MTL - Douluo Dalu-v5 Chapter 602 Taking advantage of the situation, breaking through, the sixth test

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Chapter 602, taking advantage of the situation, breaking through, the sixth test

Seeing the plants on the Poseidon Mountain grow wildly, hitting the Temple of the Sea, and how to guard the Poseidon Island as the mission of the Seven Gods.

In the midair, the sea **** Douro Posayi finally intercepted the blue silver emperor before he reached the sea temple. He punched it out and made a sharp collision. The huge sound is deafening. A circle of red ripples spread from the position of the blue silver tyrant gun explosion.

Even the strong man like the sea **** Douro Posayi, the body stagnated in the air, the whole body spread a faint blue ripple, blocking the aftermath of the blue silver overlord gun explosion. As early as the blue-and-white tyrant gun was about to attack her, Tang San had already cut off the connection between himself and the blue-and-white tyrant gun. Moreover, Posayi discovered that Tang San’s blue-and-white tyrant’s gun Although the power is unparalleled, in fact, the gun body has a pull back, when she is facing the front, the blue silver Bawang gun has guessed the slowdown, and Tang San cut off the contact, causing this horrible point The attack did not fully play out. Even so, its attack power is still a surprise to Poseidon.

"Don't stop those plants." Possey suddenly realized what she was, and her body was stagnant in the air at this time. The energy that was blasted was just the right way to stop the blue-bull guns from spreading. A moment of return. And this short moment is just the moment when the plant rushes to the front of the temple.

Poseidon’s reminder was still a late shot, guarding Poseidon Island and guarding the sea god. It has already become a deeply rooted concept in the mind of the Seven Gods of Poseidon. In the face of the powerful plants, how can they sit still? ? Seven people shot at almost the same time, the powerful soul suddenly broke out, in order to block the plants in all directions, they even used their own souls to stop the spread of plants.

The light of Tang Sanmei’s heart flashed, and the golden sea **** Trident brand flashed on the magic pattern, and what he wanted to get had already appeared.

"Because the Poseidon Seven Holy Column guardian Doro participates in the sixth test, the assessment difficulty increases, and the rules have been broken. The examinee is allowed to withdraw from the examination room. If you withdraw from the sea **** island, you will pass the assessment."

It was not only Tang San who was prompted, but also the same tips for the sea **** Douro Posayi and the Poseidon Seven Holy Pillars. The Seven Holy Pillars guarded Douro, and Poseidon frowned, and the red figure flew toward the foot of the mountain at an unprecedented speed.

That's right, it's all in the calculation of Tang San. When he saw the Poseidon Seven Pillars standing in front of the Temple of the Sea, he was already carrying out this plan. The Blue Silver Jade Gun is indeed an attack he made with all his might. If he does not do this, it will not be enough to contain the sea **** Douro Posay. Positive attack, Tang San, this strongest soul skill will still not have an effect. However, the target of the attack became the Temple of the Sea, and it was not for Posey West to save. Even if her strength is stronger, Tang San believes that she can't block her blue and silver Bawang gun with a wide range of soul skills, and she will never let the temple of the sea be damaged. Therefore, she will definitely go to the rescue in person. .

At this time, the plants on the Poseidon Mountain launched an attack on the Temple of the Sea under the urging of Tang. This was the method that Tang San had already thought of when he decided to fight at the foot of the sea **** mountain three days ago. He asked for a decisive battle here, not to rely on the blue and silver field to deal with Posey. At the level of Poseidon, the current field ability of Tang San will not have any effect on her. The reason she chose to be here is not because there is a forest here, but because there is a temple of the sea.

Attacking the Temple of the Sea, Poseidon will be saved, and today the appearance of the Seven Principality of the Poseidon of the Poseidon is a surprise to Tang San. He had already calculated that when he attacked the Temple of the Sea, the Seven Holy Pillars of Dorothy would never sit still. Poseidon was pinned down, and they will definitely go all out to resist the attack of plants.

