MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 135 Reflection

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Lian Jun took the time to the bathroom.

"Bath, change the wet clothes." Lian Jun told.

When I did it, I lifted my hand and took off my wet clothes. When I saw that Lian Jun didn’t want to go out, I hesitated and said, "Let’s go outside and wait for me. You will get the steam here, and you are My wet clothes need to be changed too -"

Lian Jun suddenly stood up from the wheelchair, lifted the waistband of the waist robes, took off his clothes, pushed forward when he pressed forward, pushed him against the shower, and stretched his hand. , unscrew the shower switch.

La la la, the water flowed down, it was cold at first, and then it slowly warmed up.

When I entered, I was cold and the wall was in front of me. I was surrounded by a gentle and warm body. The whole person was in a small area by the Lianjun circle. I couldn’t help but hold my breath. The line of sight fell on the face of Lianjun’s pale face. Obviously, there was no dull eyes, and my heart trembled, and I hung up my eyes. Instinctively, after the thin and thin, I became the chin line and fell toward his body.

"Don't look." Lianjun suddenly raised his hand and grabbed his eyes and said, "It's hard to see, don't look."

I was saddened by the time, and I reached out to hug him and said, "No, you will always be the best."

Lian Jun stepped back and avoided his hand, and looked at his skin as thin as a sly body. He closed his eyes hard and tightened his hand when he squatted. He suddenly turned him over and pressed him in the first place. Turned around, hooked down and pulled out his robes belt, then straightened up and tied his eyes with a belt.

"Leng Jun?" Time is a bit embarrassing.

"Just stay here and don't move." Lian Jun held down the body he wanted to come back, and leaned back from behind to hold him, leaning his forehead on his shoulder. "Don't look at me, don't touch me, just This way... I will stay with me for a while."

The body temperature attached to the back is low, relying on the touch of the bones in the past, the pain in the heart, the tightening of the hand, forcing myself not to respond to this hug, twisting back to the wall, said: Ok... I don't look at you."

The otter slid down and the room slowly steamed.

"Oh." Time suddenly snorted and the body earned earnestly.

"Don't move." Lian Jun held him down, "Let me take a good look at you."

When I entered, I couldn’t move, I felt the hand of Lianjun’s self in my body, and my breathing was getting more and more chaotic—this, what is this, who can see it by hand...

Lian Jun is really looking at him, watching his patience, watching his excited look, seeing his red skin because of his desires... still alive, he hugged when he entered, feeling the body temperature that was higher than usual. Listening to his rapid breathing, he slipped down his body and stuck it in his back, capturing his heartbeat faster than usual, and the hanging heart finally fell into practice.

Still alive.

"Don't run any more." He tightened his hand into the waist and tightened it. He couldn't wait to put him in his body. For a long time, he suddenly stood up straight and his head was at the neck of the pulse. Bite hard.

When I entered the body, I trembled, then suddenly relaxed, leaning against the wall, and breathing hard.

The water quickly washed away all traces, and Lian Jun loosened his teeth, gently licked the traces of his neck and was bitten by himself, pulling his body from the wall and pressing it into his arms.

"You are always so disobedient," he said, comfortingly kissing the shoulders that relaxed and tightened, and the sound was inaudible. "I have to let you know."


When the time was in the bedroom, I was not allowed to see the outsiders, I was not allowed to go out, the mobile phone was confiscated, and the tablet was confiscated. The only entertainment that can be carried out was sitting at the window and looking at the scenery. Only the living people who can see are Lian Jun and Long Shu.

Lian Jun did not live with him in a room, only came to accompany him on time every day, and then ... touched him.

Some shameful memories emerged from the depths of my mind. When I moved in, I shook my head and opened the memories. I lowered my pajamas and looked at the traces of my body. I collapsed and covered my face.

He knows that Lianjun is very angry this time and is willing to be punished, but this is the case... This day, three days later, he will have a kidney loss sooner or later. And every time he is only excited by one person, Lianjun is always a neatly dressed look, and he is not allowed to go back, it is not fair!

Although Long Shu said, Lian Jun’s current body is not suitable for doing something, but he can always kiss it... but Lian Jun does not allow him to kiss, no, it should be said that Lian Jun does not allow him to do anything, only him... I was touched.

"He is still angry." Time to force his face, very distressed. Lian Jun has never been so angry, he does not know how to be embarrassed.

The small death suddenly opened, and the voice was awkward: "Go in, why do you take me out of the dark room every two days, until the baby is gone, let me out, do you stare at me? Quarreling, every time the baby is gone, your eyes are red, and you have no strength. You are secretly carrying me crying, baby is not bullying you... Hey, don’t quarrel Ah, I am afraid..."

When I heard it, I was very embarrassed and embarrassed. I explained: "No, I have no quarrel with Lianjun. He has no bullying... Anyway, it is not bullying. Don't cry, I am very good with him, really." ”

"Really?" Little death confirmed.

