ghost of the Island of Time saw it, would call it incredible.

And this is just a kind of field control by Lin Chen.

The next moment, his mental power was released, turning into countless invisible hands, enveloping most of the ghosts in Yancheng.

This method is still terrifying.

You know, although Yancheng is a small and medium-sized ghost town, there are a lot of ghosts in it!

After all, the residents of Yancheng have no requirements for strength.

Therefore, there are tens of thousands of evil spirits entrenched here.

Lin Chen's spiritual power has captured 20,000 ghosts.

This is Lin Chen's terrifying power today.

The captured ghosts cannot be controlled by their bodies at all, and under the control of the power of time, these weak ghosts can even stop thinking.

All of them rose from the ground and gathered in Lin Chen's direction.

Like meteors piercing the night!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The iron pot was fed by Lin Chen's various ghosts.

Not long after, Lin Chen caught 20,000 ghosts into the pot, including the 200 real kings and hall ghosts.

In fact, these ghosts are really valuable, only these two hundred Ming surnamed ghosts, the strength of other ghosts is too low, even ordinary ghost kings are only a hundred or so.

Most of them are ghosts below the Fierce God level. If there are hundreds of ghosts added up, there might not even be a ghost with the Ming surname worth anything.

Those fierce gods, red-clothed and blue-clothed ghosts were sent to the mining area, and to put it bluntly, they all had to be weighed by the catty.

Fortunately, the number is astonishing, and it can still be counted when added up.

Half of the ghosts in the city were captured, and there was still room in the iron pot, so Lin Chen was naturally ready to continue.

However, at this moment, his expression changed slightly. Under his spiritual perception, three extremely powerful ghost powers were erupting in the distance.


It came too fast!

Lin Chen quickly gathered his strength, turned around and was about to run away.

And at this moment, an unimaginable coercion descended! Lin Chen's body became unstable, and he fell directly, unable to control his body at all.

If it weren't for Lin Chen's strength and willpower beyond imagination, the other good fortune ghosts, under such coercion, would probably kneel on the ground on the spot.

Lin Chen gritted his teeth to support himself, even if he was overwhelmed by this coercion, he couldn't escape. It was very difficult to keep standing. While resisting, he looked up into the sky.

Under the cloudy moon that frightened the world, a terrifying figure stood in the air.


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