MTL - Devil-Chapter 265

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"You are coming... delivery? I am busy here, come over and help you." Aye is the head of the passion, the black egg with him.

As he said, he began to work for the silver-haired monster.

Aye helped the other party to remove the heavy feed from the basket and the basket. Fortunately, although the leaves of the various vegetables themselves were heavy, the baskets themselves were not heavy. They were large baskets woven with rattan, and the baskets were The green and brown of the rattan itself seems to have life, and there are some small flowers and leaves on it. It looks very chic.

Aye couldn’t help but look at the basket carefully and noticed the sight of the suspected face. He just said that he was embarrassed to explain it:

"This basket is so beautiful, is it compiled by you? I often make baskets at home, but they are all rough-handed by some countrymen. It’s not good for you." If it’s just the horned monster and the grandson, the grandson is also The style of things that don't care about it, his old man probably will continue to go down in the country, but now he doesn't have a grandson? The eye-catching grandchildren are getting bigger and bigger, and they are getting more and more beautiful (?). At the same time, they are getting more and more attention. Nowadays, the grandson has a set of his own aesthetics. When he is at home, he always bears. I lived in the vase with a bunch of flowers~ I dragged a pattern of broken blankets at home (← smashed back from the rubbish)~ wiped the stained areas on the wall... whatever.

When he gave him a patch of clothing, he would also give him a little bit of embroidered eyes and a little bigger embroidered belly. When Aye gave his home a furniture basket, he Will also help the grandfather to think about style together!

This is a little magical aesthetic.

Although a bit big, but the horns are sore and happy.

I want them to be the old stepfather, and the three generations have come out with such an aesthetic talent! I don’t mention it myself. The grandson is also focused on practicality and beauty. The only granddaughter is rougher than the grandson. When it comes to the black egg generation, the black egg has a great appreciation for beauty since childhood!

Under the influence of the great grandson, the hornhorn monster will now pay attention to the good furniture style and the basket weaving technique. He thinks that when he returns, he can re-modify the furniture he built at home.

Black eggs will be very happy~

Thinking of the little monster, sweetly said "good love Aye" and then softly look on his face, the hornhorn magic can not help but smile and his eyes are smashed.

Looking at the hornhorn monster with an unusually rich expression in front of the eye, the silver-haired monster lowered his head and continued to work.

Aye also continues to be happy to help the devil to help.

The last basket was at the end of the sled. Because the snow above was too thick, the basket was almost frozen on the sled. It took a lot of effort to get the basket out of the sled.

Looking at the thick snow on the sled base, the horn horn can't help but scream: "So thick snow, you came from outside!"

The silver-haired monster looked up again, and the line of sight behind the heavy cloak seemed to move to him again.

The shofar monster sighed: "You are really not easy. If you are carrying such a large amount of snow, you should come to feed in the early morning, and life is not easy!"

Silver hair magic:...

After moving the feed, the owner of the store still didn't come out. The outside cockroaches were hungry. They were used to being fed by the monsters. They saw two monsters in the yard, and they moved toward the position of the two monsters. .

A few big men like hills are surrounded, just like a few snow-capped mountains.

Without making a sound, the silver-haired monster immediately began to mix the feed.

She cooked a large basin from the shed. He mixed the fresh green leaves that he brought with him, and then dumped some grain from the shed into the large basin, and then began to feed the food in our food bowl.

The strongest cockroach squeezed out the companion to eat the first one, and the other few were hungry waiting, seeing, Aye also quickly helped distribute the feed.

The last one was the thinnest, and the last rice bowl was only its turn, but its companion was not friendly, and its rice bowl was trampled by other companions while waiting.

Looking at the food sprinkled on the ground, Xiao Yan screamed a few times, but after all, he could not bear the food on the snow, buried it in the big head, and it stretched out the soft tongue and smashed it on the snow.

Its tongue is very hot, and the heat from the sputum and the nose quickly melts a small piece of ice and snow, and then some food is frozen in the frozen ice. It has to work harder with the tongue. Those ice layers, with the heat of the cockroach, melt the ice layer to eat the food underneath.

"Hey?" At home, it is also used to feed Warcraft, but Aye has never encountered this situation.

However, the silver-haired monster is obviously used to this situation. A hand is extended from the cloak, and the ice is slammed on the ice. The ice is broken and the frozen food is re-emerged. The food is caught in the hands, and he feeds the hungry little donkey.

This magic must be really like to raise World of Warcraft - see this scene, Ah Ye suddenly appeared in the same sentence.

