MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 103 zipper

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The military training time has been unknowingly over the past, the state of the time is getting better and better, and the performance is getting better and better. In the end, it was directly recommended by several instructors, and became the general flag-bearer of this session.

"The total flag-bearer, the performance of the parade and the final review, the total flag-bearer is the most windy, I also want to be." Liu Yong envy.

When the time comes, the flag bearer's special epaulette gloves and other items that have been sent out are collected, and he looks at him sideways. He said: "The flag bearer has to train for one hour a day. Are you willing?"

Liu Yong immediately threw his envy into his head and shook his head in horror: "No, it will be tempered in a few days. I have to save my strength, so that I will not be able to reach the end and give us a team."

Luo Donghao regretted sighing: "It is a pity that this training is not allowed to form a team, otherwise we can go with the time."

"Still, don't worry, I can't keep up with the speed." Liu Yong shook his head even more, even when he moved to a distance.

Shi Jin looked at him a little helplessly. He didn't understand why he was so "deified" himself. Zhang mouth was preparing to appease him. He fixed his normal person's design. He saw that he had been shouted and talked back to the court. He also waved at him.

"The instructor called me, let me go." Shi Jin and Luo Donghao both greeted each other and got up and walked toward the court.

Liu Yong saw another sigh: "The instructor really likes to enter."

Luo Donghao bowed his head and pretended that he was a piece of wood with no long eyes and no long ears.


The brothers walked to a corner far from the team, and turned their backs to the team, whispering: "The zippered place was settled. On a hill near the military camp, I told Lianjun that we were tempered this time. Location, he may come."

When I entered, I blinked and looked up at him with excitement.

He raised his hand to hold his hand and held his head to help him block his expression. He said with a little helplessness: "The convergence is a little... There is a project in the zipper that is speed competition. The content is for you to rush from the mountain to the mountain, take The flag to the top of the mountain, and then take the small mountain back to the starting point. The first person who has come down has extra points, if you want to take the first military training, don't miss it."

"That is a good lord..." I was looking forward to the question.

"He will stay in the mountain guard's house for a while at the mountainside. The housekeeper's house is a bit far from the main uphill road. It takes a while to get back and forth. You should pay attention not to delay for too long." I was so excited that I didn’t know why. I felt a sense of loss in my heart, and I patted the head when I patted it. I said, "University military training is like this once in a lifetime, Xiaojin, you must learn to enjoy it, be happy."

When I entered, I looked at his warm and inclusive eyes, and I calmed down a bit. I suddenly grabbed him and hugged him. I said seriously: "Four brother, thank you, I am very happy now."

Secretly sending a mobile phone, arranging him to meet with Lianjun in the zipper, these are all made to the principle that Ao Ting violated his own, just to make him happy, this is too rare, he will take care of it.

He was taken to Ao Ting, and immediately returned to hug him after returning to God. He said, "What kind of politeness with my brother."

The two just let go and let go, but Luo Donghao still saw it at the tip of his eye. He was shocked and took a breath of air, screaming in a reflexive manner, and attracted all the attention of the surrounding players.

"What happened to you?" Liu Yong looked at him worriedly, raising his hand and touching his forehead. "Screaming so ugly, are you in the upper body?"

When Luo Donghao saw the time and entered the Ao Ting, he was relieved and opened Liu Yong’s hand. He said with a tired heart: "What the ghost is in the upper body, do you want to believe that science does not understand? I am the itch. I want to shout."

"Cut." Liu Yong pushed him boringly.


After the training on this day, Luo Donghao found the time to enter, vaguely reminded: "When you enter, you, the instructor and the instructor still pay attention to it, the students and the instructors ... cough ... together, make it too obvious, will be said of."

When he looked at him inexplicably, he asked: "What are you talking about in the second half of the sentence, I have not heard a single word, what happened to the instructor?"

Luo Donghao saw that he was still stupid, anxious, and said: "I will treat you as a brother to remind you that when you hold the instructor in the afternoon, so many people are next to you, you, restraint."

"Ah, you saw it." When I entered this, I realized what he was saying. I was a little embarrassed to say, "This is really wrong. I was so happy at the time. I didn't pay attention to the occasion. I will pay more attention in the future. Thank you. Remind, I am going to add training, bye bye." After finishing the equipment of the flag-bearer, I went to find a training for the court.

Luo Dong Hao eyes sent him to leave, he noticed the joy and expectation in his words, and his heart was covered with desperation in an instant - this reaction, when the time is in, the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and the heart is going to be with the instructor. When it's over, ask for military training to end soon. When you enter this state, he is afraid that when he enters, he will not be able to bear the animal hair, and what happens in the military camp and the instructor.


Time is really very excited, but these emotions have nothing to do with Ao Ting, only related to Lian Jun. After an hour of training, the line of sight of the time was immediately placed on the trouser pocket of Ao Ting--where there was a tool to contact Lianjun!

To understand the meaning of the second, he sighed, frowning on the face, stressed: "I help you text, you are not allowed to touch the phone."

When I entered the chicken, I nodded like a glutinous rice, and I hugged my arms to my chest. I said, "I definitely don't mess with hands."

To Ao Ting, he sat across from him and glanced at his well-behaved sitting position. He felt that he was sitting in front of a puppy who was madly yelling at his tail, and the feeling of helping the time to contact Lianjun was shallow. Point, take out the phone to find the number of the cheap, choose to edit the text message.

"Would you like to call directly, I don't take the mobile phone, you can open it outside, I will listen to you and Lianjun." When the time is in progress, "euphemism" asks.

Active military personnel and violent organization leaders can have a good conversation.

Looking at him at the court, he didn't want to, but his fingers moved, and he quit the SMS editing interface and dialed a phone number directly to Lian Jun. Lian Jun is almost a second, and then directly ignores the fact that this is the mobile phone number of the Ao Ting, directly calling: "When is it?"

"It's me!" Shijin immediately approached the mobile phone. After being glanced at the warning of Ao Ting, he turned his side and walked over the tassel on the shoulder of the flag bearer. He said to the ground, "I am just a background sound." You talk about it, I just listen, don't care about me."

Lian Jun’s voice immediately faded and asked: “To the court is also?”

"I am." He answered the words to Ao Ting. When he looked down and looked down, he couldn't bear it. He said, "Two minutes, I will go to the curfew time immediately. I must go back to the dormitory to wash and rest on time."

When I entered the ear, my head turned up again.

Lian Jun was quiet for a while, then said: "Thank you."

So there was a strange scene on the playground. An instructor seemed to be talking on the phone with his mobile phone, but his mouth did not move. The student next to him seems to be waiting for the instructor to finish the call, but his mouth is moving.

The two minutes are too short, and it is only time to pay attention to the casual meal of Lianjun. Time is up. He reluctantly said good night to Lian Jun, staring at the phone hanging to the court, sighing sadly.

The stolen happy time is over.

"I like him very much?" To collect the mobile phone from Ao Ting, suddenly asked.

When I looked at him, I saw him with a serious expression, so he took it seriously and nodded. "I like it very much. I want to live with him for a lifetime. Four brothers, Lian Jun is really good. I hope that you can get along well."

Did not speak to Ao Ting, bent over to help him pack things, until he walked out of the playground with him, and then asked: "Why is he?"

When I walked into the air, I walked around and replied: "Who likes a person, why? When I realized it, I already liked him very much. Fortunately, he also likes me very much. Four brothers, you actually They are all biased against Lianjun. His career is not his initiative. It is the life that pushes him to stand up. In his position, he has too much helplessness and involuntarily. Compared with the leader of violent organization, He actually wants to be an ordinary person."

Eye to Ao Ting, seriously thinking about his words.

Time continues to say: "He is very good, and it is very good to me. When I first met him, I was in a bad state, poor and fat, nothing, and I stole the chicken in his orchard. He didn't deny me. After I knew my situation, I took me, gave it to me, gave it to me, gave me a job, asked someone to teach me something, and took me wherever I went. I didn’t intend to continue studying, and planned to wait for a stable life. I went to an adult university, but he did not agree. I used all kinds of methods to study with me. I arranged a teacher for me to take the college entrance examination and help me choose a school. I said that I want to take the police school. They don't agree, only he supports me... Four brothers, without him, there is no me now, he pushed me to the right path of life, and didn't let me go too long."

It can also be said that Lian Jun personally put him in a mess of life, and weaved it bit by bit into the future of this future, helping him to establish a root in the world.

"He is very important." Shi Jin emphasized that his tone was firm. "I want to be with him for a lifetime."

“Xiao Jin.” Suddenly stopped at the court and asked, “Are you happy now?”

When he looked at him from the side, he smiled and replied: "If you can lend me your mobile phone and let me make a video call to Lianjun, I will feel happier."

I am happier, so I am already very happy now?

"That's good." He raised his hand and touched his head, and his expression was helpless with a compromise. He said, "I believe in your choice...but the video call is not possible, give me time to go back to wash and sleep."

The smiling face of the moment instantly collapsed, and the face of the face grabbed his own things, and the hard state lost a good night, turned and went straight.

He stood in the same place and watched him leave. For a long time, he sighed heavily - poor and fat, nothing... He and his brother had done something in the past...


