MTL - Devil-Chapter 264

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There are too many things in the world that he doesn't understand.

Standing by the window, looking down and looking down, suddenly came out like a heart.

But what about it?

Even in the original world, he still has a lot of things that he can't figure out. In this case, the vast majority of the things he doesn't know are completely unfounded. He has already seen a corner of the great secret compared to other monsters. .

It’s not true... there’s really no way to do it. The most painful thing he and the aunt have experienced, there will be no more intolerable consequences than that.

The slender black sly looked at the street below the window, and it was not long before the meditation of the joy was interrupted.

"Hey! Hey!" The black egg held a small paw and asked him to hug.

After the joy, he hugged the little monster. The little magician skillfully put his right arm on the shoulder of the donkey. The small face and the squat were tightly squinted, and the line of sight fell to the same place as the gaze.

Today is the day of the return of the hunters, and the hunting festival of Mirly, the good things that the hunters got at Apto - prey or other collections, will be brought back to the city on this day, some collections It's still good to say that it can be brought in sneaky, and it won't attract attention, but more is a hidden prey. The monsters are very good at transporting prey. The monsters coming over are even louder. It’s just surrounded by the roads. Afterwards, the monsters will grab the seats in advance and watch the hunters and prey in a higher place. Now, this is already one of the great festivals of Mirly.

However, not all monsters are willing to tell their own gains to know other monsters.

Worried that the aunt would be such a secretist, the Aptuo Hunting Association - that is, the "official" that has been said before, and sent a commissioner to ask the aunt's opinion, even after paying a publicity fee... they Finally, I got the right to carry the monster that has been under the name of "Ji Ji" from the outside of the city to the city.

The Aptu hunting ground is indeed famous. However, there have been no special news for many years. The types of prey are quite fixed. The experienced hunters also have a clear understanding of the environmental distribution inside, although Aptuo is the charm of the hunting area. Still not diminished, but its managers hope that it will be more in line with the imagination of the outside magic.

You can hunt all kinds of incredible monsters, you can find all kinds of precious treasures... This is the image that Apodo should have, and now, there is no more thing that can improve the image of Apoto than a real abyss of Warcraft.

If you use the words of your hometown to describe it, it is called "forced."

To be honest, for the reward of the refreshing history released by the aunt, the hunting association's magic is not disappointing.

Although it is possible to collect a portion of the commission from each of the two parties, however, as a hunter, Carassi has received a large amount of money, and the aunt has received the abyss monster that was first discovered for hundreds of years, as an intermediary in the Aptu hunting area...

I didn’t get anything except the commission! Moreover, this monster day knows how much the hunting area can still be. If only one end is taken away by the alien monster, are they not losing money?

This is still under the premise that they still do not know the private transactions between Auntie and Carassi.

The intestines of the association’s magical objects are all green, and if the aunts are willing, they are even willing to buy the head of the Reim from the aunt at a higher price – this is a guess.

However, although Auntie was gentle and courteous, it was not a good object to discuss. The magical objects sent by the association had not been opened yet, and they were turned back by the aunt.

The association not only paid a large amount of “promotional expenses” to the aunts, but also helped them book a table on the third floor of the most famous restaurant in the city. This is why the family has appeared here at this moment.

With only a few guards, the other guards were taken off by the aunt, and they are about to leave. He let them freely move for a long time.

The propaganda expenses paid by the association were also rewarded by him to the magical creatures that came with him. Even Aximu smiled and took a small gray collar with his own one, and then hooked back with other guards. left.

Only the family members of the family have been left to eat at the place arranged by the association.

The meal was almost eaten. The aunt was recognized and went to the side, and after the joy, he stood at the window and watched the lively scene when the prey went into the city. The black egg was originally packed with a box of rice, but he did not see it at all. Looking at himself, just looking at the window, he couldn't sit still. Fortunately, today, Aye is also here, please ask Aye to help him pack the leftovers, and the black eggs are gone to the side.

It’s better to come early, when the black egg was picked up, the head of Roym just passed downstairs.

The monsters on the scene all saw this behemoth, and there was a burst of inhalation sound coming from the team. When it was learned that this is a billion-dollar battle of Warcraft, the atmosphere of the scene reached its peak!

More and more monsters came from all directions to watch this Warcraft.

God knows that as a common World of Warcraft, they can only meet with this kind of Warcraft. Today, the prey is transported on the street for a short period of time. For a time, the magic objects are talking about the hunting ground of the Aptuo, the voices of the monsters. Once again, it is full of yearning and hope.

Finally, there was still a monster that couldn’t help but started. The monk did not pay attention. He reached out and grabbed a hand in the cage. He grabbed a broken black hair, and the lucky one screamed in surprise!

There are two, more and more monsters trying to get the hand into the cage to grab the "souvenir" out, the magic **** is responsible for using various methods to block, but there are too many monsters on the scene, there are always fish .

Although the magic in the cage is angry, it is already dying, and even the loud snoring can't be made, and its breath is more and more anxious.

The various sounds of the monsters in the frantic crowd, the voices of the guards blocking the passers-by, the low voices of the three warheads that were forced to be moved by the weak little monsters but could not resist...

The road downstairs was flooded with various sounds!

Contemplating to look down at the bottom of the distance from their own, Roim, after the face of the water.

Until the black egg said in his ear:

"That is our home."

Nowadays, in the eyes of the little magic, the aunt is completely "self-family", and what he buys from his family is naturally his own.

The little magic thing can be cleared!

From the beginning, I was afraid that Auntie would be afraid to die, and the other party’s things would not touch it. Nowadays, what Auntie bought is his own thing. The psychological process of the little monster is not too big.

When the black egg was finished, it frowned.

After the joy has not said anything, Auntie has already taken the black egg from his arms.

"Well, it's our home. But the exhibition is also a fee. When you look back, they have no sincerity when they return. When the black egg is down, remember." Auntie said to the black egg with a smile.

The black egg nodded solemnly.

Seeing the aunt holding the black egg away, the successor will not be too much. Together with the grandfather, the grandfather and grandson walked away with the steps of the aunt.

"Where are we going?" Walk a few steps with the aunt, and then ask the aunt.

After waking up early this morning, the aunt returned to normal. The discovery last night seemed to have no effect on him. He even slept as never before!

After the joy, I almost lost sleep.

"Go to the black egg to buy neinei~" Listen! He actually used the children's language of black eggs!

Ji Huan feels a bit speechless, but the black egg is very happy.

Yesterday's incident did not have much impact on this little monster. Although the urine was trousers, after the trousers were cleaned, he told him a more terrible bedtime story, and he succeeded in seeing it last night. The stunning scenes are selectively forgotten by more than half.

Hearing that Auntie would take him to drink neinei, the little monster was so happy that he couldn’t help, and he didn’t want to hug him. He took the initiative to ask to jump and go on his own. With three adults in the alley, turn left and turn right, he suddenly I took everyone to the drinks shop where I first drank milk!

"Black eggs are not like black, and black is lost." Aye couldn't help but mutter.

Very whispered, but was heard by the aunt.

The black-haired man smiled and said: "This is like a small flower. It is good to remember the road."

Ah Ye nodded.

Behind Auntie, Aye walked at the bottom of the team, and the two followed the journey of the Huan and the black eggs and walked into the beverage store.

When they entered, the black egg had already ran to the boss's leg. He ran too fast. The boss held some boxes in his hand. One didn't pay attention. The boxes had all fallen, and the grass inside was spilled.

"Yes, sorry." The black egg quickly apologized.

"Nothing! Nothing!" The boss is also a good temper. He noticed that "doing bad things" is a small monster. He smiled very tempered and bent down. He lifted the box that fell to the ground. Aye and black eggs also helped him pick things up.

Or the boss has a good memory, or the black egg does not look good. The boss soon recognizes the black egg. Turning around and looking at the aunt and the successor, he quickly remembered the previous visit. Foreigner.

"Ah! It's you!" He patted his head, and he suddenly realized that he had called out a group of people.

"You talk about business, I will give you these boxes." Ah Ye thought that he was an old man. When young people talked about business, he rarely participated. He is diligent and diligent, and he is used to doing things. What's more, this is a black egg catastrophe. So, after helping the other party to sort out the boxes, he is ready to help the other party to arrange the boxes.

"This, how can this be?" The boss hurriedly waved his hand.

However, he did not have an enemy after all.

"Small things, you tell me where to put it." He waved his hand, and Aye bent over and moved all the high-pitched boxes on the floor.

Therefore, when Huan and others continued to talk to the boss, Aye went to the backyard of the beverage store owner.

The three heads are extremely huge or standing or sitting in this snowy yard.

Although there is snow, the taste of the backyard is still very unpleasant, it should be that these sputum feces have not been cleaned up in time.

When he thought about it, he set the box and took care of his grandson and grandson for a long time. His hands and feet were quite interesting, and he always had alive in his eyes. It might take a while for the conversation on the grandson. The black egg is very embarrassing. Will not cause trouble, he simply decided to help the boss do more things, the right to pay for the black eggs is not.

After handling the box, he took the shovel from the side, following the taste, the hornhorn magic material worked hard to deal with the feces under the snow.

Just as he was in the heat, the small door in the backyard suddenly opened - just like a door appeared in the snow, and when the horned horn was noticed there, there was a sudden increase in the snowy air. Small slits.

A magic object stood there, the sky was snowing, the snow was very big, and across the snow, Grandpa could not see the appearance of the monster.

The other person's size is not low, but it is not strong, ordinary people look like.

However -

I don't know why, when I saw the monster, the hornhorn monster suddenly had something...

how to say?

"The feeling of time stillness"?

He desperately thought of an adjective.

So I continued to stupidly look at each other for a while through the white hair and heavy snow, and Ah Ye finally stopped working in her hand.

"Hello?" I don't know what to say at this time. The Hornhorn Monster chose the most conservative way to say hello.

"Hello." Very strange voices bloom in the snow.

The other party moved.

The sly voice was so vivid that the strange state of rest was finally broken.

The shofar monster found that the monster was dragging a snowmobile behind it, covered with a cloth. When the other side opened, Aye saw a lot of green vegetables!

It turned out to be the feed - Aye instantly knows the identity of the other party.

"I will help you." The old magical creature that had been cooked was not thinking much. The work on his hands was almost the same. He decisively went to the side to help the magic of the head.

The other person was wearing a thick cloak and he could not see the other person's face. just--

When the other person looked up, he saw the hair vented from the cloak:

Like a filament of pure silver, the other party has a very beautiful silver hair.

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