MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 603 God of the Sea God, the road to God

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Chapter 603, the **** of the sea god, the road to God

Listening to Tang San said the contents of his seventh test, everyone was quiet, watching his eyes with a strong incredible. Artifact, pull out, the trident of Poseidon, although there are only ten words, but what does this mean?

Ma Hongjun said the doubts in the hearts of the people. "Three brothers, you are the sea **** nine test, will not really be the sea gods? This artifact is the weapon God uses?"

Although Tang San had already guessed something, but when it was over, he couldn't help but scream. No wonder, it is no wonder that several Poseidon Seven Guards Doro and Posayi have said that after the first six exams, the assessment will be different. It seems that what I guess is correct.

At this time, as the eldest brother, Dai Mubai showed the calmness he deserved. "We don't want to think too much. Let Xiaosan really try this seventh test. Anyway, this seventh test is a big deal. of."

Oscar said: "The most important thing now is that after the trident is pulled out, it is owned by Xiaosan, or it is just an assessment. According to what we saw on the island of Poseidon, the Poseidon trident should be a real artifact. If there is such a thing, what is terrible in Wuhun Temple?"

Tang Sandao: "Mu Bai said that no matter what the meaning of this assessment represents, it must be passed to understand. First, don't have too much extravagant hope, otherwise, once we guess wrong, disappointment will be even greater."

Oscar lowered his voice and said: "We have already completed four assessments for seven of us. After the third exam, Rong Rong has completed. We should consider how to get out of here. Xiaosan, you Tell us about the feeling of the battle with the sea **** Doro Posay West. Zhu Qing is a bystander after all, although she said that the onlookers are clear, but she did not really appreciate it, and certainly can not feel the true strength of Poseidon. You think, After you have completed the nine exams, can you leave here with the strength of our seven?"

Looking at Oscar's sneaky look, everyone could not help but reveal a smile. Only Tang San’s face looked a bit harsh, and the color said: “Before coming here, our estimate is still insufficient. Although I have always estimated the strength of the sea **** Douro Posay West. After I really face her, I Only to understand how great the gap between us and her is, how terrible the strength of the ninety-nine-level title is. In my opinion, she is no different from God. If it is hard by strength, even if we It’s impossible to practice all the above to the title."

In the last sentence, he said that it was a slap in the face.

Everyone looked at each other, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but said: "No, three brothers. She is only a human being. If you reach the title of Doroe, with so many hundred thousand years of soul ring, is it still afraid that she will not be ?"

Tang San sighed and said: "You don't understand. I also said that I will not be able to improve my strength after I reach the title of Douro, but I can tell you with certainty, if I am hard with her. If you only need a collision, she can easily crush me. I can pass the sixth test, relying entirely on calculations and luck, not strength. Posayi has been subject to many constraints in the battle against me. If she is full of power, she can definitely destroy a city between the tricks. If she opens her own field, then no one of us can break free from it. Therefore, we want to leave the sea **** island, it can never be hard. Now, I just hope that my guess is correct. After pulling out the Trident of the Poseidon, everything should be seen. If things go against the wish, then we will only cultivate here collectively, until one day everyone’s strength will be raised to 90. At level 5 or above, there may be opportunities to leave. Or if both of my martial arts have reached the 9th Ring and the soul is complete, Yipin. "

When I said this, Tang San’s mind could not help but emerge that when Posayi attacked himself, it turned to the cloud and covered the hand with ease. The fluttering attack, without the use of the martial arts, requires only a single blow to fight against it. If there is a metamorphosis of the invincible body, I am afraid that the palm will have its own life. In the face of her level of strength, even if her body is cast from gold, it will be fragmented by a slap.

Tang San understands that after Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun also reached the realm of Contra, some confidence was overwhelming and they had to remind them.

Sure enough, after listening to Tang San’s words, the look on the faces of everyone has become dignified. Under the continuous reward, the soul force has reached the level of Dai Mubai: “Strength is the last word, don’t waste time, everyone. Start practicing. Xiaosan, you must pull out the trident of the sea god!"

Tang San rested for three more days, not only to restore his body and spirit to the best state, but also to straighten his thoughts after coming to Haishen Island. On the sixth morning after passing the sixth test, he took Ning Rongrong and Xiaowu to the ladder leading to the Temple of the Sea.

