MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 484 : Blue Star has deep routines, I want to go back to the mining area.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Chong Lan was about to cry.

He felt that his fate was too tragic, it was full of tragedies!

At first he was sent to the mining area by a mysterious force, it was a century-long nightmare.

After finally coming back, it was sealed in the original copy.

After escaping so hard, he was dragged to Blue Star before enjoying it for a few days.

Encountered his second nightmare in ghost life again!

First, he was almost caught and sold back to the mining area, and then he was forced to work for others.

He has endured all these, and can only say that his strength is not enough, so he just admits it.

But he didn't expect that when he blocked the door to catch ghosts, he happened to encounter ghosts and Chen De.

His actions were also caught by ghosts and gods on the spot, and coupled with the grievances of his ancestors, he had no choice but to die.

Forced into desperation, he managed to defeat Ming Guishen, but in the end Lin Chen did something like this later.

He admitted that he didn't mean to be an enemy of Blue Star, and unlike other evil spirits, he had no interest in humans.


He also didn't want to stand on the blue star, a ship that would sink at any time!

What Lin Chen did was to forcibly tie him to Blue Star's warship and set him up.

As soon as the news is released, it won't be long before all the ghosts in Yinhuangzhou know that he is a traitor, and he also killed the ghosts and gods of the Yinyue Dynasty. Therefore, a war broke out with the Yinyue Dynasty.

What kind of Dharma protector is the real king, this is putting a pot of **** on his head!

It's not such a trick!

Lin Chen was not annoyed at being grabbed by the collar by Chong Lan, but smiled at the others:

"Brother Chonglan is so excited. Don't worry, everyone. He must be on our human side. Otherwise, why would you kill ghosts and ghosts with me? By the way, in order to express my gratitude to Brother Chonglan, I issued a reward order to let aspiring The people of the Yinyue Dynasty **** the concubine of the Yinyue Dynasty and gave it to Brother Chonglan, Brother Chonglan is very interested in the concubine, this matter must be announced!"

"I **** up with you."

Chong Lan was really in a hurry and was about to make a move immediately.

But... he was ruthlessly suppressed.

After Lin Chen fell to the ground after being photographed by him, he regained his composure and said: "What's wrong with Blue Star, just carry it with peace of mind, and I will spare you the matter of the 100 halls."

The corners of Chong Lan's mouth twitched, the corners of his eyes were crystal clear, and he looked up at the sky.

I just feel that my ghost life is too pitiful, and I have suffered too many unreasonable disasters.

The others couldn't help smiling, and they all agreed with Lin Chen's words without any hesitation.

In the end, Lin Chen cast a mind seal to block everyone's hearts.

This time, even Zhou Geng was no exception.

The reason why the system hesitated for a long time was that this giant-eyed avatar was unusual, not an incarnation of Mr. Li's general thoughts.

At this time, Yuan's body may have already noticed something, so he can't be careless.

Of course, Lin Chen wasn't worried that someone would pass things on through the chat system early.

Because the banning ability of this red product has a causal effect, those who have contacted with these players and received the message remotely will also be banned from this part of the memory and erase all traces.

After Lin Chen also sealed part of Chonglan's memory, he looked at the elder.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

The Great Elder is very special and powerful, and he is an existence that can be remembered by the main body of the horror game.

With great wisdom and great strategy, it is absolutely extraordinary.

Lin Chen even felt that the strength of the Great Elder might not be as simple as the Tongtian Ghost shown so far.

He would not underestimate such a ghost, nor would he be able to force him to do things against the wishes of the Great Elder.

After all, at present, the strength of the Great Elder is definitely the strongest present, and he is also the one in the best condition.

At this moment, the Great Elder suddenly laughed and said:

"Chen, I know what you are worried about, but I also have a fragment of the reincarnation platform on my body, which has the ability to cover up the secrets of heaven.

Hara had a hard time noticing me. "

The Great Elder took the initiative to speak, and Lin Chen could only nod upon hearing this.

In fact, the Great Elder looked at Lin Chen with suspicion.

It is not Lin Chen's to absorb the power of Zouyuan.

It's the pink sack!

This frightened him too much!

When trapping Yuan, even Yuan exclaimed, and he clearly remembered that Yuan's voice was in shock, with a trace of anger and a trace of panic.

Let his heart can not be peaceful.

There is a great terror in Chen's body!

After waking up the fainted people, Lin Chen looked back at the huge space vortex, and said softly: "This is the channel for ghosts to enter Blue Star."

"Yes, it's just one of them. It should be the largest one in terms of scale, and the ghosts that can enter will be stronger. Otherwise, ghosts and gods wouldn't come in this way." Zhou Geng said.

This gate is near Huaguo, so he naturally knows it well.

"Why aren't there guards?"

