MTL - Duel Monsters of Global Cards-v2 Chapter 388 top achievement

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July 15.

In the blink of an eye, more than a week passed.

These days, Lin You hardly wastes a minute or a second, burying himself in hard work.

The number of free hunts at the Bloodborne Gate has long been exhausted.

But in the end, the awakening degree of the super magic dragon knight only stayed at 50%.

The further back you go, the more difficult the awakening progress will be, which is completely different from other dark red star monsters!

For other dark red star monsters, the difficulty of awakening in the later stage will increase, but it is often the duel level, which will only be the case after crossing the stage.

But the super magic dragon knight, the difficulty of the initial awakening degree is extremely high, not to mention the duel level, the difficulty of increasing the awakening degree has also taken a leap!

This resulted in a full 30% difference from the expected 80% awakening.

But Lin You didn't feel any loss at all.

Because when the awakening of the super magic dragon knight reached 50%, the power of the awakening development skills released also exceeded expectations.

And this estimate is based on the premise that Lin You has seen the amazing performances of the super magic dragon knight.

So the expectations are extremely high, but the reality is even more exaggerated!

Aside from the training of the super-magic dragon knight, these days, the main content of Lin You's attack is naturally magic.

The best magic tonic, it takes a few hours to absorb it.

Compared with the previous magic supplements, the effect is stronger and the time-consuming is longer.

But ordinary people don't care about these things at all. The absorption of magic power supplements is often staged. Where can they be like Lin You's crazy absorption.

One day, it can absorb three red lotus roses.

It can also be a top-quality magic tonic, which most people would not dare to think about.

In the past few days, the top-quality magic supplements used by Lin You have also been upgraded twice.

The original red lotus rose flower was used for two days before being replaced by another deep-sea essence worth 300 meritorious deeds.

The essence of the deep sea is also suitable for the Honor Samsung Duelist, but in addition, there is a remark.

Those who are not innately fit for magic can't try it!

That is to say, the ones that are really suitable are actually the Glory Samsung Duelists with an innate physique. This additional adaptation condition will shut out many Glory Samsung Duelists.

It is often the master duelist that leads to the real purchase of the essence of the deep sea.

For masters, this supplement is barely enough.

Therefore, Lin You decisively chose to use deep sea essence as an upgraded supplement.

The effect of the deep sea essence is indeed outstanding.

Each bottle, absorbed, took more time to absorb, and it was completely absorbed, reaching 7 hours.

Based on this, Lin You absorbed a bottle every day.

After that, I simply deal with the magic debris on the same day, and the rest of the time is to shape the magic shell!

That's right, plastic magic!

Even though he could hardly feel the improvement in the demon shaping now, after a long time, Lin You could still feel the subtle improvement.

Even though it was just subtle, it made Lin You even more certain.

The magic shell is broken eight, by no means the end!

There is a more top-level existence... the ninth magic shell!

The progress of this magic shell is so slow that it is even difficult to capture. In Lin You's opinion, it may be related to the combination of spirits and demons.

On the general cognition level of the dueling world, when the duelist reaches the glory level, the magic shell is completely finalized.

But for Lin You, who had broken the magic shell, he had already discovered the clue.

The ninth magic shell, on the contrary, disappeared without a trace before the glory level.

Only after successfully breaking the eighth level can we have the opportunity to further experience the progress of the magic shell.

And this progress is just after the Glory level!

The combination of spirits and demons is likely to be a key node!

Because of this, Lin You never slackened his enthusiasm for the magic shell.

It is necessary to continue to stimulate the magic shell, and there must be no sense of rest, otherwise, there will be less precipitation, and in the future, when the time comes to really break the game, everything may be too late.

But now, Lin You's magic power is actually close to Chi Chi.

In the past week, four red lotus roses were absorbed in the first two days.

The reason there were four, not six, was because on the second day, Lin You discovered that the medicinal effect of the red lotus rose had dropped significantly.

With the rapid stimulation and growth of the magic power in Lin You's body, the efficacy of these magic power supplements has been difficult to keep up with the rhythm.

And the four red lotus roses, the total magic power brought to Lin You is only in the early 4000s.

And the performance of the magic power breaking 10,000 years ago, the gap is obvious.

This is the same magic supplement, the result of overuse.

Fortunately, Lin You had long anticipated that when he discovered that the magic power was increasing, he made the decision to upgrade the supplements.

For the next five days, I absorbed a bottle of deep sea essence every day.

The efficacy of the deep-sea essence is really good, and the magic power growth rate brought by the five bottles has exceeded 12,000 points in total!

An amazing magic value!

With the help of these superb magic power supplements, Lin You's magic power has now reached a terrifying 26104 points!

It is no longer far from the union of spirits and demons.

According to normal circumstances, if you absorb two more bottles of deep sea essence, there is a probability of breakthrough.

But in order to be more secure and break through the threshold smoothly, Lin You chose to do another upgrade at this critical moment.

So this time, I chose a magic tonic that is worth 700 merits and is suitable for masters.

