MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 389 attacking president

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late at night.

In an abandoned factory on the outskirts.

The darkness enveloped everything, the sound of water slowly infiltrating from nowhere, and the strange sound of creatures moving slightly, aggravated a strange atmosphere.

Suddenly, there were slight footsteps, which came out slowly.

In the darkness, a figure walked slowly. The darkness here clearly did not cause any obstacles to him.

And in this person's eyes, there are strange golden particles flowing.

Walking forward in the dark, after a while, he stopped.

The place where he stopped was a large open space with many broken waste materials scattered on the ground.

At the end, in front of the window of the row, there is a shadow in the back.

And the back figure slowly turned around, and then, a thick, hoarse laughter came, "Hehehehehe, he is very capable, Mr. Bird Capital's president, blocked the entire Bird Capital, and then in a short period of time. Locked my position in a few days, came to my door, and consumed a lot of super source seeds, right?"

"The Bird Capital Association is indeed rich, so rich, it would be better to use it to help me with one or two, why should we compete against each other, hehehehe."

"Ma Yinxiu, you can say a few more words now. Although it's all nonsense, I'll treat it as your last words."

Wei Changqing said: "Come on, start a dark game here, don't spread the battle to the outside world, if you choose to do that, what the consequences will be, you should know, fight with me, if you can kill me, just There is still a way to go, do you choose?"

"Hehehehehe, what a domineering speech."

Ma Yinxiu laughed softly: "It seems that there is no extra way to go, so I have to..."

After a pause, wiped his neck, twisted his face in vain and laughed wildly: "Kill you!"

At the moment when the voice fell, a strong and suffocating dark breath suddenly swept out, and soon covered Wei Changqing and Ma Yinxiu himself.

Dark game unfolds!

In the boundless darkness, Wei Changqing's face froze, and the light summoned in front of him flashed.

The monster with the head of a jackal, the human body, and the legs of a griffin spread out its wide black and white wings, hugged its arms, and looked down at a place in the darkness.


Birds and beasts, land attributes.

ATK/3000, DEF/2500


"Alaiwo... a god-level monster in the bird and beast family. In ancient times, it was the only bird and beast family that could compete with the Black Feather family."

In the darkness, Ma Yinxiu, who was locked by Alaiwo, looked calm, "No wonder he is the chairman of the Bird Capital Association, an awakened elf."

"You know Alevo?"

Wei Changqing's face changed slightly, and there was a vague consternation in the depths of his confused eyes.

Many people may know that their ace is Alaiwo, but few people know the story behind Alaiwo.

At least in the Bird Capital Association, the one who knows about this, aside from him, is only Chen Fei'ang.

But Ma Yinxiu knew things from ancient times.

This guy's intelligence channels are a bit amazing!

Wei Changqing even had some terrible conjectures in his mind.

Will his people... infiltrate the general meeting, or even have a low status!

But soon, and quickly rejected.

No, with the strict censorship system of the General Assembly, it is impossible to give Ma Yinxiu such an opportunity.

Getting rid of the distracting thoughts, Wei Changqing fixed his eyes on Ma Yinxiu.

In any case, the key at the moment is only one point, killing Ma Yinxiu!

At this moment, Alaiwo decisively launched an attack.

"The president is a little anxious."

The dueling plate in Ma Yinxiu's hand showed a strong black glow, and a magic card was turned over under the cover of pitch-black aura.

Full of spikes, a semi-circular iron fence descended from the sky, rushing in front of Alaiwo to cover it.

Alaiwo's wings trembled, and he dashed, trying to violently smash through the fence.

But while the power was brewing, a dark aura pervaded his body, and that aura seemed to contain its attack.

Magic Card, Iron Fence of Nightmare!

Ma Yinxiusen sneered: "With this card, I think we can coexist peacefully for at least the next minute."

Wei Changqing glanced at the pitch-black aura that permeated the iron fence, and in that breath, there seemed to be some kind of pitch-black particles solidifying in it.


Wei Changqing smiled and said: "You said that birds are rich and rich, I think you are the 'spending money like soil', in order to make this card effective for my Alevo, I did not hesitate to use the source in the card, and banned this card. Does a temporary attack make sense?"

While speaking, the card in front of him was flipped.

First, a magic card was activated. When the card took effect, three monsters instantly appeared on Wei Changqing's field.

They are all birds and beasts, but their rank is only Shirahoshi.

But as soon as it appeared, they were turned into sacrifices, and a golden beam of light suddenly broke through the sky.

In the beam of light, a large snow-white bird, waving its wings gracefully, circled in the air for several weeks, then stopped.

【Tianxue Holy Bird-Youyi】

Birds and beasts, water attributes.

ATK/2900, DEF/1800


What appeared in vain was a monstrous Venus monster.

And in You Yi's eyes, you can vaguely see the flow of golden particles.

It is the power of super source!

You Yi is the existence that has awakened the super source constitution!


At this moment, Youyi Yangtian let out a loud cry.

In the dark sky, snowflakes suddenly floated, and the snowflakes turned into goose feather snow in a short time.