"The main reason is the lack of personnel. Players have arranged to deal with weird incidents in the country, and there is more than one door. It is not worthwhile to guard with heavy troops. If the guards are not strong enough, and encounter strong ghosts entering, there will be greater losses."

Lin Chen heard the words and said with a smile: "Gatekeeper, um...give Brother Chonglan another title, Blue Star Gatekeeper, and tell those evil spirits that if they want to enter Blue Star, they have to weigh their own strength and see if they can defeat the real king." Jigui, if you can't, just be careful, after all, no one knows where our Chonglan brother is guarding the gate."

Chonglan: "!"

He promised that if he was stronger than Lin Chen, he would die with Lin Chen!

The other party will never give up if they don't beat him to pieces.

At this moment, he inexplicably remembered the days in the mining area, where... it seemed to be pretty good.

Lin Chen glanced at Chonglan, frowned, and said as it should be: "I'm right, you were the gatekeeper before."

Chong Lan completely collapsed.

Blue Star's routine is too deep, I want to go back to the mining area to mine.

Zhou Geng explained: "However, we are not completely laissez-faire. The ghost tracker developed so far can absorb the breath of ghosts, and then roughly understand the movement of ghosts entering the blue star, so the current loss of the blue star is still within the controllable range. Among them, but the research and development of the ghost tracker is not enough, and it cannot be accurate enough."

Lin Chen nodded, then thought for a while, and said, "I have a precise tracking method here, as long as you can collect the breath, it will not be difficult to find ghosts."

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】


Everyone was shocked. The research on tracking ghosts was jointly developed by the forces of many countries, but the effect was still lacking and could not be perfect. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen himself had a solution.

"I have a talisman to track evil spirits. As long as there is a breath of ghosts, you can find them anywhere in the world within a day."

When Chong Lan heard the words, his heart felt blocked for a while, and he finally knew how he was found by Lin Chen in the bar.

"Is the cost high?" Zhou Geng asked.

After thinking for a while, Lin Chen said: "It's not high, what is needed is the original blood of ghosts, one ghost can draw five talismans, the strength of ghosts is different, and the effect is also surprising, but at least one or two hours can still be done." did it."

What Lin Chen was talking about was tracking.

His ability as a talisman master can be inscribed with ghost blood.

As for what he said, it was just the pricing he gave.

In fact, although an auxiliary skill such as tracking is very strange and extraordinary, it does not require a lot of energy and does not require a large amount of ghost blood.

A ghost was given to him, he cut the waist first, and then used ghost blood to draw talismans, and he could draw more than ten pieces, and afterward, the ghost was still alive, able to move, and continue to mine...

"Five cards for one ghost?"

"It's really not too high, it's acceptable."

"Okay, then we in the United States will order 200 talismans first. If it's a ghost, Li Shen will give you the address.

It can be delivered today. "

"We need it too, thank you Li Shen."

"So do we..."

Lin Chen was overjoyed. He didn't expect that there would be some windfalls. The strong men in this country are not ordinary rich, and they all have ghosts in their hands.

He didn't hesitate to ask for a lot of talismans.

Lin Chen reckoned that these ghosts might be just experimental materials for them, and the value was not very great, so both sides could be regarded as a win-win situation.

"In addition, I have even more powerful talismans, which contain amazing thunder, fire, physical body enhancement, spiritual strength, etc. There are all levels and grades, and they can also be exchanged for ghosts."

A channel was accidentally developed, Lin Chen continued without hesitation.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked, and it can be said that they were overjoyed.

Ghosts are powerful, and tracking symbols can only be said to be auxiliary. If there is a powerful attacking symbol, then in the future against evil spirits, it will be twice the result with half the effort, greatly reducing casualties and other losses!

Everyone quickly asked about the price.

Lin Chen still offered a moderate price.

Now that Blue Star is riddled with wounds and invaded by evil spirits, and these people are all players fighting for Blue Star, he will naturally not be too stingy and oppress anything.

Attacking talismans, one ghost has two attacking talismans, and the power is absolutely guaranteed.

this standard

It was already the limit, and the original ghost blood used to attack the talisman was more. With one ghost, Lin Chen could practice three.

After agreeing on some details, Lin Chen and the others dispersed separately.

What happened today is too big.

Even though Lin Chen blocked Yuan's affairs, Chen De shouldered the righteousness and endured the sinful ghost transformation incident, as well as the incident of ghosts and gods drinking and hating Lanxing, and the incident of Lanxing protecting the real king Chonglan, which caused an uproar in all countries.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Chen De still bears the infamy.

Although the fragments of Chen De's reincarnation platform have fallen into Lin Chen's hands, his strength is accumulated after absorbing some grievances. He has his own way, and Lin Chen doesn't want to interfere too much. Everything comes first. Bei Qi naturally, avoiding any special circumstances.

