MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 1 Prisoners are urging you to bring together the whole city and bring them together for tasting.

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Jin Taiyuan four years, the first day of February, Fuyang.

The wind and snow suddenly came, and the ancient city of the millennium was swept overnight. The cold wave will freeze all the remaining warm lights in the city, but the sound of the snow in the city and the cracking of the red mud stove.

Outside the city, the 200,000-strong Qin army was heavily besieged, waiting for the final battle with the Jin army.

Chen Xing is now black with both eyes, quite anxious, he will not come late, how can he choose this time? After trying hard to get into the city of Xiangyang, I have to find a person like a needle in a haystack. Even if I find it, how can I get out of town tomorrow morning?

Fuyang City was surrounded by a full year. Today, the soldiers have already squandered their food. The soldiers are so hungry that they have no strength to fight. The people are so hungry that they have no strength to escape, but they all have the strength to swear. At one time, the crowds in the city were full of turmoil.

After entering the city, Chen Xing couldn't easily find the Zhuzhou order of the Liangzhou thorns responsible for defending the city. He showed his identity and did not explain his intentions. The history of the thorns quickly summoned the next military commanders, who were full of halls, or stood or sat. Waiting for Chen Xing to speak.

"You say it again, in front of everyone's face, what are you coming from?" Zhu Xu asked.

Chen Xing was wearing a black robe and sat in front of him. He replied seriously: "Seven one drive, wood, magic, division."

Zhu Xuchao said: "He said that he is a mage."

"Not a mage." Chen Xing patiently explained: "It is an exorcist, I said the third time."

The light in the main hall of the thorny temple illuminates his face. Chen Xing is dressed in black, with a white skin, a dark-skinned brocade robes, a gold-plated stove, a small medicine bag at the waist, and a pair of shackles. Cloud boots.

His eyebrows were covered with a black cloth, revealing pure ruddy lips and a tall nose - a blind man.

"Introduction, my name is Chen Xing." The teenager said: "The 841th generation of the exorcist of the Chinese exorcist, now the only exorcist in the world, this year is sixteen, seven feet nine inches, one hundred Thirty kilograms. Hanzhong people, successor exorcism, come to Fuyang to do business, hope Zhu Xu adults to help, hey, you see, this is the document of the Dajin Department of the Book, Xie An Xie adults."

In the provincial capital, there were people in the hall standing in the hall. The military sergeants whispered to each other, and there were countless military commanders. They all looked at the uninvited guest with suspicion.

"Xie Daren?" The crowd passed the handcuffs submitted by the teenager. Zhu Xuan almost breathed a breath and asked: "What about the reinforcements? I asked Xie An to help the army and sent me a mage. What does this mean?"

Chen Xingcheng said: "I don't know this, I repeat, I am not a mage."

The discussion sounded a little pause, and the thorns of Zhu Shi’s heartbeat accelerated, and asked the words that had been in my heart.

"Can you help me to retreat to the army outside the city?"

Chen Xing scratched his neck and thought about it. He replied: "It's hard to say, I have to look at the situation. I can't see it."

"Exorcist." One of the participants will observe for a long time, and said: "You will spread beans into soldiers?"

"No." Chen Xing replied cleanly.

"You haven’t seen the sky in the night?" Zhu Xu said: "Can you call the wind and rain, help me to get up and down the city, and get out of sight?"

Chen Xing: "???"

Chen Xing pointed to his blindfolded cloth, meaning that you let me watch the sky at night? I have to see it!

"Kids! What magic tricks can you make, what tricks do you have?" Another military commander said: "Even if you go to the people to show your hand, let everyone have the confidence to defend the city!"

Chen Xing’s face showed an innocent expression and replied: “The peas into soldiers are all written in the book to deceive people. There are no such spells in the world, at least not yet.”


The thorns of Zhu Shi and all the people in the hall were all vented.

"The thorny adult." Chen Xing said again: "The purpose of my trip is to find someone."

