MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 723 Jiang Feng's distress.

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Late at night.

The Minister of Warfare and the Director of Instruction were guarded in Tiandu City, and a strong breath swept every corner of Tiandu City, trying to discover some clues.



They can only scan the Sword Card Master Association again and again.


There was a familiar breath.


The two changed color almost simultaneously.

This breath ...

Somehow, they even felt the breath of the president of the card maker association in the sword card maker association, the extremely powerful nine-star card maker!

"No, is he going to ..."

"Lu Ming is dangerous!"


"Save him in the past!"

The two were thrilled.

No matter how weak the nine stars are, they are also nine stars!

He was not here in the card maker association but appeared here, and there must be something serious going on. This is Sky City, and he will never allow anyone to ignore the rules here!

Even if--

It is nine stars!


Just as the minister gritted his teeth and was about to forcefully kill him, he was surprised to find that the card maker's breath disappeared without a trace ...


Nor is it.

They still felt a faint breath.


Mind lock.

They forcibly pushed the faint breath.


A piece of curly hair.


Even this breath is gone ...

"He went back, right?"

The Minister of Warfare was pale.

"Should ... should I?"

The instructor smiled bitterly.

Theoretically, it is normal for Nine Stars to appear here and back again. However, considering Lu Ming's combat effectiveness and previous experience of Nine Stars ...


They tried to deduce it, and suddenly their hearts sank.

Nine-star card maker ...

It's cold! ! !

Cool in front of Lu Ming!

Cool in the sword card division association!

How can it be? !

This is not 0, not the kind of Jiuxing from the outside world, which may be affected by various abilities at any time. This is the real local Jiuxing!

Actually ...

It's also cold.

Lu Ming, has been so powerful? !

Think of here.

The minister was shocked, "I am afraid that the pattern of this world will change ..."


The instructor was sighing.

Although they do n’t know much about Jiuxing, they still know a basic structure, that is—

The strength is comparable to Jiuxing (Only means that you barely have Jiuxing combat power.)

Real Nine Stars (It means you really belong to Nine Stars.)

Kill Nine Stars (It means you have the top fighting power of Nine Stars.)

And now ...

Lu Ming reached the third floor! !

In a world where nine stars can be counted with your fingers, what a top nine star means, it goes without saying ...

Sword Card Masters Association!



This night.

Almost all the nine stars are looking towards the Sword and Card Division Association.

Even those people from the eight great nations, those nations separated by tens of thousands of miles, also received this terrifying news. Lu Ming, president of the Sword and Card Division Association, successfully reached the top of the nine stars!

This world has changed after all.

"Lu Ming ..."

"Be sure to be extremely careful when you see this person in the future!"

"How long has it been since the last time I said that this person has power comparable to nine stars ... Lu Ming, who is this child ..."

Countless people murmured.

This night.

Countless people cannot sleep at night.

This night.

Lu Ming is truly famous in the world.


of course.

When everyone in Lu Ming's world was sleeping uneasy, our classmate Lu Ming, holding Xiao Bai, slept like a sweet ...



The next day.

early morning.

Lu Ming heard the familiar voice again.

"Master ~"

"Get up now."

Xiaobai came over and called him bed.

"it is good."

Lu Ming was relieved, and he calmed down the uprising.


Everything finally returned to normal.

After a short period of confusion, Xiaobai returned to that lovely appearance, and took Xiaoyousheng and Xiaomingsheng two children to give them a serious lecture.



"How do you remember what I was taken away from?"

Lu Ming was curious.

"I do not remember."

Xiaobai shook his head, "But Xiaobai remembers ..."


Lu Ming suddenly.


This old man certainly does not know that the core of the sword card division is the original card!

Uh ...

So it was overturned.

However, after all, if you look at Xiaobai from other people, the key moment is to give power, and his little sword ... oh, and the cat ’s trash ...


The eyes were dark.

Lu Ming has appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and a huge pair of cat eyes is staring at him.


Cat brother raised his hand is a paw.