When they boarded the thousandth step and came to the magnificent Temple of the Sea God, the Poseidon of the Seven Gods of the Poseidon had stood there waiting for them. It seems that they had already come to see them today.

Business of the two sides are on both sides. Tang San took two women to the front of Hailong Douro and stopped. He said, "I have seen your predecessors."

On the side of the sea dragon, he did not receive his rituals. He looked at his eyes with a bit of complex emotions. "Three, please come with me."

After that, he took the lead and turned to walk inside the Temple of the Sea.

It has been four years since I came to Poseidon Island, but it is still the first time that Tang San is so close to the Temple of the Sea.

There are various patterns on the huge stone pillars in front of the Temple of the Sea. Some of them are the sea soul beasts that they have seen before, but more are creatures they have never seen before. The existence of.

Into the Temple of the Sea, inside the black hole, there is no window in the whole hall, naturally there is no outside light, the hall is very empty, and did not see any architecture. This hall can be described as simple or simple. Tang San did not think that there was no decoration in the hall of the sea god, and it was so dark.

Just a few steps forward, Hailong Dou Luo stopped, and respectfully said to the inside: "Adult, Tang San, Ning Rongrong, Xiao Dance three brought."

"Well, you go out." The voice of Poseidon came from inside.

"Yes." After Hailong Dou Gong respectfully bowed inside, this allowed the passage to go out from the side. When Tang San was around, he nodded slightly to Tang, and he went out.

Without the blockage of Hailong Douro Kuiwei, Tang San can see the scene inside the hall. There are no redundant buildings in this hall, only eight platforms. The seven outer platforms are surrounded by a circle. Each platform has a different style, which is equivalent to the shape of the seven platforms on which the seven pillars of Poseidon are located. It is like a narrowed seven-story column platform. But there is no holy pillar here, only the seven platforms.

And in the middle of these seven platforms, there is a huge platform, which can be seen from the two peripheral platforms in front. This platform has three layers, which is several meters higher than the seven peripheral platforms. . The entire platform is rounded, and the smaller the platform area above it, the smaller it will be. Due to the darkness in the hall, only the center of the top platform can be seen in the vagueness, and there is a long stick. But it is not very regular, the top is large, tapered, and the whole body is dark.

Poseidon sat in the middle of the first floor of the platform, kneeling, palms up, each holding a strange gesture, closed eyes. If it wasn't for the eyes of Tang San, he couldn't even see them.

"Tang three, you come forward." Poseidon's faint voice sounded, echoing in this empty hall.

"Yes." Tang San promised, striding forward, eyes staring at Posey, calmly, the ancient well has no waves. If Poseidon wants to deal with him, it is just a matter of raising his hand. Since he came here, there is nothing to worry about. However, in the heart, Tang San does not like the feeling that this fate is in the hands of others.

Passing through the peripheral platform, Tang San took Ning Rongrong and Xiao Dance and walked to the five meters in front of Posayi before stopping.

"I have seen seniors." The three men bowed.

Poseidon received three rituals, and Tang San discovered that the Poseidon he saw again this time seems to be somewhat different from what he saw in the sixth test a few days ago. If the feeling of Possey at that time was like a deep sea, then the Poseidon at this time was just like a kind old man. Although her appearance is still so young, noble and beautiful. However, her eyes full of vicissitudes are full of kindness. If she said that she was an insurmountable mountain when she met last time, then the feeling she brought to Tang San at this time was more like seeing her own master who often looked at herself.

Poseidon and Yan smiled: "Before you take the seventh test, I will tell you the story of the sea. Do you know how big the ocean is?"

Tang San suddenly shook his head, and this problem is no longer within his knowledge.

Poseidon said: "The size of the sea is four times that of the land. That is to say, the sea is as big as the four continents. In this vast sea, it is far more live than on land. Creatures. If these sea creatures lose their restraint and continue to wage war, then it will be even more chaotic than land."

"A lot of years ago, the sea was so chaotic. It is a so-called hero in troubled times. Among the many sea soul teachers, there is a genius who is amazing. He relies on his own strength and the power of his life. In every corner of the sea, holding the Trident, with its powerful strength and unparalleled personality charm, it has conquered one race after another in the sea. After one thousand and one years, it finally unified the ocean and was respected by all the seas as the sea god. Created an immortal myth."

"The sea soul teacher is also a human being, a predecessor, can humanity live for a thousand years?" asked Tang San.

