MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 821 Dragon in the sky VS masked female repair

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Feng Qichang only passively defended the Nankun Tianjiao list to the fifth single-link.

It’s more than the imagination of someone at the place to know how strong it is, knowing that he is strong, but he doesn’t know it will be so strong.

The strength of the single bone pass is absolutely worthy of the top ranks of the human domain, but even the qualifications for Feng Qichang are not.

Including the dragon in the sky and the clock from the Qiongshang two, are shocked to see Feng Qichang.

The problem is that Feng Qichang has been so powerful, but only ranked second in the Tiangui list of the Yuqing Taixu Republic.

So what is the number of Yueqing River that ranks first?

The participants in the distance watched a sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

Feng Qichang put up the magical golden thunder gun and held it with his hand. He glanced at the fantasy blue yarn and the strange woman and turned back to the original position.

"Broken brother, don't you plan to fight again?" Long asked strangely in the sky.

"No, a battle is enough, let's go up." Feng Qichang faintly said.

"Good." The dragon swelled at the corner of the sky, and immediately flew up to face the illusion of the blue yarn. "Come on, let's be."

The fantasy blue yarn is dignified and is about to open. The strange woman with a veil next to her, said, "I will come."

The phantom gauze glanced at the woman and nodded slightly.

The masked woman did not see the change of breath, and her body shape flashed, and the dragon came to the sky.

"Girl, Longmou advised that everything should be done with strength, not reluctantly, not good for you." The dragon is in the sky.

"Less, a trick." The strange woman cold voice.


Li Daochong’s eyes were slightly moving, and he touched his chin. The strange woman’s tone seemed to have met.

When God read a move, Li Daochong smiled lightly on his face. It turned out to be her.

The dragon looked at the eyes in the sky, and the look suddenly showed a frost. A nameless person dared to talk to him like this.

"As you wish." The dragon is full of murderousness in the balance and tone, and the aura of the whole body is like a tumbling river.

The black dragon virtual shadow maps the entire void, covering a range of tens of kilometers, such as the dragon **** is generally shocking the Quartet.

The masked woman is not willing to show weakness, and her body is wide open. Although there is no such thing as a virtual shadow, the whole body burns with a golden flame.

The eyes are almost identical to the Jin Lei of Feng Qichang, but the attributes are completely different. One is Jin Lei and the other is a golden flame.

The golden fire is like a sea of ​​clouds, and it will ignite the void.

On the one hand, the black dragon is in the shadow of the sky, and the golden fire is full of the sky.

Feng Qichang and Zhong Liongqiu's face changed slightly, and they all looked very unexpected. I didn't expect that a masked strange woman could actually fall into the wind with the dragon in the sky.

If this woman is a nameless person, it is absolutely impossible.

It’s just who it is, and even if Qi Qichang’s eyesight is superb, he still can’t see a half point.

Among the people in the whole place, except Li Daochong, no one saw a little bit of eyebrows, as if the woman emerged out of thin air.

The breath is full, and the pressure covers hundreds of kilometers, but everyone, including Feng Qichang, is extremely strange to this powerful atmosphere.

In the eyes of the dragon, the black mang flashed, and his heart twitched. He did not expect that this strange masked woman repairing society would be so powerful and powerful, which was unexpectedly unexpected.

"Interesting!" The dragon licked his lips in the sky, revealing a bloodthirsty color, two horns on his forehead, and black scales appeared on his body.

He does not intend to stay in power. In the face of strange strong hands, the best way is to make quick decisions and avoid night dreams.

"Black Dragon sacrifices heaven, kills."

The dragon sighed in the sky, and a faucet knife turned out to be turned into a black dragonfly to the masked woman.

"Jin Yan swallows the sky."

A splendid drink, the golden flame rolled up like a tsunami, and rushed to the dragon.

Both sides made a move and collided with each other.

The black dragon plunged into the fire, and for a time on the void, I saw a black dragon tumbling in the tumbling fire, rolling up and down, jumping out of the fire wave, and disappearing into the fire wave.

The sound of dragons is constantly being uploaded from the void, and the sea of ​​fire is erupting with deafening sounds. Every sound indicates the vitality of the sea of ​​fire, and it seems that it will never go out.

In the end, in a dragon, the black dragon swallowed the sea of ​​fire.

"The dragon in the sky, the black dragon sacrifice is very good, won?"

Someone who was watching from a distance was amazed.

Just the voice just fell, the black dragon was tumbling, and the golden fire burned from the inside out, burning the black dragon.

However, the gold fire also disappeared at the last moment.

One stroke is right, and the match is quite equal.

"It's a dragon who stunned you, can the girl report it." The dragon stared at the masked woman in the sky.