At this moment, Lin You took out the prepared supplements.

That supplement, compared to the previous supplements, is very different.

This difference does not refer to price and grade, but... in appearance!

In the past, most of the supplements were liquid or pills, but this time, it was a golden wing!

On the wings, there are even clear rune veins engraved, exuding a particularly powerful magical breath.

It was the first time that Lin You had seen this type of magic tonic.

I really want to know what kind of wings these wings are.

Chicken wings or duck wings?

That might taste good?

It is a pity that the introduction to this supplement did not clearly state which monster the wings were produced from, but only mentioned the secret realm where it was located.

It is also a normal phenomenon, not all magic supplements, like the red lotus rose flower, have a fixed production monster.

Lin You didn't bother about this either. No matter what his taste was, after eating it, he would naturally know it!

At this moment, you are welcome, just pick up the wings and take a bite.

As soon as he took a bite, his complexion changed slightly.

This is so... so unpalatable!

Lin You almost didn't spit it out.

Looking at the appearance of the wings, it was quite reverie, maybe it would be a delicacy in the world.

But who knows, this taste is like the rotten meat that has been fermenting for many years in the stinky water ditch. Once you take a bite, there is an extremely strange taste in your mouth.

The taste is still scouring the taste buds, over and over again, and the impact is better than once!

More than dark cuisine!

It was born just to make people sick.

However, the taste was so bad that it was not fake, but the magic power in Lin You's body was suddenly fierce!

Like the calm sea, the stormy waves that were raised in vain.

The reaction of the magic power is no longer pure joy, but boundless excitement!

The taste is rotten, but the magic power doesn't care about this, the effect is the king!

The moment he sensed the changes in his body, Lin You's expression softened.

It's just unpalatable, naturally it can't really pose any obstacle to Lin You.

It's just that his expectations were a little high before, but the gap was too big, and he couldn't help but complain for a while.

But like the magic in his body, what Lin You really cares about is the efficacy of the medicine.

The effect of the drug is good enough, but what if it is ten times harder to eat?

Speeding up the action, Lin You divided the wings in his hand.

The magic in the body is tumbling more and more violently.

In the process of churning, magic power is constantly reborn and converged.

Repeatedly, time passed minute by minute.

Before I knew it, it was late at night.

This absorption lasted for more than ten hours.

And when Lin You opened his eyes again, the magical aura of the whole person had already risen to the extreme!

The entire room seemed to be filled with magic that belonged to him.

The eight magic shells in the body suddenly vibrated violently.

Immediately afterwards, there was a slight vibration in the source of the soul.

This seems to be a scene that echoes from afar, Lin You knows what's going on... the union of spirits and demons!

There is no doubt that at this moment, Lin You's magic power has reached the peak of the glory level, which is 30,000 magic power.

Reaching this peak, what awaits him is the combination of spirits and demons.

So just now, the magic shell and the source of the soul resonated with each other.

But this resonance, combined with conventional spirits, seems to be different.

From Lin You's understanding, at this stage, when the magic shell and the spirit shell resonate, they should be very excited.

But now what?

The magic shell looks very excited and excited, but the source of the soul... just the slight tremor just now, no matter how you look at it, it is a bit perfunctory!


Lin You suddenly thought of one thing, the source of his soul, but directly devoured the spirit shell, so the combination of spirit and demon that belongs to him should be different from the conventional sense, right?

" I have to take some time and ask the teacher."

Lin You thought of Heiyuan. While he was a psychic master, his duel level had also reached the master level, so he had naturally experienced the stage of combining spirits and demons.

And it is also the source of the soul to combine with the magic shell.

Lin You forgot to ask before.

No way, who knows that the magic power will rush upward like a rocket.

Even if Lin You knew that his talent was against the sky, but in terms of resources, how could he get so many top-quality magic supplements?

This is all brought about by choosing to participate in the death battle!

Before that, at the beginning of the World Duel City Competition, his magic power was only over 5,000!

Two weeks have passed, but it has directly rushed to the union of spirits and demons.

This speed of progress, it is polite to say that it is a rocket!

If you tell it to outsiders, you may be regarded as a fool by others, thinking you are delusional.

"Haha, I almost forgot, there is this!"

Lin You was thinking about contacting Heiyuan when suddenly, a line of brown subtitles appeared in front of him.

[The achievement 'Spirit Demon Combination' has been achieved, this achievement is a top-level advanced achievement sequence, and the number of 'advanced card draws +5' (maximum)! 】

The achievement sequence is triggered again.

And from the perspective of content, it is impressively the top existence among the advanced achievements!

Lin You was overjoyed, but at the same time, he couldn't help thinking of another thing.

If the combination of spirits and demons is the top level of advanced achievements, then if you are promoted to the master level, card roulette will usher in a new round of upgrades?

Or, like the previous upgrades, promotion to the master level is one of the promotion conditions for the next level of roulette.

"Further card roulette..."

Lin You suddenly fell into a reverie, "Isn't it the kind that Venus monsters randomly draw?"

This day is really looking forward to more and more!

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