MTL - Divine Card Creator-Chapter 722 There are so many coincidences

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Sword Card Masters Association.

Zhang Yang is lying in the infirmary and enjoying VIP treatment.

"What are you doing?"

Little Fox exclaimed, "Battered by the card maker association?"

It's not surprising at all.

At a time when the Sword and Card Masters Association is in such a crisis, Zhang Yang took the initiative to attack, spread rumors and rhythm in various communities, and it was normal to be beaten.

of course.

This is a great achievement for the sword card division.

"If it's the association's business, I can help you report the work injury, which can be reimbursed."

Little Fox said voluntarily.


Zhang Yang sighed, "I didn't prepare a gift yesterday and was beaten by my girlfriend ..."


"Have you had a holiday yesterday?"

Little Fox is confused.

It went through the calendar, oh, it is Valentine's Day defined by human beings, "Hey, is there such a passable consumer holiday launched by this business?"


Zhang Yang very much agrees, "I said the same yesterday."

Little Fox: "..."

Then you are done.

You know something, but you ca n’t say it.


For girls.

"You have to keep in mind that human girls are generally very sensitive."

The little fox language has a long center of gravity.

As a male fox with a hundred pen names, it sees this kind of thing thoroughly.

"Sensitive, not sensitive, I know better than you."

Zhang Yang pouted.

He has not been taught how to communicate with girls by a spiritual body.


Little Fox sneered, "seriously?"

"That's natural."

Zhang Yang raised his arm with a plaster cast, "No matter how much knowledge you see, after all, it's just a spirit body, and the guy in my family ... hehehehe."

"Ha ha."

Little Fox sneered, "Don't forget, my host is Miss Tian."


The expression on Zhang Yang's face suddenly stiffened.


Miss Tian ...

"so what."

Zhang Yang whispered, "Miss Tian ... Miss Tian also likes the president, and she will not have any actual combat experience to play with her again ... How can she play flowers alone?"


Zhang Yang's voice just fell.


There was a loud noise.

The door of the infirmary was suddenly opened.

Zhang Yang and others looked subconsciously, and then found in horror that Tian Tian and two medical staff rushed in with a stretcher in a hurry.

Above ...

Lying and landing.

? ? ?

Zhang Yang and others were horrified. What's wrong with the president? !

Everyone rushed subconsciously, and then saw the strictness of the chairman's bondage, Tian Tian holding a small leather whip in her hand ...

? ? ?


Everyone took a breath.

Do not……

Worthy of being the chairman!

Will play!


Little Fox said arrogantly, "I said that Tian Tian will play! Although I am not human, I can watch Tian Tian play with the chairman!"


Zhang Yang expressed his amazement, the spiritual consciousness is really high!


at this time.

The high-level leaders of the association, Li Haoran, Salt Crispy Chicken, and others also received news that they rushed in and watched this incredible scene.


Li Haoran coughed.

In order to prevent the president's criticism from being killed, he immediately waited for the unrelated person to wait for a password and rushed out. This was before Lu Ming.


Li Haoran said respectfully.


Lu Ming sighed.

You glance.

Good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.


Li Haoran glanced curiously, "Do you ... need to unlock it?"


Lu Ming's face was black, "No crap? Otherwise, why should I come to the medical department?"


Li Haoran rushed people to release, but, unfortunately, all the medical department can use all the things, the bundled optical network has no movement.


The pharmacist was very distressed, "It's much harder to get away than having foreign objects in your body."


Lu Ming was expressionless.

What business do you usually do!


"How did you get this?"

After the pharmacist finished speaking, she glanced at Tian Tian quietly.

"An old man got it."

Lu Ming sighed.


The pharmacist apologized.

The chairman is playing bigger than expected!

"I try with energy slippery powder ..."

"General energy slippery powder is applied to the surface of the object, no matter what, it can slip out." The pharmacist is very skilled in helping Lu Ming to operate.



