MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 470 : All Heavens Clubhouse!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

"System, upgrade the dream function to open the next place."

[The cemetery of the gods, the clubhouse of the heavens, the ghost body laboratory, the super bathing pool, the mysterious desert, the super large power plant, the mysterious mental hospital, the ancient temple of Qingshan, the barley world, and the seminary of the gods. 】

The Qingshan ancient temple newly unlocked due to Ningxiang also appeared, but it was not at the end.

It seems that this arrangement is not due to successive unlocking.

Logically, it is not a gap in strength.

Because of the water in the cemetery of the gods, Lin Chen felt that it was too deep, and it was definitely not the weakest of the eleven places. They are even the strongest ones.

[Consuming 100 million **** coins, the clubhouse of the heavens has been unlocked, and can be used to enter the dream or enter the spirit. 】

[The next location is the ghost body laboratory, which needs 500 million to unlock. 】


Lin Chen took a deep breath, and the unlocking location was simply not ordinary expensive, and the third one jumped to 500 million in one fell swoop.

Going on like this, to unlock all the maps, the gods and ghost coins needed are simply unimaginable, and selling ten ghosts and gods is not enough...

"Turn on the dream function."

Before entering Zhutian Clubhouse, Lin Chen must first use the dream function to explore the way.

The dream function is in a state of being invisible, unobservable, and unattackable, which can guarantee one's own safety, and can also have a certain understanding of the All Heavens Association.

[Do you go randomly? 】

After thinking about it, Lin Chen nodded.

After Lin Chen agreed, he closed his eyes, as if falling asleep.

And his consciousness was in a whirl, and came to a brand new world.

Lin Chen had more or less expectations in his mind.

Since it is the All Heavens Clubhouse with the highest level, its magnificence must be unimaginable.

However, when Lin Chen arrived, the astonishment on his face became more and more obvious.

A world of ice and snow, cold and windy.

What kind of clubhouse is here? It's simply a snow mountain with a very harsh environment!

"System, are you malfunctioning and sending me to the wrong place?"

Lin Chen asked subconsciously.

Looking around, he didn't see any figure.

[This is the snowy entertainment venue of the All-heaven Club, and some race creatures who like cold will like this environment. 】

"You mean, in the world of the heavens, there are not purely two kinds of existences, humans and ghosts?"

Lin Chen grabbed the system's words and hurriedly asked.

[Heaven, Humanity, Asura, Animals, Hungry Ghosts, Hell. 】

[After the samsara was broken, the spirits of the six realms appeared all over the world. With the evolution, there are many kinds of creatures in the big world today. 】

[Strictly speaking, even the humans of Blue Star are just a branch of the human race, but the humans of Blue Star are extremely orthodox. 】

Lin Chen nodded, although he was surprised, it was not unexpected.

Lin Chen flew quickly while looking for useful information.

The function of dreaming is one million **** coins per minute, which he can afford, and he wants to learn as much as possible about the All Heavens Clubhouse.

Listen to the meaning of the system.

This so-called ice field is just a "theme room" in the All-heaven Clubhouse.

I have to say that people in the big world have vision and have fun!

Not long after walking, Lin Chen saw a huge igloo in front of him.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

It looks like it is made of ice and snow, but in fact, its material is by no means ordinary ice and snow.

In the dream function, Lin Chen can perceive the external environment, and can clearly detect the severe cold air emanating from the igloo.

It is colder than ordinary ice and snow.

Especially the silver glow that it naturally exudes is even more extraordinary.

"This should be a very good material, but it turned out to be a fun house. It really is rich and powerful."

After approaching, a burst of bewildering sound came into his ears.

Lin Chen originally wanted to retreat first, but the system said that there are more than one race in the heavens, so he still has a chance.

Somewhat curious, he couldn't help tiptoeing to the door.

In fact, even if he wasn't so cautious, he wouldn't be discovered, it was just a subconscious behavior of his guilty conscience.

It has something to do with the habit of hunting ghosts for many years.

"I'm just curious about these people... What do these creatures look like? I don't have any selfishness. I'm crazy about the lamp."

Lin Chen muttered silently, and walked through the door.

The next moment, he widened his eyes and stayed where he was.

After a long time, he suppressed the shock and exited the door.

"This is definitely not a picture that I can watch without paying."

"But they look too weird!"

In the ice room, a man and a woman.

They should be of the same race and look very similar.

They have crystal white scales on their bodies, only their faces look like ordinary people, the males are handsome and the females are beautiful.