Time to go back and say: "Really... right."

After he said that he himself had collapsed, his heart was stuffy.

In fact, it is not good at all. Although Lian Jun will come to see him, he will be close to him, but he does not talk to him very much. His face always has no expression. His eyes are heavy and he looks sullen.

Two people will see each other tomorrow, but he does not know how the physical condition of Lianjun is now. Long Shu has specifically told him about the current situation of Lian Jun, but the words are very vague and used. There are a lot of medical terms that people can't understand, so he only knows vaguely that Lian Jun doesn't have to stay in the isolation ward recently, and his body is slowly getting better. Besides, he even has a good meal every day. Do not know at all.

Although Lianjun had been accompanying him for dinner in the past few days, he really only stayed with him. He did not move the chopsticks at all. Every time he said that he had already eaten before coming.

He really wants to know what Lianjun eats every day, how much he eats, whether he will be nausea after eating, and he wants to take a nap with Lianjun, help him share the work, and want to stay with him at night to see that he sleeps uneasy. ......

"How is his body?" When he entered the bed sideways, he buried his head in the quilt and stunned the pillow twice.


The sound of the door handle was unscrewed, and the movement of the pillow was hesitant. He did not hesitate to stand up to meet the tyrant as usual, still lying back to the door.

The sound of the wheelchair sliding into the door sounds, then the door is closed, then the sound of the wheelchair restarting sliding... The position of the bed can be seen, the sliding sound of the wheelchair stops, and then continues to sound, not facing the table as usual Going over there, instead approaching the bed.

When I entered, I could almost fill my head with a food box and see him lying in bed. After a short stop, I didn’t go to the table and put down the food box. Instead, I went to the bed and came over.

The closer the sound is to him, the more nervous he is. When he almost wraps around to see his face, he closes his eyes and sleeps.

The wheelchair slides to the side of the bed, with shadows covering them. Time to force myself to relax and slow down, try to make a good sleep, I feel very regretful - I knew that I should get up as usual to meet, in case I found out that he did not fall asleep, misunderstanding him how to do it. ? He just didn't know which rib was wrong, but he didn't move.

Sleeping and sleeping, you must pretend to be really.

"Time to enter." Lian Jun’s voice sounded a little light.

Time does not move.

The room was quiet and I didn't know how long it was. Just when the time was suspected that Lianjun had left, a warm breath was scattered on his face, and then the lips were warm.

Ok? ? ?

When he entered, he opened his eyes and looked at Lian Jun’s face, and immediately hugged his neck with his backhand. He kissed his lips and kissed him back.

Lian Jun is a stiff, busy opening his eyes and wanting to retreat.

"Don't go." When the time goes in, the eyes are sinister, the kisses are also evil, with the thoughts of innermost impossibility and the desire to be close, "This time you are actively kissing me, don't want to go."

Lian Jun was fierce against him, but he was full of grievances and missing eyes. His fingers trembled, his eyebrows warmed, and he reached out and held his hand in his arms. He kissed him back and kissed him comfortably. back.

How long have you not felt it? This kind of gentle kiss that is cherished by the other party.

It is clearly the love that I used to get every day, but now I suddenly feel very precious.

Before entering the brain and flashing away, Lianjun was so weak and lying on the bed, no matter how he called, he would not open his eyes, the arms tightened, the more kissed, the more excited, and finally felt that Lianjun sat too far, simply He leaned over the bed and later felt that the food box on the leg was too inconvenient. He took the food box and put it on the bedside table. He hugged him and pulled him back on the bed.

The sound of the wheelchair was opened, and when the hands and feet were touched, the Lianjun was wrapped in the ground. He went to the face of Lianjun and continued to kiss him in a mess. He said, "You can punish me, don’t ignore me, give me a little. Respond..."

Lian Jun was brought to his body, watching his eager appearance and vaguely red eyes, his heart soft, closed his eyes, slightly biting him, forced him to suspend the movement, lifted up and asked: “Is it reflected?”

When he looked at his calm eyes, he licked his bitten lips, his expression suddenly slammed, grabbed his collar and pulled him down. He said, "No! How can I reflect! I worry about whether you eat well every day." Have you slept well, can you feel uncomfortable, and have time to reflect! Don't let Long Shu come to perfuse me, how is your body, I am afraid, why don't you tell me anything! You are angry You can beat me and punish me, you know that I will worry that I will be thinking about it, why not say anything, you-"

Lian Jun suddenly took his face and kissed him, and blocked all his words back.

When I turn around, I will hide, and I will talk to him today.

"I'm sorry." Lian Jun suddenly spoke.

When I entered, I stopped all the evasive movements and looked up at him.

"It’s been a long time to wake up, sorry." Lian Jun touched his face and asked, "Is it mad?"

When I saw him, he became a little rosy with a kiss because of the kiss. He felt mixed in his heart, relaxed his body in a compromise, hooked his neck, and kissed him actively: "How could you be angry... You are too embarrassed."

Lian Jun licked the hair behind his head and closed his eyes and kissed.

After a kiss, the two embraced each other and no one spoke first.

"You can lock me up." Finally, I started to open my mouth first, frowning and admitting, "I will reflect, but you don't talk to me, I want to know if you are eating well, sleeping well." ""

Lian Jun touched his hair and suddenly said: "Long."

When you go in, look up at him: "What?"

Lian Jun touched his face and said: "Wait back to the island, let you cut your hair."

When he looked into the gentle look in his eyes, his mouth opened slightly, and he held it tightly, burying his head and holding him firmly. He said, "You are a jerk, sly and difficult... I am going to cut my hair. What do you let me cut, what I cut and listen to you!"

Lian Jun listened to the voice he said and said dumb, completely softened his heart that could not be hardened, bowed his head and kissed his head, and sighed in his heart - forget it, just like this... not too willing Really make this person sad.


This night, I entered the wish and fell asleep with Lianjun. Until then, he realized that Lian Jun was so close to him and didn't sleep with him to cover up his need to maintain his physical condition every night.

"What he needs most now is rest, so it is still too reluctant to travel." Long Shu adjusted the speed of the potion, couldn't help but reach out and took a look at the head, and taught, "Hu Lai's guy, Jun Shao is too pet is you!"

When you go into the head, you can see it.

"But it's thanks to you." Long Shu suddenly lowered his tone and glanced at the insane who was sleeping in the bed. He said, "I heard the first one and the second one, because the things in the fairway, the next time on the road. it should be a lot of quiet, little can be assured that the king keep the body ...... you this kid, how do people always love and hate thing, if I were your dad, have to clobber you can not! "

Shi Jin gently held Lian Jun’s hand and asked: “Long Shu, tell me the truth, Lian Jun suddenly came out of the isolation ward, did you accept a more radical treatment?” There is a wave of constant decline in the progress bar of Jun every day. Now I want to come, it is definitely not a normal nursed back to fall.

Long Shu looked at him and bent over to pack things up. He said, "What do you want to do so much, rest assured, all the treatments that Dr. Shao and I have given to Jun Shao are in the range that Jun Shao can accept. Inside, there will be no sequelae, don't worry. This time, the travel of Jun Shao is not as bad as you think. The impact on the body is there, but it is not big. It will be raised after a period of rest. You should rest well. I called me after the dripping, and I came to pull the needle."

The timing showed him to leave, look at the insane value of the brain in the 490 did not move the progress bar, bent over and put his forehead on the back of Lianjun's hand.

Deceptive, how could it not be affected, the progress bar that had been lowered to 470 has risen back to 490, and there is no such thing as a singer, but it is like a coma in the past...

"I'm sorry." He stretched his arms and hugged the body of Lian Jun, his voice was very low. "Let you worry... sorry."


Lianjun slept for more than ten hours before he woke up. During the period, the alarm clock on the bed was ringing. The time of the ring was just before the time to get up. When I saw it in my heart, I directly buckled the battery of the alarm clock. Then lay back on the bed and regain the integrity.

Near noon, Lianjun finally woke up and woke up. When he entered, he immediately went to kiss him and kissed him. He said with a smile: "The ship is already on the beach, and it is time to get up and go home."

Lian Jun’s eyes were still not clear, and he looked at him for a while, suddenly reaching for his neck and pressing him in his arms.

"Leng Jun?" When he looked up at him, he whispered, "Isn't you still awake? Then get up and eat something and sleep again. You haven't eaten breakfast."

"Just for a while." Lian Jun hugged him, closed his eyes and whispered, "just for a while."

When he looked at him, he had no **** face. He responded with a low voice and hugged him back, leaning his head against his chest.


When Lian Jun returned to the island, he was sent to the ward by Long Shu and started a detailed inspection. After the inspection, he was allowed to eat lunch.

When he sat in the bed, he looked at the porridge in front of Lianjun and the nutritious meal that was not good at first sight. The brows wrinkled tightly.

"You don't have to eat this in a few days. The stomach needs a process of adapting slowly. It is only temporary." Lianjun explained, reaching out to flatten his eyebrows. "But soy milk can still drink, you can help me." Take a cup and come over, I want to drink the soy milk over the small restaurant."

This obviously wants to open him.

Time to understand, but there is no way, got up and kissed him, said: "Then you eat first, I will give you soy milk."

On the way to take the soy milk, I came across the hexagram.卦 卦 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁 卦 卦 愁 愁 愁 愁 愁

When the time came in, he suddenly stopped again when he passed him. He shouted at him and asked, "Yes, I haven’t seen the first one and the second one since I got off the boat. Who are they? I want to Ask them something."