The people in the hall were scattered, and Zhu Xuben thought that he had caught a life-saving straw. He immediately became boring and replied: "Who?"

"For me, the person who is destined." Chen Xing seriously said: "My protector is in the city of Fuyang. This person is very important to me and to the whole world."

Zhu Xu looked at Chen Xing with a puzzled look.

Chen Xing explained: "This fateful person has appeared three times in my dream, and it is clearer than once. Until this last time, I am sure that this person is in Fuyang City. Just find him, I will... ..."

Zhu Xuru glimpsed hope, and a heart mentioned the eyes of the blind.

"Can you help me break the army of Qin?"

Chen Xingcheng explained: "No... I have to go quickly. Everyone is very busy and can’t delay your fight."

Zhu Xu: "..."

"Please bring together the whole city and gather together." Chen Xing added: "For me to taste... For me to pick out this protector, I promise you that this is a matter of the Millennium Welfare of China, you are not Will regret it."

Zhu Xuben wants to say which door do you play? But this boy is not like lying, if he really wants to find him, when he does not enter the city at this most critical moment, to tell the truth, Zhu Xu did not even know how he got into the city. Perhaps it is not a few days to live alive, or the "Millennium Welfare" has touched Zhu Xu. Anyway, I hope that I will be jealous every day. Fortunately, he holds an internal document. Zhu Xu suddenly gave birth to a thought. I want to see this. What is the kid who is making a mystery.

"The strong men are all in the army." Zhu Xu said coldly: "You look in the army, find it later."

After an hour, the 12,200 officers and men left in the city, the militiamen were all called, and they gathered in the field outside the provincial government. Many people still yawned.

At dusk, there was a light snow, and a seat was placed in front of the shogunate. Chen Xing sat on the soft collapse and faced the crowd under the black pressure. The following discussion was repeated. For more than a month, after the winter, they were hungry. As soon as the army gathered, it suddenly seemed to have a venting vent, and they began to scream.

"Quiet! Quiet!" The first military will begin to swear.

Zhu Xu looked at the situation is not good, so it is estimated that it will be rioted, busy: "Get started soon."

Chen Xing: "..."

Chen Xing’s hand shook a little, slightly lifted up, and put it down again. A military sergeant noticed the details and whispered, “You seem a little nervous?”

"I am not nervous at all." Chen Xing immediately denied this allegedly bad accusation.

Not in these people, Chen Xing waited for a long time, the guidance in the expectation did not appear, he listened to his ears, in the boundless darkness, only the snowy "sand" sound.

Heart light, fast... Tell me quickly, where is the law-protected Valkyrie? It’s too late!

The voices of the sergeants gradually began to anger and curse, and some people began to ask for military food. In the darkness brought by the blindfolded cloth, there was a flash in the distance.

found it! Chen Xing immediately got up and walked toward the flash.

"Hey! Hey!" The generals who stood by Zhu Xu and others were busy saying: "Where are you going?!"

Chen Xing passed through the first row of officers and men, and quickly walked to the east side of the school yard. Zhu Xu had to step down to catch up. Then the military commanders dismissed the soldiers and rushed them back. Everyone saw that it was a farce, and they all had no help. Sound, sighed a few words, each time back to each family.

After leaving the school, and then transferred to the provincial government, Chen Xing turned around and went to the west side of Fuzhong.

"Where is this?"

Zhu Xu and a group of soldiers rushed to the torch, and looked at Chen Xing.

"Dungeon." Zhu Xu said.

A white light slammed the front and was closer.

"Open the door." Chen Xing said seriously.

"You can't go in! There is..." A military commander is about to stop, but Zhu Xuan gestures to open the door.

Chen Xing was so blindfolded, walked through the underground of the thorns, pointed to the dimly lit road of the oil lamp, turned a corner, and went straight into the deepest part of the dungeon. The light in front of me is as if it is a heartbeat, and suddenly the room is bright and bright, and suddenly it is dark and silent, and it is shining in the deepest part of the cell.

Deep in the dungeon, the prison cells on both sides are full of sorrowful bones and mourning prisoners. At the end of the martyrdom, there is a whisper of dying beasts in the iron cell.

Chen Zhen stopped in the last cell and stood quietly across the iron fence.

The prisoner is a man, the man is **** with chains, curled up on the ground, all over the body, but the tattered shorts are hanging on the waistline, and there is a moldy tub in front of it. The sink has already bottomed out, obviously there is no food and water. It has been several days. Nowadays, the army is surrounded by the city, and even the people in the city are very difficult to survive. No one is in charge of a prisoner to eat and drink.

The man's head was scattered, his skin was ribbed, his body, his legs and his back were full of whip marks. In the deepest part of this moldy and humid cell, he was already sick and had no gas. Although it is already half a dead person, when he is licking his body, he can finally see that he is tall and tall, but his face is dirty and does not distinguish the five senses.

"Trouble you to open the door." Chen Xing said.

"No!" The main book stopped: "Kid! You don't know the origin of this person! Don't let him out!"

Chen Xing seriously said: "Heart lamp chose him."

"Put your mother's shit!" A military commander finally couldn't help but began to swear: "The liar! Adult, this person is a liar!"

Zhu Xu did not speak, indicating that the door would be opened.

Chen Xing went into the cell and squatted in front of the man. The man was very quiet and motionless. Then Chen Xing took off the blindfolded black cloth and showed clear eyes and observed the man.

Everyone: "..."

Chen Xingchao said to the man: "Are you still alive?"

The man closed his eyes, his forehead was hot, but he couldn't help but tremble. His lips were blue and purple. He was filled with rust after diarrhea. However, he had not eaten for many days, and his body collapsed. He was already on the dying and was poked by Chen Xing. Then, suddenly, I panted in madness.

Chen Xing immediately kneeled on one knee and held his forehead in one hand. Then, the man opened his eyes, his lips shivered slightly, and finally his eyes closed and passed out.

Chen Xing immediately indicated that the chain was opened and left, and the man was picked up. He found that although he was hungry and sick, he was already thin and not adult. His body was still very heavy. His body was nearly nine feet long. He couldn’t afford it. Change to half back and half drag...

"Hold the handle!" Chen Xing frowned.

The thorns of Zhu Xi and the people looked at Chen Xing with a puzzled look.

"He is pretending!" said the main book: "Installed! It's a liar!"

In the first chapter, I gave him medicine for the first time. You tell me now that he has thousands of lives on his body?

After a fragrant time:

The identity of Chen Xing in the provincial government has already become a group. Many people have said that this boy’s intention is quite suspicious and must be investigated.

Zhu Xu said: "The embarrassing documents issued by Xie An will not be fake! What do you want me to do?"

The confession said: "With an instrument, I have not taken the reason for a death row!"

"I am afraid that it is a spies sent outside the city!" Someone said: "The death row is a person who has no evil, and even if the city breaks, it is decided that they cannot let them live!"

In the room:

Chen Xing put the man on the couch, sat on the threshold and gasped, wiped his face, went out and poured some water, opened the waist pocket, and took out a pill. Leaving the man's mouth, the man only locked his teeth, couldn't stop tremble, and couldn't feed him. Chen Xing looked for a long time, only had to chew the pill, with a little cold water to open it, pinching him down, and forcing him to feed him in the past.

is it him? Chen Xing frowned at his face, recalling what he saw in his dreams, the city of Xiangyang, full of heavy snow, the building in the city is the thorn town, no mistake. The heart flashed three times, guiding him to the dungeon for the first time, flashing in front of the dungeon for the second time, and in the cell at the deepest part of the cell for the third time.

"What are you coming to?" Chen Xing wiped his face and muttered: "Why is the person selected by the heart lamp you?"

There is a pass from outside, Zhu Xu wants to see him, Chen Xing has not yet arranged a security here, just wanting Zhu Xu to wait a little, the people just do not go, stubbornly waiting outside the door, Chen Xing helpless, had to rush out .

The snow continued, and Zhu Xu stood on the third floor of the Shifu Tower, overlooking the city of Xiangyang.

Chen Xing came to the back of Zhu Xu, facing the lights of the city. If there was nothing in the distance, the sound of the flute would sound like a person playing the flute crying.

"Give me a clear explanation." Zhu Xu said: "Otherwise you can't let you take this death row to leave, whether you are an exorcist or not."

Chen Xing looked at Zhu Xu, and suddenly asked: "Adult, you believe that there are gods in the world, there are monsters? Do you believe that I have mana? Actually, I guess you are not convinced."

Zhu Xu sighed and had to admit: "Today is done, but to stabilize the military in front of them. To tell the truth, don't lie any more. Your real purpose is this prisoner. I guess it is right? Who will let you? Come and pick him up? It can't be Xie An. You are sent by Huren?"

Said, Zhu Xu is serious again, one word at a time:

"Give me a clear idea, say the wrong one, you have to land. Even if the city can't keep it tomorrow, today I am also a city owner, I can marry you at any time."

Chen Xing looked at Zhu Xuan's waist and sabre, and then looked at his eyes, knowing that Zhu Xu began to notice that it was wrong - in the eyes of others, he was just a teenager who pretended to be a ghost. Previously, he was covered with black cloth in his eyebrows, only to be more sensitive to the heart lamp. This is not deliberate deception. In fact, even Chen Xing never imagined that the person he was looking for was a death row.

Chen Xing replied: "Well, I tell you, I want to pull the sword, wait for me to finish and start again."

Zhu Xu turned back and looked at Chen Zhen's eyes. Cold and cold: "Say. I see what flowers you have compiled!"

"It's really necessary to start from the beginning. It's really a bitter life, and it's a long story. Since the thorny adults insist on listening, telling you is no problem, the human mana is there, just three hundred years ago."

Zhu Xu brows slightly wrinkled, but Chen Xing began to mention the so-called "spells".

"Three hundred years ago, there were demons, mana, and mana in the world..." Chen Xing had to pretend that he couldn't see Zhu Xu's face and walked aside and explained slowly.

That year, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty was in place, and the class exceeded the Western Region and set the strategy for the Western Region for a hundred years. The land name of Shenzhou is live and work in peace, and the real estate of Alchemist, Samurai and Danshi. The so-called "demons" in word of mouth were expelled to the southwest of Yizhou and the 100,000 mountains of Yelang State by powerful exorcists. They were encircled and encircled, and they could no longer interfere in the Middle Kingdom.

The group demon is removed, and human beings have only one mission left - to seek longevity.

The alchemists believe that as long as they communicate with the heavens and the earth, absorb the aura, and practice the spells, they will live forever. But on a certain day, all the "mana" in the world disappeared overnight.

There is no sign of disappearing. All the magic weapons under the sun are turned into scrap iron, and the artifacts used in the demon are also all kinds of soldiers. Sincerely, the spells have lost their effectiveness. It is so big to move the mountains and fill the sea, and it is as small as five ghosts to transport money, and how to motivate you will have no effect.

“Nothing.” Chen Xingzhao made a meaningless gesture to Zhu Xu, saying: “Since then, there will be no mana in the land of China. This is what the exorcists say ‘the law is to return to silence’.”

"Oh?" Zhu Xupi said with a smile, "So, now?"

Chen Xing said with regret: "Some people say that the "Xuanmen" that released the aura of heaven and earth is closed."

Laozi said that "the mysterious and mysterious, the door of the wonderful things", the people at that time thought that the heaven and earth aura was released from the "Xuanmen" invisible in the heavenly void. There is no mana, but the Xuanmen Gate is closed. So they offered to worship the heavens, worship the mountains and rivers, and exhausted all the methods, all of which were useless.