Poseidon smiled kindly. "Call me a high priest. Of course, ordinary humans can't live for so long, but when people's strength breaks through the title of Douro, they can have a life span of three hundred years. After that, each When you upgrade one level, you can live a hundred more years. That is to say, a level like me can live for thousands of years. The original Poseidon was conquering the sea with the strength of ninety-nine. Here, I have to mention your great-grandfather, who is the one I admire most than the Poseidon."

"Zeng Zu? But, your strength..."

Poseidon smiled and laughed. "What? Do you think that I can reach the 99th level by my own strength? No, you are wrong. I don't have that ability. I am only over 100 years old this year. How? It is possible to cultivate to the 99th level. Don't think that you have already broken through the 80th level now, and the road ahead will be very good. When the soul power exceeds the 95th level, according to the normal cultivation, each level is upgraded. The time required is based on a hundred years. From the 95th to the 96th level, it takes 100 years, and the 96th to the 97th level takes another 100 years. Unless there is a special opportunity, otherwise, It takes at least two hundred years to upgrade to the 97th level. However, this is not the most difficult. There should be many strong players in your mainland soul teacher, but I can be sure that except for the thousand streams No one outside of your great ancestors can break through the 97th level. That is the absolute bottleneck. According to normal calculations, it is impossible for human beings to cultivate to the 99th grade. Because of the ninety-seven to ninety-eighth level. It takes a full three hundred years, and From the 18th to the 99th grades, it takes more than 600 years of painstaking work. And I and the Qiandaoliu are both ancestors and Yuyin, and have the strength of today. Only your great ancestors, Like the Poseidon of the year, he is completely based on his own strength to the 99th grade. Although I don't know how he and Poseidon did it, but your ancestor reached the age of ninety-nine. The original Poseidon was three years earlier, and he was the only one who hoped to cultivate himself into a **** by his own strength."

For Tang San, the things that Poseysey said in front of him are the secrets of the secret, and he did not interrupt, just listening quietly.

Poseidon continued: "In that year, after I passed the top eight exams, I got the glory that the Poseidon gave, and I was promoted to the high priest, and most of my strength is given by the Poseidon. I was able to cultivate to the ninety-nine level in just 50 years. The thousand streams are similar to mys, but he only got the shadow of the angel of the angel. It can be said that the strength of the three of us is different. There are few. But if you are on a fair platform, the most powerful is your great ancestors, because his strength is entirely based on his own cultivation. However, the test between us can never be fair. In the sea, they are not my opponents. On land, your great ancestors are the strongest, and in the sky, thousands of streams have some advantages."

"So, do you know where my great ancestors were?" Tang San could not help but ask.

Poseidon sighed and shook his head. He said, "I haven't seen him for many years. I used to say when he left. If one day, he can break through the 100th level and become a real person. God, he will come to me again." Speaking of this, Tang San clearly saw a faint blush on Possi's face.

"Predecessors, you..."

Posey's gaze quickly became calm, and smiled slightly. "You are his descendant and tell you nothing. In the past, your great-grandmother has passed away. Your great-grandfather and Qiandaoliu once pursued together. I passed. I was rejected by me. I told them that whoever can break through 100, I will accept who's feelings."

Tang San Shen said: "Predecessors, you like my great ancestors, right?"

Poseidzi glimpsed, "How did you guess it?"

Tang Sandao: "As you said just now, among the three of you, my great ancestors were the most promising to break through the 100th level. Together with the thousand streams, you get the layer of the ancestors, then it is very likely Is it because of the ancestors Yuyin, that you and the thousand streams will never have the opportunity to impact the 100-level? If you ask for such a request, is it just rejecting the thousand-way flow? Only one of the two people refuses, that can Certainly, what you like is my great-grandfather."

After listening to Tang San’s words, the whole person in Possi was a bit sluggish, and Tang San’s eyes widened with surprise, because he saw that Posisi’s hands with infinite magic were shaking at this moment. . With her strength, there will be emotional out of control, showing how excited her mood is now.

For a long time, Poseidon only spoke again. "Tang Chen, Tang Chen, if you can have half of your great-grandson's cleverness, I will not be alone in the air for so many years. Even the thousand-way flow heard me when I knew that I was Rejecting him, he left. But your ancestors, but believe that they are true, leaving behind the words, if they don’t return, leave here. Look for the road to God."

