MTL - Devouring Myriad Ghosts System-v2 Chapter 808 Do not know the number of gifts

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Genius one second to remember the address of this station: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! After the level difference of the charm level, the advanced charm is almost completely crushed on the low-level charm.

An Ge is a Samsung spiritual pres. The owner has a unique advantage. His main attack is the charm.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ange has a myriad of inexhaustible charms.

Not only that, but he must carry a super-spirit of power and horror, even if it is a dust mites, Yue Qinghe and Han Chuan may not be hard.

Therefore, the strength of An Ge is difficult to make an accurate judgment.

If he carries a lot of high-level charms or even super-characters, his combat power is almost endless.

At this level, the cost of launching a charm is almost negligible, unless all of the shots are twentieth or more.

Otherwise, the Aura consumption is minimal.

It is no doubt equal to finding death with An Ge.

However, Li Daochong’s magical symbol collided with Ang’s super-spirit.

The rolling effect did not appear.

Strangely, Li Daochong's six charms actually blocked the twenty-three-level wind and thunder.

The power of the aura rule released after the trigger triggers cancels out most of each other.

The twenty-three-level spirits that made the power extremely horrible plummeted, and the cyclone around them became smaller and smaller.

"Li Daochong actually has such a powerful charm in the body? It must be from the hands of the master, otherwise how could it be against the double-character super-spirit of Ange?" Lu Yuandao was surprised.

"Li Daochong has a lot more cards than we imagined." Du Ruo looked calmly at Li Daochong.

Ange looked shocked and watched that his smug spirit was broken by Li Daochong, and his eyes were full of incredulity.

Li Daochong grinned and whispered to himself with a voice that he could only hear.

"Good guy, I used six of the nineteen-level enhanced version of Laozi, and I haven’t completely consumed it. This pair of attribute charms is really powerful."

Although the wind and thunder spirits were blocked and powerful, the six 19-level enhanced version of the charm also failed to completely offset it.

With the rule of remnant aura, the wind and thunder spirits are still directed at Li Daochong.


Li Daochong slammed out the wind and thunder.

In the distance, the participants only felt the lightning and thunder, and the lightning force struck, and they were scared to retreat again.

Ange's eyes are bloodshot, and he has a few twenty-three-level charms on his body.

Each piece takes a lot of effort, expensive resources and time.

The cards have to be left and can no longer be used.

In the eyes of An Ge, the whole body suddenly flickered and the brilliance of hundreds of pieces flew out from the Nayu ring.

"go to hell."

Ange screamed.

Hundreds of symbols were arranged in two rows neatly, and turned into a road to Xiaguang to Li Daochong.

Da da da……

Each of the charms is like a high-explosive bullet that fires from the high-frequency of the rifle.

The frequency is getting faster and faster, as if the Gatlin heavy machine fired.

Li Daochong has already used the cold magical powers to support one side of the ice wall.

The lower the temperature, the higher the hardness of the ice wall.

Hey, hehe...

For a time, one attack and one guard, the scene was deadlocked.

The participants in the far-off view are full of horror, and many people are thinking about what they will do if they encounter such an attack.

When I think about it, there is only one result. I am blown into **** under the attack of high-density and high-intensity.

These genres have all the attributes, fire, ray, ice, wind, gold, and even the Thunderbolt that can trigger a hint of thunder.

They are all purely aggressive.

Some people are thinking about how to deal with the intensive attacks of Ange, and some people are thinking about how to crack Li Daochong to support the tight and impenetrable ice wall.

The same way, they can't think of a better way to crack.

One side is a sharp spear and the other side is a thick shield.

It seems that both sides can't help anyone.

In this case, the spectators who watched the audience praised the toughness of Li Daochong.

It is quite horrible to be able to compete with Tian Cang, the sixth-ranked Tianjiao, and Ange.

Absolutely have the strength of the first ten days of arrogance.

But no one knows, from the beginning to the end, Li Daochong did not seriously play.

It’s not enough to finish the experiment in Tianyin Sanjie. Now I’m taking Ange’s experiment.

If Li Daochong uses his familiar martial arts, An Ge has been spiked.

Upgraded into a purple ink, Li Daochong has not been used.

Not to mention the addition of chaotic debris, the purple mysterious power has increased in multiple times. Even with the previous scented ink, it is also the prestige of the world.

"Du brother, who do you say can't support first?" Lu Yuandao asked some questions.

"Lu brother, from the very beginning, Li Daochong occupies an absolute upper hand. Can you not see it?" Du Ruo asked with a look.

"Yes? I really didn't see it." Lu Yuandao shook his head.

"Eng's every attack is consuming a lot of charms, it seems that it is not very expensive, but the charm is a one-time method that can't be regenerated in a short time. In addition to the previous consumption, Ange is close to the limit, and Li Daochong uses It is a supernatural power that can be reused. As long as he has aura, he can use it all the time. Not only that, it seems that Li Daochong is still useless to kill, and he has been teasing and playing. It seems more like playing games in my opinion. I didn't seriously play, otherwise Ange was sent to the resurrection point." Du Ruo calmly analyzed.

"If the truth is as Du brother said, then this Li Daochong can be terrible."

Lu Yuandao’s eyes are deeply jealous.

"Awful? Can people who respect the vision of Jiu Xuan Ling be not terrible? The outsiders who rumored that Li Dao Chong is not worthy of the truth, but the group of Ling Online will only avoid the nonsense in the dark corner, and they think they are very smart. The keyboard man is gone, can they believe in their words?" Du Ruo's mouth disdain, he is more disgusting than the keyboard man, but more disgusting.

Da da da……

The Magic Bullet is still intensively attacking But Ang's face is getting worse and worse, and many more charms can't stand this consumption.

And Li Daochong stood behind the ice wall of more than ten faces and made a boring look.

The singer sings out a transmission charm and the figure gradually disappears.

"Ange actually escaped." Some of the contestants who worship Ange said incredulously.

The voice just fell.

Ange appeared on the void outside a few miles away.

Lu Yuandao was amazed. "Hey? Sending a charm can only transmit this distance? Isn’t it the wrong spirit?"

Du Ruo’s eyes stunned, and then he said, “There is nothing wrong with the charm, but Ange can’t use the transmission charm at all.”

Lu Yuandao, "Why can't I use it?"

Du Ruo’s eyes replied solemnly, “Because Ange has always fought in the cold field of Li Daochong.”

Luyuan Road is a secret genius, and it can create a field of monks in the cold field.

Li Daochong really has the strength to hit the top ten of Tianjiao.

Lu Yuandao only realized the fire source field three years ago. Since then, the strength has soared into the top five of the Tianjiao list.

The sent Ange still had a smile on his face, but when he finished the transfer, his expression was frozen.

what happened?

where am I? who am I?

An Ge quickly swept a series of questions in his mind.

It is not that he does not know where he is, but that he cannot believe that he is still in this area.

Is it difficult to dream?

Ange uses the 20-level positioning to transmit the charm.



Ange took a sip of cool air and his eyes widened.



"If you don't say hello, just leave, don't know how many gifts."

Just when Ange was shocked, Li Daochong’s faint voice blew on his side.

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