MTL - Dinghai Fusheng Records-Chapter 117 At home, at the end of the cycle, we will meet again.

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It was night, and the wind that traversed the grassland was blown up outside the account.

"Would we have to leave tomorrow?" Chen Xing shrank in the blanket and asked Xiang Xiang.

"What do you say?" The story was single, lying on the couch, facing Chen Xing, and the two looked face to face.

When Chen Xing returned to the account, he was a little nervous. What will happen tonight? Although he likes the story very much, he never thought about it. After they finally got together, what would they look like.

The lights in the king's account tonight can't help but remind him of the custom of the Han people - the night of the house.

I don’t know what to do with me later... Chen Xing’s way back is always over and over, if he wants to do something? I have to accept it myself, but what about men? God! This is something outside the scope of Chen Xing's knowledge. In the books I read before, the contents of the big exorcist and the defending martial arts did not say what they usually do!

The item is very natural. Just like usual, when I take off my clothes, I will lie down on the bed. Looking at Chen Xing from the side, I seem to think of the same thing. Chen Xing was so stunned by him that his face was already red.

He, he, he...what are we going to sleep together, what will happen? Chen Xing is now "what happens" in his mind, vaguely expecting, but very nervous. Can you think about it carefully, do they usually sleep like this? Since I realized the story, I have been sleeping in a room, and I have to sleep with me most of the time. At that time, Chen Xing did not feel any nervous.

Under the tree, after the story has kissed himself, as long as the two are alone, Chen Xing’s feelings of kissing in his mind are really wonderful! He always wants to go to the family, but he is afraid of making him feel frivolous.

The lights went out, and the item said, "Do you still want to stay in Muller for a few more days?"

"I..." Chen Xing was a little hesitant and said, "Look at you, or leave here? There are still many things, I am not in a hurry to do it, just want to..."

Then, the item reached out and held Chen Xing's palm under the blanket, pulling him gently toward his side. Chen Xing’s heart suddenly jumped up, and he was close to him. He said: “...If you have a clue, it’s better to start as soon as possible...”

"Come a little over." Xiang said again, "There is no one at all."

Chen Xing’s heart was ecstatic, and after a few moments in the past, Xiang said that he raised his arm and let him rest on his arm. Chen Xing’s breathing suddenly rushed. Then, Xiang Shu went sideways to him and took him to his side.

Chen Xing: "!!!"

This move suddenly caused Chen Xing to stun, and there was a sense of unreality. In a flash, the warm body temperature and the skininess under the thin single coat made him feel overwhelmed.

"...All that, just... Let's go to the sea and the sea first, and find someone who is called?" Chen Xing is a little stupid.

The item frowned: "Can you say something else at this time?"

Chen Xing: "Ah, good, good... Do you have to remember, put the money you left for you..."

Xiang Shi did not want to listen to Chen Xing again, so he hugged Chen Xing and bowed his head on his lips. First, holding hands, and then licking him into the arms, the last kiss, finally let Chen Xing's intellectual **** all collapsed, this kiss is warmer, hotter than the kiss in the snow, more with an indescribable lingering meaning, as if A beast dominates its prey and controls it with aggression.

"Hey." Chen Xing was shaking with nervousness. Both hands did not know where to put it. Finally, she shook and grabbed the shoulder of the story.

I don't know how long I kissed, Chen Xing was already out of breath, and Xiang Shu let him go and looked down at his eyes.

"I want to pay homage to you," Xiang said in a low voice.

Chen Xing was kissed with red face, and thought that the item would be a little restrained. I didn't expect this guy to be more than himself.

"Qingyi worship... Is it married?" Chen Xing asked nervously. At the same time, he felt that after the round of entanglement, the two men all reacted. Chen Xing's face was hot. He wanted to be separated from him a little and let himself calm down. The item did not allow him to retreat. He applied a little force to his waist and could not help but make him closer to himself.

"Yeah." Xiang said in a low voice, with warmth in his eyes. "In the green, the time is too long, I am afraid that I will delay too much time, you... are you embarrassed?" A little funny: "So shy What? Don't you like me?"

"Yes Yes."

Chen Xing felt that the arguments were strong against himself, and they could not control each other. The body's reaction could not deceive people. But this moment gave him the feeling of nothing and other meanings, but it was very calm, just like the complete confession of body and mind.

Chen Xing gently gasped and nodded.

The item moved a little. With this move, they smashed each other through thin panties. Chen Xing couldn’t stand it anymore, and the scream was screamed.

The story can not help but also rush to breathe for a while, holding Chen Xing more firmly in his arms, bowed his head and kissed his face.

