MTL - Eighteen Years of Cheating, I Entered the Horror Game-Chapter 469 : New red product ability!

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

In Lin Chen's villa, Lin Chen appeared in the teleportation light.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Well, another dungeon was broken, which can be regarded as adding a milestone in the player's life.

Lin Chen scanned the outside with his mental power, and saw that Qiu Ziwen and the others were still staying in the room according to his instructions, so he didn't go out, and directly broke through the different space and flew in.

It's just that before he left, he found Chen De's WeChat with his mobile phone, and joined a group, and after Duan Jibo was also included, he sent out a treasured video without saying a word.

In the different space, Lin Chen sat cross-legged in the air, and there were a lot of things on his body that needed to be digested.

Especially the red treasure chest and those ghosts need to be dealt with.

Luo Jin and the others are willing to open another flower house, and it sounds like the Tiantian Club is the most suitable one.

As for the highland barley world, this new world may also need entertainment venues, but some prostitutes have a lot of grievances and uncertainties, so relatively, it is more appropriate to put them in a professional counterpart like a club.

It's just that Lin Chen is not sure what it looks like inside the Zhutian Clubhouse.

Judging from the scene where Huashen's main body is constantly shaking, it might be a fire pit...

"After God's Guildcoin is upgraded to Dream, the All Heavens Clubhouse is opened, let's go and have a look first."

Lin Chen began to formally absorb the harvest this time.


Meanwhile, the outside world.

The news that Lin Chen got the SSS rating again has been announced in the player chat system.

For a moment, everyone was both shocked and excited.

No one expected that in just a few days, Lin Chen would enter the dungeon again and get another SSS grade.

As for the ghost clan hiding in Lanxing, they secretly slapped their thighs, regretting not doing something in Lanxing when Lin Chen was not around.

Of course, the fact that the SSS rating was released this time was because Lin Chen was not banned.

Blue Star's morale needs this kind of explosive news to increase.

"This is already a six-star dungeon. Uncle Chen can actually get an SSS rating in a six-star dungeon. What a god!"

"This is Li Shen!"

"The boss behind our family has also returned, and woke up from a deep sleep, telling us that in this dungeon, the human side escaped unscathed, and all of them got a score no lower than S rank, and it all depends on Li Shen Great help in the dungeon!"

A six-star player woke up and sent a thank you to the world channel for the first time.

This is also to build momentum for Lin Chen and deter other countries and evil spirits in the dark.

"Li Shen can not only take off by himself, but also lead others to clear the level together. What kind of strength does he have now?"

Someone asked in shock.

"Our big brother won't let me say more, anyway, I can only tell you that the dungeon boss is the real king, that is to say, in the blue star, if all the palace-level evil spirits dare to show their heads, Li Shen will kill them in seconds."

"Li Shen is awesome!"

"Li Shen is awesome!"

"With Li Shen here, the evil spirits have no fear."


The entire Blue Star situation was surging, and some six-star players who had not entered the dungeon hurriedly contacted everywhere to ask whether the matter was true or false.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

However, when Zhou Geng appeared in front of the screen with a heavy head shaking his head, all the news was confirmed.

"The Hualou dungeon, more than a hundred original ghosts, the double king dungeon, ten ghost players, can be called S-level dungeon difficulty, Li Shen abruptly led everyone out of the dungeon, and got a high score..."

Every piece of information is like thunder, blasting in the minds of different players and ghosts.

The players' blood was boiling with enthusiasm, and some diehard fans who admired Lin Chen almost went crazy, and their excitement was uncontrollable.

Blue Star's morale has greatly increased!

Zhou Geng turned off the communication and returned to the office. On the way, he happened to see Chen De and Duan Jibo bowing their heads.

Looking at the mobile phone, I was trembling with joy, and the corners of my mouth were almost cracked to the base of my ears.

"What are you looking at?" Zhou Geng suddenly appeared and asked abruptly.

After he left the dungeon, he was impacted by the power of the rules and was already awake, but his head was a little heavy after all. He knew it was the effect of obedient water, and at the same time he was very relieved that his memory had not been erased. He felt that he was not the same as Lin Chen. Not in vain.


Chen De and Duan Jibo were taken aback, they quickly turned off their phones, put them behind them, and said in unison.

"It's weird, what are you hiding from me?" Zhou Geng frowned, and his heart trembled suddenly, as if something extremely bad was about to happen.

Moreover, this incident had something to do with him, which made him feel heavy and depressed, and there was an inexplicable depression for no reason.

"It's really nothing, we just watched a video of monkey playing, the monkey's skills are very good, we are very satisfied." Duan Jibo said with a simple and honest smile.

Chen De nodded again and again, and said, "I swear to God, it's definitely not a big deal, so the Zhou team don't ask, and leave us a little privacy."