Lu Ming: → _ →


Lu Ming said quietly, "You are also blocked?"


Xiaojian pouted, "You said the opposite, only you are blocked ... Brother Me and I can see you. If it is really dangerous, Brother Cat will force you away."


Lu Ming scratched his head.

Was it yourself blocked?

The skills of the president of the Cardmakers Association are unique.


Was killed.

After figuring out, Lu Ming went out. Right now he is not very concerned about these things, he is even more worried about the little white girl who has been free for three years.


Little girl everything is normal.


However, this year's mental health is also very important. Therefore, as a master, he will naturally not be taken lightly, and he must be taken more seriously.


"here I am."

"Come, come to the room, check your body for the teacher ... cough, check your psychology."



for a long time.

Lu Ming checked Shuang.


Although Xiaobai's behavior is no different than usual, there are occasional small confusions in his eyes. Obviously, he still has the sequelae of leaving for three years.

in this way.

Let her adapt slowly.

Lu Ming thought for a while, the dark holy water should wait some time before using it.


After sorting everything out, Lu Ming's eyes were put on the Cardmakers Association again.

At this moment, the Minister of Strategy has fully returned. With the help of Lu Ming, he has taken over the work of the Association of Cardmakers and formally confronted the Association of Cardmasters!


Considering the situation of the cardmakers ’associations losing ground, our strategy minister only did one thing and was stabilized by the market that was constantly being eroded.

That is--

Actively abandon the high-end and recreate the low-end environment.

"Can the Sword Card Masters Association absorb several of us?"

"We want to take a long-term view, they absorb us alone, we recruit three people!"

The Minister of Strategy said domineeringly.

in this way.

Their plate is considered stable.

of course.

Some people protested that the Cardmakers Association would abandon the future, and some felt that the Minister was a last resort, otherwise the Cardmakers Association estimated that the whole army would be wiped out ...

These are the pots of the idiots in front! ! !

In short.

After this battle.

The status of the Cardmakers Association plummeted.

The Swordsman Association is completely a high-end association that surpasses the Cardmakers Association, that is, an association that only geniuses in the Cardmakers Association are eligible to go!


Sword Card Master's status has skyrocketed!

Even after a period of evolution, every cardmaker's dream has become-hope to join the sword card division association one day.

after all.

I heard that all the people there are talents, they speak nicely, they have great talents, and their face value is particularly high, especially President Lu Ming ’s harem ...


"Hao Ran?"


"How has the association been these days?"

"everything is normal."

Li Haoran scratched his head.

Apart from the sudden attack of the Cardmakers Association, nothing else happened.


"There is also something about the Pastor Association."

Suddenly Li Haoran said, "Because of your relationship, the Pastor Association took the initiative to contact us, hoping to have a friendly association."

? ? ?

Lu Ming hasn't recovered in a long time, "Friendship ???"

"Friendship ?!"

Xiao Xiaojian is also in front of him, the rumored courtship conference?


Li Haoran smiled, "If you can promote some disciples, it may be more beneficial to the relationship between the two associations. Connaught, this is their list."

"it is good."

Lu Ming glanced.


Dozens of beautiful pastor sisters and three pastor brothers.

The face value is extremely high.

It seems that it was also carefully selected by the Pastor Association.

"What do the disciples think?"

Lu Ming asked.


Li Haoran spread his hands, "Ye Liangfei only has one opinion."


He raised the pen to encircle the three little priest brothers, "Let these three people climb further ..."


Lu Ming couldn't laugh or cry.


The association had just won a battle, and it was good to have an event, so Lu Ming asked Li Haoran to arrange it and ignored it.

And he himself went back to the room and sorted out the harvest of the remains.

1. Dark holy water.

Although I lost one pile to the nine-star boss, there are still a lot left. It should be enough to offset the effect of the fountain of life on Xiao Bai's body.

2. The fountain of life.

Lu Ming has not yet thought of the role.


This thing seems to be used for beauty and so on? It was because Xiaobai had soaked in it for three years before causing his body to be completely still ...

and many more.

Lu Ming suddenly frowned.

The fountain of life that those people take ...

Xiaobai has been soaking for three years ...

? ? ?

Gan Li Niang!

Isn't Xiaobai soaking in this pool? !


Lu Ming was frightened and immediately contacted Jiang Feng.



There was a rattling gasp across the street.


Lu Ming turned black, "What are you doing?"


Lao Jiangtou thought about it.


Lu Ming was silent.

This question mark is very spiritual.

Moreover, at this moment, Lao Jiangtou's violent gasping became thicker, and Lu Ming frowned, because he heard the hidden voice ...


There are people.

→ _ →


Lu Ming jumped, "Who is it?"

Is it ...

Lao Jiangtou was chased again?

Not scientific!

Hasn't the Black Man Group gone? Their boss was fooled into the deep mountain and old forest to hide with the undercover ...

"It's okay, an old friend."

Lao Jiangtou sighed, "No big impact, don't worry about me, what are you doing?"


Lu Ming was helpless, "I just wanted to ask Xiao Bai where the bathing place was heaven and earth?"

"of course not."

Lao Jiangtou rolled his eyes, "There are too many people in that place, how could it make you soak for three years, the service fees are ridiculously expensive, and I don't do business."

"Oh, too ..."

Lu Ming recovered.


Those fountains of life are not Xiaobai's bath water.

Uh ...



"I'll hang up if it's fine."

Lao Jiangtou hurriedly hung up the communication.


Before he hung up the communication, Lu Ming heard a long-suffering cry ...? ? ?

Gan Li Niang!

What is Lao Jiangtou doing? !


And now.


Jiang Feng looked coldly at the flame in front of him.



The flame rang softly, and some unusual sounds came out, and even the surrounding air became distorted.


Is it the remnants of the mysterious organization? !


Lao Jiangtou subconsciously took off his pants and passed urine.


Most of the flames went out.


When the flame was about to be extinguished, a strange spot of light appeared.


He watched in amazement as the flames, under the bombardment of his urine stones, slowly condensed into a graceful figure, the figure was uneven.


Is a girl.

of course.

The most terrifying thing is that the pair of energy wings appearing behind this girl ...

This style ...

This flame ...

This looks ...

Lao Jiang's eyes suddenly widened.


After the figure was condensed successfully, he looked at Jiang Feng coldly, and his murderous intention was awe-inspiring.


Jiang Feng thought for a long time and asked cautiously, "Big and big aunt?"

"What do you say?"

The girl was furious.


The fire burst.

The girl instantly transformed into a huge fire dragon.



The horrible flame filled her, and she blew towards Jiang Feng.

She came to Jiang Feng with her sister's words and the clan's account. She never thought ... she was peeed at the first meeting ... who can stand it? !


Jiang Feng turned and ran.

These little mother dragons are more irritable than his daughter-in-law!

If it was before he released, he rode her in minutes ...


Now there are people in his heart who are already good.


Under the attack of Little Fire Dragon's vent, Jiang Feng insisted for more than half an hour without disarming, but refreshed the Little Mother Dragon's perception of him.

"Not bad."

"You want a man more than I thought."

The little mother dragon took a deep look at Jiang Feng, and it seemed that her sister's gaze was not too bad.


Jiang Feng scratched his head.


"Did you scold me just now?"

The little mother looked at him suspiciously.



"Oh ... I mean a herbaceous plant."

Jiang Feng said right.


The little mother dragon does n’t know much about human culture, so she does n’t get entangled. This time, she has something important, “Our patriarch will not object to the matter of you and your sister.”


Jiang Feng was overjoyed.

Can he and Huoer finally sleep well? !

It's not easy!

"Sir Patriarch wanted to open it?"

Jiang Feng marveled.

"That's not true."

The little mother dragon sighed, "mainly because the time flow rate on both sides of us is not the same, and the patriarch and the elder are too old ... to be burnt to death ..."

Jiang Feng: "..."

It's okay to die.

"In short."

The little mother dragon waved her hand, "The new patriarch agreed with you and your sister. You can do whatever you like to marry and love. No one will care, but we have a condition."


Jiang Feng's fighting spirit is high.


Immediately you can see the wife and the wood!


He felt that all his organs were rising, big heads and small heads raised their heads together, and they were full of energy.


"What should I do?"

Jiang Feng was excited, "If nothing else, in this human world, I can get you anything you want, it's not me blowing, my son-in-law, but Lu Ming ..."

"Lu Ming?"

The little female dragon was surprised, "The president of the sword card division association?"


Jiang Feng was curious, "Do you actually know?"

The little mother dragon family is far in their own small world, actually knows Lu Ming?

"That's natural."

The little female dragon nodded slightly, "We still know the superpowers in humans."


Jiang Feng rolled his eyes.

Ha ha.

What about the superpowers, not their own son-in-law? !


Little Mother Dragon sighed, "If your son-in-law is him, I'm afraid it's very troublesome."


Jiang Feng narrowed his eyes, "Can it be ... you want Lu Ming ?!"

"Do not."

The little female dragon shook her head, "What we want ... is Xiaobai."


Jiang Feng jumped suddenly.

noob? !


The little mother dragon looked solemn, "The patriarch has orders, and Xiaobai is also a descendant of our veins. In any case, she must be taken back!"

"Ha ha."

Jiang Feng sneered, "He has orders? He is a hanger ?! If you want to take Xiaobai, you have to have the ability to take it back! Who wants to take Xiaobai in this world, who gives him confidence, you?"


Jiang Feng stepped out.

The whole murderous intention condenses a line.

Although the little mother dragon has a good fighting strength, in this world, it is impossible to kill him. The big deal is to continue to escape!


Want to move Xiaobai ...


Step over from his body! !

"Of course not her!"

"My confidence ..."

"it is me."

A cold voice emerged.

The flame around the little mother dragon suddenly turned blue, and the emotional eyes just turned into an endless cold, even the voice changed.


In that blue flame.

It is clear to see that the shape of the little female dragon has become a male with long horns on his head.

"this is……"

Jiang Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, "Are you the new patriarch ?!"


Said the blue flame.


He stepped out, the whole world turned blue at this moment, and the temperature around him plummeted.

"right now……"

"Am I still a hanger?"

He mocked.


Jiang Feng took a look at his current appearance, the flame was burning, the upper part was slightly larger, and the horns, and the lower part was relatively smooth ~ ~ So he nodded seriously, "count.


Blue Fire Dragon's face stiffened, but soon returned to normal, "Take me to see Xiaobai."

"Think beautiful."

Jiang Feng sneered.

"You know you can't stop me!"

"My son-in-law can!"


The blue fire dragon froze, son-in-law?


Who does he seem to be communicating with, "Son-in-law? Sword Card Master? Lu Ming? It was the young Lu Ming who had killed a few nine stars with extremely high value?"

It turns out so.

"I understand."

The blue fire dragon sighed.

Lu Ming ...

If it were him ...

This has exceeded their estimated risk value.


Light and shadow flashed.

The sky blue disappeared, and the blue fire dragon retreated.

Hey? ? ?

Jiang Feng was shocked.

Foggy grass.

Lu Ming's name is so good now? !

And at this time.

The blue light faded.

Red light reappears.

The flame turned into a little female dragon again.

She took a deep look at Jiang Feng, "Sister is still Xiaobai ... you will make a choice after all, I hope you don't regret it ..."


She disappeared into a flash of fire.

In front of you.

Only a common flame remained.


Jiang Feng was silent.

for a long time.

He tied the waistband of his trousers and looked at the flame, which had obviously been peeed for a long time but had not been quenched. After a long silence, he sighed.

"After all, I'm getting older ..."


PS: My personal micro-neck has been updated with a new name ‘ninety degrees below zero for next year ’s college entrance examination.” Welcome everyone to poke, bang bang bang.

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