Chen Xingman’s brains are “I can’t do it, what are you going to do next?” Immediately tightened the item, “Well,” and asked: “When you are worshipping, don’t you get married? You can be married, you can, you can of."

Xiang Shi explained: "Set up a barley in the wilderness of the Yinshan Mountain. After the worship, you must live in the Qing Dynasty for a hundred days."

“Ah?” Chen Xing asked, “One, one hundred days?”

The item nodded, and the two separated a little. Chen Xing looked at the eyes of the subject and asked, "What have you been doing for so long?"

"What do you say?" Xiang Shuo simply took Chen Xing and moved a little. Chen Xing felt a strong sense of courage, and the desire that was difficult to declare in his heart simply broke through the gap, and he burst out and understood the meaning of the item.

"One hundred days?" Chen Xing said, "A full three months, every day in the green?"

"Hey." Xiang Shu is very enjoying the feeling of this nephrite in the arms, just want to keep pro-Chen Xing, the body is closer, and then have to talk, but have to kiss and say, intermittent.

The rule of the 敕lechuan is that after the green squatting, the two married, and then all the guests retired. Under the mountain, there was only one small tent. The lover will be lingering in the account every day for a hundred days after the marriage. A family or brother will be sent to the account outside the food and water.

Usually, if a man or a woman is married, after the end of three months, he can consider giving the child a name. Although the Hu people have nothing to pay attention to, it is okay for men to pay homage to each other, but they must also follow the tradition. If you can live, you must live in the green for three months. In this way, after the husband or husband has left the Qing Dynasty, the feelings of life will be deeper.

"That... how is that?" Chen Xing asked, only to realize that the story tonight is a bit strange, but it is vaguely familiar with it, just like it happened in a dream... ah? In the dream? I have not lost my memory, how is it a dream?

Suddenly Chen Xing remembered, just one day in his coma... In the ocean of dreams, the dragon that radiated light gave him the feeling.

"You haven't seen a horse breed?" The story is inexplicable. How does Chen Xinglian know this?

"But the tricks are all male," Chen Xing said. "This...this...hey."

The initial tension completely disappeared, and Chen Xing got together and kissed the side face of the subject. The story wanted to ridicule him for his two words, but he was so frank. But this active and intimate kiss suddenly made him feel affectionate. It was this time. He didn't want to be self-denying, and he kissed him according to Chen Xing.

“Where to put it,” Xiang said, “you can always find a place.”

Chen Xing: "!!!"

Chen Xingzheng wants to say that I am not a horse, why are you... and then I was kissed by the story. He was kissed several times this night, and his heart was moved. He really likes me very much, Chen Xing is simply happy, and forget what you have to do.

"Sleeping?" The story can't control himself anymore. As long as Chen Xing replies "I can't sleep," I want to take off my clothes. He is now hard like iron, and the Iron Man is a beast. It is said that all efforts have been exhausted to restrain myself. After all, Chen Xing is a famous Han, and he is afraid that he will be scared too directly.

"Good." Chen Xing said, "You must be very tired today."

The story is full of the brain on the day of the ship, the white skin of Chen Xing's white skin, the faint aroma of the body, holding his feelings, is simply the most vivid explanation of "gentle township". But there have been too many things happening today. Chen Xing may be very tired. He has to squat and swear, and replied: "There is a point."

"I... can you touch you?" Chen Xing said, "You are holding me to sleep."

Is this not nonsense? The item was taken off the cloak, pulling Chen Xing's hand, pressing on his own trousers, raising his eyebrows, meaning pants? Chen Xing was flushed and busy: "No."

So Chen Xing put his hand on the shoulder of the item, a little embarrassed, and the item said: "It's yours."

When I heard this, Chen Xing was full of affection and said, "I am also yours."

"If you are tired, you will sleep," Xiang said in a low voice. "There will be time in the future. I will not leave you every day."

Chen Xing took a deep breath and stood against each other with a pair of pants. There was no sign of calming down.

"I want to talk to you." Today is an unforgettable day in Chen Xing's life.

The item touched the side of Chen Xing's nose with a fingertip, and touched his waist with one hand and his shoulder with one hand.

"When did you like me?" Chen Xing was a bit puzzled and smiled.

The item clearly does not want to answer this question. This is really not in line with his character. He wants to turn and lie flat, but Chen Xing does not let go.

"I found out that you can't live without me." Xiang said, thinking, and replied.

Chen Xing said: "Crap, obviously you like me first."

Item: "It's you."

Chen Xing: "It's you."

Two people: "..."

Chen Xing wants to push away the item, but the item does not let go. The hot skin sticks to Chen Xing wearing a thin coat. After thinking for a long time, the two have been silent for a long time. Chen Xing began to wait for him to answer, but waiting to wait, When the official statement was about to open, Chen Xing had breathed evenly and fell asleep.

The item was a bit sloppy, and then he clung to Chen Xing, letting him squat on his body with impunity, mixing his breath, calming down, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

On the early morning of the next day, Chen Xing yawned, this is the night he had the most comfortable sleep. The item has already woken up, waiting outside the screen, and everything has been packed up. The gold ball on the king's account symbolizing the big single has been taken away.

When he left the account, the item looked back.

Chen Xing knows this time, Xiang Shu will really leave his hometown. However, the item did not show any disappointment, perhaps in his heart, but for Chen Xing, he did not complain, and accepted his choice.

"Go." The item only said one word.

In this world, there is a person who is willing to leave his hometown for him and to wander with him.

When Chen Xing thought of this, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Why did he not understand at the last time when he came to Keller River? What did the move of Xiang Shu’s departure from his hometown mean?

"We will be back." Chen Xingchao said seriously, "I like this place, I like Yulekawa."

The item is casual: "What kind of flattering? You just want to go back to Jiangnan and study in your wisteria garden."

Chen Xing said: "No, I like it now. Because Mulechuan witnessed us together."

The story of the war horse, looking back at Chen Xing, Chen Xing came to follow.

"Is that coming back later?" Xiang said.

"Come back," Chen Xing said. "It will definitely come back."

Before the Muller River, all the people who sent the singularity to the singularity of the singularity, so Chen Xing was most surprised that the 60,000 Rouran people were actually ready to go, the car Luo Feng was wearing a robes, wearing a crest, and the robe was in the wind. Flip.

“An answer!” said Che Luofeng, “We are gone too!”

Chen Xing was very surprised. The story seems to have been known for a long time. He said: "The mountains are long and the water is long, and there will be a period!"

The Rouran people moved westward on this day, left under the Muller River, and went to the west of Yinshan to find a new family place. Car Luo Feng also made a bow and arrow action toward Chen Xing, shouting: "Han! My answer is given to you! Take care of him! There will be a period!"

Chen Xing shouted: "There will be a period after, car Luofeng!"

Lu Ying, Xiao Shan, Tuo Wei, Sima Yi and others ride horses and wait for Chen Xing and Xiang Shu on the plain. King Akler and Wang Hao came to resign, Wang Hao held Nadoro, and King Akler was holding Chen Xing's dog.

Chen Xing touched the dog's head and said to Wang Hao: "Be sure to take care of it. It is my savior."

Wang Xiao smiled and said: "Okay, I know, I must not treat it badly."

The dog whimpered a few times and pulled over to Chen Xingyu. He struggled in the arms of King Akler. Chen Xing pointed his forehead with his finger and said, "Do not run around and wait for us at Barkol Lake."

The item says: "What is the name of it?"

Chen Xing said with a smile: "It’s called Xiang Shu."

Item: "..."

It is also the decision of Chen Xing to think about it again and again. After all, there are many places on the road, and there are endless flesh in Saibei. The vast grassland can also run freely. Said that it should be the best home.

Shi Mokun personally brought people, and the Yule River emerged. The scene was extremely spectacular. Until the road to the river, everyone stopped.

"Drive!" Finally, the item did not look back, with everyone, left the Yulechuan. On the hillsides on both sides, the wolves appeared, and stood on a high **** with a squat, and they sent out wolverines and bid farewell to Lu Ying and Xiao Shan.

敕勒川, under the Yinshan, the sky is like a scorpion, covering the four wild.

"Just here," Lu Ying said. "Next, there are still a few words that I want to tell you."

Xiang said: "I also have something to say."

Turning over the south of the Yinshan Mountain, the residual maple is like blood, the ground is covered with a layer of hoarfrost, the stream is flowing, and the rides are temporarily stopped outside the maple forest. Chen Xing thought about it and told Lu Ying to say that Lu Ying did a " Please" gesture, let the item speak first.

The item took a scorpion from the horse back and looked at Chen Xing. Chen Xing nodded and the item was handed over to Tuoba.

"Tuo 跋焱, trouble you to go down the river south." Xiang Shu knows that Takuya was also going to look for Xie An, he opened the scorpion and motioned him to see the four Akele King gifts to Chen Xing, this set The ring is handed over to Xie An, I think it will play a bigger role. After all, there is a corrupt beggar in the south, and Wenche, who used to be an exorcist. Now they can't go back for a while, and they are afraid that the prince will start the arrangement in advance, and Xie An is hard to resist.

