MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 536 Then go to the Korean theater (second more)

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Xiao Feng is in the Korean theater at the moment. In addition to the Huaxia District, Xiao Feng is familiar with the Korean theater. After all, he may be the only player who has crossed the border before the national war.

But it is very strange that the border crossing in the Korean theater is actually very quiet, and no battlefield has broken out, only the players in the Korean theater are bored around the border crossing.

Riding on Xiaoxue, Xiaobai also put away the wing nest in Xiao Feng's arms, and thanks to Xiao Ling's limited game time, he is not online now, otherwise Xiao Feng will call Xiao Bai away without saying a word, and will definitely make Xiao Ling trouble. stop.

The two national border passages in the North American theater that Xiao Feng sent to before were chaotic battlefields, so he flew directly into the air without any attention. At the moment, he appeared in the sea of ​​people, and he looked at all the red names. Coupled with the quiet environment, at least a few thousand pairs of eyes stared at Xiao Feng for the first time, and Xiao Feng was slightly stunned.

"Is the milk **** is the milk **** of China"

Not only is Xiao Feng stunned, but also the players in the Korean theater. Bored to stay for so long, no one has come, and the result is such a big star

To say that Xiao Feng ’s most familiar foreign war zone is the Korean war zone, then for Korean theater players, the most familiar foreign war zone player is also the Huaxia milk god, that left a killing name in the Korean theater

"Is the milk **** of China"

I don't know who is shouting. In a moment, the quiet border channel is chaotic, and the endless crowd of people immediately starts to stir.

Xiao Feng also quickly emptied, the province was overwhelmed by the sea of ​​people, and then looked at this battle scene strangely, why no one came to fight the Korean theater, to know that this is the central border channel, it is a contested place, if no one fights here If it does, it means that no one will fight in the Korean theater.

Although the trend of national warfare activities is a single-armed full-service uniform in China, it is rare that other battles will fight each other. However, it is also very rare that no trade union in China will choose to attack the Korean theater.

"It's you"

Just when Xiao Feng was strange, the people below were suddenly separated, and several familiar faces appeared in it, and the sound of players around the Korean theater fell.

"Yo, what a coincidence."

Xiao Feng looked at it, and couldn't help but have a few acquaintances. They were the top executives of the first trade union of the South Korean theater of war, Satan, the president of the trade union, and Li Xianyun, who was known as the first beauty of the Korean theater.

"What are you doing in our Korean theater? We did not participate in the siege of the China theater"

Satan's face is very unsightly. He said to Xiao Feng above, let alone him. I am afraid that in any war zone other than the Huaxia District, when Xiao Feng appeared in their territory, his face would not look good.

Especially, the company is still the leading trade union in the South Korean theater. It must shoulder the honour and responsibility of the South Korean theater. If there is a major chaos in the South Korean theater, they will absolutely be inseparable from each other, so Satan ’s face is even more ugly.

Once before, in the last full-service competition, the milk **** of Huaxia District turned the South Korean war zone upside down, which caused the unprecedented blow to the prestige of the emperor ’s dominance. It was almost unstable, and now Xiao Feng is seen again. How can this Saxing make Satan happy.

But Li Xianyun did not show anything, but smiled at Xiao Feng remotely, worthy of being the first beauty in the South Korean theater, graceful.

"Oh, when you were in the all-service seize treasure event, you weren't quite troubled with the joint theater. Why didn't you participate in this time?" Xiao Feng said strangely.

He really did not know that the South Korean theater was out of the joint theater this time. Is this the reason why there is no Huaxia District Trade Union to invade the Korean theater?

"It's not because of you" Satan's anger doesn't come together.

"What's wrong with me" Xiao Feng is even stranger, and everything blames me.

"When you were in the full-service competition, you braved the name of our Korean theater and ridiculed other theaters. Now they have blackened our Korean battle company sx5 area. If you are not in front of you, the Chinese theater may be invaded long ago. "We're gone" Satan was anxiously corrupted, and a little lucky.

"It seems that this is really the case."

Xiao Feng suddenly realized that it seemed that he had done so. During the second full service event, that is, the full service competitive event, he held hatred everywhere with the title of the Korean theater.

You must know that you can be qualified to participate in the full-service competition. They are definitely the famous gods in the major theaters. Their influence is absolutely extraordinary. They were pulled by Xiao Feng ’s hatred. Needless to say, even the theaters with those famous gods directly took The Korean theater was blackened.

"We are not welcome in the Korean theater. Please leave. Now the joint theater is dealing with you. China Theater. You have no energy to toss in our Korean theater."

Satan speaks directly to chase people. As a leader of a large theater, he naturally will not show weakness, but what he said makes sense. Xiao Feng really has no reason to come to the South Korean theater for trouble.