"If you want to play, you can talk so much nonsense." Masked female repair is impatient.


The dragon was stunned in the sky, and the murder was even worse. In this day, the little Nizi was not smashed, and it was difficult to disappoint.

In the turn of the room, the masked female repair has been a move, a thumb-sized golden light ball is rotated, with a golden flame.


A sharp, empty sound, a golden particle fireball shot at the dragon.


The dragon in the hands of the dragon's mouth knife block horizontally, accompanied by the crisp metal collision sound, only the tiger's mouth is slightly numb.

At this moment, countless golden particles are condensed, and the dragon is surrounded by the heavens.

"What is this trick?" Zhong Liuqiu’s face is ignorant, and the masked woman repaired the magical power that she had never seen before, and she never heard it.

Feng Qichang's eyes are flooded, and the mind is running fast. In the memory, he searches for relevant records about the tricks in front of him, but nothing is obtained.

"Golden flame, what is the fire?" Feng Qichang seems to think of something, but it is not sure, and then asked.

"Golden fire is divided into three types, five elements of gold fire, belonging to a kind of spiritual fire; three gold fires, belonging to the real fire, the three kinds of fires are combined; there is a special one." Zhong Liqiong is a beautiful move.

"What is the other kind?" Feng Qichang saw the clock leave the Qiongshang and asked.

"There is also a kind of ancient sacred animal phoenix, the fire that broke out when Nirvana was born again, and it was called Nirvana real fire." Zhong Liqiong Sang went back.

"Phoenix Nirvana." Feng Qichang thought of something, whispered, the eyes flashed, "Does this woman be a family of Phoenix blood vessels."

Zhong Lie Qiong Chang’s eyebrows slightly moved, wondering, “The Yan family inherits the blood of the Phoenix. Although it is tyrannical, it has always been the Nankunwang family, but it has never entered the ranks of the real giants of Nankun. At best, it can only be regarded as second-rate. Some geniuses, but never entered the top 30 of Nankun Tianjiao list. The strongest Yanfeng of this generation is ranked more than forty. Before the start of the competition, Yan Feng also played with others, and the strength is different from the previous ranking. Not big, the women in front of the strength is much higher than Yan Feng, the dragon is the top genius in the sky, but if it is really Yan Feng, I am afraid that it will not be able to catch a single move."

After listening to the analysis of Zhong Yiqiong, Feng Qichang did not shake his own guess, but a pair of brown-golden eyes made a more solid color.

"She is Yan Feng."

"What?" Zhong Lieqiu’s beautiful eyes were shocked. If it was, then the second female repair dispute was not a strong opponent.

How is Yan Feng improving his strength so much in such a short period of time?

Zhong Liqiong couldn’t help but bite her lower lip. It seems that she is a little miscalculated.

During the two-person dialogue, the dragon in the sky and the masked woman have attacked more than ten strokes, and both sides come to me and show their magic.

The dragon has obviously gained strength in the sky, and from the very beginning, he is ready to make quick decisions and turn into temptations.

When the master takes a shot, he knows if there is any.

When the two moves touched, the dragon knew that the masked woman was definitely not the opponent that could be won in a few strokes.

If you don't pay attention to yourself, you can plant your head and be killed by others. If you are embarrassed, you will lose it.

The dragon is not afraid of losing in the sky, but can't lose to a nameless person.

The masked woman is so terrible that no matter what kind of supernatural power the dragon has in the angel, it can be solved one by one.

The power of the golden fire is incredible.

All the magical powers of the masked women are essentially the different states of the golden fire.

It seems that in addition to driving the golden fire, there is no other way to cover a woman.

However, it seems that a single supernatural power can't be broken.

The dragon in the day of a dragon knife is hard to be blocked by the golden fire, not only that, this Tianxuan best magical refining made of Gengjia fine iron, under the constant burning of the golden fire, the surface is actually melting .

The dragon looked at the slightly melted Longkou knife in the sky, and his heart was bleeding. This magic weapon is worth a lot of money, but he spent a lot of high-quality Lingshi. This burnt wants to be repaired back to the original. There are not a few tens of millions of high-grade Lingshi. Forget it.

Really fire-powered, it is used for most magic weapons. After all, all magic weapons are made from various fires.

Fortunately, here is the nine mysterious realm, otherwise the loss will be big.

But even so, the Longkou knife is useless for the other party and it is not necessary.

The dragon puts the knife in the sky, puts his hands together, his fingers are bent, and the fingertips are slightly open, which looks like a dragon with an open mouth.

"You swim in the sea and the water breaks."


A dragon dragonfly, the dragon jumped out of a black dragon in the sky hand shape, liquid.