The silver-haired monster was so silent, holding the food with his hand until he licked the last grain in his hand.

Then he bent down and grabbed a handful of snow and washed his hands with debris and mouthwash.

"From the west, you want to buy a sly monster is you?" Finally, the silver-haired monster once again spoke.

Ah Ye took a moment and realized for a long time that what the other party said was the same thing.

"Yeah, yeah! My family's grandson has been drinking milk since childhood. The milk in the west is always not pure. Ah... I am sorry to be a little pampered with him! But there is no way. The little guy is so cute, there is no way to not pamper him. ......" Just like any grandfather who has a great grandson, Aye has a low-key show of his own little monster.

"You have been a grandfather?" The silver-haired monster suddenly asked again.

"Oh... Actually, it’s not just Grandpa, I’ve actually been a grandfather!" This is another thing that keeps the old monsters very proud. It’s rare for someone to ask, he is more happy.

"However, the two monsters are not Callas. How did you become their grandfather?" The sentence of the silver-haired monster turned out to be a sentence longer than a sentence!

When I heard the silver hair monster ask, Aye explained it.

A lot of details were deliberately ignored by him. He told the other party how to make a young monster with two cute little monsters and then live happily with them.

"Small flowers and little black can understand things when they are young. For some reason, it is not good to buy milk. I went to the mountains to find the milk of wild goats for them to drink. The small flowers and the black are all white. It is said that the children who grew up drinking goat milk are white. It~

Oh, my family’s grandson is also white, and it’s whiter than me.

By the way, the goat is a kind of Warcraft in our hometown. It looks like me, that is, the corner is straight..."

Every sentence has to be disguised as a grandson and a grandson. You are enough.

"Right angle..." The silver-haired monster seems to have paused: "Are you sure you are not a right-angled Karas? Callas is divided into right angles and corners."

Aye blinked and said with a less certain tone: "Should... isn't it?"

"Speaking of it, the sheep in our place are also divided into right angles and corners. The right angle is the goat, and the corner is called the sheep..." Aye said, still pulling with his fingers on the snow, drawing with the black eggs. Many years of children's stick figures, Aye's current painting skills... oh... much stronger than the original, after all, compared to the grandson's joy, the painting technique of the grandson's black egg is obviously superior, under the patient guidance of the black egg, Aye’s painting level has made great progress, but unfortunately it is still abstract children’s paintings.

The hornhorn monster pulls out two "Warcraft" on the ground, one corner and one right angle. The painting of Aye has its own horror effect. The sheep that was originally soft and docile is actually able to use "狰狞" in his pen. Described!

"Ah... I don't paint well. If the black eggs come over, you can know the true look of goats and sheep."

Thus, the horned demon has unconsciously shown off his grandson.

"However, the sheep are grazing." Ah Ye added a sentence, but he quickly added another sentence: "I also love to eat grass... wrong, it is a dish."

On the snow, the hornbone monster, which is already very tall, squatted on the ground, and the painting on the snow surface was quickly submerged by the new snow. The two "goats and sheep" disappeared.

Snowflakes quietly sprinkled under the two monsters. The snow here is really big, they are very close, but they can't see each other's faces.

In this case, the hornhorn monster suddenly felt that the opposite silver-haired monster approached itself, and they were closer. And at this angle, the other's face is no longer hidden in the cloak, and the two monsters are now close at hand, face to face.

In this case, it stands to reason that they should be able to clearly see each other's faces, the forehead, the eyes, the outline of the cheekbones, every thin scale or pores on the skin...

However, the snow is too big.

The hornhorn monster can't see anything.

Then -

He felt that a hand suddenly came out of the heavy snow and then gently fell on top of his head.

The feeling of being touched on the top of the head... It’s a very weird feeling, soft, light, powerful, steady...

The hand licked at the top of his head, some warm...the temperature of the other's palm.

A voice came from the opposite snow, and the voice was so close, as if it were in his ear. The hornhorn monster heard the voice saying to himself:

"You have to eat more meat to grow faster..."

"More meat, especially meat with bone beasts, it doesn't matter if you like to eat grass, but it should be matched with the powder of the golden beetle shell, so that it grows tall and grows strong."

"You have to grow up!"

The warm hand slammed on his head and left.

When the snow is a little smaller, the opposite is empty.

If it weren't for our belly that was dying and resting, the hornhorn monster almost thought that what happened just now was some of its own daydreams.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy