MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 483 : Blue Star Dharma Protector True King——Chonglan

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】


The extreme shock cannot be described in words.

In the eyes of everyone.

Under the giant eyes in the distance, a very small figure was holding a pink sack that suddenly became huge.

The mouth of the pink sack was covered half of the giant eye.

At this scene, the eyes of the Great Elder and Chong Lan almost popped out, their faces full of disbelief.

The other human players were even more dumbfounded. Their minds went blank, and they were shocked to the extreme. Their bodies were on the verge of falling, and their hearts almost stopped.

Not to mention the giant eye, as the master of everything, the incarnation of Yuan, this is the first time it has encountered such a thing.

Even it didn't expect that Lin Chen dared to attack it, and still used such a ridiculous pink sack to cover it.

This is undoubtedly a humiliation!

"Human, are you looking for death?"

The voice of the giant eye became cold, and it seemed to contain endless anger. Once it was uttered, it could destroy the world!

"Looking for your grandma's death, I have endured you for a long time!"

Lin Chen roared, and pulled down the pink sack with all his might.

His heart was beating wildly, not because of nervousness, but because of excitement.

The system seems to be hesitating, so there is no response.

But later, the system seemed to have made up its mind, and replied to Lin Chen, saying that if the giant eye was caught, three red treasure boxes could be obtained.

This reward is not insignificant.

Coupled with the fragments of the reincarnation platform on the giant eye, Lin Chen's sack can be said to be a great opportunity!


The giant eyes froze for a moment, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body. It was only initially released, and the whole world trembled violently.

This incarnation is not comparable to Mr. Li at all, it is a higher standard existence.

The strength is so strong that it can already bring the world to the blue star!

However, before everyone panicked, the terrifying aura around them disappeared out of thin air, and at the same time, the giant eye made a sound again.

It's just that this time, it didn't mean to play with all living beings and be indifferent and joking.

But a kind of anger and panic.

"It turned out to be you! How is this possible!"

Like Mr. Li, Juyan met an "acquaintance" in the sack.

This kind of thing beyond its expectation immediately made it panic.

"Why are you here, I have driven you out, you..."

Before it could finish speaking, it stopped abruptly.

At the same time, the body with huge eyes suddenly disappeared and was swallowed by the sack.

The scene suddenly became extremely silent.

The pink sack shriveled up. Lin Chen hugged the sack, raised the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help laughing out loud, but this kind of laughter didn't last too long, and he gradually restrained himself.

"Chen Dehua's ghost is not ending."

"You **** dead is the real end!"

Lin Chen said to the sack, he didn't know what happened to Yuan's incarnation, whether it had been absorbed by the system, but he still said so.

Chen Dehua ghost was right in front of him, and this incident completely angered Lin Chen.

It made him feel angry. Although Chen De just turned into another kind of existence, it didn't mean that he died completely, disappeared completely, and would meet each other at last, but Lin Chen was still not fair, for Chen De's sake, for Chen De's sake. Human beings are unfair.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

This is also the reason why he took the risk to make a bold move in addition to his interests!

The audience was silent.

Except for Lin Chen.

The other players from various countries, whether it is the Great Elder, Chong Lan, or the human side, all froze in place and have not reacted so far.

They were shocked by Lin Chen's blatant attack, and the attack was successful, which almost made them bite off their tongues, feeling numb all over their bodies.

The worldview in my mind has collapsed.

Yuan, who is aloof and lofty, was unexpectedly captured by a man who was with them.

What kind of human was killed?

This is even more unbelievable than seeing an ant eat a dragon.

However, this is the reality, the fact that happened before their eyes!


Chong Lan was the first to react. He gave a thumbs up and flew up to him laughing loudly, saying: That's awesome! I have long seen this big-eyed monster not pleasing to the eye, thinking that I just ran back to my own world when I was a cow, and before I could take a breath of Yin Qi, it was brought into the dungeon and sealed in separate parts. Today can be regarded as a relief. "

The Great Elder took a deep breath and accepted the fact, but he still muttered in his mouth: "It's amazing, it's amazing, what is this pink sack that even the incarnation of the original can be collected."

Zhou Geng was covered in sweat.

There is a sorrow that has not disappeared in my heart, but also an unbelievable excitement and ecstasy.

It's not that he hasn't seen Lin Chen trap the original incarnation.

But the prestige of this giant eye and Mr. Li are completely different things. I didn't expect Lin Chen to do the same thing, to do it again, and it was a success!

Players from other countries were shocked to see Lin Chen.

"Is he God?"

Some Western players couldn't help but speak slowly.

This huge turmoil was ended by a sack, which no one can imagine and understand.

And this kind of incomprehension made Lin Chen produce a dazzling and mysterious light in their eyes, making people awe-inspiring!

Only, no one noticed.

Lin Chen's actions inadvertently smoothed out the newly opened gap in their hearts.

Let them slowly develop self-confidence.

This is an important point.

At least, in the eyes of everyone, Yuan is no longer so uncontrollable.