In fact, no matter whether it is the Blue Silver Emperor Gun or these plants, it will not really attack the Temple of the Sea. How clever is Tang San, he knows clearly that if he really attacks the Temple of the Sea, then the seven holy pillars, even Poseidon, will be attacked by their own orders. Invading the dignity of Poseidon, is it still worth it? Therefore, all his attacks are left behind, whether it is the blue-and-white fighter or the large-scale plant that is driven by the blue-silver field, at most, it will only go to the front of the sea **** temple, but it will never really destroy. .

The goddess of the seven gods of Poseidon was fooled, and the result was exactly the same as that judged by Tang. Now Tang San is struggling under the attack of Poseidon. The Seven Holy Columns have blocked his attack, which is equivalent to joining the assessment. With the strength of Shrek's six strangers, if the assessment is under the siege of Poseidon and the Seven Holy Columns, there will be no chance for one in ten thousand. Since the sea **** is fair, then this assessment will naturally change again. The fifth assessment can be more difficult because of being self-accepted and the sixth assessment. Then, the difficulty of this sixth assessment is greatly improved, and Poseidon always has to express it.

It is precisely because of this that there is a scene in front of it. Previously, Tang San had already retreated to the foot of the sea **** mountain in order to avoid the exploration of the combination of soul and spirit of Poseidon. He entered the ring sea, and this extremely difficult sixth test will pass. No more than avoiding the burning of the fragrance.

However, in the face of the ring-shaped sea that is close at hand, Tang San did not retreat, but the body rushed forward. At the same time as he rushed forward, a red mansion had passed from his previous position, and heavy bombardment was on the beach at the foot of the sea god.

In the roar of horror, a huge pit with a diameter of 100 meters and a depth of ten meters appeared on the beach, so that the sea of ​​the circular sea was directly poured into it. The body of Poseidon has already appeared in that position. If Tang San had retired before, then he had already hit a positive punch in Poseidon.

At this moment, Tang San suddenly vacated from the sea **** mountain, not even dodging, but instead headed toward Poseidon, accompanied by the dazzling spark of the eighth soul ring, a circle of red ripples spread out, toward Poseidon hood, it is his eighth soul skills, blue silver tiger whale magic photo. Forced three seconds of dizziness.

At the same time, Tang San's body shape flipped in the air for a week, and his left leg suddenly squatted. The killer whale demon axe descended from the sky with a circle of curved moonlight, and went straight to the top door of Poseidon.

This time, even Persian felt a little surprised. With his wisdom, Tang San could not easily create such an opportunity that was absolutely beneficial to him. It is reasonable to say that he should be from his own as soon as possible, whether it is stealth or instant transfer. It is right to escape from the scope of the attack, but why did he choose a positive attack? Does he think that his attack can repel himself and make him enter the ring sea?

How is that possible? Poseidon didn't think much more. In the face of Tang's double attack, her left foot was gently glanced on the ground. Suddenly, a huge wave rose from the foot. It was not a real wave, but a pure one. Energy formation. Tang San’s powerful eighth-soul skill group limit skill was so fragmented by this energy shock, and it did not fall on Possey.

The wave released by Poseidic is completely integrated with her spiritual power. This time, the process of the fit is completed at the same time as the soul force is released. This is the true strength of the sea **** Douro.

At this moment, the killer whale demon axe brought by Tang San’s left foot has descended from the sky and came to the top door of Poseidon. After 100,000 years, the soul bone skill is not the same, it broke the blue silver tiger whale magic. The huge waves were cut from it, flashing a red-hot axe blade, and slamming like lightning.

In the face of Tang's attack, Poseidon did not move, only made a simple movement, the right hand turned the wrist, the palm of the hand blade, went straight to Tang's left leg. It seems that her palm is light and fluttering, but Tang San, who was once slap in the bottom of the sea, knows how powerful the power of Possey is. However, he still succumbed to this foot.


100,000 years of soul bone skills, no matter how good the soul difference between the two sides is too far and far, Poseidon did not even shake, Tang San's body has been tumbling and flew out like a cannonball. The speed is even faster than the copying of the intestines made by white agarwood.

A palm of the hand flew to Tang San, but Poseidon suddenly woke up and shouted a bad voice. When she slapped the tiger whale demon axe in Tang San, she clearly felt that Tang San had exhibited her invincible body. At this time, his body has already flown far.

"Thank you for the predecessors to send." Tang San's voice came from the air, when Poseidon got up and chased, the two gold lines descended from the sky, and she forced her to respond positively. The collision at the spiritual level reappears. The result was not even different from the previous one. In the air, Tang San was bleeding seven times, but he laughed uncontrollably.

Poseidon did not chase again, and resolved the shock wave brought by the spiritual power. He sighed and muttered to himself: "It seems that God is so. This is a genius. This kind of desperation can still be one's own strength. Over. What can I refuse to do with the purpose of Poseidon?"

In the middle of the air, the third trident on the forehead of Tang’s forehead sputtered a golden light curtain for the sixth time. The light curtain was quietly broken and turned into a little golden light into his body. The prompt sounded, "With wisdom and strength, survive under the siege of the sea **** Douro and the Seven Holy Columns. Do the extra assessment of the sixth test. The sea **** affinity increased by 20%, the total affinity percentage Seventy."

Escape from the sea **** island range does not mean that you must enter the circular sea. The so-called sea **** island range is the projection range of the sea **** island. Tang San attacked Posayi, of course, not to attack, just to get a horrible counterattack from Posay. With invincible gold, he is enough to protect himself, and in his calculation of the angle, the strong impact just sends his body obliquely. When Posey is going to react, Tang San is about to come out. The projection range of Poseidon Island. That purple konjac is even a icing on the cake, crushing the last chance of Poseidon to intercept himself.

The plants on the island of Poseidon have returned to normal without the support of the blue and silver fields. They slowly receded, and the self-knowled Poseidon Seven Holy Pillars of the Guardian squadron flew to Poseidon and stumbled on one knee.

"Adult, we are rash, please punish you."

Poseidon shook his head and said indifferently: "God is like this, don't blame you. It's too smart for him. Get up."

Tang San almost fell vertically from the sky, and slammed into the circular sea. From the extremely intense battle to the relaxation at this time, he only felt that his limbs had been scattered, especially the impact of two mental collisions on the brain, causing his headache, the body's breath was extremely unstable. .

The buoyancy of the sea pushed him back to the sea, lying flat in the sea, and Tang San almost greedily breathed the fresh air with a slightly salty air.

Finally passed the customs, although the strength of the sea **** Douro is more terrible than he imagined, but the sixth test was successfully passed, and received a 20% high Poseidon affinity reward. Although in the end he relied on his own wisdom to be successful in customs clearance, but throughout the assessment process, whether it is the consumption of soul, mental power or mental power has reached its peak. With the strength of his Contra, at this time, he felt that the whole body was sour and soft, and he could not lift the strength at all. The fatigue and pain spread throughout the body, but the heart was surprisingly relaxed.

Tang San can be represented by the test, but it is not a lucky word. From the beginning, the partners dispersed and fled, and later the game with Poseidon, until the last moment, he turned the tide to find a way to clear the customs, which he can It is said that the strength and wisdom are perfectly combined.

A thick force emerged from the sea beneath him, and Tang San did not resist, letting the sea push his body back to the foot of the sea **** mountain. Until the body touched the beach, he supported himself to climb up and some hard to go ashore.

The sea **** Douro Posayi, as well as the Poseidon Seven Guardian Douros, stood there and watched him quietly.

Undoubtedly, Tang San at this time is very embarrassing, but in the eyes of the eight strongest people in Poseidon Island, he seems to have changed a bit now. The sixth test is the most important one of the nine exams. It is also the test of life and death in the nine exams. Through this test, Tang San’s position on the sea **** island can be said to directly raise a step, at least to reach the sea god. The seven holy pillars guard the position of the Doro.

"Thanks to the seniors for their mercy." Tang San slightly squatted and bowed to Posay.

Poseidon waved his right hand and a soft force hugged the body of Tang San. He did not let him go. "I don't have any mercy, you don't need to. You have already guessed, I want to kill you."

Tang San smiled and said: "Accurately, it should be justified to kill me."

In the eyes of Poseidon, the light flashed, and the sigh of excitement made Tang three screaming, and he took two steps back to stand firm. But he did not care, but smiled: "The predecessors are not killing now, is this not a guilty guilty?"

Poseidon looked at Tang San, a faint road: "A few years ago, I thought that your great ancestors and thousands of streams would be the biggest rivals of my life. Whether they are me or me, they are all capital, otherwise, We can't cultivate to the level of this peak. When I first saw you, although I was a little surprised, I can see that your talent is good, and at most it is just the same level as us. Even though you are a twin martial art, but in a realm like ours, the twin martial arts may not bring any benefits. Once it is not handled well, it is a huge crisis. I don’t understand why Poseidon will choose It seems to me that in your opinion, you can get the honor of the top eight exams. However, it is the Poseidon nine test that appears on you. I don’t know how many years, my emotions appear in my heart for the first time. However, it seems that the choice of Poseidon is not wrong. Your cultivation talent may be at the same level as us. However, there are many qualities that we do not possess in you. Perhaps these are the sea gods. You fancy place to go. "

Tang San looked at the faint sorrow that appeared in the eyes of Poseidon. "Predecessors, do you know what it is? When I learned that I was going to bear the Nine Gods test, I didn't feel excited, but crisis. This crisis The feeling is not from the assessment itself. Because I understand that since this is an assessment, then it must be passed within the scope of our strength. Only in the assessment depends on whether we can exert our own capabilities. The actual situation, especially the first three assessments, can be said to be our training and improvement. It is our great opportunity to seize every opportunity. It turns out that my judgment is very correct. My sense of crisis comes from the sea **** island. The sea **** nine test, even the sea **** nine test that you have not experienced, can be imagined, will bring me great benefits. But at the same time, the more huge benefits behind There is a huge danger hidden. If I guess it is correct, if I have completed the Neptune Nine Tests, it will definitely cause you losses to a certain extent, and this loss is also very difficult for you to accept."

"Human beings are selfish. Even people like you who are infinitely close to God are also selfish. However, you are a big offering of Poseidon Island. I accepted the Poseidon nine test. You can't kill me. It can even be said that no one on Poseidon Island can do this. If you want to kill me and make my threat disappear, then you can only start from the assessment and just kill me with the righteous words."

"There is another point I have guessed. Although Haima Douro once said that if the black level assessment fails, the result will only be death. But I can see that you are a kind person. If I die here today The partners also failed to complete the six exams under your attack, then you will not let them die, although I don't know what you will do, but with the authority of your high priest, you should be able to save them from death. At the beginning of the six exams, I asked them to leave first, and more afraid that they would suffer from the fish. They are my brothers and sisters. If I am in danger of life, they will certainly not hesitate to save. And your strength is It's too strong. So, I choose to face your assessment one-on-one. And I think this should be my only crisis on Poseidon. I spent your full assessment. Next, You shouldn't have the chance to kill me just now, and you will naturally give up the idea of ​​killing me."

Standing on the back of Poseidon, the goddess of the Seven Pillars of Poseidon is stunned. The analysis of Tang San can be said that many of them are unfounded, but they clearly feel that they have cultivated the soul to the realm of heaven and man. There was an unstable soul fluctuation in the high priest of the sea **** Douro. Obviously, Tang San’s words touched her very much.

Deep sighs are remembered from the mouth of Poseidon. "I didn't expect you to be so smart. You have such a keen judgment. Although your guess is not completely correct, it is not far from it. No matter how Say, I want to congratulate you, successfully passed the sixth test. You are right, after the sixth test, I have no chance to kill you. However, I must remind you, for you, The crisis has not been lifted, because those who accept the Nine Seas test, unless the nine tests are completed, there is always the risk of being smothered, as long as you do not take any test, you will die."

Tang nodded at three o'clock, "Thank you for reminding my predecessors. I think, my partners should also get the tips for passing the assessment. Also trouble the seniors, please don't tell them what I just said, don't tell you to check me. The specific situation."