Zhou Geng was very suspicious in his heart, but when he heard Chen De's words, he had no choice but to temporarily suppress his doubts and nodded slightly.

The two of Chen and De decided not to mention the mobile phone as if they had received amnesty, but when they saw Zhou Geng's serious face, they couldn't help but think of a very contrasting image in their minds, and couldn't help but burst out with joy .

"You are wrong, there must be something hidden from me!"

Zhou Geng, who had just calmed down, frowned, and couldn't hold back his doubts anymore, and said, "What the **** is in the phone? Give it to me!"

"Boss, don't, didn't you agree to give us privacy?"

"It's just a video about playing monkeys, there's really no need to watch it."

Zhou Geng didn't listen to the duo's fooling around, and said seriously: "I ordered you, the highest commander in blue, to take out your mobile phone!"

"You are abusing your power."

"I really can't take this, it's not for us, it's for your own good."

The two shouted.

Zhou Geng watched this video, maybe he died on the spot, the majestic supreme commander in blue, the top figure of Blue Star, doing backflips like a monkey, or the kind who spins continuously in the air with a hot wheel...

How can there be a face to live here!

"Bring it!"

Zhou Geng's face darkened, and the ominous feeling in his heart became more and more obvious, even his hands trembled. He is a six-star player and has a very strong sense of consciousness. The mobile phone must have something to do with him, otherwise he would have such a feeling .

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

So he was very firm.

Seeing this, Chen and De had no choice but to lower their heads, and handed the phone to Zhou Geng.

After Zhou Geng took it, he asked for the password and opened it slowly.

Chen De and the two acted backwards, but they were also curious. They wanted to see Zhou Geng's appearance after watching the video, and they were very entangled.

At this time, there was already a sound coming from the screen of the mobile phone.

"Old Zhou, go and perform."

This is Lin Chen's voice, which is also the beginning of the video.

At this moment, Zhou Geng's face also turned pale. Upon closer inspection, his hand holding the phone trembled.


Zhou Geng refused at first.

Knowing that Xuanmu's voice sounded: "Come one..."

Zhou Geng felt as if he was being beaten like chicken blood.

"one comes!"

Then, the scene became horrible, Zhou Geng looked at himself like a monkey, and finally knew where his ominous feeling came from.

His face turned from pale to flushed quickly, and then from red to purple again, trembling all over, his eyes staring straight.

Finally, a growl came out of his mouth: "Chen! I insist on skinning you!"

"And you two, I want Gu Yehan to assassinate you!"


Blue Star's ghost clan, ever since they heard about Lin Chen, started to

Trembling, many ghosts hiding in the shadows shrank their feet further in, not daring to breathe.

In the group chats of some ghosts, it was also very hot.

However, the content of the chat was extremely frustrating.

"Blue Star can't stay anymore, I want to go back to the horror world!"

"It's so scary, how can there be such a person, I have news, those ten ghost players are all powerful palaces, they were slapped to death collectively by that human!"

"Could it be that he has become a true king?"

"No, I'm going to have a heart attack..."

"You are a ghost, why do you have a heart attack?"

"That's my ghost disease, I can't stand being frightened like this!"

"At first, I thought that entering the supervising star meant that I came to a huge slaughterhouse with endless blood food. My family specially asked ghosts to find connections to send me in, but it was only when I came that I realized that I jumped into the fire pit! Hiding in a small cave somewhere, with wild beasts! What kind of **** is this living?"

"Don't say it, I'm worse than you. I'm hiding in a certain otaku's room. There are many people in blue clothes patrolling outside, and the otaku doesn't go out. I've been hiding under his bed for three days. I dare not do anything. , for fear of disturbing the blue clothes, but what is even more unacceptable to me is that this otaku seems to have not bathed in three years, and the sour feet smelled so bad that my eyes are almost blind."

In the group chat, they kept crying and complaining about selling misery, which looked horrible.

"Support from Horror World should be coming soon. There are plenty of ghosts in Blue Star, but last time so many halls and ghost kings died, they can always be replenished." A ghost asked.

"They have already entered one after another, but up to now, no new ghosts have appeared, and they may have been hidden.


In a certain area, Chong Lan crossed his legs and sat on a comfortable sofa.

In front of him, there is a huge space vortex, like a wormhole.

From time to time, ghosts pop up.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

And under his body, there are hundreds of ghosts lying here and there, ten of them are at the palace level, and the rest are ghost kings, ghost kings, and even red and blue clothes.

While drinking, Chonglan counted his fingers and said, "The quality is average. After waiting for ten days, why are there only ten halls? When will I be able to get the task indicators together?"


In the space where Lin Chen was.

Lin Chen's aura emanated naturally, it was very deep, and he sat there like a black hole that could **** everything in.

[Red product skill: Changhe swordsmanship! 】

This is the skill that Lin Chen came out of the system treasure box.

[Changhe swordsmanship is based on water and uses water as a sword. It is not only a water method, but also a sword skill. It can accommodate extraordinary power of water. Strong hit. 】

[Note: The strength of this skill is directly related to the water method of fusion refining. 】

Although Lin Chen has no shortage of skills, Lin Chen likes this powerful offensive red-grade skill very much.

The experiment was started immediately, spending a lot of magic coins to exchange for the fusion volume, and the water system skills were integrated as a whole. Similar to the earliest gold-quality skills Wang Yangzhi, etc., they were directly fused together, so that the power of this red-grade skill was further enhanced, and it was more usable.

"Sure enough, it's water technique and sword technique. Although I don't have many sword abilities, they can be combined together."

After Lin Chen saw this, he also integrated the sword skills that he had always regarded as his core.

Although the overall power has improved a bit, it is no longer as obvious as the fusion of the water system. This has something to do with Lin Chen's sword skills.

"Red product is not the limit..."

Sensing the change in Changhe's swordsmanship, Lin Chenyou sighed.

The fire ability has reached the source of fire. The so-called extreme is because Lin Chen has no more fire ability to integrate, and has no chance to devour other fire energies.

The small river of time is also growing.

It has already been explained that the ability of the red product is not at the full level, there is still room for it,

Just advanced again, the difficulty is so high that it is unimaginable.

Lei Fa also successfully advanced to the red rank.

The integration of Lin Chen's own lightning method and the lightning method rewarded by the horror game finally crossed that step and became Lin Chen's new red grade ability.

This kind of lightning is gray, with a destructive aura, and it is very violent. As soon as it is released on the first day, the whole space is blown up and trembling, and it is almost collapsed. It was not until Lin Chen took the lightning back into his body that everything was stable. down.

It looks even more exaggerated and terrifying than the Changhe swordsmanship.

"Changhe swordsmanship is not weak, and it needs special water to increase it. Now the water I summon with the water method is too ordinary, and the power will naturally not increase. It's like having a skill but no resources to use it."

Lin Chen understood the root cause and pondered.

"Just like the water of a water ghost, they all have different powers. What kind of water should I use to become the foundation of Changhe swordsmanship?"

Soon, Lin Chen's eyes lit up slightly.

"Isn't obedient water the most suitable?"

Obedient water has magical powers. Under the same level, those who touch it will be easily dizzy, and those who drink it will definitely fall asleep. It is definitely a good match for Changhe swordsmanship.

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【Eighteen years of cheating, I entered the horror game】【】

[True king-level obedient water: a bottle of 50,000 godly coins. 】

Seeing this price, the corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched. For a single use, 50,000 **** coins are nothing, but if they want to gather them into a river, the consumption will be too great.

[True king-level super glue with special effects: a bottle of 30,000 gods and coins. 】

Lin Chen noticed this thing in the system mall again.

He once used it to stick the foreman ghost, and even the power of the rules revived the foreman ghost, and he couldn't move for a while. It's definitely a good thing.

It's just that during this period of time, Lin Chen's own strength is completely sufficient, so he left this super glue behind.

"System, give me 100 million real king-level obedient water, and UU Reading also has 100 million real king-level superglue!"

Lin Chen hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth.

The balance of his magic coin suddenly dropped, and at the same time, 2,000 bottles of Wa Ting Hua and more than 3,000 bottles of superglue appeared in front of him.

Lin Chen manipulated with mental power, poured out the obedient water and superglue, and fused them together,

A bottle of obedient water is not very large, but a bottle of super glue can have 500ml.

When the two were superimposed, two water columns the size of two cubic meters appeared in front of Lin Chen.

"It's pitifully small."

Compared with the so-called long river, this water column can only be regarded as a stream...

But this is just the source. If Lin Chen wants to, he can turn it into a huge long river at any time, but the obedient water and super glue in it have to be diluted a little.

As for the special effect of mixing obedient water with water, Lin Chen doesn't need to worry about it. It requires a special ratio. As long as he doesn't play to his death, he won't milk his opponent.

Lin Chen sighed, and then directly used Changhe swordsmanship to refine it. After a while, the water column became full of columns, as if it contained countless swords.

Sure enough, the power has increased several times.

Lin Chen nodded in satisfaction. The money was not in vain. Then he waved his hand and retracted the water jet into his body. After refining, plus his own ability to use poison as a master, this water jet would not do him any harm at all.

But the ability of this water column is extremely terrifying to other people.

Extremely fierce sword intent, and it is difficult to move because of being stuck, plus the dizzy effect of obedient water...

It is simply an ability specially born for ghost dealers.

"Next, you can upgrade the dream function and go to the All Heavens Clubhouse."