MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 3 The city is so fragrant!

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Outside the shouting and killing sound is getting closer and closer, Chen Xing had to rush back to the room.

The sky is full of fireballs, and the whistling flies into the city. Qin Jun looks like a real city. When the city breaks, the army will lift the city and the chaos, Chen Xing has seen it. Must find a way to transfer as soon as possible.

Chen Xingjin went and shook the new law of protection that could not be moved or talked. The story was long gone, only looking at Chen Xing.

Chen Xing: "I want a way to take you out of the city and wait here."

This is also nonsense. The item can't be moved. It is only wrapped in the quilt. Chen Xingxin can't always run with the item, he is going to find the horse, and he is afraid that the chaos will rush into the robbery and cut him off. Hold it down on the couch, wrap it in a quilt, and tuck it under the bed to avoid being discovered.

"Don't worry." Chen Xing explained: "I have a long-awaited life, so long, no matter what happens, I can turn a blind eye." Then he went out to find a horse.

Chen Xing went out of the backyard, and the horses were empty and the horses were all riding away. They only went to look outside.

The streets are full of charred people. The soldiers and horses are raging everywhere. The Jin army and the Qin army are invincible. The city is constantly throwing fire tanks inside, and what is ignited in the middle.

"Good fragrance!" Chen Xing smelled the charred meat, and his stomach actually called.

I can't find the horse, but I found a board car. The board car will be on the board. Chen Xing will bring the board to the back yard. If you can't get in, you have to put the item out first. Then he ran back to the room, and was dragging the item out from under the bed. He suddenly heard the sound of the door outside the sacred temple being slammed open, and then Qin Jun rushed in!

Chen Xingxin read the electricity, immediately put the item back under the bed, turned the shelf inside the room, the pillow, the clothes thrown the floor, pulled off the curtain, thrown on the beam, hit a knot, pulled the chair to stand, Put your arms into the sling and pull the chair under the shackles.

As soon as the chair landed, two Qin soldiers rushed in.

Chen Xing hangs on the beam, rounds his eyes and stares at the soldiers without hesitation. The black light bonfire, the soldiers could not see where the rope was, only to see people everywhere hanging up, snoring, and then look around, guessing that there have been people looted, flipped the table and left.

When Qin Jun left, Chen Xing hurried down and dragged out the story, but just halfway through, another group of Qin soldiers rushed in from the backyard. Chen Xing had to hurry up and hung up. After the second group of soldiers rushed in, they looked around and left.

Item: "..."

Chen Xing hanged about a cup of tea, and confirmed that no one came, and then quickly untied. Putting the item on his shoulders, he panted and ran to the backyard.

The board was gone, but there were more horses that didn't know where to come. Like Qin Ma, the horse was dragging a Qin Bing body.

"Great!" Chen Xing put the item on the horse and said: "The trick will definitely escape!"

But Chen Xing forgot one thing, he was lucky, and his luck was flat.

After Chen Xing was on the horse, he carried the quilt wrapped in the story. He rushed out of the alley and went to the side street. He saw that the sky was full of rockets and cups, and the sun was overturned. The city of Xiangyang had become a sea of ​​fire. Purgatory.

During the battle between the horses and the horses, all the way to the bumps and rushing, upside down, Chen Xing is trying to turn back and talk about the words, suddenly found that people are gone!

“Hey! Hey!” Chen Xing immediately pulled the horse and said, “Oops! It’s off the road!”

Chen Xing turned to the horse's head and quickly went back along the road to find the intersection of the alley and the main street. The item was lying on the ground straight, and the quilt fell a little while half. Fortunately, he had to tie him to the horse. on. Looking for the rope, the saddle is just there! The Qin Bing saddle is fully equipped with everything.

Chen Xing wrapped the item in the quilt on the street and tied it with a rope. Struggling to the top of the horse, fixed with a rope, tied up, a team of Jin soldiers rushed through the horse, shouted: "What do you do! Robbing the women?"

"Men!" Chen Xing quickly said: "I haven't been in the body for many years!" He said that he was rushing to look at the hair and let the soldiers look at it. The soldier was about to bend his bow and shoot him. When he saw a man, he put down the arrow. Shouted: "Run to the southeast! Don't go north! The thorns are robbed! The north is all Qin Jun!"

Chen Xingdao: "Beware!"