"I will pass by to do a mission. Since you are out of the joint theater, then we will keep the water intact, and I will leave after finishing the mission." Xiao Feng said, and put away the hammer of the Holy Spirit.

Actually, before he came, he was ready to try the power of new skills in the Korean theater, but depending on the current situation, it is better to leave it to other joint theaters.

"I hope you speak and count, and leave the Korean theater early, we do n’t want to be involved with you, let ’s go"

Didn't know that he should say that Satan knew the current affairs, or that he had a big picture. In short, he did not show a tough attitude. After seeing that Xiao Feng did not seem to be doing it, he immediately took the top management of Huangtu Baye and turned away.

Leading trade union Emperor Tu Paiye expressed his attitude, and ordinary Korean players stationed in this border channel naturally have no objections. Looking at Xiao Feng above, although there are still more hostile eyes, at least there is no overreaction.

Xiao Feng did n’t stay too much. After opening the system map to identify the direction, he drove Xiaoxue to fly in the direction of the Grand Canyon. He was going to find the light temple in South Korea ’s theater of war, that is, Bishop Joriffin. They had left South Korea before. In the war zone, I left the opportunity for development, and I do n’t know what is happening to them.

Xiao Feng is going to be the mission of the holy angel. According to the mission reminder, the holy angel has gone to the European headquarters of the Temple of Light. The boss of the Temple of Light over there is the pope. If there is no accident, the pope takes the entire European headquarters to stand in the holy The angel is aside, so the difficulty of this task will need to be increased, and even Xiao Feng is not sure. After all, it is another headquarters of the Temple of Light. The power is only stronger than the city of the abyss.

But because of this, Xiao Feng will challenge, because in terms of his game progress, ordinary tasks he has no interest.

The reason for coming to the Korean theater at this moment, in addition to paying attention to the pre-embedded opportunity in the Korean theater, is also to find Bishop Joriphin to understand the situation on the Pope ’s side, because the light temple on the Korean theater side, the direct leadership is also Returned to the European headquarters.

During the National War, the South Korean theater was a hostile force for Xiao Feng. There was no way to enter the main city, let alone use the teleportation array, so only the most primitive method could be used to fly over.

Although the South Korean theater is not big and the speed of Xiaoxue is not slow, the Grand Canyon at sunset is located on the border of the South Korean theater. You must know that Bishop Joriffin had been expelled from the border and could only hide at the border.

So Xiao Feng flew all the way, it also took several hours, and it was morning before he rushed to the map near the sunset Grand Canyon.

Just took the opportunity to go off the line to have a breakfast before continuing to return to the game. Xiaoxue just arrived, hovering above the sunset over the Grand Canyon, but Xiaobai was not in Xiao Feng ’s arms, but was in a fighting state, holding a huge hand 'S holy sword was fighting with a group of raven monsters in the air, apparently when Xiaoxue flew from nearby, he got the hatred of this group of raven monsters.

Originally, at the speed of Xiaoxue, it would not be overtaken by wild monsters, but underneath was Xiao Feng ’s destination. Xiaoxue could n’t continue to fly forward, and he could n’t get rid of this group of crows. Bai had to clean up the chasing.

After going online, Xiao Feng looked at it with scouts. The group of fire crows were all 55-level monsters, and there were no bosses in them. So they were too lazy to help Xiaobai go to activities, but he looked a little suspiciously. Sunset below the Grand Canyon.

Because Xiao Feng remembered correctly, there were no monsters refreshing in the former sunset over the Grand Canyon. There was a temple of light stationed inside. Even if the temple of light is broken, this area also belongs to the area of ​​influence. This group of fire crows is obviously a wildly refreshing monster above the setting sun.

Is not only over the sky, even inside the Grand Canyon of the setting sun, there are also irregular wild monsters, which is very different from the previous ones. It is like the original force here, the Temple of Light, has disappeared.

So this caused Xiao Feng to frown, not knowing whether the Temple of Light had moved, or during the time he left the Korean theater, the Temple of Light had failed to expand, but instead was destroyed.

Either way, it ’s not good news for Xiao Feng. Among them, it ’s okay to relocate. It ’s a big deal. It ’s a waste of time to find. If it is destroyed because of the war with the Temple of Life, then Xiao Feng ’s The sin is great.

It must be known that Xiao Feng was instigating Bishop Joliof at the time to fight for faith with the Temple of Life. If the temple of light in the Korean theater was destroyed, Xiao Feng would bear the primary responsibility.

However, Xiao Feng thought about it, with the amazing fighting power of their light temple in Bishop Jorifen, and the underground helpers arranged before leaving, it should be unreasonably destroyed, the biggest possibility is still relocation, After all, the setting in the Grand Canyon is indeed a bit miserable.

"Ding player Li Xianyun sent you a call application, do you accept it?"

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