Moreover, Chen De is not black and white, and the changes are too fast. Even if everything is announced, too many people will not accept it.

After all, there were indeed people who died because of Chen De, and there were not a few of them.

However, the death of ghosts and gods on Blue Star caused a great commotion.

"The ghosts and gods lowered their realm and entered the blue star, intending to turn the blue star into a ghost country, but they were successfully blocked by Li Shen! And successfully joined forces with the guardian true king to kill the ghosts and gods!"

As soon as this news came out, it can be said that the whole world was shocked.

Countless people were pleasantly surprised.

They had already received the news of Lin Chen's battle with ghosts and gods.

I was still uneasy at first, thinking that super evil spirits like ghosts and gods are very terrifying, and I felt hopeless and fearful in my heart.

Now the haze in my heart has finally been swept away.

Lin Chen's die-hard fans almost fell into a frenzy. On various web pages and communication channels, the word "Li Shen" almost always had the highest frequency of occurrence.

On this day, Li Shen's name.

Resounded throughout Blue Star.

In the past, there were some people who did not recognize Lin Chen, thinking that Lin Chen was a myth established by the government, but in fact it was too vain, and they completely changed their minds at this time.

Stand in front of the gate of Blue Star, block the pace of ghosts and gods, and successfully kill them!

Such merits, such grand deeds, made everyone's heart tremble, unable to calm down!

"Li Shen is already a seven-star powerhouse, and his combat power is unparalleled. Even if it is a ghost or **** who lowers his realm, he can kill him. He is really invincible!"

"Chen is the incarnation of the gods, and it is God who sent him into the world to save our world."

"Thank you Li Shen, he saved all of us!"

Lin Chen's popularity has become unprecedented, and he has many supporters.

Not only ordinary people, but players' reverence for Lin Chen is even more fanatical.

Besides Lin Chen, there are other

A person... or a ghost, also rose to fame.

That is Chonglan.

"Although Chong Lan is a ghost, he has made great sacrifices and contributions to our Blue Star!"

"I heard that if it weren't for Chonglan, it would be difficult for Li Shen to kill the ghosts and gods of the underworld. His merits are not weaker than Li Shen."

"Chonglan is an extreme ghost. Extreme ghosts represent extreme power. They are very powerful. Now they are probably the second strongest among our blue stars."

The matter of the Great Elder is top secret, so no news has leaked out.

"I heard that he helped Li Shen in the Battle of Banjie Mountain and saved many people. He has long been our helper!"

"That's right. He guards the gate for Lan Xing and blocks all evil spirits. Even the appearance of ghosts and gods of the underworld was discovered by him at the first time. If no one stops him, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Both powerful and standing in righteousness, in short, I am a fan."

"Li Shen is invincible! Dharma Protector True King Chonglan is invincible!"

Among the blue stars, the vast majority of people have endless affection for Chong Lan, and the momentum is not weaker than that of Lin Chen for a while.

There are a lot of fans.

Lin Chen is a human being, so although his dedication is admired by others, it is also part of his responsibility.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

But Chong Lan is the opposite, UU Reading As a ghost, he helps humans kill the ghosts and gods in the terrifying world. This kind of contrast can most enhance the goodwill and love of others.

There was a lot of appreciation.

But no one knew that these praises made Chong Chi feel goosebumps all over his body. Lying on the bed, he tightened the quilt, feeling endless malice.

He swears to God, he was really shot lying down, everything was forced!

Different from human beings, the evil spirits in the blue star have become more desperate.

"It's over, Lord Chonglan has been targeting the evil spirits before, and tried every means to catch the palace-level powerhouses, but now he has really betrayed."

"It's unbelievable that Lord Mingguishen died! That's a ghost, and the death of Mingguishen is related to Chonglan... Jidaohai, Yinyue Dynasty, hiss! It is estimated that the horror world will soon be turned upside down."

"The problem now is, what should we do, Master Chonglan has betrayed, and is still guarding the gate everywhere, deterring other ghosts who want to enter, our reinforcements will not increase in a short time, and the days are getting more and more sad. "

Originally, I thought that entering Blue Star would allow me to enjoy blood food in advance and become the first batch of ghosts to share the cake.

Looking at it now, it was clear that he had fallen into hell. Not only did he not eat a few people, but he became a street mouse, hiding everywhere and not daring to show his face.

At the same time, in a certain hot spring pool where men and women bathed together, an invisible man decided to lie down completely.

He will never lift his invisibility again in his life.

And he was the invisible ghost who once failed to assassinate Lin Chen, but was brutally beaten by Lin Chen, and was so tricked that he dared not show his face.

"I dare not show my face in my hometown. When I come to Blue Star, I still have to be invisible. This day is over, I am tired, let me destroy it."

Read The Duke's Passion