After the date of the zipper was announced, the people in the team found that the time-going monster actually showed a terrible enthusiasm for the zipper, and asked the instructor about the preparations for the temper every day.

"Is he a devil? Pulling this bitter and bad project, what exactly is he looking forward to?" Liu Yong asked hard.

When Luo Donghao glanced at it, he borrowed questions from the inquiry and blatantly wrapped his eyes on the appearance of the court. He said heavily: "The zipper is not the most important. The preparation for tempering is the most important thing. You don't understand."

"What do you mean by your god?" Liu Yong frowned and looked at him. He raised his hand and touched his forehead. He was worried. "You really are being covered by ghosts. I will drive you away. I heard that I spit." Water can..."

Luo Donghao directly pressed him to the ground and pressed his gibberish.

The days of blinking and tempering arrived, when I first got out of bed and rushed to the playground to gather, I was eager to carry the weight-bearing equipment and listened to the mobilization meeting for half an hour. Then I finally hoped that the big troops would set off and eagerly walk towards the zipper. - Yes, it is to go, this time the zipper does not have a car to sit, relying on the legs all the way!

"Hell is coming." Liu Yongsheng has no love.

Time is simply radiant, excited to say: "The mountain is not far from the military camp, walk away, let's go to the mountains to play."

Play... Liu Yong stunned, not looking at him from the side, fearing that he was mad.

There are other projects on the way to the mountain to be completed, and everyone walks and trains, obviously not too long, but it is almost three hours to reach the destination. Everyone squatted at the meeting place drawn by the instructor, and casually ate some dry food and water to fill their stomachs. After a short break, they ushered in the highlight of this zipper - climbing the mountain!

"A total of three roads up the mountain, you have to choose which one to leave, the departure time is one o'clock in the afternoon, and the person who has not got the flag down the mountain before 3 pm, the credits for the zipper project must be deducted, and training must be completed to end the military training." Ao Ting explained the rules, and then took out the route map and sent a copy. "It is now at half past twelve. You have half an hour of preparation time. If there is an unexpected situation during the mountain climbing, you must immediately contact us. Nearby instructors, don't be reluctant. During the game, all the students are not allowed to form a team, not allowed to help others to get the flag, to complete the task independently, understand?"

"Understand!" The crowd responded and quickly opened after receiving the route map.

The three routes up the mountain vary in difficulty. The route No. 1 near the meeting place is the best, but it is a bit winding, and it must be slow to walk. Route 2 is an abandoned mountain road left by the residents of the previous mountain, not winding, but the road conditions are not very good. Route 3 is just a looming trail that connects to the top of the mountain in a straight line, but the road is so bad that it is a bit dangerous.

Liu Yong very self-awarely decided to take the best way to go, and then asked Luo Donghao: "Which one are you going?"

"No. 2, my endurance is good, my flexibility is not good, I am not suitable for the steeper trail No. 3." Luo Donghao is also very rational. After reading the time, I want to ask him about his choice. I got up and I was ready to leave.

When he screamed, he asked, "Where are you going?"

When I looked back at him, I kept walking, and pointed to the left side of the mountain. I said, "Go to the 3rd uphill point, there seems to be a good view." After saying that the person has reached a dozen meters away, he soon disappeared.

Liu Yong stunned: "The scenery is good? What is he doing?"

"What else can you do, of course, to train, you can't come to fall in love." Luo Donghao is also a bit speechless, aiming at the moment when he is coming and leaving, he is sighing.


Time went to a point, the gunshots of the departure sounded, and the time immediately rushed out of the preparation point. Three or two went down the mountain road, and even ran and climbed. After a while, they plunged into the woods and disappeared.

Some of the students who also chose this course saw his movements and were immediately hit. One person couldn’t help but also tried to go into the climbing method of climbing and climbing. The result fell sadly, angry. Said: "Don't let me find the person who rumors rumors, I must kill him! What a spoiled young master, I am!"

Others silently echoed in their hearts, and slowly went to the mountains with enthusiasm, not dare to rush like the time.


When I entered the road, I ran fast, and when I rushed to the top of the mountain, I took a small flag tied to it from a tree and held it in my hand. Then I ran straight in the direction of the mountain keeper's hut - faster, A little faster, he is going faster now, and after a while he will stay with Lianjun for a while.

at last! When his hair was soaked in sweat, he finally saw the house of the mountain keeper appearing in the field of vision, his eyes lit up, and the flag in his hand was backhanded into the bag behind him, three steps and two steps. Rushing to the door of the house, directly reaching out and shouting, happy shouting: "Leng Jun!"

Lian Jun, who was using a flat-panel flip file, just heard the movement coming from outside. The door not far from the front was directly pushed open, and the eyes had not yet had time to adapt to the changes in the light inside the door. The wall of all sweaty people fell directly.