The only difference is that the man seems to have a big tail measuring 1.8 meters, which is very frightening.

These **** people are definitely not human beings, and they are not ghosts either. They don't have the resentment and yin energy that ghosts should have. Judging by the energy naturally emitted from their bodies, they are not ghost powers.

After Lin Chen left, he found a few icehouses. The people inside were of different shapes, which gave Lin Chen some insight, but soon, Lin Chen stopped the dream function this time.

"I'm here to do things, not to watch the sports meeting, the system, change to another area."

Lin Chen said.

[Is it random? 】

This time Lin Chen refused to be random, but said: "Go to the area where Qingxiu ghost is."

Qingxiu ghost, Lin Chen's first ghost sold to Zhutian Clubhouse.

It's just a little green-clothed ghost, who looks very timid, but is full of malice towards humans, and often looks at human players with cold eyes.

Qingxiu ghost said that he could sing, so Lin Chen just sent him to the All Heavens Club.

Now that Lin Chen is also here, if he wants to enter the game, it is naturally best to enter the game from this "cooked ghost".

The surrounding pictures flowed, and all the ice and snow disappeared.

After Lin Chen saw his surroundings clearly again, it had turned into a magnificent entertainment place.

The strange crystal chandelier tens of meters high, and the pavement of stones shining with colorful lights, are outrageously luxurious.

Even Lin Chen couldn't help feeling like he was entering the city.

Walk into the interior, go to the left direction, and you will come to a region full of dark wind in a short time.

The blue spring here is emitting white mist, the environment is very dim, and there are even various sounds of howling ghosts and wolves.

When Lin Chen passed by, he realized that this kind of ghost crying and wolf howling turned out to be some fierce ghosts singing with microphones.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

I remember the system said that the treatment of Qingxiu ghost is not bad, just to accompany singing and drinking, which is consistent with what I saw at this time.

Following the guidance given by the system, Lin Chen came to a private room and penetrated in.

The interior space is very large, very similar to Blue Star's nightclub, with long rows of comfortable sofas, expensive and high-grade tabletops, and good wines of various colors.

A man with a big belly was hugging a delicate female ghost, smiling all over his face.

The female ghost seemed to have excellent facial features, very delicate, with a sweet smile, and had a good chat with the man.

It was the former Qingxiu ghost.

Now she seems to have gotten used to her life.

What surprised Lin Chen was that this female ghost's cultivation speed was not low. She who used to be just in Tsing Yi now has ghost power at the level of a ghost king, even stronger than Qiu Ziwen and the others.

"Xiuxiu, how did you come here to work in this industry?"

This is a common problem among men, no matter the world or dynasty, they all like to ask prostitutes "why do they do this business".

The prostitute's answer is generally involuntary, or the parents gamble, or support the younger brother.

When Qingxiu heard the words, she even boasted with a small face, showing a bit of sadness, and curled up on the man, crying

Said: "I met a very bad, very bad person."

The man became interested and asked, "Tell me in detail."

"I was originally just a little female ghost wandering in the ghost world. One day, I was suddenly dragged into a mysterious space by a strong will. There was a human being there, who was strong, brutal, and cruel, and beat us to death. It's all scattered, even I won't let it go, put it in a sack and sold it here, woo woo woo."

The man was surprised: "A sack can send you to another world? What kind of strength is he?"

Qingxiu Ghost was startled, then thought for a while and said: "It should be the red clothes, or the fierce god, after all, he even defeated the most powerful foreman ghost."

The man sneered and said: "So what if you are a fierce god, you can't be considered a strong man, you are now the king of ghosts, you are not lying to me, are you?"

Qingxiu ghost hastily said: "I will not lie to my brother."

The man smiled evilly and said, "Let me touch your conscience to make sure what you said is true or false."

After 3 minutes, the man left without interest, leaving only Qingxiu Gui in a daze, thinking about something.

Lin Chen left at a critical moment and came back after the end, couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "System, didn't you say that Qingxiu ghost just sang along?"

[She voluntarily. 】

"What happened to the flower god?"

【You have an enmity with the God of Flowers, so I naturally vented your anger on you and sold it to a special treatment area...】

You are very interesting, but somewhat unreliable.

Lin Chen complained, and then looked at Qingxiu ghost.

At this time, Qingxiu Ghost was holding a crystal stone the size of a peanut, which shone brightly.

This should be the fare that the customer left before he left.

And this crystal clear stone, Lin Chen recognized it at a glance.

It is Shenjing!