Tuoba looked at the shadow of the land, indulged for a moment, then put away the scorpion and said, "Okay."

Takuya actually agreed to the request of the item, and Chen Xing was a bit surprised. Later, the item said: "Sima Yi, you will go back together and help Xie An. If there is any change, see the opportunity."

Sima Yi nodded, and the horse turned away. Takuya said again: "Lu Ying."

Chen Xing and Xiang Shu will take the initiative to avoid, and Xiang Shu said to Xiao Shan: "Xiao Shan, come over."

Xiaoshan was reluctant, but he still listened to the words of the story. He went to the two people and let Tuoba and Lu Ying stay alone for a while. After a while, Tuoba waved at them and said, "See you in Jiangnan!" So he turned his head and went to meet with Sima Yi and left.

"Brother, are you deliberately letting him go?" asked Xiao Shan Chao Xiang.

The story only did not speak. Lu Ying took the horse and said, "This horse is for you, I don't need it."

Chen Xing looked at Tuoba, who disappeared in the distance, raised his eyebrows and asked Lu Ying.

Lu Ying smiled and said: "He didn't say anything, just gave me half a poem, and I felt very beautiful."

"What poem?" Chen Xing asked.

"The line is re-running," Lu Ying said softly. "Don't leave with Jun."

Chen Xing: "There are more than a thousand miles, each in the sky, the road is blocked and long, and the meeting is well known."

"Huma is in the north wind, and the bird's nest is in the south." Lu Ying has no choice but to play the hand. "The latter, he thought for a long time, and finally said, 'I can't really remember.'"

Chen Xing couldn't help but laugh. Lu Ying also felt funny. He smiled and smiled. Chen Xing couldn't help but have tears. He said: "I knew that this would not have a result."

Lu Ying said: "But I still can't help but promise him. If there is a fate, I will definitely see him again in the coming day. Let this wish, let him live a good life. Of course, I also wish him good luck. Find a lover who belongs to him."

Said, Lu Ying touched the head of Xiaoshan, Xiaoshan as if he realized something, suddenly his eyes were red, with stubborn tears, holding a shadow of Lu Ying, not willing to let go.

Lu Ying laughed and asked: "Will the Silk Road start from Chang'an?"

"Go along the Great Wall," Xiang said. "When you get to the Hexi Corridor, find a caravan and follow them."

Lu Ying nodded and said: "Xiao Shan, I am leaving."

“No!” Xiaoshan’s tears overflowed and said, “You don’t go! Can’t go!”

Lu Ying said: "Xiao Shan, I think that one day, you will become a big single in the grassland, do you believe it?"

Chen Xing: "!!!"

"You will have a lot of friends," Lu Ying said. "You will also have your family, loved ones, and children. As I said, I wish you all the best, and your children and grandchildren will be devastated."

Xiaoshan couldn't help but choked. He only hugged Lu Ying and didn't let go, and his small shoulders couldn't keep ups and downs. Lu Ying smiled and said: "I and Xiao Kun are big monsters. They want to eat people. Remember when you asked me when you were young? You asked me when to let you go, you see? This will not let you go. You should be happy, don't cry."

"I don't want to go!" Xiaoshan only held Lu Ying.

"Xiao Shan," Chen Xing said, "Let's go, I will take you to Jiangnan, thank you brother, your disciple, and you are waiting for you to teach magic and martial arts."

"No!" Xiaoshan anxiously said, "Lu Ying, you can go to the South with us! There are many places, I can take you there! Those you have not seen! You are already good, not sick, Why are you leaving?"

Lu Ying added: "Our fate is only here, Xiaoshan, you will listen to Chen Xing's words later. Lu Ying will live well, go to the saint, and legend is under His power, the world beings, You have to extradite, you have to be obsessed, you have to enlighten, you see? Isn't that good?"

Xiaoshan closed his eyes and slowly released his hands uncontrollably.

"Time is up," Lu Ying said to Chen Xing and Xiang Shu. "My only entrustment is given to you."

Under the power of Lu Ying, Xiao Shan fell asleep slowly. Lu Ying took him up and handed it to Chen Xing immediately. Chen Xing let him sit on the saddle and hold him in front of him.

"We will meet again in the future?" Chen Xing was also full of reluctance, asked.

"When the living spirits are gone," Lu Ying said, "The life of your Terran is too short. I am afraid that when I go today, I will say goodbye."

