MTL - Death Progress Bar-Chapter 102 monster

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The morning training went smoothly, and the afternoon was a rare free time, which is the rest time. After the end of the training, he refused Luo Donghao’s invitation to go to the cafeteria. He sat on the ground and looked at the auspicious court that was holding the roster to leave. The dark gesture was very obvious.

Looking at him from the side of the court, he put the roster on the roster, and when everyone was almost scattered, he walked up to him.

When he looked up at him, he said, "I have a handache."

Frowning to Ao Ting, kneeling down and pulling his hand, asked: "What happened, was it hurt?"

"No, it is not good to sleep." When he took office, he pulled his hand and saw that he was still in a trembled hand. After falling into the palm of his hand, he settled down in an instant and sighed in a complicated mood. He took the fist and took it back and said, "Four brother, find a place to sit."

Looking at the court, he looked at his apparently low mood, did not say anything, and reached out and pulled him up.


When I took the opportunity to go to the infirmary, I asked the doctor to look at it. The finger pain of the time is caused by psychological effects. The doctor naturally did not check what came out. In the end, he only gave the medicine a little heatstroke.

After that, the two went to the cafeteria to have a meal, and then they found a shady corner on the playground and sat down in a row.

"There should be rain in these two days. When it rains, the military camp will arrange new defense education for the new students, give lectures to you, and release military movies. You can take a break for a while." When you handed a bottle of chilled juice to the front, "give."

When I entered the road, I thanked myself. I used ice cream to ice the ice and started to faintly hurt my fingers. I bowed my head and said, "Four brothers, I have nightmares every night for a few days. In my dreams, my father just passed away, I took the inheritance, then When you were kidnapped, ruined, broken your fingers, and you were dying, you came to save me."

I frowned at the court and looked at him sideways.

"After waking up, I began to feel a pain, just like the finger really broke. This seems to be called phantom limb pain. This is often the case with people who have cut off the limbs." Sideways headed up to his line of sight and asked, "Four brothers, I always can't understand things. I saved you in my dreams, but I never took care of me again. Why? If it is you." In that case, why did you choose that, can you tell me why?"

He took his hand to Ao Ting, took the water bottle out of his hand and said, "Small, it’s just a dream. It’s not meaningful. I will say how you look particularly unremarkable these days. I don’t feel comfortable talking to me earlier, I..."

"If it is not a dream." When the time interrupted his words, he held his hand and tried very hard. "If that is not a dream, is it really happening? Xu Jie once asked Xu Chuan to buy a fierce wolf to hurt me, you Remember her request? Disfigured, broken fingers... If I didn't give up the inheritance, didn't commit suicide, didn't sneak out of the hospital, and didn't coincide with the innocent... The list is actually likely to be not? My fourth brother, I am very close to the tragic scene in my dream. I am a little bit closer. I am with you, the end of the battle."

"Xiaojin!" Suddenly, I was a little flustered, because at this time, there was no focal length in the eyes. The body’s self-confident breath suddenly disappeared. The whole figure was pulled into the abyss and squatted. Not coming out.

And these things that are said to happen are indeed very likely to happen. Everything is almost the same, this is the last thing he is afraid of now, and the most fortunate. Fortunately, everything is just a little worse, and everyone has a chance to save it.

"That is just a hypothesis. The fact is that you are living very well now. Brothers also know that they have done wrong in the past. No one can hurt you any more." He reached out and touched the head when he touched it. He calmly said, "Xiao Jin, Those are just dreams, now and the future are more important, don't let those dreams drag you."

Touching the palm of your head is very warm. When you enter the emotion that you are not consciously excited, you will slowly return to the hand of Ao Ting and ask: "Then tell me, in the dream, why did you save me? And no matter what I am."

Intuition tells him that this problem is the key to lifting the nightmare spell. This issue is very important and very important.

"Small forward." There is no way to take him to the court, to suppress the disappointment of those dreams, sum up the information he provided, and say: "If the things in your dreams really happened, then I Later, regardless of you, it may only be a reason. I remember that the werewolf who was ordered by Xu Chuan was a violent organization abroad?"