In the heavy snow, a slender figure emerged.

This figure has long white hair like snow, and his face is pure, giving people a pure and flawless feeling.

And this woman also had a pair of snow-white wings growing on her body. At this moment, the wings were waving slightly, supporting her to stand in the air.

The most striking thing is that in the woman's eyes, there are also faintly flowing golden particles.

【Snow Maiden-Alian】

Birds and beasts, water attributes.

ATK/2800, DEF/2000


Alian who appeared in the field, judging from the breath, did not lose to You Yi at all.

There is no doubt that the mother is another Venus monster!

And this monster also awakened the super source physique!

In a short period of time, Wei Changqing unfolded such a terrifying scene, but Ma Yinxiu still just watched quietly, with an unpredictable smile on his face.

"Is there more?"

Ma Yinxiu looked at Wei Changqing with a sly smile. The iron fence shrouded in the three monsters was shaking.

The appearance of Youyi and Alian seems to have accelerated the disintegration of the iron fence of nightmare.

Wei Changqing frowned slightly, Ma Yinxiu still hasn't summoned any monsters.

After releasing the iron bar of nightmare, he allowed himself to unfold the scene.

Although speaking of this level, the unfolding of the scene is just trivial and nothing, but Ma Yinxiu has no reason to let the effect of the iron bars of nightmare collapse.

Are you deliberately letting yourself lay the scene?

But what if you just lay it out like this, come to fight!

Crunch, crunch.

The trembling of the iron bars of the nightmare became more intense.

Seeing to collapse.

"It's almost there..."

Ma Yinxiu smiled strangely, and suddenly raised his hand, "It's time to come out and get some air, Death Protector."

A rich jet-black light emerged, and in the black light, solidified jet-black particles could also be seen.

A figure filled with the breath of death appeared on the field.

【Masquerade · Death Protector】

Demon race, dark attribute.

ATK/3300, DEF/2500


The terrifying aura of death collided with the powerful aura that pervaded Alaiwo in an instant.

At the moment when the two auras collided, the entire dark space seemed to be shaken by it!

The breath of the two Venus monsters, Youyi and Alian, can only be used as a foil.

"It's interesting now, hehehehehe."

Ma Yinxiu twisted his face again, squinted at Wei Changqing with obvious big and small eyes, stuck out his tongue, "Let me eat you...that delicious soul!"


The unknown and shocking duel unfolded in the middle of the night, while Lin You and other duelists who decided to participate in the battle to the death were not idle, and were basically busy training each other.

And Lin You, who had just entered the stage of combining spirits and demons, was busy with another thing at the moment.

Draw a card!

Naturally, Lin You would not throw aside the five card draw chances he had just received.

Quickly activated the advanced card roulette and started today's first draw.

Soon, the first draw came to fruition.

And this result made Lin You a little surprised.

The card drawn is a field magic card that has been missed for a long time, and this card, even for the current Lin You, is very helpful!

【In the Magic Clan】

Type: Field Magic Card

Effect: If there are Spellcaster-type monsters on your side of the field, your opponent cannot activate Spell Cards. If you have no Spellcaster-type monsters on your side of the field, you cannot activate Spell Cards.


The cards drawn were actually cards that were specially used to limit magic cards.

Although in terms of limiting magic cards, Lin You already has a super magic swordsman.

In terms of freedom, it is still faster to use field magic cards.

Of course, the field magic card also has an obvious shortcoming, that is, it is easy to be restricted by the opponent's field magic card.

But if the level of the field magic card is crushed, it will be another matter.

Because it is a magic card, rolling in the general sense is of little significance.

It can only accelerate the consumption of the opponent's magic power lost in the confrontation, but it cannot break the opponent's block.

But if the card level reaches 7 stars and the resistance to change is achieved, then if you want to offset it, you need to pay at least three 6-star field magic cards to stop the activation of the magic family!

Although the current magic clan is not a 7-star card, but it is produced by the advanced card roulette, it also has the strength of a natural 6-star, and it is promoted to 7-star.

Thinking of this, Lin You put away the magic clan, and moved his mind again.

The subsequent draw begins.

The faint blue cursor turned, and quickly, it was frozen.

This time, it is a magic card, but it is still not a normal magic card, but a permanent magic card.

【Door of Darkness】

Type: Permanent Magic Card

Effect: During battle, both sides can only use one monster to attack.


"This effect... is very strong."

Lin You glanced at it and immediately made a comment.

This is to force each other's monsters into a pseudo-singles mode.

And this effect is not a one-time, but always effective.

This is awesome!

"As expected of an advanced card roulette..."

Lin You couldn't help but sigh. In fact, compared to the magic and trap cards drawn from the roulette wheel, the effects of the cards drawn are not really incomprehensible.

The most important thing is the natural six-star trait.

As a result, the cards drawn have a lot of room for growth, and they can keep up with the rhythm of Lin You's current battle.

This is the top priority!


With anticipation, Lin You took a breath and drew three cards in a row.

After drawing three cards and looking at the card that was drawn last, Lin You was completely dumbfounded.

Read The Duke's Passion