Fortunately, the Yaozu has not been chaotic on a large scale. After all, in the years when the exorcist was prevalent, the monsters were all disabled. The new birds and beasts must be cultivated as demon, and they must learn the aura of heaven and earth. Without the aura, naturally it is impossible to make waves. After all, the light consumes demon power to do bad things without replenishing, and it is very tired to get out of it.

There are advantages and disadvantages to returning to the law, there is no monster, and the world naturally no longer needs an exorcist.

But the problem lies in another place - the demon can't do it, and the "magic" may not be.

"The devil is the grievance of the world." Chen Xing said: "The dead people on earth are resentful. Everything is born in the sky, to the ground, and after the death into the veins of the heavens, this resentment can not be eliminated. To put it bluntly, it is the plague. War, famine, the more people die, the easier it is to gather grievances."

During the reign of Emperor Hui, the royal family Sima family competed for the throne, and a total of 800,000 people died in the civil war. In the years of drought in Guanzhong, there have been frequent famines, starvation and death, and more than two million people died.

During the Yongjia years, the Xiongnu Liu Yuan broke the pot and closed Luoyang and Liu Wei to break through Chang'an. Guanzhong, Guan Yu and other places died 1.8 million people. Jin people dressed in Nandu, fled to Jiankang, and ruled by the Yangtze River.

The monks Shi Leike Jinyang, and the state, the people died more than two million.

Xianbei Murong and Jin will have a constant temperature war and die for 400,000 people. The Xianbei, Xiongnu and Qiang tribes were looted in the Central Plains, and they never took the grain. They called the Han people "two-legged sheep" and used them as military food along the way. Jin Ting measured 20 million people in the Central Plains 20 years ago, and when he annihilated Zhao, he re-calculated the number of people, less than 4 million.

However, the good times did not last long, and the city was broken. It was killed by Murong, and the people were lost.

"After counting, I will wipe out a zero." Chen Xingchao said: "There are always 20 million people in the history of the thorns. The first 10 million people here are Han Chinese. They died under the Wuhu Iron Horse. Millions of Hu people killed each other. , which intensified the birth of grievances."

Even if she knew that Chen Xing was lying, Zhu Xuan still listened to God and replied: "The world is in chaos, and people are like grass."

Chen Xing said: "Before dating back to a long time, Wei, Sui and Wu were divided into three parts of the world. In the past 100 years, there were endless battles. The people who died in the war were tens of millions. Therefore, the land of China has died more than three in the past three hundred years. Tens of thousands of people. The grievances of these 30 million people can’t go anywhere between heaven and earth. It has already gone far beyond the limits that Shenzhou can accommodate. If this continues, it will take less than a few years and will soon produce a 'magic'. As for what the 'magic' is, I have never seen it. There are very few historical records, and I don’t press it first. I’m going to pick up important things. It’s nothing more than someone, I have to be prepared in advance, be on guard. The appearance of the devil."

"My family was a Jinyang person. My parents died young. After Jianjian and Murong's Huguan battle, they moved to Huashan to escape the world."

Chen Xing also clearly remembers the battle of nine years ago, even if he was only seven years old. The big house in the house burned and the grandmother ordered a loyal servant to send him to an old knowledgeful person in the depths of Huashan, to study the stars of the Tianguan, and to practice the technique of exorcism. I don’t know how many generations of ancient books were passed down, and nowadays, the era of ruining the law, it has already been covered with dust, and it has no effect.

In the year of sixteen years old, Chen Xing had a dream - he dreamed of a big city that he had never been to. After listening to Master, after thinking for a long time, he suspected that it was Xiangyang City and told him that dreams are the guide of the heart lamp. Protecting the **** of martial arts, waiting for him in this city, must first find a way to protect the law, with his help, to complete your mission.

"So, I am here, just standing here." Chen Xing finally said.

“Is it finished?” Zhu Xu slowly pulled out the sword: “Wait for a long time, finally you wrote me such a ridiculous story?”

Chen Xing did not retreat, facing the sword front of Zhu Xu, the right hand was placed in front of the heart of the left chest, and then he raised his hand, and his hand burst into a white light, facing Zhu Xu!

Zhu Xuan only thought that this boy was still playing with the idea of ​​being confused. He did not expect that the light suddenly came out, and he was suddenly shaken and could not open his eyes.

"This... What is this trick?" Zhu Xu took the sword and couldn't start.

"This is the heart lamp." Chen Xing replied.

Zhu Xu shocked: "You really are... Master, can you shine? What is the use of this light?"

Chen Xing honestly replied: "It doesn't work, it only shines occasionally."

Zhu Xu: "..."

When Zhu Xudun was suspicious, Chen Xing had no choice but to let go, and the light subsided. He explained: "I read through the records of history and learned that there will be great difficulties in the heavens and the earth. When Shenzhou is dying, there will be a supporter of the heart and a guardian of the **** of war. Exorcism. The heartlight suddenly appears in the world, indicating that the resurrection of 'Magic' is approaching. I need to find the Valkyrie, awaken his power, and help the world resist the danger of the demon."

"What is the battle between Huhan and Han is a small matter. When the demon appears, the entire land of China will be completely overturned. All the creatures will be wiped out, the earth will be washed, and the land will be returned to the era of the flood. Everything will start again. Whether you are a Hu or a Han, everyone Can't run."

"" Zhu Xu suddenly couldn't speak.

Chen Xing reluctantly said: "I don't want to be okay? I am a thornist, understand, do you think I want to come to Fuyang?"

"After Master's death, I quickly packed up, left Huashan, hired a car, rushed to Fuyang, mixed a boat, and entered the city without any danger. Before I found the city's main government, it was here. It was me. I have to inherit the Datong, the reincarnation of the world, I also recognize the results. I do not know why, put the ready-made strong Ding, not in the dungeon, find a sick ghost, I still think about how to get out of town!"

At this moment, the main book was sent to the roster, and Zhu Xujian returned to the sheath and took it. He took a look.

Main book: "The prisoner's identity list was found, and the name is called "item", which is a Hu person."

Zhu Xu brows deep lock, for the "glow" thing, I believe Chen Xing for the time being.

Chen Xing was a little addicted and replied: "Hu Ren Han, for me... is not that important. Well, I really don't like Hu people very much, it can be difficult, but he is not like... Hu Ren? Hu people have surnames? Which one?"

Zhu Xu turned the booklet to the last page. It was the deputy booklet of the custodial list brought by the **** officer six months ago. The first line came into view. It was like the word "demon person".

The main book: "In the first year of Taiyuan, Jianwei Zhonglang would have wanted to send this person to Jiankang. After asking for the details, he will be executed first. If he is tortured in any way, this person will never open his mouth. The **** officer is passing through Fuyang. At the time, the disease was not cured, and the story was taken over by the city. I wanted to hand over Jiankang, and there were too many death row prisoners. I forgot it for a while and closed it to the present."

"Six months ago, in Guanzhong, the innocent people were slaughtered, and the blood sacrificed to heaven." Zhu Xu said: "There are 2,000 people killed in the six villages of Hu and Han. The men, women and children are connected with the chickens and dogs in the house. The officers and men of the Dajin City took a lot of effort to catch him."

Regarding the heart lamp, Zhu Xu is now reluctant to believe, but brings a new question: "How would you choose this person?"

Chen Xing is hard to set the channel: "Why would you choose him? I don't know!"

Chen Xing was said this, and suddenly he picked it up. Could it be that the flash in front of him is his own illusion?

Chen Xing took over the roster and saw only a few lines on the top: Xiang Shu, slaughtering more than 2,000 people, Hu Renjun, guessing that it is a military attache, belonging to the tribe is unknown... Is there such a thing?

"I have given him medicine. You tell me now that he has thousands of lives?" Chen Xingdao.

"I am not letting you not let him out?" Zhu Xu said: "You still have to change one."

Chen Xingdao: "Can this be changed? Can't change it! Wait, I have to look at it... I have to think about it for a long time. After he recovers, I will ask in detail, what if you marry him?"

Chen Xing was upset and hurriedly turned away. Zhu Xumei was deeply locked and turned to the lord of the building. From the north of the city to the city wall, the distance was dense and dense, and the army of the northern Qin State was stationed.

At the same time, the man in the room of the thorns, the man suddenly breathed, his life came back.

Chen Xing returned to the room, closed the door, looked out the door, and then looked back at the man and lived. How to do? Is it still necessary to kill him? Can someone say that they have to give him a chance to defend? And this is my way of protecting! Chen Xing has regarded this man named Xiang Shu as "my thing" and cannot be killed.

Now decide, wait until he can speak and ask him. So Chen Xing is going to have a pot of hot water and wipe him.

"What is your name?" Chen Xing observed the man's face and murmured: "Huren?"

The man has a high nose and deep eyes, and his facial features are clearly defined. His face is more concave due to thinness. He has not been shaved for half a year, his hair is smashed, his body is scarred, and he is old.

Chen Xing can only wipe him out, and the rest can only be restored after he has been cleaned. When he wiped his body, he found that the fingers were slender, the knuckles were distinct, the hands were long and the feet were large, and the feet were large and the legs seemed to be strong and powerful.

My home protection method seems to be very good, Chen Xing is very satisfied.

Chen Xing took a silver needle from the medicine bag and plunged it into his waist. The man opened his eyes.

Chen Xing immediately let a little let go, and squirted the needle to the nose.

"You are poisoned." Chen Xing tempted and said: "I have given you back the soul, and within six hours, you can't move, you can't say anything. At this time tomorrow night, your body will return everything to normal. When you eat something, you can recover slowly."

The man glared at his eyes and stared at Chen Xing. The pair of scorpions were very bright, just with the dangerous eyes of the beast. Chen Xing was slightly sideways, frowning, thinking of the left guardian saying in his mind.

"You are selected by the heart lamp." Chen Xing said: "From this moment on, you are protecting the **** of war, I am a great exorcist, named Chen Xing, the word Tianchi. But I heard that you... kill A lot of people? Is it true or false?"

"No matter what you did before." Chen Xing thought for a moment and said: "If I have saved you, if you have a few days, if the city is broken, you will not survive. This is always known. You can I can't move my hands on me."

The man couldn't speak, his eyes turned to other places, Chen Xing pulled the quilt, covered him, and squatted a little, wondering if he was even tied to the quilt, so that this person was a murderous man, and the drug was instantly violent. Up, not very good control. If this is the case, it would be too stupid to want to come to yourself as the first exorcist to be killed by his own law.

But when I think about it, I have a life-saving grace for him. This person does not look like a mad dog. It shouldn’t be a talented person. Chen Xing yawned, but he was too sleepy, sitting at the table, 趴On the table, look at him sideways.

Half a month ago, I left Huashan, and Lushan waded into Xiangyang. The outside was the Qin army of the besieged city. It took a lot of effort to enter the city. I was worried about it and I had to think of a way to leave as soon as possible. Chen Xing was too tired, even I can't afford to find the rope to tie the man who called the story. I wanted to take a nap, but I fell asleep without knowing it.

I don't know how long I have slept, and a loud noise suddenly woke up Chen Xing.

"Qin Jun attacked the city -"

"The city is broken -"

Chen Xing slept in a sleepy, straight up, loud noises outside, crying, shouting, and screaming sounds suddenly.

No, it’s so smart? Chen Xing immediately got up and went out. He only shouted and shouted that the sound had entered the hospital. A cup of fire swept from the top of his head, squatting on the roof of the shogunate, bursting with flames. When he went out, he saw the men and women on the street being burned by flames. In the flames, mad and rushed out.

"The city is broken!" A soldier rushed in and shouted: "Come on! Go to the south of the city! Go to the enemy! Go! Don't delay!"

The thorny historical residence is located in the north, and the city wall is broken. This place bears the brunt and is attacked by the cavalry.

Read The Duke's Passion