MTL - Divine Beast Adventures-Chapter 4 Zhang Xiaoche, I like you

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As soon as Xu cut off her contact with the strange animal card in her hand, Zhang Che opened her eyes and heard the laughter of Huang Tielan under the audience, especially the phrase "My family Zhang Xiaoche", which almost made Zhang Che fall off the stage.

Girl, you have declared your sovereignty unilaterally like this, have you ever asked me for your opinion?

Because of Huang Tielan's words, Zhang Che has become the focus of the teachers and students at the moment, because his speed of opening the spirit to the sea is really amazing.

It takes an average of a few minutes for the average person to resonate with the Beast Card for the first time, and then it takes a few minutes to open the spiritual consciousness.

Zhang Che, the whole process only took less than two minutes!

This talent, according to the statistics of the relevant departments of the alliance, the development potential is very promising. As long as nothing happens midway, it will not be too difficult to become a high-level Royal Beast Master in the future.

"Congratulations, classmate Zhang Che!"

Stepped down, class teacher Han Sheqing first greeted, congratulated with a smile.

"Zhang Che, congratulations!"

The same classmates also came forward to congratulate, no matter what everyone thinks, as classmates, they still have a good face.

Even Wu Junyu, who had always been opposed to Zhang Che, finally nodded his head towards Zhang Che, acknowledging his talent.

"Haha, Zhang Xiaoche, I knew you could do it!"

铁 Huang Tielan squeezed away a few students, stood in front of Zhang Che, and slapped him on the shoulder with a slap, almost patted him.

"Student Huang Tielan, please call me Zhang Che." Zhang Che froze.

"Okay, Zhang Xiaoche!"


"What, do you want to take time off to hunt the other beasts?"

In the office, Han Sheqing stood up directly from the chair, and was surprised by Zhang Che's reason for asking for leave.

"Yes, teacher." Zhang Che calmly explained, "My mother is seriously ill and needs a genetic repair agent to cure, so I have to enter the beast world to hunt and kill other beasts to make money."

Zhang Che did not hide the truth. After all, as a student at school, he wanted to enter the beast world through the space door, and he had to get the school's approval and certification.

Amazing beastly crisis, Han Sheqing was originally unwilling to see his students take risks, but after listening to Zhang Che's explanation, he could only choose to be silent.

儿子 If a son wants to make money to treat his mother, who has the heart to stop such a request?

Seeing that Han Sheqing was silent, Zhang Che raised his heart slightly, for fear that he would not agree to go to the other animal world.

"Well, the teacher agreed." Han Sheqing finally sighed and agreed with Zhang Che's request, admonishing, "However, you must be careful when you arrive in the beast world, and do not go deep into the dangerous area. Furthermore, you have arrived Be careful of those beast masters there, if you can tolerate things, don't be stubborn, you know? "

Zhang Che cheered, and nodded again and again: "I see, thank you teacher."

"Well, then you wait in the office for a while, and I'll get you a certificate to enter the otherworld."

After a short while, Han Sheqing returned to the office with a certificate and handed it to Zhang Che with a dark blue monster card.

老师 "The teacher knows that you have difficulties at home, and you do n’t have the money to buy a strange animal card. Even if this one-star bronze card is temporarily lent to you by the teacher, please return it to me after you return from the strange animal world."

Zhang Che stunned for a moment, then bowed deeply: "Thank you teacher, I will definitely return safely!"

This friendship is not trivial. Although Han Sheqing only said that she would lend a strange animal card to Zhang Che, a one-star bronze card is not cheap. It started in the market with 10,000 yuan alliance coins. When it meets better properties, it can even reach 50,000 alliances More than coins.

With deep gratitude, Zhang Che silently walked down the teaching building and walked towards the outside of the campus.

"Zhang Xiaoche, stop me!"

Before I reached the gate of the school, there was a slightly angry cry from Huang Tielan behind him.

Zhang Che turned back, and saw Huang Tielan's rare fat face, strode in front of him, sadly criticizing: "Zhang Xiaoche, why are you going to the beast world, don't you know how dangerous it is? What? "

Well, the news of Tie Nan's classmate is really well-informed. She just came out of the class teacher Han Sheqing's office, and she even caught up behind her.

Zhang Che really didn't want to entangle with this fat girl, and said blankly: "Student Huang Tielan, this is my own personal matter, so I don't care about you. Also, I repeat it again, please call me Zhang Che in the future!"

Huang Tielan rarely stomped her feet, bit her lip and stared at Zhang Che for a while, then said softly:

"Zhang Che, I don't want you to have anything in the beast world, I ... I like you ..."

After speaking, Huang Tielan's fat face flew into a red glow, but Zhang Che didn't seem to have the slightest sense of shame.

澈 Zhang Che is about to collapse, he can't wait to say: Girl, what is there in my life that you deserve to like, can I change it?

However, in the face of a girl who dared to reveal her feelings, Zhang Che still did not say so. He sighed and shook his head:

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Huang Tielan, but I have a reason to go. So let's see you there."

He said, Zhang Che turned around and continued to walk outside the school gate.

铁 Huang Tielan bit her lip, watching Zhang Che's figure disappear into her sight, stomping her foot in resentment, after all, she did not catch up again.


There is a heavily guarded military camp in the suburbs of Ganganwei for more than 70 miles.

Here is the nearest space gate near Ganwei City. The Royal Beast Master of Ganwei City and the people who will soon become the Royal Beast Master enter the Beast Realm through the space gate in this military camp.

Although the barracks were heavily defended, they looked a bit crude.

After all, there are countless strange beasts coming out of the space gate every ten years ~ ~ no matter how good the military camp is built.

Puppets are centered around military camps, and layers of defenses have been built in all directions, and countless light and dark bunkers are scattered.

There are many pedestrians entering and leaving the vehicles at the gate of the military camp. The people who come in are full of longing, and the people who come out have different expressions, some are encouraged, some are sad.

Zhang Che, carrying a bulging bag, was filled with dry food for the march, which would ensure that he would not be hungry for half a month, followed the flow of people from the bus, and then walked towards the gate of the barracks.

In the beast world, there is no way to get food. All the killed beasts are either turned into a stream of light, or they are turned into surprise beast cards. If you want to ensure that you are not hungry, you can only do as much as possible. Bring support.

Fortunately, most of the water in the beast world is drinkable, otherwise people don't even want to explore the magical world in depth.

"Please show proof of entry permit."

I walked to the checkpoint, and a staffer gave Zhang Che an expressionless look, and his tone was flat.

Everyone wants to enter the beast world through the space gate, they must show the entry permit certificate, which is a unified rule of the alliance.

Of course, if you can find the hidden space door in the wilderness, naturally no one will care about you.

Zhang Che quickly passed the certificate issued by the school, and took it expressionlessly. After a glance, he suddenly "snapped" and asked, "Are you Zhang Che in class 2 and 3?"

Zhang Che is a bit strange, is there any problem? But he nodded subconsciously.

When I saw Zhang Che nodded, the staff suddenly leaned over and grabbed a backpack and handed it over, saying, "Now, this is something that someone prepared for you, and it will be useful inside."