When the Jin army went far, Chen Xingsheng was afraid that the article would fall again, and the ropes would be solid. He tied two laps on the horse back and hit a knot. This confirmed that it would not fall again, and wiped the sweat. When you want to go to the horse -

- I don't know where to fly a rod of arrows, nailed to the horse's ass.

The war horse suddenly screamed and rushed back to the north.

"Hey! Hey! Come back" Chen Xing quickly chased it out, but the horse ran wildly, carrying the item, had disappeared and disappeared into the sea of ​​fire.

Chen Xing: ".............................."

Looking around, Chen Xing rushed to the north of the city and rushed out of the nest. He fought fiercely with Qin Jun. Fortunately, at the dusk, Chen Xing tossed it up. Although they were scattered, they still didn't sleep. Otherwise, the Qin army will attack the city, and the response in the city will not be so fast.

In the city, no matter how old or young the military and the people are, they all know that the sun is broken. It is the end of the massacre. No one can live without it. They have tried their lives and stubbornly resisted.

Chen Xing ran a full distance along the road. The war was on fire, the two houses were burning, and the roadside was full of dead bodies.

"Ma??" Chen Xing roared: "Where did you go? Give me back!"

It was a cloudy day, and today it was a cloudy day. The city burned up and covered the sky with black smoke. Chen Xing was unable to cough and shed tears, rushing through the long streets. It has reached the forefront of the battle between the Qin and Jin dynasties. When a cavalry discovered him, he rode a horse and rushed toward Chen Xing, and slashed his sword.

Chen Xing immediately shouted, lying on the ground, the cavalry waved empty, and when he was thinking, he was carrying him to the clothesline that was pulled up outside the house at high speed. The cavalry hung up and slammed into the ground, and the back of the head touched the ground.

Great! Chen Xing thought that he was going to smash the weapon of the man, but there was a hoof behind him. Chen Xing quickly lie down on the ground and drilled under the dead cavalry.

After the Qin army cavalry came in, they were competing for the strongholds in the city of Fuyang, preparing to start a street battle with the Jin army led by Zhu Zhou, the singer of Liangzhou. No one noticed Chen Xing.

In the past, Qin Xing knew that he was looking for someone in this way. He also sent the enemy to the enemy. He dragged the cavalry into the house and smashed his armor and cloak. At that time, the North went through the chaos of the Eight Kings. After the Jin Ting’s clothing was crossed, Liu Cong’s Han, Shi Le’s Zhao, Xianbei Murong’s Yan, and even Wei’s Wei, now’s Qin’s Qin’s singer, I’m going to debut. The turn of the country, Hu Han mixed blood, leading to the Qin army is also mixed with a lot of Han people, Chen Xing replaced the Qin Bing armor does not appear very abrupt, only the helmet and armor is slightly larger.

Chen Xing was in a hurry, fastened his helmet belt, exhausted to the north, and ran around to find the horses that had been placed, looking for the whereabouts of the story, running through the Zhaoming stage in the center of the city, suddenly called by a Qin army live.

"Hey!" The Qin army chief shouted: "Which team?!"

"I?" Chen Xingdao: "I?"

Chen Xing’s mouthful of the words of the Yanyan, the captain thought it was the Guard directly under Chang’an, and said: “What do you do in a panic? Go to the northwest!”

"I am going!" Chen Xingdao: "Give me a horse!"

"No!" The captain gave Chen Xing a shield. Chen Xing had to hold it. The captain pushed him again and shouted: "After Zhaomingtai, go west, **** the tanker! Jinjun army is out! Push the car to the drum tower! Be careful!"

Chen Xing had to hurry to catch up with a big car in front of him. The two horses couldn’t stop jumping, the fear screamed, and the two Qin soldiers were trying to appease the horse. The captain pushed behind and said: “Go! Go!”

A whistle sounded from a height in the distance, and a rocket was shot in the center of the city. It was like a fire and rain!

Chen Xing is trying to take a horse and rushing with a shield. The captain shouted: "Go to the car! Go to the car - don't worry about me!"

Chen Xing jumped into the car, the rocket raindrops poured over and over, the captain got a few arrows, suddenly burst into flames and shouted: "Help! Help!"

Chen Xing had to turn back and was about to blaze the flame on his body. The captain pulled the can on the car and poured it backwards. It was full of fire oil, splashing toward himself, and a bang banged, suddenly screaming in the flame. When the two soldiers couldn’t see it, they quickly turned around and rescued. Chen Xing was busy shouting: “Save not! Don’t go!”