Poseidon did not leave tears, but at this moment, Tang San felt deep sorrow from her voice, this is decades! In front of this extremely powerful sea **** Douro, emotionally, even more pitiful than his parents. Although her mother re-incarnates as a blue-and-white emperor, she can still be with her father after all, and they really love each other. But Zeng Zu did not even understand the feelings of Posey. The two are obviously admiring each other, but because of the restraint of Posey, the persistence of Zengzu, but they have never been able to walk together.

Ning Rongrong standing behind Tang San and the little dance of the soul blaming a glance, the two women feel that compared with Poseidon, they are really much more happy.

"Predecessors, I think, Zeng Zu, his old man is not necessarily unwise. If the wisdom is not enough, how can his old man cultivate to the 99th level with his own strength? Perhaps it is because his old man is too persistent in cultivation. Ignore the meaning in your words. And you and his old people are proud people. After leaving here, perhaps Zeng Zu understood what you mean, but since he has already said that he is not returning, he is proud of himself. And the dignity of men, this is..."

Poseidic waved. "You don't have to defend anything for him. It's too late to say anything. Even if he comes back, what can he do? With your appearance, it all makes no sense to me."

Tang San stunned, and even this time he did not understand the meaning of Posey's discourse.

Poseidon said: "Going to the bottom. Even if it is the strength of Poseidon, it takes a thousand years to break through the 100th level. Do you know why?"

Tang San shook his head.

Poseidon said: "Because the rules. Poseidon said that our world has its own rules, and the strength of the ninety-nine-level title is the upper limit of this rule. At this level, you don't want to enter again. Breaking through this level is equivalent to breaking through the rules and above the rules, the so-called god. That is not done by personal strength. The Poseidon is relying on thousands of dollars. The power of faith in the sea soul beast and the sea soul teacher can be broken. So it takes so many years. And as a believer in the sea god, thousands of streams as the believers of the six-winged angels, we have not accepted the power of faith. Qualification is naturally impossible to become a god. Only when the power of faith reaches a certain level, there is a possibility of breaking the rules. This is why your ancestors have the opportunity to become God. But in fact, what is the chance? There is another shortcut to God. You can get the recognition of the ancestors and inherit the existing gods. God will not die, but after becoming a god, in this world. It can exist for a hundred years. After one hundred years, you have to leave here. As for where to go, it is not what I can know. Before they leave, they will leave some of their own thoughts. Because of their The gods are still there, and will remain in our world. When someone can fully get their approval, in a special way, there will be the possibility of inheriting the gods and becoming **** again. You can go, relatively speaking, the second road is much easier. And you, the one who accepted the Neptune Nine Tests, is the selected person, the person selected by the Poseidon. When you pass the Poseidon nine test, It is when you inherit the **** of the sea god, become a new generation of sea gods, and reconcile the thousands of people of the sea."

At the end of the day, Posey's emotions were obviously agitated, and the voice became high, and it continued to echo in the temple.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Dance have been shocked, and all that Poseyi said is unheard of. The little dance was horrified and grabbed her mouth. She couldn’t think of it. Her lover turned out to be the one chosen by God.

The passionate voice of Poseidon echoed in the hall for a long time before slowly dissipating, and the body she was sitting on stood up.

"Tang San, I am telling you this now, because you have passed the first six exams of the Poseidon nine test. It is also the basic assessment in the Nine Seas test. The next thing you will face is the assessment from God. Compared with the previous six exams, the last three exams may be much simpler, but it may be difficult to climb the sky. It depends on your creation. On this sea **** platform, it is accompanied by the life of the sea **** adult. Weapons are also part of the power of the sea gods. Pulling it out is your seventh assessment. With its recognition, you are truly a key step in becoming a sea god. I only have two words for your tips. Belief. The purpose of Poseidon’s leftovers has been said that only those who have been selected by him have the opportunity to pull out the trident of Poseidon with their persistent beliefs. Pull it out, all three of you will pass the seven test. Otherwise, your ending is I can't control it either."

I don’t need Posey’s explanation. Tang San also understands what the ending means. Poseyi has already secreted the secrets of Poseidon. Through this test, the secret is the new Poseidon successor and his partner. Then, the dead naturally will not tell the secret.