The item said: "Who is not the case in front of time? It is all right."

"That's right." Lu Ying openly smiled, turned into a white deer, turned and left, the gentle voice still echoed between the heavens and the earth, flew to the west sky.

"All beings are born in the earth and will be attributed to the earth."

"At the end of the cycle, we will meet again."

Chen Xing sighed, and Xiang said that he was shaking his horse and left with him to go east.

In the east of the county, the Great Wall appeared in the sky, and the story traveled along the commercial road under the Great Wall, but did not enter the Great Wall. After entering the borders of Zhangzhou, it was another scene. The wind was much smaller. Along the way, Sugi and Berlin stood, and the sky was gray and foggy.

Xiaoshan woke up. When he blinked, he almost fell off the horse. Chen Xing was busy holding him. Xiaoshan soon remembered what happened and shouted: "Lu Ying!"

"Come to me," Xiang said slowing down the horse and said, "Don't toss Chen Xing."

Chen Xing can't help but laugh, sometimes with Xiang Shu and Xiao Shan, it is very similar to a family of three. Xiao Shan was said by Xiang Shuyi, so he reluctantly passed, saw the horse, and struggled again. He said that he could not help but hug him and said, "Listen to me!"

Chen Xing thought that it was still the case that he would deal with this kid, and he really had to make trouble. He was definitely not the opponent of Xiaoshan.

“Where did Lu Ying go?” asked Xiao Shan.

"Do you want to let him?" Xiang Shu looked into the distance and asked casually.

Xiaoshan replied: "He will come back? Will he never return to the Central Plains again?"

The item asked again: "Why do you want to find him? Because he is your family?"

Xiao Shan: "He is Lu Ying, Lu Ying is Lu Ying!"

Chen Xingchao’s eyes made his eyes look, and he said that he did not say anything. He opened the topic and wanted to point something else. Xiaoshan might be better.

Xiaoshan looks at the situation.

The item said: "You have learned everything, you don't have to take care of Chen Xing in the future. I can take care of myself. Now, I teach you the last and most important thing."

Xiaoshan: "?"

The item says: "Live, act, but seek innocentness. These two horses are for you, do what you want to do."

Said, the story released Xiaoshan.

Xiaoshan: "Brother!"

Chen Xing: ".............................."

Xiaoshan returned to God, turned over and jumped to an empty horse, Le Ma, turned to the horse's head, and said: "Drive!" Then the horse left.

Chen Xing almost never looked back, and suddenly looked at the story, then looked at Xiaoshan, was about to urge the horse, shouted: "Hey! Xiaoshan!" Xiang Shu came out from one side, pulled Chen Xing's Reins.

"What fun are you going to do?" The story is hard to tell. "Is this something related to you?"

Chen Xing: "The item, what are you thinking about?"

"Xiao Shan!" Xiang Shu said in a distant way.

"What?" Xiaoshan has been rushing out of the distance, a little confused, and asked aloud.

Item: "When you pass through the sandbar, by the way, Feng Qianxi is still alive! Go!"

"Oh-!" Xiaoshan shouted, and then walked away.

"He..." Chen Xing said, "He is still a child, he is only twelve years old!"

"He is a man," Xiang said. "In the past three years, Xiaoshan has sixteen this year. He has the right to make choices and has the right not to give up. He has no responsibility to face Chiyou with you and me, isn't it? ”

Chen Xing simply did not hit a place, but was dismissed by the item. He was angered at Xiaoshan on the spot and shouted: "Xiao Shan! You are a bastard! You have not said goodbye to me! You are not here. Heartless lungs! Laozi white raises you!"

Item: "..."

Xiaoshan went in a hurry, but forgot to say hello to Chen Xing. After rushing to the official road, there was a cry: "Chen Xing! I will definitely come back!" Then, it became a little black spot and disappeared.

Chen Xing's mouth twitches, and then read the story.

"Okay, I know," said Chen Xing. "You are changing the way, and you want to take all the others away."

As the story goes, the horse continues eastward, and he is annoyed: "You are changing the way, looking for me to be entangled! Who can't leave it? OK, you look for Tuoba, look for Xiaoshan. I am gone."

Chen Xingxin thinks that you are also a bastard. You are a big **** and have taught Xiaoshan this little bastard.

"Where are you going? Visit the Great Wall?" Chen Xing couldn't laugh.

"Goguryeo, find a small animal Lin Wang to borrow a boat!" Xiang Shu was impatient at the front, "otherwise how to go out to sea? Quickly find a place to eat dinner, otherwise you will sleep."

Chen Xing had to rush to chase the horse.

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