When I heard a word, I nodded. "Yes, the main activity area of ​​the werewolf is abroad, and I am also kidnapped abroad in my dreams."

"That's it." Sighed at the proud court, said with a little helplessness, "I am a soldier of the Chinese nation, and the troops are special. To save you abroad, I must take advantage of the military's own private actions. Private action I will be punished. After I have saved you, I should be punished. I can't contact you. Xiaojin, how can I leave you alone, whether you like it or not, you are always my brother."

He explained, raising his hand and touching the head when he touched it. "I am sorry, so that you are so insecure. After so many things, everyone only knows about the mental state of the big brother, but forgets that you are injured. The deepest one, sorry."

When he looked at him, his nose was sour, and he suddenly smiled low and raised his hand to cover his face. It was really stupid to think that he had been unable to figure out these days.

Actually because of this, it is actually a reason for this reality and for granted... It is also true that the character of the court is just such a reason. Punishment is due to punishment, not because I don’t like it or hate anything, because I am punished.

Time to enter, you have heard, no, no matter you, your fourth brother never thought about abandoning you, never, he even saved the future, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his future, and took advantage of the official private action, this is in the army. It is a big taboo.

Suddenly there was a feeling of liberation in his heart. He lowered his face and pressed his face against his arm, blocking the tears that came out of control, and breathing deeply to suppress his emotions.

Xiaozhuo said with distress: "Go in, don't endure, crying will be better."

"Cry and cry, I am not the original owner, why do you help him cry!" Shi Jin said in his heart, but he couldn't help it anymore, his tears didn't go out like money, his shoulders shook, and he cried. Wronged.

Damn, he doesn't want the weakness of these original masters at all! But...cnm God! These are all misunderstandings and plots!

He was shocked by the crying of Ao Ting, and immediately he couldn’t help himself. He reached out and tried to open his arm and said, "How suddenly I cried, is it in the eyes, don’t block, I will help you. ......"

See what!

When I stepped open his hand, wiped his eyes hard, straightened and frowned at him, and suddenly reached out and grabbed his right hand, looking at it with evil - that is, this hand, this hand, the original master in the dream It is this hand that is pulling.

"Xiao Jin?" He looked at him with anxious and puzzled look at him. He saw him crying but he was pretending to be serious. He was a little out of date in his heart, so he smiled in such a face. It seems like a child.

"You dare to laugh, I dare to kill your teeth." When he noticed that he was going to curl up his mouth, his eyebrows were sharp, and he suddenly bit his head and bite his right hand, then straightened up and slammed his head. The hat on the air, suffocating with the nose, wiped away the tears, turned and did not go back.

Waiting for next year, next year he will be able to kneel down to Ao Ting, hehe!

To the proud court, he looked at the back of his imposing hat, and looked at the tooth print on his hand. He couldn’t help it anymore. He smiled and smiled. He saw the ground on the seat when he saw it. The tears underneath, and smiled again, reaching out to touch the wet mark, remembering the dreams and the trembling fingers, the lip line was flattened.

Eat too much bitterness, his youngest brother.

He tapped the ground gently, like who was touching the top of his head.


Great free time, but time is all used to make up. He left behind to the court and returned directly to the bedroom and threw himself into the bed. This afternoon, he finally got a good night's sleep, no dreams, and he woke up with some inexplicable emotions coming out of his heart.


He put down the hand that was lifted to the front, and looked at the ceiling in the bed and took a breath. He held his bed and prepared to get up to go to dinner. The rest of the light swept the pillow and added a black square.

This is... his eyes lit up, immediately sat up and looked around like a thief. After confirming that there were no other people in the dormitory, he took the black phone next to the pillow and held it in his hand. - This is the phone to the court! Still have unlocked the phone and have been tweaked into a silent mode!

In order to exercise the independence of the new students, the new students were not allowed to use mobile phones during the military training in the military camp for more than a month. They could only contact the family through the counselors, but now they have secretly sent his mobile phone to the court. come!

Is this going to give him a back door and let him contact Lianjun?

When I entered the bed, I was so excited that I wanted to fly up - I was the best brother in the world! Long live long live!

He quickly got out of bed and went to the dormitory door and looked out. After confirming that he was not familiar with the face, he was half-squatting behind the dormitory door. While watching the movements of the students outside, he quickly entered the phone number of Lianjun. Directly dialed the past.

Dududu... When I waited intently, I finally heard a familiar voice coming from the earpiece when the phone almost hangs up: "Is there something?"

Oh, this cold and alienated tone, this sounds low voice.

When I saw a smirk on the front, I deliberately gave a low cough and said: "Xiao Jin let me bring you a sentence and say that he missed you a little."

Lian Jun’s voice was soft and high immediately, and he replied quickly: “When is it?”

"No, I am going to the court." Shi Jin continued to speak with a voice.

Lian Jun chuckled and the voice softened and said: "Well, you are proud of it. Is there any other words to bring to me?"

"Yes." When he answered, he couldn't see his eyes and smiled. He just sat down on the floor and said, "He wants to ask if you have a good meal. How is the exercise? I have been busy lately and I have not slept well at night. it is good."

Lian Jun waved his hand to indicate that he was leaving, looking at the photos on the computer desktop, and carefully replied: "The uncle's new meal is difficult to eat, the exercise is not bad, a little busy, sleep at night. Not good, always wake up, because I really want someone."

When I went in, I listened to my brain and filled my face with a frowning eye. I was eating a nutritious meal and I was always awakened at night. The smile on my face was lost, my heart was sour and soft, and sighed: "Leng Jun, I want to see you."

Lian Jun raised his hand and touched the photo on the computer desktop, and the smile faded. He said with a low voice: "Me too." I really wanted to think about it and thought of hating myself for being not bright enough.

When I listened to his voice, I couldn't help it anymore. I hung up the phone directly. I found it on the mobile phone of Ao Ting, and found the social software to open to the court. I ignored the top of the page and the number of messages exceeded. More groups, quit the account of Ao Ting, log in to their account, find a friend of Lian Jun, and directly dialed a video call.

On the opposite side of the second, Lian Jun’s figure appeared on the screen of the mobile phone.

When I entered the big eyes, I watched it until I was completely clear, and slowly relaxed my body, smiled at the camera, tried to keep the usual appearance, and said, "You seem to be a little thin, so you can't, you have to be good. Eat, I will go back and check."

"Then I eat a little more every day." Lian Jun approached the camera, as if looking at his appearance, suddenly frowned, said, "How is your eye swollen?"

Uh... I went to sleep just after crying at noon.

Time is a little bit sloppy. I hide my expression by scratching my hair and replied: "I have a half-day break this afternoon. I am hiding in the bedroom and I should be swollen."

Lian Jun was not so fooled, and looked at his face carefully. The brow wrinkled more tightly. He said: "The dark circles are still so heavy, do you sleep well there?"

Doing a nightmare every day, you can sleep well and blame.

When I entered, I regretted opening the video conversation, and explained vaguely: "No, I am not a dark eye, it is a sun, military training, it will inevitably be tanned..."

Lian Jun’s line of sight fell on his body again. He saw a bruise on his exposed arm and his face was black. He said, “How is there bruise on your arm and being bullied over there? How does the court take care of you."

"No, no, no, I fell when I was fighting. Don't worry, my fourth brother is taking good care of me. You see that he secretly used the phone for me." Time to explain quickly, adjust the lens Just facing his face, he calmed and said, "Really, I am very good here, no injuries and no bullying, don't worry."

After the face is enlarged, the dark circles that enter the eyes become more and more obvious. When you look closely, you can see the red blood in your eyes.

This is obviously not sleeping and sleeping.

Lian Jun’s hands are tight, but the face is not showing up. When he looks at the anxious explanation, he relaxes his expression and actively shifts the topic and asks: “Is the military training tired?”

When he entered the news, he let out a sigh of relief and talked to him about the training that happened in the past few days. He also deliberately picked up some anecdotes and wanted to make him happy. Lian Jun looked at his gradual spirit, his hands slowly relaxed, his heart was a little more steady, and he listened attentively to him.