Looking up, Tang San’s eyes condensed on the black long stick that stood at the center of the sea **** platform. No wonder it looked like a stick. It turned out to be caused by the inverted trilogy of Poseidon. This is the long handle of the trident.

Possey has already let aside and looked at Tang San, his eyes full of encouragement.

His eyes condensed on the trident of Poseidon, and Tang went to the stage step by step. Ning Rongrong and Xiaowu were right and left, followed by him.

There is no pressure here, but the pace of Tang San is very heavy, and his eyes have never left the Trident. His movements are slow because he is focusing his mental power on the trident.

Through the feeling of mental strength, Tang San discovered that the trident of the sea **** is like a dead metal, without any breath, but its heavy feeling is very obvious. Tang San discovered that the location of the Trident was not only the center of the Haishen Terrace, but also the center of the Haishen Temple. It seems that this whole mountain exists for it.

Crossing the third floor, I finally face the weapon left by the sea god. The long handle of the trident is about one foot long. It is as thick as a child's arm, dark and dull, and can only be seen faintly with a thin line of texture.

"You stop." Tang San said quietly.

Xiao Dance and Ning Rongrong stopped at the same time. At the same time, Ning Rongrong also released his own Wuhun Jiubao Glass Tower, and did not hesitate to enter the state of Jiubao, six souls of 80% increase. The technique also shines on Tang San.

With the increase of Ning Rongrong, Tang San suddenly felt that his various attributes have risen in an all-round way, and the spirit of the spirit has risen to the peak at this moment. With a big bang, he took a big step. He had already come to the trident of Poseidon, raised his hands and firmly gripped the long handle of the trident of Poseidon.

The feeling of electric shock spread throughout the body, and the thick and real feelings of the previous sense appeared in the mastery. The texture on the long handle of the Poseidon trident seemed to fit perfectly with the palm. What surprised Tang San was that the long handle turned out to be warm, and it seemed to be flowing with blood.


The martial arts blue silver emperor released, in an instant, Tang San has completed the release of the martial arts real body, but he did not release the field, this is the weapon of the sea god, with any field to cover it, I am afraid it will have a counter-effect. However, the golden sea **** Trident brand on his forehead was lit up. The light of the sea **** that is converging is shining on the long handle of the trident in front of him.


At the moment when the sea **** shines, Tang San feels that two hot temperatures are suddenly coming into his body, and instantly sweeping the whole body. The trident of the sea **** in his hand seems to tremble, and an extremely excited emotion is uploaded from it. Then, from the place where Tang San held his hands, the faint golden color began to spread. On the long black handle of the original, a trace of golden lines began to spread with the release of golden breath.

The blazing air that was introduced into the body of Tang San turned back and turned back. In an instant, Tang San felt that his hands were no longer a long metal handle, but a lava. The high temperature made him scream, but his hand still held the long handle. At this time, Tang San had a feeling that if he was released now, then it would never be possible to hold the qualification of this long handle.

Xuan Yu hand, can not be used. A special kind of breath was introduced into the palm of the Tang Dynasty from the trident of Poseidon, and the oppressed hissterious hand of Xuanyu could not be played. The hot texture continues to tremble in the Tang Dynasty. A trace of blood has spilled from the palm of your hand and immersed in the pale gold line on the long handle.

Since Tang San’s exercise through the ice and fire, I haven’t felt anything hot for a long time. But this time, he regained this feeling. His body, which was invincible, was completely ineffective in the face of the temperature on the trident of Poseidon.

Gritted teeth, Tang three arms at the same time force, up to eighty-four levels of soul power broke out, even with his bones creaking.

The sea **** Sancha was moved, and Tang San clearly felt that it was moving. Although the movement was so subtle, it began to move slowly in the action of his own efforts.

Tang San’s spiritual power is fully integrated into the trident's brand on the forehead, which is transformed into the trident of Poseidon in front of the light of the sea god, because he feels that the more light of the sea **** he injects, it seems that the weight of the trident of the sea **** is The lighter it becomes. At this time, he understood another role of the light of the sea god, that is the role in the seventh test. Obviously, the higher the affinity of Poseidon that he achieved in the first six exams, the stronger the light of Poseidon, and the easier it is to pull up the Trident.

Can Tang San pull out the Trident of Poseidon and successfully pass this seventh test and become the owner of Trident? Please read the next episode, Poseidon Trident.

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