Such as the water column sprayed under the overpressure condition, rushed to the masked female repair.

"The fire lotus blossoms."

Masked female orchids refer to a pick, golden light flashes, a golden fire lotus condensed, containing ambiguous to be dazzling in full bloom but blink of an eye.

However, the beautiful golden lotus flower looks like a giant cane, and the petals of the blossoming become a huge mouth, with a raging flame, a black water dragon will be swallowed, and even a drop of water is left. .

"What!" The dragon looked at this scene with incredulity in the sky, and he displayed the first-style magical power of "Dragon Emperor", which was actually broken.

"Black dragon jumps into the sky, storm."

The dragon hurriedly exerted the second-style magical power in the horror of the day. For a time, the wind and the black dragon broke out and collided with the golden fire lotus.


The fire waves are everywhere, and the wind is raging.

The dragon flies back a few kilometers in the sky, and the masked woman is no better than where to go back a few kilometers away.

It seems to be quite equal.

In fact, the dragon lost a trick in the sky, and he used two magical powers at the same time to tie with the other side.

"Damn." The dragon cursed in the sky and slammed into the original position.

The masked woman has already returned quickly, revealing a pair of exquisite foreheads, can not see the slightest change, the doubles are as dull as water.

In the momentum, the dragon also fell in the wind.

The dragon’s pride and highness in the gods have long since disappeared, and he is afraid to look at the masked female repairs.

Although "Dragon Emperor" has no more powerful supernatural powers, the dragon does not want to expose his own cards so quickly, and the contest is far from the end.

The dragon slammed his hands on both sides of the body in the sky.

Hey, three black swords appeared in the body, and two black daggers appeared on his hands.

At the same time, the dragon is more prosperous in the black scales of the sky. It looks like there is a human figure. It is more like a humanoid monster. The foreheads are stretched several inches in length, the white of the eyes changes from white to yellow, and the pupils change from round. It is slender and elliptical.

The whole process was completed in a flash, and the dragon did not even stop flying in the sky, all the way to the masked female repair.

The latter is as light as the breeze, except for the golden flame that ignited around the body, there is not much change, and there is a colorful long whip on each of the two hands.

The dragon crossed the black long sword on Wednesday, and took the black mans as a black lightning shot to the masked female repair.


One of the colorful long whip in the masked female repairs is free to smash, and the space seems to have been cracked.

Three black long swords were blocked.

The dragon held two daggers in the sky and appeared behind the masked female Slim, bringing two rounds of black brilliance to the latter's vest.

This voice hits the West and looks like it will succeed.

The masked female repairs another colorful long whip but it is long and the eyes are generally swept back.

The dragon is wrapped around the day with both hands and wrists, and the golden flame spreads from the colorful long whip to the dragon's arm.

The dragon was in the sky and the hands were loose. Regardless of the golden fire, the two daggers shot quickly and continued to stab the masked female vest.

Injury with injuries.

This kind of play-out is the most troublesome masked female repairs are always stunned and brows.

Two daggers in the center of the vest position, directly wearing a transparent.

The dragon has not risen in the corner of the eye, and the masked female figure who has been hit has gradually dissipated. The dagger is only a shadow.

The colorful long whip wrapped around the dragon's wrist on the wrist followed, but he was caught.

"How about the real fire, the black dragon scale is the strongest dragon armor than the magic protection magic weapon, why fear the real fire."

Say the dragon is in the sky, let the golden flame on the colorful long whip, catch the long whip.

The masked woman who disappeared from disappearing disappeared.

On the void, Wang Ling’s hand and sweat, who had been watching fierce battles around Li Daochong, went straight.

This level of fighting for her is a **** fight.

"What about people?" Wang Ling did not know where the masked woman had gone. She couldn’t find a figure when she looked around and couldn’t help but wonder.

"Behind you." Li Daochong is not slow.

Wang Ling turned her head and saw that the masked female repair was suspended in the void of less than ten meters behind her, and she was shocked.

"Li Daochong, how do you know?" Wang Ling swallowed.

"Guess." Li Daochong replied at random.

"This can also be guessed, you are also true." Wang Ling lamented.

Li Daochong shrugged his shoulders, and a pair of nephews smiled and looked at the masked woman.

The latter also looked at Li Daochong, and the four eyes were opposite. It seemed that they all saw something from the other side's eyes.

"Black Dragon Festival kills."

The dragon came to the bottom and the three black flying swords brought a black flame.

Wang Ling looked at the black flame coming from the sea and was shocked.

The masked woman is as stable as the Mount Tai, as if she did not see the dragon attack in the sky, just looking at Li Daochong.

Li Daochong licked his mouth and his eyes flashed.

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