The energy slippery powder is not effective for the optical network, and the optical network that bundles Lu Ming becomes tighter and tighter.

"It's useless."

The pharmacist was distressed and grabbed a lot of hair. "No. Someone accidentally got more eel in the body last time, and the energy slippery powder was easily made ..."


The pharmacist was worried.

Unlike the previous yang and yin qi, this is the first time the chairman has actually come here. If this problem cannot be solved, he is afraid that there is no future.

"How to do?"

"Let the core disciples come and see."

"it is good."

for a long time.

The core disciples came.

"Or, try it with leverage?"

"Do you keep cutting?"

"Can this net burn out?"

"Cut it."

The disciples expressed their opinions.

Lu Ming: "..."

He guessed to continue this way, the light network was not broken, he might be cold.

"Forget it."

Lu Ming sighed, "Help me turn on the communicator."


Li Haoran said respectfully.


Under the guidance of Lu Ming, they contacted the strategy director of the Cardmakers Association. In the past few days, the battle between cardmakers and sword cardists is also a great achievement.

This is for sure.

Otherwise, how could the sword card master go so smoothly ...

There are ghosts!


The Minister of Strategy said subconsciously, and then saw Lu Ming and Tian Tian in the hands of Miss Tian, ​​and suddenly opened her mouth in shock.

"This ... the legendary Nine Star Light Network on you ??"


"Such awesome skills!"

"Our Association of Cardmakers, only the president will!"

"You actually used to play this!"

The Minister of Strategy was shocked.

At first glance, Lu Ming was the kind of person who could play.

However, he originally thought that Lu Ming would also play multiplayer sports and the like. Unexpectedly, President Lu Ming's shot was such a violent circle activity.

Enough red chicken.

Enough hot.


Lu Ming turned black, "I asked if you could help me out?"


The minister was shocked, "Do n’t tell me how to dismiss it when you learn this skill ..."

How is this different from the sand sculptures that swallowed light bulbs to go to the hospital and licked the railing to find someone to rescue in winter? ! Can you imagine the consequences? !

"Just say you can solve it."

Lu Ming was expressionless.


The minister coughed.


Do you have Lu Ming today? Haha!


He arrogantly rose and said deliberately, "It's not impossible, the president of our association will do the same. If you ask me, maybe I will help you find him."

"You mean ..."

Lu Ming sighed, "Your old, disliked president?"

"What's wrong with old?"

The Minister of Strategy glared at Lu Ming, "You can't do it when you are old? This is also a good way to divide! Our president is old and very strong."

"Not ..."

Lu Ming sighed, "If it is that one ... maybe no chance."


The Minister of Strategy is puzzled.

"Because he was killed by me ..."

Lu Ming sighed.

? ? ?

The Minister of Strategy was startled, "Destroyed ?! How is it possible? You ..."

"Otherwise, where do you think the light net on me came from?"

Lu Ming sighed deeply.


The world is silent.

Whether it is the medical office that is looking for ways to help Lu Ming solve the disciples' senior disciples, or the comrade No. 1 under the light curtain.


Everyone's expressions froze.

Killed ...


Now ...

and many more.

The chairman just said that he is the chairman of the card maker association, the legendary nine star? ! Is that the legendary level that has half stepped into the top? !

Is he gone?

Was it killed by Lu Ming? !


Li Haoran's heart trembled.

Suddenly he understood, "Does these days ..."

"Not bad."

Lu Ming smiled slightly, "You have your battle, I have my battle, fortunately, I won by chance."


The disciple shivered.

They finally know where the grown-ups have gone these days!

It turned out that when they were dealing with the economic battle of the cardmakers, the president was fighting the life and death battle with the president of the cardmakers association!

He is silently guarding the entire association!

That's nine stars!

President He ...

Thinking of this, those who have complained about the president have been ashamed, and they are worthy of being the president, as always, stable and reliable.

at the moment.

Looking at the light net on the chairman, they were moved.


Girl Tian is embarrassed, "I misunderstood you."

Ooo ...

She thought it would be guilty for the president to take care of it.


She would take a whip gently, and the president did not seem to scream, maybe, the president did not find a certain hobby hidden deep in her heart?



Can you help the chairman dig?




The truth is clear.

The disciples looked at the president in admiration.


The problem of the optical network cannot be solved temporarily.

After all, the optical network is a nine-star skill. At the current level of the Sword Card Masters Association, it can't be dismantled, and Lu Ming himself can't solve it.

You can't splash the dark holy water on your body, maybe the net is okay, you are already cold ... In case, like the pastors, some things will be useless before they are used ...

That would be a big loss!


Lu Ming sighed.


This is the price of eliminating the nine stars.


At this moment, our pharmacist had a good idea and thought of a good way. Although the optical network could not be eliminated, the lower position could be adjusted by slipping powder.


"Chairman, you are like this."

"Yes, a little harder here ... hurry up, good."

"This way ..."


The pharmacist guided Lu Ming to move by himself.

for a long time.

After the adjustment, he changed some meshes, some meshes became smaller, some meshes became larger, and Lu Ming extended his limbs smoothly.


You can move ...

The body is finally unaffected.


Lu Ming always feels strange.

"Come in the mirror!"

Lu Ming asked the disciples to move to the mirror and glanced. His face was completely dark. This is the case. His current state is to extend his limbs from the grid, so ...

Good guy ...

what is this? !

Sling grid top? Mesh stockings?

? ? ?

I do n’t play football, why do you want me to do this?



After Lu Ming put on a coat outside, he was finally out of sight, which was considered to solve the problem of Jiuxingguang from another angle.


No problem.

in this way.

The nine-star attack is considered to have ended.

And now.

Opposite the light curtain, our Minister of Strategy had a complex look, and finally recovered from the impact of the president ’s death. Others said he might not believe it.

But Lu Ming ...

He has eliminated the Nine Stars more than once.

"Our president is so cold?"

The minister said bitterly.


Lu Ming nodded slightly.

"Nothing left?"

The Minister asked.


Lu Ming also regrets, "If you ask earlier, I can leave you a hair."


The minister was silent.

for a long time.

He just sighed, "Understood ... No wonder the king and **** swore to me yesterday that Lu Ming must be finished this time, because they finally let the president get the shot ...."

Nine stars.

That's a legend!

Although the president is old and half cut into the soil, as long as he is alive, it is the pillar of the card maker association, and now, he is actually dead here.

still is……

Run to the time when the sword card division association attacks others!

what is this?

It's not guaranteed at night ...


"I hope you don't blame him."

The minister smiled bitterly, "The card maker's association is the hard work of the president's life ... he doesn't want the association to be ruined in his own hands, so he will be so radical ..."

Although he hated his colleagues, he was still full of respect for the chairman.

"It doesn't matter."

Lu Ming shrugged.

What else can he do if everyone is dead?

at the moment.

He is more concerned about the battle between the card maker and the sword card division. In the current situation, the advantage has been completely dumped to the sword card division association!

"I know."

The minister smiled bitterly, "I will release the news next ..."

"Why do you want to announce?"

Lu Ming said lightly.


The minister was at a loss, "Isn't it to accelerate the desolation of the Cardmakers Association?"

The chairman is dead!

Nine stars fell!

The high-end market is fully occupied. At present, the future of the Cardmakers Association is doomed. Is n’t it the best opportunity to eliminate cardmakers at this moment?


Lu Ming shook his head gently, "You don't need to do anything. Looking at the card maker association's power is too much, once they know the news of your president's death, they may start a large-scale offensive and start to eat away the card maker association Market, how can there be left for the sword card division? "

"and so……"

"Just hit it slowly."

"The fools of your association's plan to attack us failed. Below, the association's power will fall into your hands."

Lu Ming looked at the Minister of Strategy, "You not only want to stabilize the card maker association, but also develop it well, let him become the foundation of the sword card maker association, you know?"


