MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 822 Swamp beast

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The masked female repair seems to feel that Li Daochong is going to shoot, and his eyes are showing the color of expectation.

However, the next moment Li Daochong's breath suddenly disappeared, and the black fire wave swept past his empty position.

People are no longer there.

The masked female repairs were shocked and escaped from the fire and waves. In the process of avoiding, I did not forget to look for Li Daochong.

There are only people there.

Tens of kilometers away, Wang Ling was pale and pale, and she gasped with a big mouth and her heart beat fiercely.

She thought she would die, and she had to go to the resurrection.

She can blink her eyes, but she travels to a safe area dozens of kilometers away.

What happened in the end just now, Wang Ling is completely confused.

Half a sigh of Wang Ling was relieved, the breathing gradually calmed down, and the beautiful woman raised her wrist with a doubt and glanced.

There was a clear handprint on the wrist, which was slightly red, and it seemed that someone had caught her.

At this moment, Wang Ling realized that she was saved. The other party was so fast that she did not respond.

Suddenly, Wang Ling looked up and looked at the battle center area, and then sighed slightly, whispering to herself.

"I don't know if Li Daochong was saved by the mysterious person."


Li Daochong has already been in the tens of thousands of kilometers, and the speed of the thousands of sounds is extremely scary.

Now that one thousandth of the speed of light has been reached, three hundred kilometers can be drawn in one second.

It is not always possible for the fit and the old devil to maximize the speed of these scorpions.

Li Daochong did not intend to intervene in the dispute from the beginning, but to understand the progress of the current competition and the real enchanting strength of the human domain, his most important thing at the moment is to find the silver bottle.

So when the masked female repair design wanted to force Li Daochong to take the shot, he immediately flew away.

During the battle, Li Daochong separated dozens of souls and searched for the 5th Emperor, and did not find the silver bottle trace.

Since we do not allow peace of mind to watch the war, there is no need to continue to wait.

Therefore, Li Daochong went to the next destination, the fourth emperor, and went to save Wang Ling.

There are no silver bottles on the 5th and 6th, and there are still 8 emperors who need to search.

With the experience of the first time across the emperor, this time Li Daochong is no longer a scorpion touching the river, and he has a distance concept.

On this road, Li Daochong did not desperately hurry, but hurryed while hunting.

Li Daochong will go hunting and killing the powerful nine Xuan dynasty.

The battle is not important to Li Daochong, but collecting information on different filths and accumulating combat experience is a must.

When he arrived at the 4th Emperor, Li Daochong spent more than double the time from the 6th Emperor to the 5th Emperor.

More than ten days before arriving at the 4th Emperor.

Looking for a secluded place, Li Daochong scored dozens of souls and began to search for silver bottle traces.

One day passed and nothing was gained.

The silver bottle seems to have never appeared in the Jiu Xuan gods.

Recovering all the spirits, Li Daochong slowly opened the dark black stars, and the inside was full of doubts and puzzles.

Could it be that the silver bottle has gone wrong when entering the nine Xuan Shenguang, did not enter the Jiuxuan realm?

Li Daochong and the silver bottle grew up together and were more familiar with each other than anyone else.

It may not be as magical as the telepathy, but the sensitivity of the other person's breath is far greater than the perception between others.

Even a trace of subtle scent can't escape each other.

Li Daochong could not find a trace of the silver bottle, so he had to make Li Daochong feel strange.

There were also several major wars around the 4th Emperor, and Li Daochong had no intention of going to watch the war.

After the search was stopped for a while, Li Daochong flew away toward the No. 3 Emperor.

The distance between the 4th Emperor and the 3rd Emperor is somehow farther than the distance between the three emperors.

Li Daochong has no side to heart, and he continues to hunt while hurrying. During the period of the killing of the nine Xuan dynasty, there are thousands of them.

However, these martial arts have not been a lot of battles. Even the powerful tyrannical martial arts can't compete with the entrants.

Time has passed and more than twenty days have passed.

It has been a month and a half since Li Daochong left the No. 6 emperor, and the first round of testing has passed eight and a half months.

In another three and a half months, the first round of testing will end.

Finally, on the twenty-fifth day after leaving the 4th Emperor, Li Daochong arrived at the No. 3 Emperor Hunting Area.

During Li Daochong's journey, the living space of the Nankun Empire participants was further compressed.

All non-Nankun contestants quietly reached a consensus and prioritized attacks on the participants of the Nankun Empire.

At the same time, the top 20 Tianjiao of the Tiancang Empire and the Yuqing Taixu Republic are all looking for a contestant named Li Daochong.

They all received instructions, killing Li Daochong to get the high rewards provided by Wonderful Magic, killing twice and rewarding twice, and accumulating infinitely.

Wanmiao Lingfu promises to kill once, after confirmation, the reward will be cashed immediately, without waiting for the end of the contest.

Li Daochong, who has been on the road, does not know that he has become a target of public criticism.

The hunting area of ​​Emperor No. 3 is more than three times larger than the four-five-three emperors.

The number of contestants here is also much more than that of the four or five, and the masters are several times more.

Emperor No. 3 seems to be a bigger division.

As for why this arrangement, Li Daochong is not known, but the scope becomes bigger The search difficulty will become bigger and the time will be longer.

Due to the high density of the contestants near the No. 3 Emperor, Li Daochong would not find a suitable quiet place for a while.

Even in the depths of the valley, a large number of contestants are hunting.

Li Daochong looked for a half-day, and finally found a place in the depths of a swampy swamp.

The number of participants in the radius of tens of kilometers has plummeted.

Li Daochong was a bit confused at first, but soon he perceived a very hidden nine-nine spirit.

There are weird in the swamp.

Li Daochong floated above the swamp at low altitude, surrounded by fog, and the mud beneath it tumbling out of the air.

The cracked open clay gown spurts out the pungent sputum, and at the same time raises the thick fog, and with all kinds of strange and dead wood trees growing around, the overall environment is extremely gloomy and terrifying.

There are countless ghosts hidden in the depths of the fog, and it is possible to make a scary jump at any time.

Li Daochong’s thoughts unfolded, and soon his lips smirked. It’s no wonder that no one here came.

It's not that there are no hunts to hunt here, but too much and too strong to be tempted.

Participants at this level of Ange are here to die.

Li Daochong looked at the swamp below and touched his chin. He was amazed. "Even even this kind of savage beast can appear. Jiu Xuan Ling respects the immortal."

Li Daochong opened his mind and detected the nine sacred spirits that were not weaker than the demon king, while at the same time perceiving the power of strong weakness.

If there is no guess, there is a Pluto-class beast hidden in the swamp, which is a waste.

At the same time, there are hundreds of giant monsters in the swamp.


Just as Li Dao rushed to the gods, a dark red tentacle suddenly appeared in the swamp behind him, like the tentacle of a giant octopus, full of barbed suckers.

Behind the sneak attack, a volume to Li Daochong.

Read The Duke's Passion