Poseyi looked deeply at Tang Sanyi, and the Poseidon Seven Guards of the Poseidon looked at Tang San’s eyes and admired it.

“You are a near-perfect team leader. Not only can you guide your partner to the right path, but when the crisis comes, you can shoulder it. Ok, I promise you. You have up to seven days of rest time, when you feel your own After the body has been fully restored, take Ning Rongrong and Xiao Dance, climb Mount Shenshan, and come to the Temple of the Sea to find me. Take your seventh test."

After saying this, Poseidon slowly turned and faced the direction of the Temple of the Sea. At this moment, she seemed to be a bit old and paused. Then she stepped onto the steps of the Poseidon Hill, without a leap. Then go step by step. The Poseidon Seven Holy Pillars are closely behind.

Seeing their figure getting farther and farther, Tang San shouted and sighed and sat down to the ground. This time, he was really relaxed, muttering to himself: "Really let me bet on Good, good risk..."

In fact, he did not know that Posey could not kill him. Before the start of the sixth test, everything was just speculation. When the battle started, the firm killing of the spirit of Poseidon made Tang San almost timid, but it was also true that his The potential has also been stimulated beyond the limits, and then there are various manifestations. Even if he passed the sixth test, he did not feel that he could live. God knows whether Possi will kill himself against the will of Poseidon. She is very clear about her ability and understands that she must have the chance to catch up with her in the future. Killing yourself now is the best time. After all, Poseidon is a vain existence. If Poseidon, who is a high priest, violates the purse of Poseidon, it may not be how. But Tang San’s life is gone. As it turns out, Posey is as good as he guessed, and his nature is good, and the reverence for Poseidon is deeper than he imagined. Until they left, the crisis brought by Tang’s sixth test was a real meaning.

Physically discomfort, Tang Sansuo lay down on the beach, the soft beach is as comfortable as a soft cushion. Since coming to Poseidon Island, this is the first time he has relaxed. He is the real head of Shrek's seven strangers. On weekdays, even during the practice interval, the partners can relax and rest, but he can't. He must consider the future of everyone and the various assessments that will be faced in Poseidon.

Now everything is getting better. In addition to him, Xiaowu and Ning Rongrong, the other four partners have passed the assessment. At the same time, their strength can be upgraded to 80 or above and have the eighth soul. Ringed. To make Shrek's overall strength into the realm of Contra, Tang San is confident, as long as he does not encounter such a powerful peak as Posay, under their own control, they are enough to face the most likely crisis It also really has the strength to compete with Wu Hun Temple.

"Three brothers, you are fine." Zhu Zhuqing and Bai Shenxiang ran over. In the previous scenes, they all looked in the eyes, but in the end, Tang San and the sea **** Dorobo Saisi talked about their own voices and did not let them hear. Seeing that Tang San lay down on the beach, the two women rushed over.

Tang San did not get up. He was very tired. "Do not worry, I am fine. Everyone's sixth test is passed. I want to sleep for a while. Zhu Qing, Mu Bai, when they come back, you let them directly start to pass through. After all the assessments, the gods gave the soul ring, so Rong Rong also hurry to rest, the Poseidon predecessors said that our seventh test will be carried out within seven days."

After saying this, Tang San couldn't stand the feeling of tiredness anymore, and slept in the past.

This feeling, he slept very sweet, and no one bothered him. Sleep is not the best way to restore the soul, but it is definitely a good way to restore mental strength.

Tang San felt that he had slept for two days and two nights until he was noon on the third day.

Blindly opened his eyes, perhaps because he slept too long, Tang San felt a little groggy, but the feeling of splitting his lips before going to sleep has disappeared. The soul of the body has also returned to normal.

What seems to be under the head, soft and full of elasticity, subconsciously want to look up, but crashed into the softer peaks of the two groups.

