MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 5 First Entering the Beast World

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Zhang Che was confused, and he didn't know anyone in the military.

However, he reacted immediately, knowing that he entered the beast world only the school leaders responsible for issuing certificates, and class teacher Han Sheqing and Huang Tielan.

Even her mother, Sun Lan, Zhang Che was afraid of her worry, she kept it from her and lied that the school organized activities and she had to go out with her teachers and classmates for a while.

So, it is obvious who brought this backpack here for himself.

School leaders and teacher Han are naturally impossible. If you want to give them, they will give them at school.

Obviously, this backpack was prepared by Huang Tielan.

I figured this out, Zhang Che was thinking about whether to accept it, but the staff urged again and again: "Take things and hurry in, there are still many people waiting."

Zhang Che helplessly, can only carry the backpack and walk inside.

On top of a flat square, an elliptical blue light curtain with a height of several ten meters, like a mythical creation, slammed into Che Che's eyes.

原来 "It turned out that the space door looks like this. This thin layer of light curtain doesn't look very good. It can't be destroyed by any means. It really is magical."

Zhang Che looked at the light curtain in front of her, and couldn't help sighing.

In the past few decades, the coalition government has tried more than once and wanted to completely destroy these space gates that appeared out of nowhere, but no matter what kind of weapon is used to attack, even if the lower surface is cut off, it still takes these mysterious There is no way for the space gate.

With excitement, Zhang Che followed the flow of people through the space door, and there was no ripple on the light curtain.

Stepping on it, the scene suddenly changed.

The gloomy sky is like a gray cauldron upside down, looking around, surrounded by high and low mountains.

Standing on a lame foot is a flat square, and around the square is a simple campsite built on a flat hill.

The camp area is very wide, and the continuous rough wooden buildings are row after row, like a small city, full of enthusiasm and excitement.

"This is the legendary safe area, it's really interesting."

Although it ’s only the first time to enter the strange animal world, Zhang Che, who has learned relevant knowledge, also knows that within one kilometer of the space gate, no strange animal will appear, and only wait for the beast tide every ten years. When it erupts, endless beasts will surge from all directions.

Zhang Che had no plans to rest. He chose a direction and walked outside the camp. He refused to meet with a group of people along the way, and soon entered the mountains.

I left the safe zone and could be in danger at any time. Zhang Che didn't dare to carelessly, and with a heart motion, the dark blue card lying in the sea of ​​mental awareness suddenly appeared between his fingers.

【Jumbo Pig】

Grade: One star (level 8)

Quality: Bronze

Type: Primitive Combat

Features: strong defense, good at brutal collision

Weaknesses: lack of flexibility, slower turn

Potential: Class D (25% chance to break the current level, 2.5% chance to break the current quality, halved next time, a total of two opportunities to improve)

Cultivation direction: ...

Activated the Beast Card. The next moment, a one-meter-tall, black-haired man, and a pair of wild boars sharp like half-meter-long giant fangs with a knife-foot, appeared in front of Zhang Che.

啧 "Well, Mr. Han's taste is really ..."

I looked at this fiercely boar, Zhang Che pursed his lips, I don't know what to say, this guy is not so good, why does the head teacher Han Sheqing like this animal?

"Let's see what Huang Tielan prepared for me."

He shook his head, and Zhang Che was not too busy to continue deep into the forest. Instead, he opened the backpack that Huang Tielan had prepared for him, but saw that there was a whole set of combat uniforms, plus a one-foot long dagger.

The combat suit is the latest research result of the alliance. Some tough alien beast materials are applied, and the defense force is very considerable. Swords made of ordinary steel are difficult to pierce.

The one-foot-long dagger is also not a common commodity. It also adds exotic beast materials. The sword is more sharp than traditional materials. Not to mention the toughness is much better.

These two things add up to a value of at least 100,000 Union Coins, which is full of Huang Tielan's deep affection for Zhang Che.

Zhang Che sighed. Since everything was brought in, then don't disappoint the good intentions of Huang Tielan. Let's equip it first. Anyway, it's a safety guarantee.

Anyhow, Zhang Che just shaken off the combat suit, but saw a silver alien beast card falling from the middle of his clothes.

我 "I'm going, this girl is really willing to spend money!"

Zhang Che was completely convinced, and unexpectedly Huang Tielan had dedicated her alien beast card, so Zhang Che didn't know what to say.

You must know that a silver star card on the market is at least 100,000 Union Coins, and the best of them can sell hundreds of thousands of Union Coins.

This friendship is too heavy and too heavy, making Zhang Che's heart faint.

I sold myself without getting a Silver Monster Card.

Wrong. If Zhang Che wants to sell himself, Huang Tielan must be very happy.

"Although it is necessary to judge people by their appearance, I can't break it ... It's a big deal. In the future, I can get a good monster card as a reward and let me betray my body. That can't be done anyway."

She shook her head, Zhang Che wore a combat suit, picked up the silver card on the ground, and the data of the alien beast card was quickly swiped on the window.

[Blazing Scorpion]

Grade: One star (9th grade)

Quality: Silver

Type: Primitive Combat

Features: Poison attack, powerful defense

Weakness: Fear of Ice Elemental Attacks

Talent Attribute: Fire Toxin Enhancement ~ ~ Can destroy enemy physical body faster

Potential: Class D: 25% chance to break through the current level, 2.5% chance to break through the current quality, halved next time, 2 upgrades

Cultivation direction: ...

Zhang Che almost touched and wept. This one-star silver scorching scorpion did not have 200,000 Union Coins, so don't even think about it.

The problem is, the better this thing is, the heavier the debt you owe.

This is really a trouble of happiness ...

Zhang Che simply didn't think about how to face Huang Tielan in the future. She closed her eyes and calmed her hands, holding the silver card with her hands. A ray of light gradually lit up in the palm of her hand, and the spiritual resonance resonated smoothly.

The next moment, the silver card in his hand suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in Zhang Che's sea of ​​spiritual knowledge, becoming an alien beast card that he could control.

If you want to imperil an alien beast card, you must first stimulate the spiritual resonance, and then you need to put the alien beast card into the spirit and engrave it.

Similarly, if the Royal Beast Master wants to give away or sell his other beast card to others, he must first erase the spiritual imprint on it, or else others will not be able to use it even if they have it in their hands.

After successfully engraving the spiritual brand, the beast card was summoned by Zhang Che again. As soon as his mind moved, it turned into a stream of light and fell on the ground in front of him.

This is a giant scorpion with a length of one meter and five feet. The carapace is black in color, and a pair of large chews are like two giant sharp pliers. When you look at it, you are full of power. The tail is bent forward and lifted. The half-foot length of the tail needle shone with a chilling red luster.

Good guy, compared with the sale of this scorching scorpion, the giant pheasant next to it is really far.

"set off!"

Zhang Che's mood was strong, and with a wave of his hand, he took his two strange beasts into the forest in front of him.