MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 809 Turbulent magical charm

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Genius one second to remember the address of this station: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! An Ge shocked Li Daochong's voice, looking sideways, the latter gently licked his lips and smiled at him, as in Look at a small sheep to be slaughtered.

Ang’s eyes are horizontal, and I know that the strength of this strange young man is above her.

If you don't take out the cards, he will be here today, and he will be the first ten days of arrogance since the start of the game.

The matter spread, and the face of the wonderful charm could be thrown away by his star of hope.

An Ge thinks good.

Wan Miao Ling Fu Taizu, Wan Miaoling respect is staring at the battle through the observer.

Spirituality transmits the picture through powerful thoughts, and the high-level people of Wanmei Lingfu are watching the battle that should have ended.

An Ge is looking at Li Daochong’s moment, and two spirits with the law of horror aura whistle.

do my best.

Almost at the same time, Li Daochong shot a brilliance in his hand, and he expected that Ange would break the boat.

Therefore, Li Daochong did not leave room for it. The only twenty-five-level charm was thrown directly.

Li Daochong has many means, and each one is enough to kill An Ge.

However, how can a strong magical power be more popular than defeating Ange with a magical character.

In the way of the other, return to the other.

Defeat you with your strongest means.

An Ge sees Li Daochong also shoots the charm, the first time his face shows the joy of victory.

However, in the next moment, Ange’s eyes were round and round, and the two twenty-three spirits that he had shot were instantly annihilated.

A horrible scream of horror swallowed him.

"No..." Ange only had time to make a scream of less clear screams and disappeared.

Two twenty-three spirits offset the power of many rules, but the remnant fire law of the enhanced version of the twenty-five-level spirits that Li Daochong shot was still terrifying.

Destroy the song, the fire hits the ground.


A group of amazing mushrooms clouded into the sky.

The entire range of hundreds of kilometers was swallowed up, and all the filth was too late to react and was swallowed and dissipated by the flame.

Participants who quit dozens of kilometers away are also escaping.

Except for a small number of strong players who barely resisted the impact of the fire, most of the contestants dissipated in the fire to the resurrection point.

Even Lu Yuandao and Du Ruo almost made a point, but fortunately they were less affected by the suspension in the sky, and their strength was very strong, but they were not injured.

Li He and Yue Lu thought that they would hang, but when the fire rushed, a shadow passed, and they took the high altitude to escape the impact.

The two were put in the hands of Li Daochong, his face was pale, and the situation was undecided. It was not Li Daochong’s shot.

They are afraid that they will not be resurrected even if they don't even have a reaction.

He was also safe and sound in the package of Li Daochong.

Looking at the completely changed landscape below, I looked at a piece of scorched earth and the ground subsided for a hundred meters.

The environment of Jiu Xuan Shenjie is harder than the outside world, but it still can't bear the impact.

It shows how terrible the power of Li Daochong to send out the charm.

A large comprehension planet is afraid of being hit by a single blow and disappearing above the stars.



Wan Miao Ling Fu headquarters, Wan Miaoxing Wanxing Island, Wan Miao Ling Zun a palm shot on the stone platform.

Wanxing Island, which has a range of 100 kilometers, cracked into a seam, and the whole island was shot in half by a palm.

Today, Wanmiao Lingfu organizes more than 1,000 middle and high-level enterprises to come to Wanxing Island to watch the contest.

Wonderful spirits prepared a large number of spirits and spirits, ready to celebrate the good results achieved by Ange in this competition.

Who can think that Ange not only failed to keep the original ranking, but also was killed by a contender who did not see the name.

What's even more irritating is that people's homes are still proud of the magical charm.

This is clearly the face of everyone who plays the magical charm.

"Wan Miaoxiong, the magical charm of the kid has such great power, isn't it the apprentice of the thousand hands and spirits?" Wan Miao Ling Fu another ancestors of the sorrowful minds guessed.