"Brother, you are awake." With a buddy to call Tang San, there is only one person in Shrek's seven blame. You don't have to look at him and know who it is. The previous touch plus the association of this voice is not difficult to know that you just hit it. Where did it go? Although Tang San is a virgin, but he has been mixing with the three guys Dai Mubai, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun for so long, and knowing a little about men and women.

"Little dance, how are you outside?" He refers to the nature of the little dance.

The little dance had been bent before, and looked down at Tang San. This was the shame that Tang San looked up and hit somewhere. At this time, she had already sat up straight and supported Tang San to sit up.

"You have been sleeping for so long, I am out of breathable. There are no beds and pillows here. I will accompany you and make you sleep better." There is no doubt that Tang San felt that the comfortable pillow was a little dance. That extraordinarily slender thigh.

"Small three woke up." I don't know who called, and when I was awkward, everyone was surrounded. A lot. However, they looked at Tang San’s eyes but made him feel strange, and his eyes were filled with anger and strong dissatisfaction.

"What happened to you?" asked Tang San inexplicably.

Oscar, who always likes to laugh, is now a serious face. "Small three, you can be awake. We should count it."

"Accounting? What account?" Tang San frowned.

Oscar said: "Even if you don't trust your partner's account."

Tang San smiled and said: "Small Austria, you have a fever? How can you say nonsense? Where did you say this?"

Oscar didn't have a good voice: "Wake up, Xiaosan. Don't mess with us. Although we are not as smart as you, we are not fools. Listening to Zhu Qing and Xiang Xiang describes your battle with Posay. If we still don't understand. Is it your brother? Frankly, you decided to face Poseidon from the very beginning."

Tang San was speechless, and Poseidon promised him to keep it secret, but he was seen by his friends, which really made him helpless. At this time, I can only be stupid.

"Little Austria, what do you say? Who are you when I am? Although I think I have a good talent, I am not arrogant enough to think that I can compete with a peak. You think I am willing to face it alone. Poseidon! Don't forget, my assessment is the Poseidon Nine Test. At that time, we all ran together, but the breath of Poseidon was always locked on me, obviously I took the primary goal. I really want to Going out, I have to run too! I am locked by her level of strength. If I have an invincible body, you will not see me."

Zhu Zhuqing has a lingering ambition: "The strength of the sea **** Douro is really terrible." She saw Poseidon slap the scene of Tang San into the circular sea, and another palm of the ring sank. That is simply the power of heaven and earth.

"Really? Xiao San, you are not hiding it." Dai Mubai next to it also opened.

Tang Sanzheng said: "Dear the boss, don't you know me? When did I tell a lie? Even if we work together, we may not be able to pass the sixth test, let alone I will bear it alone. If I choose a pair. First, that is to drink and quench thirst. Speaking of this, this luck component has taken up a large proportion. If it was not for the Poseidon Seven Guardian Doroes who used me in front of the Poseidon Hall, then we might have failed. I am almost certain that Poseidon will be able to grab you back after it has been cleaned up."

Dai Mubai nodded and said: "Well, let us believe you for the time being. However, you must remember that our brother is one. It is not a matter of your own. It is true that you are true. If you are true At the expense of ourselves in exchange for our security, then our brothers have not done it. Do you understand?"

Tang Sanqi said: "We are the brothers and sisters who can fully entrust their backs to each other. You know what I mean. Oh, yes, Rong Rong, Xiao Wu, what is the content of our seventh test? Sai Sai’s predecessors said that we would go to the assessment within seven days.” Finally, it was a confession. He rushed to transfer the topic. He didn’t want to continue the discussion. If there were some flaws, it would be obvious that the partners would not be willing to give up.

The little dance face calmly said: "Don't ask me, my assessment is just to follow you. There is no content suggestion."

Ning Rongrong curiously said: "Three brothers, I am also wanting to ask you, my seventh assessment shows that it is to assist Tang three to complete the seventh assessment. You can take a quick look."

Listening to them saying that Tang San himself was also curious, and quickly concentrated his spirits in his trident brand. For a long while, under the gaze of everyone’s concern, Tang San looked up and said: "The Seventh Test of Poseidon , artifact, pull out, the trident of Poseidon."

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