Time did not grasp the angle, the head directly hit the cheaper wheelchair, and he screamed.

Lian Jun was busy throwing the tablet away, reaching out to touch his head, and frowning asked: "Where did it hit? I saw, broke the skin?"

When I looked up at him, I still remembered the pain. I immediately hugged the past and stuffed the Lianjun into my arms like a dough. I said happily: "You really come! The road up the mountain is not good, how come you come. When did you come? Did you have a good lunch, lunch? Did you sleep at noon?"

Lian Jun felt that he was trapped by an over-excited bear. He was so funny and distressed and helpless. He raised his hand and hugged it, and calmly followed his back. He said, "I am repairing." On the mountain road, Yu Yi and Yu Er are accompanying me. I have lunch at lunch. I still haven’t slept in the afternoon. I will make up for it later.” I finished watching the one-on-one look at the corner.

As soon as he got up, he got out of the door and sneaked out of the door. He looked at the outside and looked at the house, and surrounded the house in tandem.

Inside the house, Shi Jin, er, er, I felt that the wheelchair was really in the way. I simply pulled Lian Jun out of the wheelchair and let him sit in the small bed that the mountain keeper used to rest. He once again hugged.

"Let me see your head first." Lian Jun clung to him with one hand, opened his distance to see his head, saw a bag swollen on his forehead, frowned, raised his hand and touched it, asked, "pain Doesn't it hurt?"

When he shook his head, his eyes looked at him brightly, and suddenly he kissed him toward him.

He had just exercised, sweating all over, his hair was smashed, and his body was still covered with blades of grass. His skin is darker than before, his muscles are strong, his upper body is only wearing a military green short-sleeved training suit, his lower body is camouflage pants, and his boots are on his feet.

This is a time that Lianjun has never seen before, very handsome, and the hormones burst.

Lian Jun was a bit embarrassed, accidentally taken over by the time, and fell to the small bed with his kiss.

The whole body is a breath of time, the heart jumps very fast, the body is held tight, and even a little pain, Lian Jun opened his eyes, looked at the eager to kiss, the place that had been empty for a long time was finally Filled up, comforting the back of the head when entering the ground, obediently closed his eyes.

The two people's breathing gradually became heavy, and when Lianjun couldn't help but want to be anti-customer, the time suddenly retreated and left the bed and took a bottle of water from the weight bag and unscrewed it directly from the head, bowing his head and snoring. .

"What's wrong?" Lianjun sat up, pulled a loose robes on his body, and got up and wanted to be close to him.

"Don't, don't come over." When he started to raise his hand to stop, wipe the water on his face, a little depressed. "I can't stay here for too long, time is precious, can't be wasted, I want to talk to you." Speak. You should sit there and don't move, just calm down."

Lian Jun heard a word and he glanced at the position and the water bottle in his hand. The heart was a little bit moving, but the face did not show it. The thoughtfulness said: "Well, I don't pass, don't worry." Looking for a place to sit for a while, it’s too tired."

When I entered, I sat down on the floor, watching Lian Jun’s clothes leaning against the bed, and the lips were reddish. The painful snoring, raising the hand was a mineral water, then pressed the bag on my forehead. .

A sharp pain rises, slightly suppressing the impulse of the body.

Lian Jun was busy getting up and leaning against the past, pulling his hand open and frowning and said: "No chaos."

When he stepped back and held his hand, he looked up at him and complained: "Who makes you look so good, I am now in an energetic age, I am excited, I don’t distract my attention, I am afraid I can take it now. You are angry."

The so-called small wins the newlyweds, his body becomes younger, his energy has become more vigorous, and he is terrible.

There is no more eagerness for yourself than a lover, and it is more reassuring. In the heart of Lianjun’s heart, the occasional rise and fall of the time because of my thoughts is dissipated in this straightforward discourse. When I touched the head and thoroughly drenched my head, I said, "How did you not find that you talked so badly?"

"It's not yours." Time did not escape his hand, and looked up at him again. He warned without any conviction: "Don't call me, I am dangerous now."

"I am also very dangerous now." Lian Jun bent over and kissed his forehead and whispered, "I am thinking about your mood, and you think my mood is exactly the same."

The warm breath lingered on his face, and when he tried to close his eyes, he reached out and hooked down the Lianjun. He bit his lip and said, "I said, don't call me!"

Lian Jun smiled, and hugged him, and whether the water on his body would wet his clothes, he said: "When you enter, I regret that you have chosen the police school." The feeling of separation is really uncomfortable.

When he entered his lips, he raised his hand and hugged him, and buried his face in his chest.

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