"No, I haven't asked the world for thousands of years, and I have practiced the "Da Qian Shen Fa". Her apprentices are more than sixty years old. I can't participate in the contest. The accomplishments of the hand-made charms are really high, but she made the magical characters. Not interested, her apprentice has a general mind and no talent."

"If not, which spiritual disciple would it be? If not, how can there be such a powerful charm? The two twenty-three spirits released by Ange have no resistance, and the boy’s charm is the worst. Fifteen-level charm."

A director said with a puzzled face.

"With the old man's opinion, I am afraid that I can't drag the relationship with Jiu Xuan Ling Zun." A coveted old man interjected.

Wan Miao Ling Zun glanced at the old man and nodded slightly. "The old saying is good. Didn't you recognize that the kid was Li Daochong who was met by Jiu Xuan's mothers some time ago?"

When the words came out, they were full of anger.

"Hey, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Jiu Xuan, go to see such a kid who has never heard of it."

"Jiu Xuan is not going to do anything in the big game, so that the Nankun Empire gets more places to go to the circuit?" The director continued.

"A good nine-nine spirits, this time they are the host of the South Kun Empire, they will be guilty of malpractice, and they can't be wrong. The twenty-five spirits on the kid's body will be given by Jiu Xuan, otherwise they will rely on that kid. The background of the identity, how can you get the super-characteristics that are strictly controlled by the three major comprehension empire?" Another wonderful high-level executive was angry.

"If this is the case, then let us break the kid to do it, and never let the nine mysterious spirits win." The old eyes flashed a fine light.

"Wan Miao Taizu, do we want to ventilate with the Yuqing Taixu Republic, and unite them to fight against Nankun, otherwise they will be difficult to confront with them, and it is difficult for them to fight against it. Cheng, we can't get involved." Someone suggested.

"I have already sent a message to Yuqing Lingzun, telling him about the guess, and waiting for them to wait for it." Wan Miaoling respected the blink of an eye.


The vibration on the wonderful star, the immortality of the shrine is naturally unknown.

However, all the self-cultivators who stayed in the immortal shrine at this time seemed to have forgotten to breathe.

Everyone is scheduled to look at the top of the jade monument list, and Li Daochong has moved again.

One hundred and ten thousand wars have already been amazing.

This is enough to prove that Li Daochong is not a parallel seed entrant, even far beyond expectations.

The entrants ranked in the top 100 of the martial arts list are all young comprehensions who stand in the three major empire empire.

They represent the top of the young generation of the entire human domain.

Li Daochong also wants to go further and naturally.

Prior to this, Li Daochong became the most mentioned name of the super-comprehensive enterprises in the immortal shrine.

a few minutes ago.

Kunlun Heavy Industry, which has been left out of the cold, became a fragrant scent. Many Tianjun came to congratulate Nalan Xiu and praised her for her insight.

"The beautiful embroidered fairy, admire the admiration, I can't think of such a short period of time, Kunlun Heavy Industry will find such a good seedling, it is really gratifying, the old body and mind to chase, but it is not enough." A robbery period old man full of surprise Hey exclaimed.

In the middle of the old robbery, the person said that the teacher is too ruthless (Tianjun), ruthless and unrequited, and cut off thousands of common thoughts, the temperament is extremely weird, can say such words.

It is enough to show that the errant teacher is too envious.

Of course, it is more intimate with Nalan Xiu, because any comprehension enterprise can enter an additional number of places in the round circuit if there are more than 300 participants.

Of course, this ranking must be the final ranking, but only the top 200 entrants can be entered at this moment. Even if the ranking is not the final ranking at the moment, their potential potential is immeasurable.

In the final position of the final ranking, it is not very good to say, maybe not as good as the current ranking, maybe even higher than the current ranking.

In short, Kunlun Heavy Industry has two people hanging in the first two hundred, which is already the leader among the Nankun Empire.

