MTL - Don’t Heal the Others-Chapter 535 Level 66 (first)

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This is the central border passage of the North American theater, and scuffles are also taking place, but the scale is obviously not comparable to the battlefield in the China region.

Xiao Feng glanced roughly and found that there was a crowd of people with green names, indicating that it was the Huaxia players who were attacking the national border channel of the North American theater. However, the battlefield was too confusing. Xiao Feng did not see which union or came from. The United Trade Union in Huaxia District, because of the number of millions, even the overlord-level forces ca n’t get so many first-tier players. After all, senior players are not Chinese cabbage, so it should be an expedition organized by which overlord-level forces. military.

But this does not affect, because Xiao Feng did not intend to fight for a long time and contact with them, Xiao Xue Shenjun's body vacated, as the hammer of the Holy Spirit in Xiao Feng's hands swept across the sky, in an instant, the sky seemed to break dawn, and the Holy Light shone Earth

"Holy Gun Langinus"


It sounds like the sound of Hong Zhong from heaven, loud and long, covering the hustle and bustle of the entire battlefield, so that in the huge battlefield, countless players can't help raising their heads involuntarily, looking at the sky dome, and then, the noise is shaking

The performance of Holy Gun Langinus is now estimated that no player will be unfamiliar, because the exposure rate is too high, plus the first myth-level skill known as the whole service, so the attention has always been high.

So when the screen where the sky dome was torn by the Holy Light appeared, the players on both sides of the battlefield would understand who's handwriting.

"The trough is the milk god. The brothers are ready to rush to the milk **** to help us. Maybe we can enter the North American theater in the first wave."

"Gan **** milk **** is really lucky in our battlefield"

"Fak is the milk **** of Huaxia District. Why is he here? Can someone stop him?"

"Where is Thor to notify Thor soon"

The battlefield is chaotic and noisy. There is a commotion in the endless crowd. Many players in the North American theater want to escape, but the crowded battlefield is not what they can say to get away.

Only the players in the Huaxia area were excited, and there was no fear, because after the start of the national war activities, players in the same war zone were automatically assigned to the same camp, all representing the green name of the friendly, the gods of the milk gods were Innocent, but able to deeply feel the power of a magical skill, will definitely make them worthless

Then, in the pale face of countless North American players, the golden sacred gun that pierced the sky dome crashed down like the same golden aircraft carrier


Xiao Feng did not pay attention to the destruction and how many people were killed by Holy Gun Langinus. The figure had disappeared in the chaos. He had to rush to the next battlefield, and Xiaobai's Holy Sword had also cooled down.

"Ding Congratulations, your level has been raised to level 60, and 2 free attribute points can be assigned."

"Ding congratulations, your level has been raised to level 61, and you can get 2 free attribute points to assign."

"Ding Congratulations, your level has been raised to level 62, and you can get 2 free attribute points to assign."

"Ding Congratulations, your level has been raised to 63, and you can get 2 free attribute points to assign."

I don't know how many seconds a lance Lankinus took. Anyway, Xiao Feng's system message was instantly exploded, and he couldn't see how many tens of prompts were skipped.

But the 4 upgraded white lights at the same time light up on Xiao Feng's body. The vast and incomparable experience value directly makes Xiao Feng continuously upgrade by 4 levels

At the moment, Xiao Feng is in the sky above another battlefield, also in North America. It is a national border channel on the border. The battlefield is smaller than the transmission channel, but it is still boundless. Not a few magical skills can be cleared.

And Xiao Feng's movement also stopped for a moment, looking at the four upgraded white lights rising from his body, and his eyes were thinking.

Because Xiao Feng suddenly thought of a problem, a problem that was ignored by himself before.

That is, after the god-level players have experienced this national war event, they may really become the gods of this game world. Do n’t say anything else, at least in the level, they will definitely crush ordinary players.

So Xiao Feng suddenly had an idea and couldn't help thinking about the possibility.

The status of the Mythical Second World is unshakable. Over 70% of the world ’s population pressure has shifted among them. Among these people, more than 80 people regard the myth as the main world, except for physical needs. All the rest of the time is spent in mythology.

So enlarged, said that the game world of myth has become a necessity for people around the world.

However, just like the system of each country is different, each world has its own different rules, and this second world is no exception.

At this stage, although the game world is still dominated by the system or nc, as the progress of players and the level of the game increase, then sooner or later one day will replace the major nc forces, rule the game world, and even build the country, establish Player empire is not impossible.

And Xiao Feng just flashed a bit of enlightenment in his mind, it was about the higher level gods in the player

The rush of national war activities, but in addition to the original purpose, it seems that there is a higher function, that is, creation of God

Xiao Feng was the first to know the dominance of god-level players in this game world, because he is the first god, and this national war event will spawn god-level players, and will completely eliminate the status of god-level players Completely separated from ordinary players

The simplest example is the upgrade that Xiao Feng felt just now. God-level players all have horrible means of killing. In this activity, the level will definitely soar, and directly distance from ordinary players even in ordinary players Just three turns, the god-level player has already turned four

So it can be expected that after this national war event, god-level players will definitely form a dominant force in the game world

Truly become a **** in the game world

Or that is, the rules of the game world of myth are completely different from the rules of the real world

This is precisely the problem that Xiao Feng pondered. After the god-level players formed their dominance, in the later stages of the game, the division of power may be decided by god-level players. Only those with god-level players can really call it. Overlord power

For example, a dynasty with a domineering figure, for example, a barren ancient man with Ximen blowing snow.

Xiao Feng suddenly thought of a sentence, it was still more than 10 levels, when the first full-service event, he killed a man in the desert, what the little fart boy said to him.

The future of the ancient labor union is definitely the first and second behemoth in China

If Xiao Feng's dominance is formed as expected by Xiao Feng, then Argument absolutely has the qualification to compete with the dynasty, and the words of the little fart boy will also become a reality.

Is it true that Huang Gu has long learned that the rules of this game world are attacking Xiao Feng, and Xiao Feng has to withdraw his thoughts, looking at the battlefield below, here is the anime border of the North American theater, the border below The channel is a ten-kilometer-long rift, densely packed players from the Chinese region emerged from the rift and entered the North American theater, and more players from the North American theater rushed into the rift. Huaxia District.

From the beginning of the national warfare, the Huaxia District and the Joint Theater no longer took any face, completely ripped the face and disguise, and the major theaters offensively attacked the Huaxia District, and the players in the Huaxia District also blossomed and organized to kill the major theaters.

Xiao Feng has been staying over this border channel for a while. Obviously, he has been discovered by players in the North American theater. A group of North American players with flying mounts are killing Xiao Feng. The skill set fire just came from their hands. .

Patted Xiao Xue's beautiful snow-colored mane, dodge this skill, and then the pet space opened in the sky beside Xiao Feng.

"the host"

Guangyu fluttered, with six silver-haired short-haired young girls with holy wings appearing behind her, with a confused expression on her face. After seeing Xiao Feng, she immediately leaned up intimately.

"Xiaobai, face down, use the holy sword."

Xiao Feng touched Xiaobai's little head, and then squeezed her cute face, and then said with a smile.


Xiaobai's six wings were shocked and took off. Jinguang condensed in her little hands and quickly turned into a huge golden giant sword. Then Xiaobai raised the golden giant sword and pointed to the sky dome.


The bells of Hong were ringing, the sky was breaking dawn, and the doom-like scene was reappearing again

"let's go."

Nostalgia for this ruined art scene, Xiao Feng called back to Xiaobai, and left without looking back.

"Ding congratulations, your level has been raised to level 64, and you can get 2 free attribute points to assign."

"Ding congratulations, your level has been raised to level 65, and you can get 2 free attribute points to assign."

"Ding congratulations, your level has been raised to 66, and you can get 2 free attribute points to assign."

The three upgraded white lights rose, and Xiao Feng was unmoved. After losing the two magic skills, Xiao Feng had no plans to continue to participate in the war, because the killing trick had been lost, and Xiao Feng ’s occupation was after all a priest. The output efficiency of other skills is too low.

The period of this national war event is 7 days. If you do n’t use magic skills, even if Xiao Feng killed 7 days and 7 nights, the killing people are estimated to be no more than a magic skill in seconds. influences.

Although, even if Xiao Feng can throw a magic skill every day, it will have little effect on the overall battle situation.

This national war event can indeed create a god-class player with good dominance, but it has not yet been reflected. With full play, Xiao Feng can use a holy gun for 1 million seconds, but the total scale of the national war event is hundreds of millions. Can the killed kill the final battle

Does not.

Not only Xiao Feng, but also other people such as Thor and the like. This national war event is an opportunity for the god-level players to open up the level with ordinary players, but it will not directly affect the final battle situation.

National warfare, national warfare, looks at the overall strength of a country and a theater of war, not what someone can decide.

So Xiao Feng used the two map skills, and after brushing two waves of experience, he thought about it and went on a mission.