No, or it can be said that it is a god-level ghost rough stone, whose specifications are far lower than the god-level crystals in the mining area, and comparable to the god-level ghost rough stones in the flower sea on the other side.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

No wonder Qingxiu ghost's strength can improve so quickly!

Lin Chen squinted his eyes, and when he had a goal, he exited the dream mode, and directly activated the trance, and appeared in Qingxiugui's private room.

Qingxiu Gui, who was still in deep thought, was stunned when he saw the light appear, and soon after seeing Lin Chen's face, his eyes widened, his face was full of fear and disbelief.

Even though her strength is not what it used to be, Lin Chen's existence can be said to be a dream monster that she will never be able to erase.

"Long time no see, you seem to be doing well."

Lin Chen stepped on the ground and greeted with a smile.


Lin Chen used the same face he used to have in the ghost restaurant, so Qingxiu ghost recognized it at a glance, and screamed in fright on the spot.

Still so cowardly.

Lin Chen snapped his fingers, and used mental power and spatial partition to isolate the private room.

Then he said: "Stop barking, or I'll sell you out again!"

Qingxiu Ghost's screams stopped abruptly, and her petite body stepped back quickly, showing her fear of Lin Chen. And Lin Chen's words were of course intended to scare Qingxiu ghosts. If he wanted to bring out the sold ghosts, he would need expensive forgiveness charms, and it was impossible to resell them indiscriminately.

Seeing that Qingxiu ghost calmed down for a while, Lin Chen showed a kind smile again, and said, "You shouldn't be afraid of me, but you need to thank me, otherwise how could you become the king of ghosts in just a few months?"

" did you get in here?" Qingxiu Gui trembled. After coming to this world, her world view underwent countless collapses and reorganizations before she got used to it.

Lin Chen's sudden appearance shocked her very much.

"If I can sell you, I can come in naturally. I won't talk about gossip. I want to see your foreman, that is, the manager, the one with certain strength and power."

Lin Chen said.

Qingxiu ghost was terrified in her heart, but seeing that Lin Chen wasn't targeting her, she felt relieved a little.

And after thinking about it, he agreed to Lin Chen's request.

For her, she dared not disobey Lin Chen's orders, and the manager was powerful, so if she really found her, she would be able to target Lin Chen, an outsider.

Qingxiu ghost pressed a button hidden under the seat, and after a while, a man wearing a flowered dress, who seemed to be full of temperament and obviously had a certain status walked over.

As soon as he entered, the man in the floral dress changed his face, looked at Lin Chen with hostility and said, "How did you get in?"

This is a ghost, and its strength is not weak. It has reached the good fortune level, which is one level higher than Lin Chen's level.

After seeing him, Lin Chen had a certain understanding of the strength of the Zhutian Club. Although the managers of the mining area are all ghosts and gods, the clubhouse is definitely not weak.

Because even if there were ghosts and gods in the clubhouse, they wouldn't be able to be summoned by a little ghost king like Qingxiu Ghost.

What came was the man in the flowered dress who made good fortune, which has already shown that he is not bad. UU reading

Lin Chen smiled slightly, without any panic, but said, "The gods sent me here."

The man in the floral dress and Qingxiu ghost: "???"

Like developing a mining area, after arriving at the clubhouse, Lin Chen repeated his old tricks and spoke out a set of rhetoric with ease. Whether Qingxiu Gui can appear in the clubhouse out of thin air, or Lin Chen himself's sudden appearance, it all proves that he is extraordinary.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

After Lin Chen symbolically exposed some divine power, the man in the floral dress was shocked and half-believing.

At the same time, Qingxiu Gui also whispered something about the things between her and Lin Chen.

"What do you want from me?"

Xinghe, the man in the floral dress, looked at Lin Chendao.

Lin Chen's origin was too mysterious, so he decided to judge Lin Chen's depth from Lin Chen's origin.

As for the reason why he didn't do anything, it was because Lin Chen had been using the breath-holding technique all the time, and the good luck ghost couldn't see the true strength of the real king Lin Chen.

"For business, I wonder if you need female ghosts?"

Lin Chen laughed.

Asking this question, Lin Chen is still a little uncertain. After all, this club is too big, and there are endless guests. There are all kinds of beauties, ghosts, and beasts. If there is no shortage, Lin Chen's business will not be easy. up.

However, as soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, Xinghe's eyes lit up, trying to understand something.

He finally knew why Lin Chen appeared, and he felt a kind of surprise in his heart, and even his face turned slightly red, which could almost be called eagerness, and said:
