MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 136 forgive

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This night, the time has long been a dream, the content of the dream is very monotonous, all from the perspective of the original owner, holding the phone repeatedly to call Fei Yujing to send text messages, but never get a response.

At the end of the dream, he put down his cell phone and numbly slammed the door.

Big brother hates him, the third brother hates him, the fourth brother does not care about him, the fifth brother, the fifth brother always look at him with a look of killing... Only the second brother has not directly expressed his attitude. The second brother is busy, certainly not deliberately ignore him, certainly not to be like another brother, to change to another look.

The people around him were all pointing at the face that had been disfigured. The building on the street was very strange. He seemed to have been away for a long time and didn't know where he was. Suddenly, he saw Fei Yujing outside a building. He grabbed it and then, like the last straw, chased him crazy, and the other person turned back after hearing his call. He glanced at him indifferently, then said something to the people around him, letting the people around him stop him, sitting on a car parked on the side of the road, and left without returning.

[I don't know him, drive him away. 】

The last trace of luck was broken. He watched the car leave, his eyes dry, and even a tear could not flow.

This is the last sentence that Fei Yujing said before the original Lord, and it is also the last side that the original Lord and Fei Yujing saw.

why why? A voice is asking in pain.

When I entered, I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling of the ward. I sat up and wiped my cold sweat from my forehead. I frowned and shot my forehead. Why do you, why don’t you already know why? The object is the one whose interests are supreme. What can you ask? Besides, they don't remember, don't remember! It’s all new life, and it’s meaningful to be persistent!

He suddenly got angry, but he didn't know who was angry. Finally, his brain was hot. He simply flipped out his mobile phone and found the number of Fei Yujing. He sent him dozens of meaningless harassing text messages in the past!

If Fei Yujing is such a person, even if he asks him, he will definitely say: I have not treated you as a younger brother before; I don’t know if people who are destined to have no intersection afterwards, is it wrong? I admit that I have done something wrong. I want to hate to retaliate with you, I don’t ask for your forgiveness; next time you want to use my words, I am very happy, if I still have yours... I can’t hold it anymore, face such a Guy, angry is a waste, hatred is a waste, it should be annoying him! Use to die him! Bullying and killing him! Let the heart's emotions vent to him, and then ignore it again -


The phone vibrated, a text message came in, from Fei Yujing: a nightmare? Still thinking about me?

When I was full of heart-wrenching emotions, I was stuck. I watched Fei Yujing, which is almost a second-time text message, and I took a look at it now at three o'clock in the morning. When I think of it at sea, Fei Yujing is covered with a wolf. Looks like, raise your hand and cover your forehead, for a long time, put down your face and say no expression: I don’t think about you, I will sleep with you!

After I finished sending my phone away, I looked at the insane bed that I slept heavily on the bed. I got up and walked over. I sat down at the bed and looked at him for a while. I reached out and grabbed his hand. I used to put my forehead on him. The back of the hand.

Come get better soon, baby.


When I woke up in the morning, I found that I didn’t know when I was lying in the bed of Lianjun, and Lianjun disappeared. This picture is too familiar, giving people the illusion of turning back in time. He squats and sits up, squatting out of bed, and running out to the outside without wearing his shoes. His face is white.

The door of the bathroom suddenly opened, and the gentleman slipped out of the wheelchair. When he saw the six gods, he had to run out. The brow wrinkled and called: "When you enter, what are you doing?"

When I stepped into the footsteps, I looked back at him, and for a few seconds, my mind finally woke up, and I let out a big sigh of relief. I relaxed my body and turned back to him. He held his knee and said, "You are fine." Nothing is fine, I thought... I was asleep, when did you wake up? Wait a minute, I will give you breakfast." He said he was about to get up.

"Time to enter." Lian Jun grabbed his arm and looked at his eyes and asked, "Why are you?" Because of what is afraid of this.

When I started to stop and watched him, I wanted to say something about it in the past, but I was serious about his sight, and his mouth was open, but he chose to tell the truth: "The same was true last time, I woke up from your bed. You are gone... I just woke up and didn't respond. When I saw the familiar scene, I thought I was dreaming again, misunderstanding, don't worry."

Last time... it should be the time when he fell asleep while he was squatting, and he went to use the medicine in advance. At that time, did you rush out after waking up, and there is another saying of dreaming. Is this scene, for time-advanced, already a nightmare?

Lian Jun thought a lot for a moment. He looked at the casual expression and the cold sweat on his forehead. He couldn't help but hold his arm and pulled him in front of him.

When I was confused, I still obeyed the past.

Lian Jun hugged him and listened to his heartbeat.

Too fast, this is because of the tachycardia that occurs when fear occurs.

So that day, when I entered, I was in this mood. After I woke up, I saw myself in the isolation ward. Obviously, he did not want to worry about him. He deliberately refused to wake him up and went to the medicine in advance. The result turned into his nightmare.

Too bad, I used to worry about the other person's fears, but the result was that the other party was more worried about this kind of thing. He started doing it first. It is because he did not give peace of mind to the time, so when he entered, he would not subconsciously repay his peace of mind.

"I'm sorry." He touched the hair that he had entered and seriously apologized. "I didn't wake up that day and went to medication, sorry." It is obvious that he is the older one, how can he make a mistake first.

"Don't be afraid." He hugged when he entered, appeasefully patted. "I'm fine, don't be afraid."

When he entered, he slammed his arms and hugged him, slammed his head on his shoulders and tried to say in a relaxed tone: "What are you talking about... I haven’t blamed you, it was obviously that day. I have overslept."

Lian Jun touched his head and said: "I am not a qualified lover, I am worried, sorry."

Shi Jin feels that he has no interest, he has lived for two lifetimes, and he will suddenly cry because he likes a few words that he does not sensational. Was it too much suppressed some time ago? He found reasons for himself, tried to breathe deeply to adjust his emotions, then retired, smiled and kissed Leng Jun’s cheek and said, “If you must apologize, then I forgive you!”

Lian Jun touched the corner of his mouth that he tried to lift, and did not speak.

"So don't think about it, if you really feel sorry for me, then cheer up and raise your body, and try to get better soon." When he took his hand, he kissed his fingers and kissed him happily. He licked his face and sighed sincerely. "It’s good, you finally came over and felt that I can eat a bowl of rice today!"

Lian Jun is closer to him, his eyes are drooping - how can he always say forgiveness so quickly...


When I entered, I frowned and wanted to retreat. I was dissatisfied and said: "What have you just said, how can I hear you yelling at me?"

Lian Jun put his head back, sighed, and then the corner of his mouth finally hooked up and said: "When you enter, I will not teach you how to be a deputy leader, because this is not necessary, but I will learn. Relying on you, I hope that you can become more dependent on me. In the future, we will not take the other side to risk, okay?"

When Zhou Zhao brow into the loosening, pursed her lips, clasped his hand back and said: "Well, I'll tell you everything ...... but you are not allowed to sleep for so long, you know, as you do not stare at me I might have come again."

"Ah, I know." Lian Jun side head and kissed him and said again, "This is my fault, I'm sorry."

Why have you always apologized, who is the stupid.

When forward thinking to himself, then meet him a kiss, bent his eyes and laughed.

The treasure of his family is really the best.


Time advances and restores the appearance of the less stable in the past. If you don’t want him to manage the work, he will stop managing it. Every day, he concentrates on the three meals a day, and he is thinking about the list given by Long Shu. Do your best to let Lianjun drink a bite of milk, or eat a bite.

Lian Jun seems to have put down his heart, the body's breath has become relaxed and softened, and began to slowly raise the body according to the plan of Long Shu, not to play radical.

For his conscious, dragon t it was very relieved. Toss down the purpose of his voyage, physical condition Lim Jun losses somewhat, although not in a coma, but the daily sleep time is very long, very poor effort, if playing aggressive, the body might collapse. If he had still worried Lim Jun chaos will continue, how can he stop now Lian Jun willing to take it, he just have to laugh awake dream.

In view of the fact that Lianjun has taken the initiative to cooperate, so when the Lianjun is awake, he has to deal with the work from time to time. Long Shu chose to close one eye and then sneak in the back to enter the "notice". Can manage Guan Jun.

Shijin certainly does not want Lianjun to start working again so soon, but... the person who made the mistake is not qualified to dictate his hand. In the face of Lianjun’s insistence, he can only compromise, and then retreat to the second place. Everyday working hours, staring at the innocent will not allow him to work more than a second.

Fortunately, there are no major events on the road that need to be busy. The things on the fairway are staring at the five and nine, and there are three contacts on the side of Zhang Zhuoyuan. Several organizations, such as Wumen, are busy with their own aftermath, no time to work. I am troubled, so Lianjun only needs to follow up on the business integration, it is not too busy.

Everything is slowly improving. The outside world is going through the storms. The planners who entered this event have lived a seclusion-like leisure life under the intentional isolation of Lianjun. What is the biggest trouble every day? Let Lian Jun take a break.

Time passed by, and a week later, Yi Yi and Yu Er were sent back, and the two did not know what was tortured. When they came back, they all had a look of color, and they had a strong fishy smell.

When I saw their state, I was very embarrassed, and I wanted to say something.

"Don't, don't apologize, don't ask us what we're going to do. I won't hold back until I vomit." When the second resistance was blocked, I asked, "How is the situation?"

When I mentioned Lianjun, I looked a little better and smiled and said: "I can already eat normally, and my spirit is much better. Long Shu said that if the toxin is no longer suddenly active, according to the current situation, about a month later. He can start to rebuild."

Reconstruction, isn't that saying that Jun has to stand up?

When the eyes were bright, I confirmed, "Is that reconstruction that I know?"

I also looked forward to the time, and I was so excited.

"Yes." When he nodded, he couldn't help but laugh when he mentioned this. "After the active period of toxins, Lianjun will no longer feel leg pain. He is now in a wheelchair just because his body is still weak. Wait a second time. After a while, he is better physically and should be able to walk normally."

Two excited and shouted, could not help but slammed one hand.

As soon as he was stunned, his face was black, frowning and rubbing his shoulders. He refused to let him go, and then looked at the time and smiled. He said, "Thank you, thanks to you."

“No.” When he answered, he suddenly felt a bitter feeling. “It’s thanks to everyone.”


After the return of Yu Yi and Yu Er, Lian Jun had to deal with less work and finally rested with peace of mind. When I was very happy, I became more and more loyal to the lord, thinking of the French to eat more, and carefully staring at all aspects of his treatment.

In late April, after the game between the parties, the results of the handling of the channel incidents were released - all the organizations involved in the attack were all listed and entered the clearance process; the next six months entered the warning period, and once they found out that the organization did not care about the treaty, regardless of whether The ground will open fire in an inappropriate place, and the official will deal with it directly.

This is the first time since the official and violent organization has eased relations, the official handling of such a tough attitude, the leaders of all organizations have smelled a bad taste - this channel incident has almost caused diplomatic problems, so good The knife, the official I am afraid there are still moves.

Sure enough, not long after the results were announced, Zhang Zhuoyuan took the lead in this matter to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents and asked all legitimate listed organizations to accept official inspections. The leaders of the major organizations complained, and they wanted to confront each other and no one took the lead. They simply hated the organization that led the matter and the righteous behind them.

The related person who was the event of the navigation channel naturally received the official "care". In the second, he turned over the "consolation" document sent by Zhang Zhuoyuan. The sneer said: "This chapter Zhuoyuan really remembers to eat and remember, actually thinks By this time, I will find out the assets of the destroyed and think of beauty."

When I heard the frown, I asked, "Is it handled?"

"Good deal." The second answer, laughing and mocking, "Zhang Zhuoyuan probably forgot what position he is now."


After dinner, Yan Er reported to Zhang Jun that Zhang Zhuoyuan tried to send someone to "check" the internal affairs.

Lian Jun listened to his eyes and became cold. He took out his mobile phone directly and gave Zhang Zhuoyuan a phone call. He opened the door and said, "I am sorry, I don't accept this ‘check.'”

When Zhang Zhuoyuan saw him on the phone, he knew that it was not good. He said with a hard scalp: "This is the task that was sent out above, and all organizations must be inspected. I am not good at destroying special."

"I don't want to listen to your excuses." Lianjun's tone is cold, and every sentence is tempted on the edge of the torn face. "Director Zhang, this time I have won such a big advantage for you, I don't expect you to be grateful, but I hope that you don't complain with grievances. I can tell you the truth. The recent era is indeed through the Swiss bank, transferring some of the industries that have been completely transformed and whitewashed. Those are the future guarantees that I will give to the future. I don't want you to move them. If you have to play this small abacus, then you will not give me a back road, I can only go to self-destruction immediately." Finished hanging the phone directly.

Zhang Zhuoyuan was stunned and looked at his mobile phone with a slap in the face. He rubbed his forehead in a headache.


Three days later, Zhang Zhuoyuan handed over the news and said that he had decided to cancel the inspection for the extinction. Lian Jun, this is a sigh of relief, took the initiative to call Zhang Zhuoyuan and said a few words of comfort.

At the end of April, Long Shu and Shao Jianping found Lian Jun together and said: "The treatment is about to enter the next stage. There is no suitable equipment on the island and must leave."

Lian Jun heard the words looking sideways at the corner of the study room, and was painfully following the time when Mr. Feng made up the class. He nodded and said: "Let's arrange it as soon as possible, don't worry about me."

At the beginning of May, everyone boarded the plane back to B City.

After arriving in City B, the people did not go back to the clubhouse, but went straight to the sanatorium in the university town - if nothing unexpected, the next treatment of Lianjun will be completed here.

The long-distance flight was too labor-intensive, and Lian Jun fell asleep when he went to the sanatorium. After he settled in, he walked out of the building where the ward was located, sat on the flower bed outside, and looked at the bright and unknown flowers in the flower beds. Go back to the ground and ask: "Five brothers, do you have something to tell me?"

Li Jiuqi walked out from the flower bed and sat down beside him. He said, "Small, I should go back to the hospital. There is a critically ill patient there. I have to go see it."

When he looked at him from the side, he asked, "Will you go now?"

"Well, picking up my car is stopping at the university next door." Li Jiuyi replied, the palm of his hand tightened, and he braved the courage to look sideways. He asked, "When I am busy, can I come back to see you?" ?"

Time to carefully look at his expression, and then look deep into his eyes, until I determined that I could not see any shadow of the past "Dr. Li" from this face, only smiled. Nod, he said: "Of course, when I come to see me next time, remember to bring me the specialty of Rongcheng."

Li Jiuyi’s expression was brightly visible to the naked eye, and his lips smiled a little. He responded happily and tried to ask: “Can I hug you?”

When he entered the side, he hugged him and patted him on the back.

Li Jiuyong immediately hugged him, and felt his breath, then released his hand restrained, and stood up and took out his luggage from the flower bed. He said, "That... I left. ""

"Five brothers goodbye." Shijin smiled and waved his hand.

Li Jiuyi saw that he did not leave like the previous payment of Yujing, and offered to send himself, his eyes dimmed for a moment, but he quickly regained his spirit, and smiled and waved his hand toward the time, turning his luggage and turning away. Go - at least when he leaves, he has to have a brother, not too bad.

"Five brothers." Shijin suddenly called him.

Li Jiuyi immediately turned back to look at him, and his eyes looked forward to: "What happened?"

"When you are on the boat, you rushed over, what do you want to do?" When asked, the expression was serious.

Li Jiu had a moment, his mouth was open, but he did not speak.

"Five brothers, I want to know why." Shi Jin emphasized.

Li Jiuyi was silent on him for a while and said: "I am a doctor. If... I might save you, no, I can save you, I must save you."

[I won't let you die, you never want to die. 】

Shi Jin suddenly remembered the words that Li Jiuyi had said in the memory of the original Lord. This sentence is understood from another level, is it what Li Jiuyi said now - I can certainly save you.

I will save you, give me everything to save you, so don't die, beg you.

He seems to have heard of Li Jiuyi, who had gone to the desperate situation in his life, the painful pleading of the soul.

... forget it. Self-deception or excessive brain replacement is all right.

"Five brother, I forgive you." He smiled at Li Jiuyi and finally said nothing. "You want to kill me, I forgive you, I am not afraid of you, too." I don't blame you, so I will spend the New Year together next year. You don't have a mother. I don't have a mother. We are together, just right."

Li Jiuyi looked at him, his eyes turned red and suddenly, he blinked his eyes and said, "Thank you... Thank you, Xiaojin, I am sorry... I will come to you, next year...More than the New Year. I will come to give you a birthday next year, I will be in the future for many years...I am sorry, I..."

He suddenly stopped talking, wandering and turning, speeding up and leaving here.

When he did not chase, he sat in the same place and watched him disappear into the shadows and flowers. He looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, spit it off, sat up, patted the ashes on his butt, turned and ran back. Go to the ward where Lianjun is located, and make sure that Lianjun is still asleep, take off his coat and shoes, carefully open the quilt of Lianjun, and squeeze it up.

"Where to go, there is a smell of pollen." Lian Jun suddenly opened his eyes and reached out and hugged him.

When he entered a stiff time, he bowed his head in his arms and prevented him from seeing his face.

"You will only find me to be spoiled at this time." Lian Jun held down his head and gently rubbed his head, bowed his head and kissed his head. "Sleep, I can't bear his words, we will come out to play with him next time." ”

Time to hold his waist, smell the smell of his body, did not speak.

The small death suddenly opened: "Go in, your progress bar has dropped, to 40."

When the heart trembled, he closed his eyes and felt the temperature of the body that was sold by Lian Jun. Indulge himself to sleep in this warm afternoon.

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