"Oh, this..." The face of the six-six face was broken.

When I realized that it was wrong, I frowned and asked, "What happened to them?"

He took a look at him and bite his teeth and said: "Go to the penalty. This time they are taking advantage of Jun to let you take risks. It is very wrong, so when you are less assured, it is not a very serious punishment. It is to go. Do a bit of hard work, they will be back in a few days."

Accepting a penalty?

When I entered, I nodded and said that I knew it. I continued to walk towards the restaurant and my brows were wrinkled. In detail, in fact, he is the one that should be punished most. It is obvious that he let the first and second squatting with the singer...

When he saw him leaving, he said with a bitter face: "I shouldn't have said it, but now it is a deputy leader. These things can't be jealous of him... Hey, how can this be good..."


After Lian Jun’s lunch break, he went out into the ward and took a seat on the bench outside the ward.

On the first day and the second day, he took the penalty. The five and nine were taking over the closing of the channel incident. The third was responsible for contacting Zhang Zhuoyuan and Lu Shan. All the affairs reports bypassed him and directly conveyed to Lian Jun, he is now I have been idle.

If he doesn't get angry with Lianjun, then Lianjun may still be willing to let him share some work...

A shadow suddenly shrouded over and the forehead was photographed.

When you go back to God, look up.

Fei Yujing stood in front of him and said, "I am leaving."

Time to enter: "...ah?"

"Energy has been completed, and Lianjun has commissioned a new job for me. I have to go to the big brother first." Fei Yujing explained, swept him up and down and asked, "It was closed for a few days by Lianjun. ,Silly?"

When he frowned, he retorted: "He didn't shut me down. I made him feel insecure. In fact, I blame me for being too inexperienced in dealing with things. I obviously didn't want him to worry about him, but it made him more worried." He also hurts him to pick it up - how do you beat me again!" He grabbed the forehead that was hit again and looked at Fei Yujing.

Fei Yujing retracted his hand and said: "What are you thinking about here? From my standpoint, the only thing you did wrong when you led the team this time is that when you want to do something, you don’t have to be honest. Write it in advance. If you don't talk about feelings, he is the leader. You are the deputy leader. You have the right to lead the team to make decisions, but you are obliged to tell him about your plan. In short, if you make a mistake, you will ask questions. Don't think about it yourself. But this is actually a strange blame. He gave you the status of the deputy leader, but did not teach you how to do it. You are alone, it can be done very well. ""

Time has once again retorted: "How can this blame Lianjun? What he wants to teach me is that he was in poor health during that time, so he didn't have the chance to teach... Hey! No more fights, I have to be angry."

Fei Yujing gave him a brain rash. This time he confessed his strength and saw his painful expression wrinkled. He put a light force on his hair and said, "How can you be stupid like this... Go yourself Go ahead, go, see you next time."

Time-reflectively pulled his arm.

Fei Yujing looked back at him, his eyebrows picked and asked: "I can't bear me?"

When I entered, I frowned and pulled his arm open. He got up and said, "What is reluctant, you are leaving by plane, I will send you."

Fei Yujing glanced at his arm that was opened and said: "Let's go, look for a fifth child by the way, he still doesn't know I have to go."


After Li Jiuyi returned to the island, he immediately went to Shao Jianping to help him. This will also be in the comprehensive building. When he came to find him, he said that he had to go to Feijing, and he sent him to the airport on the island.

Before the small plane, Fei Yujing suddenly looked forward to the time and said: "The next time you want to use my words, I am very happy, I will pay you back."

When I entered, I watched him not returning to the back of the cabin. There was a very complicated emotion in his heart. He was uncomfortable, wronged, unwilling, and very angry.

"What is this?" He couldn't help but sigh. He was so angry that he was sighing. "Is this mad? I have said that I need you to do this. You are a **** who changes his face faster than a book." You don’t always know what you know, everything you know. I don’t understand this time. I’m mad at it, I’m obviously--”

His words stopped abruptly and pressed down his head. When the original Lord was in the process of dying, no matter how he contacted, he couldn’t contact Fei Yujing. He was completely abandoned by the other party, full of confusion and grievances. There was no place to ask for the memory, took a deep breath, turned and grabbed Li Jiuyi’s arm, and strode with him to the airport and frowned and said: “The second brother is a bastard, ignore him, go, five brothers, I bring You go eat delicious!"

Li Jiuyi passively followed him, looked back at the plane, his eyes slowly lit up, and he was busy holding the hand when he entered, seriously: "Well, let's eat delicious!"

Fei Yujing looked at the two people's eyes through the window, raised his hand to support his chin, and clicked on his cheek: "It's not a matter of gas utilization, what would it be... The mind of a child is really hard to guess."

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