When the fire broke out, Chen Xing quickly got on the bus. He had to pull the car to the car. He just got on the driving position, and the flames burned down the car. The horses of the two trailers were frightened. Instigated, dragging a car burning burning can, carrying Chen Xing straight into the car!

Chen Xing shouted: "North!"

Chen Xing turned to the reins and tried to control the direction of the trailer's running horse. From the west to the north, it immediately rushed through the front line of the Qin and Jin dynasties, and the fire rushed into the rear of the Qin army.

"What about the story?!" Chen Xing turned back and looked at it. Seeing the fire cans squirting fire tongues one by one, the scene was really spectacular. There were still few people along the way. Just after the fire wall, a small group of cavalry panicked and snarled. : "What to do?! Where are the people coming! Stop! Stop!"

"I also want to stop!" Chen Xing turned back and shouted: "Don't listen!"

Chen Xing looked around for the lost horses. Unexpectedly, the flame chariot had already rushed to the main street. The cavalry patrolling in all directions immediately flew away, all chasing Chen Xing, and how the cavalry squatted against the horses, and the speed was limited. The trailer horse that Chen Xing was rushing was the **** being burned, and the madness rushed to play the potential to break through as a horse. Immediately, the horse was burned, and the ride was over, and it ran over the long street and rushed back. North of the thorns.

Three hours before the Qin army broke through the inner city of Xiangyang, the thorny historical office was regarded as the first temporary stronghold. It was used as the command post to transport the oil tanks and arrows, gather the soldiers, and start street fighting. As long as the line of defense advances in an orderly manner, the entire Xiangyang will be taken down within three days. At that time, the Qin army will be a general, and the military division is negotiating the deployment of the military.

"I haven't found out the whereabouts of the law?"

"...must be in this city of Fuyang..."

"In the camp! Attack!"

It is also the same as the mold of the eight generations of the commander, including Changle Wang Hao, the generals Murong Chong, Zhong Lang will Shi Yue three people are looking at the map at the table, a number of counselors may propose to burn the sun, or propose a thief 擒 争论 arguing endlessly The refusal of the horse pile was too late to put on, and the front line had been pushed to the front of Zhaoming Station in the center of the city. Most of the guards behind the guards are no different from the mad dogs. They rushed to the south of the city to grab the head and make meritorious deeds. Who can think of this being the enemy camp?

"The dog is daring!"

Screaming and screaming, I will fight against the sword! The three coaches, including Murong Chong and Shi Yue, are all in one hundred, and the individual assassins are not at all. Who dares to attack the camp? Simply stupid!

Murong said: "Where is the enemy?"

"Go to the door!" shouted the commander.

The voice fell, and Chen Xing said: "Get away! The fire is coming!"

The next moment, the flame chariot rushed into the mansion, Murong Chong just rushed out the door, and Chen Xing made a face-to-face, then the bad things were bad, busy turning around and fleeing, Chen Xing Gu could not hit someone, in A flutter outside the hospital, the body jumped into the pond, broke through the thin ice, and hid in the water.

When I was too late to fight, I was hit by a carriage, the wheels were on the threshold, and the burning oil tanks of the whole car flew into the hall.

Chen Xinglian crawled and crawled. He didn't dare look back at the back, turned around in the explosion, and stumbled out. Suddenly, the whole house was bursting into flames, and there was a panic and yelling. Several people were running out, the roof was blown down, and all the cavalry retraced and came to save people.

"Qin Jun was burned!"

The Jin army saw the scene far before Zhaoming, and suddenly the morale was greatly enhanced. Zhu Xuji gathered the last 8,000 people and killed them along the street. Chen Xing took off his helmet and was quite overwhelmed. Looking at the scene in front of him, Qin Jun suddenly lost his army, retreating, falling off Zhaomingtai, Zhengjie, Chengbei Lutai Road, all the streets and alleys were promoted by Jin Jun. I am not afraid of death and recapture.

"People?!" Chen Xing quickly lost patience, throwing the helmet on the ground and looking around.

The black smoke rolled and covered the sky, and his face was smudged black. Chen Xing suddenly had a heart, closed his eyes and stood still. In an instant, the sound of war and chaos disappeared without warning. In the darkness, there seemed to be a flash of light.

Another flash.

In the quiet, Chen Xing turned around, stepping on the blood of the floor, quickly stepping into the lane, passing through a backyard of a residential house and discovering his horse! At that time, the horse carried the bundled solid items, stuck on the door of the courtyard, and slammed the walls on both sides with the item.

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