Lin Chen fell to the ground, feeling equally restless, and murmured, "Sooner or later, I'll cover your body too, so that you will know what despair is."

An unintentional sentence seemed to stimulate a certain existence's reward.

[Reward distribution: Three red treasure chests have been stored in the system space, and the other host performed well, and received an additional reward: mind ban. 】

[Mind ban: The red-level ability of the speech and spirit system can seal the memory and consciousness of the caster, and turn the actual memory into subconsciousness, which cannot be uttered or detected. 】

Lin Chen was taken aback for a moment, then the corner of his mouth twitched.

Isn't this just what was prepared for him?

The traces between him and Yuan can be erased by the system, but with so many people around, he is faced with the problem of silence.

Originally, he was going to continue to use obedient water, but he didn't expect that now there is another excellent method.

It is estimated that the system itself is also afraid of things being brought to light.

Or it has gained a lot of benefits, so it is a little generous?

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

Lin Chen sneered.

Then he raised his head and opened his mouth to let everyone move closer to him.

No one would refuse Lin Chen's request at this time.

The Great Elder and Chong Lan were already at the side.

The other players looked at each other and gathered together with restless hearts.

Everyone is here.

Lin Chen first closed his eyes, and then opened them slightly.

Dozens of mechanical shattering sounds came from each player, and all the electronic equipment collapsed for a while.

Even the elder machine of the Great Elder is no exception.

"This is…"

Some people were puzzled, but they didn't dare to ask in depth. Lin Chen was too terrified, he tricked away ghosts and gods, and even the incarnation of Yuan Yuan was tricked away.

Ferocity, courage, and methods are all awe-inspiring.

Facing Lin Chen, everyone felt that they were ordinary people who were meeting a gangster with a machine gun who killed countless people. The atmosphere is a little afraid to breathe.

Lin Chen said with a smile: "You don't have to be afraid, as long as you don't harm Blue Star or hostile to Huaguo, I won't do anything to you, and you shouldn't be here in this war.

, since you are here, I believe that you are also responsible for Blue Star and willing to give, so don't be cautious. "

We also don't want to be prudish.

The body is out of control!

Some people can't help but think that until now, some people have weak calves and have not adapted to it. What Lin Chen did was too big, and they couldn't bear it at all.

"You have seen everything just now, I have some requirements for you, do you have any objections?"

"No no."

Everyone responded quickly.

Lin Chen smiled slightly, and said: "Let's put it simply, first, let's ferment the matter of Chen De, his path is irreversible, and he also needs the results to strengthen him, one day, I will expose everything, return his innocence, and the heart also needs the power of Fu Mu, if he is not strengthened, there will be a big day, I will expose everything, and return his innocence."

Everyone nodded in response.

"Second, you all know Chen De's merits. His family members must be fully guarded. Of course, I believe that the Zhou team can do a good job in this regard, but I still want to say that the Chen family must not be allowed to spark conflicts. I don’t even want to see a word of infamy on him, his family members, it’s the same in every country and every media!”

Everyone nodded again. Although this matter was a little difficult, they also felt that it should be taken for granted.

Chen De has great righteousness, but also bears the infamy. Everyone will enjoy his shadow from now on, and they will inevitably feel a little guilty. The second request, they will fully cooperate.

"Three: Things about Yuan must not be exposed. All of you need to accept my ban. This is a special ability. After using it, you will turn things about Yuan into subconsciousness. It cannot change your thinking and emotions, but But it cannot be told, nor can it be searched."

Everyone hesitated this time, UU reading www.uukanshu. comBut when they saw that Lin Chen's eyes were starting to look wrong, and his hand holding the sack was slightly tense, they still agreed without saying a word.

"Four: It's about Chonglan."


Chong Lan, who was watching from the side, was taken aback, looking at Lin Chen in bewilderment.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

What does it have to do with me?

Others were also surprised, wondering why Lin Chen suddenly mentioned Chonglan.

"You have also seen the battle just now. Chonglan has done a great job in assisting me in killing ghosts and ghosts. This is a great righteousness!"

"So, I hope that no one will hate Chonglan because he is a ghost, and I will give him warmth and let him know that the humans of Blue Star are grateful for their kindness."

"I decided to make Chonglan the true guardian king of Blue Star! As a hero of Blue Star, announce the entire Blue Star, every country, and every media, let everyone know that Chong Lan's righteous deeds, let him enjoy the Blue Star Best resource!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was dumbfounded. Looking at the serious Lin Chen, they suddenly felt that Lin Chen at this time was more terrifying than the Lin Chen at the time of the fierce, or that he was wicked...

Chong Lan, who was covered with supreme glory, was not only displeased, but his face turned green on the spot. Regardless of the difference in strength, he pinched Lin Chen's collar and said, "Damn! Why don't you set me up too! If you do this, Do you want to kill me and make me the public enemy of the horror world?"

The Great Elder sighed slightly, and took a few steps back.

shook his head.

Chen's heart is really broken.

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