The Minister of Strategy smiled bitterly.

What a Lu Ming!

What a sword card master!

for a long time.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Follow the instructions, grow up."

So far.

This war is the end.

The president of Nine Stars, so silently fell ...

of course.

Lu Ming has not yet been able to kill him, mainly because this man is really too old ... really half cut into the earth, so the dark holy water can make him accelerate to age.

That's all.


it's finally over……

Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.


What surprised him was that he didn't see Xiaobai today ...


"What about Xiaobai?"

Lu Ming asked.

"Sister Master is resting."

Li Haoran said respectfully, "In order to speed up the progress of the experiment, the old man took the shot, and the master and sister consumed too much, and had slept for a long time."


Lu Ming's pupil shrank suddenly.


He also said before that why Xiaobai's research and development is so coincident that it was studied at a critical moment ...

"Can you accelerate body evolution on a large scale?"

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.


The old man said seriously, "I and Quantum ca n’t accelerate too long, but we can temporarily delay the little girl ’s sea of ​​consciousness. So when the little girl returned to the sea of ​​consciousness, we made the time very slow Eventually achieve the effect of accelerating thinking. "


It is for Xiaobai to experiment in the consciousness sea.

The external time will not change for too long, but the time of consciousness can be delayed for a long time.

"how long?"

Lu Ming said in a deep voice.


The old man paused and sighed, "Three years ..."

In reality, after only three hours, the little white girl stayed in the consciousness sea for three years. It took three years to successfully complete the project to transform the original card form!

"Three years ..."

Lu Ming's face changed greatly.

Three years!

Three years!

Just experiment and calculate the data in the Conscious Sea Research Project!

This girl ...

Lu Ming felt a little heartache and a little dazed.

why? !

Because of the crisis of the card maker, the Sword Card Masters Association has solved it. The completion of the transformation of form is just to counter the card maker ...

No need!

You can wait for Lu Ming to come back and fight back!


Lu Ming was a little puzzled.

He walked quickly to the little white room.

There, the little girl had fallen asleep, her petite body holding the quilt, and a trace of tiredness on the delicate little face, which made Lu Ming feel pained.

"Master ..."

Xiaobai murmured.

"Woke up?"

Lu Ming walked subconsciously, only to realize that Xiao Bai was still asleep, sleeping very unsteadily, and kept talking dreams, very uneasy.

"This girl ..."

Lu Ming sighed.

Never mind.

What's the matter, let's talk tomorrow.


He helped Xiaobai cover the quilt and was about to leave. Suddenly he heard a dream ~ ~ I ... "

"I won't forget ..."


"I want to save Master ..."

"I ... I want to defeat you and bring Master back ..."

"Master ... wait for me."

Xiaobai rolled over and fell asleep again.


Lu Ming stepped in.

and many more.

These words……

This girl ...

Lu Ming was shocked, she actually knew she was trapped? !


Lu Mingquan understood.

It turns out so!

Xiaobai knows that she is trapped by some people, so she is so crazy. She wants to defeat the card maker association and rescue him! !

Therefore, she would suddenly experiment ...

Therefore, she stayed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness for three full years!

This girl ...

Lu Ming was trembling.

And at this time.

Seemingly feeling the temperature in his hand, Xiaobai awakened from the dream.

"Master ..."

Xiao Bai opened his eyes confusedly.

"Woke up?"

Lu Ming said softly.


Xiao Bai's eyes were a little strange and dazed, and soon became familiar, "Master, I haven't seen you for a long time ..."


Lu Ming's heart was like a knife.

How long is this?

"Master ~"

Xiaobai came awake and rushed into Lu Ming's arms, hugging Lu Ming tightly, fearing that he would disappear again, "Master ... I miss you ..."

"I know I know……"

Lu Ming was heartbroken and could only hug her and pacify her constantly.

for a long time.

Xiaobai fell asleep again.

She was too tired after all ...


Unlike before, this time, she slept deeply and deeply.


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