If Li Daochong’s ranking of 117 people is the final ranking, Kunlun Heavy Industry will receive an additional six rounds of entry into the circuit.

For the comprehension companies, the final goal is to get as many places as possible.

There are too many secrets in the round circuit, and mining a point is a treasure for any comprehension company.

Whether the fairy world exists or not, the round circuit is the only answer.

In the fight against the meditation, the round circuit is also the key.

Therefore, for those companies that are likely to get more places, they will become the object of other comprehension companies, because the quotas can be traded.

"Kunlun Heavy Industry is a successor. I don't know how Jinxiu Fairy recruits these talents. What are the differences? I also share and share with me. Everyone is a pillar enterprise of the Nankun Empire. They should help each other." Tian Jun smiled and smiled at Nalan Xiu.

This veteran Tianjun is strong in the robbery monk, except that Lingzun hardly puts anything in his eyes. At this time, Nalan Xiu’s rare and graceful color has already explained everything.

The sorcerer and the sorrowful Tianjun are just representative figures. During this time, more than 30 comprehension companies came close to Nalanxiu.

And that's why.

Everything is due to the rise of Li Daochong's crazy rise.

Nalan Xiu actually has a remorse in her intestines. Her previous attitude toward Li Daochong was a cold.

I didn't expect to look away from my eyes. Li Daochong, who came out of the wild mountain village, couldn't keep his eyes on it.

I blame myself for being blinded by my obsession.

"It seems that my practice is not enough." Nalan Xiu stared at Li Daochong's high ranking in the heart of the list.

Fortunately, everything is still too late, Nalan Xiu believes that as long as the back is done, Li Daochong should not turn his face.

Falling cherry yarn and Xialingxi two women became the guest of Kunlun Heavy Industry, and several assistants turned around.

In addition to Nalan Xiu, everyone else is respected by two women.

Wang Xuemei, who regrets the intestines, apologized to Xia Lingxi in public, and almost did not squat.

It’s a bit embarrassing to make a little girl.

"Miss Xia, Xuemei was offended before, please forgive There is a two-star into the Shen Dan, please accept it." Wang Xuemei said with a bow and handed out a small bottle.

After all, Xia Lingxi was young. When I encountered this kind of situation, I was overwhelmed. I remembered, "Sister Wang, your heart is my heart. I can’t accept such a valuable item. Dao Chong will say that I am not sensible. Ah, you put it away."

When Wang Xuemei listened to her heart, she jumped, and her brother called it so kindly, indicating that this little girl had a bad relationship with Li Daochong.

Before that, I actually forced the bullying of this little girl and said those words.

Wang Xuemei between the thoughts, stunned, can not wait to fan a few slaps.

Let your dog's eyes look low, make you snobbery, and make you look down on people.

"Miss Xia, you see, these two stars into the gods like me, such as dull people can not use, you will accept it, so that I feel better in my heart." Wang Xuemei almost pleaded.

Xia Lingxi did not want to, Li Daochong said to her, eating a person's mouth is short, taking a person's hand is short, just to open, but was interrupted by falling cherry yarn.

"In this case, you will be squatting in Lingxi."

It was not at all polite to say that the falling cherry yarn reached out and took the small bottle in the hands of Wang Xuemei.

"Don't be white, don't take it, it's okay."

Xia Lingxi still wants to say something, knowing the sound of the falling cherry yarn in the sea.

"The name of Li Daochong has moved again." Some people are nervous and called.

Immortal shrine, everyone looks reflective to the jade monument.

Nalan Xiuxiu’s big eyes, she has been in the robbery period, she is unable to hold the tide, completely not calm.

The sorcerer of the sorcerer tried to restrain his emotions and concealed his goat beard.

"Li Daochong, Li Daochong, the oldest is to underestimate you."

Li Daochong’s name steadily climbed, surpassing one hundred and steadily toward the top of the pyramid.