The two only talked for more than ten minutes and hung up because Luo Donghao was back. Time to reluctantly withdraw from social software, erase his login information, hide the phone, and then find Luo Donghao to face him a hammer!

The clubhouse, Lianjun looked at the black screen of the mobile phone, remembering the way to the last face, the palms tightened and screamed.


The next day, Shijin deliberately went to the playground in advance, and then I saw the same advance in the same direction.

"Thank you for your mobile phone." When I leaned in, I handed my hat over.

I glanced at the phone that he hid in his hat, and smiled a little. He took the phone back and asked, "Is it good night last night?"

"It's good. I won't get hurt when I get up this morning." When he answered, he put the hat back on his head and suddenly asked, "Is the first place in the military training, will the military camp send medals and certificates?"

I moved to Ao Ting and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to give my boyfriend a special barracks special product." When I entered the chin, I was very aggressive. "He deserves the best, so I have to give him the best things to go back."

Frowning to Ao Ting, he reached for his hat and said: "What nonsense, you train for yourself."

When I was busy, I took care of my hat and added: "And I don’t know who it is. When I first entered the military camp, I said that it would be good to be his brother, but it would be best. ""

A hand to the proud court, explained: "I don't mean that, you..."

"When you are done, when did you become so embarrassed." Shi Jin interrupted his words, stood up straight, saw him frowning again, suddenly serious expression, said, "Four brother, if I took military training First place, go back to the Air Force."

Speak to Ao Ting, call him: "Xiao Jin..."

"Don't delay the future for me. The time for the soldiers to fight freely in their lives is too short. Compared to watching you trapped in such a military camp, I would like to see you flying in the blue sky." Time looked up at him and said seriously. "I want to be my brother when I am, but it’s just plain and powerful. You have to do your best and become the most powerful one in the field you are good at, I will admit you."

Moved to the proud court, suddenly smiled, raised his hand and pressed **** his head and said: "Well, I will try to let you recognize me."

When I stepped in and smashed his hand, I was annoyed and annoyed: "I said nothing, don't you want to fight?"

Not far away, Luo Dong stunned and looked at the "fighting and savvy" to the court and the time, the brain popped up a variety of "hegemony instructors fall in love with me" "happy family - from hate to like" "that let 纨绔The title of a messy love story, such as a young man who has become a long man, can't help but take a step back and raise his hand to his chest. Is it true? The reason why the instructor likes to die is because of this...

Towards Ao Ting and Shi Jin, they all noticed Luo Donghao’s unconcealed line of sight and turned to look at it.

Luo Donghao was shocked and turned to hide behind the tree, trying to pretend that he had not appeared.

"What happened to him?" asked Fearing.

When I shook my head, I replied: "It may be that I have eaten more breakfast, and I can't help but spit it out."


The people in the team found that after half a day of rest, the enthusiasm for the training of the time suddenly rose.

However, at this time, everyone has not specifically felt anything. After all, these days, everyone is practicing collective basic projects. When they have already known that physical strength is very good, everyone is better than ordinary people. A little performance, in addition to sighing when entering really not like a young master, did not feel particularly bad or shocked. But when the basic training was done, and everyone started to change the venue to practice and move across obstacles and other projects, they finally realized one thing - this time into the young master, is simply a monster!

When everyone is slowly learning the essentials of moving forward, Shijin has already climbed through the obstacles and climbed to the finish line, smashing the gray of the students behind him; when everyone is still slamming through the obstacles When the life is about to die, Shijin has already turned over the last wall and sat down to drink and rest. When doing the fighting practice, because the time is always able to make the students who cooperated, the instructor I have to play and fight in person... So, everyone is standing on the land of mortals, looking up to the time when the world is rolling in the strong, and the heart is so painful that it can't breathe.

"What did he grow up in the end..." Liu Yong was on the edge of the bunker and watched that he had trained for an afternoon, but he still had the spirit and the time to fight against the court. He only felt that he was not worthy of breathing with the other side. The same space of air.

Luo Donghao sat beside him, raised his hand and rubbed his sweat on his forehead, and looked at the time, and replied: "Tell you a more desperate, when the life counselor inspects the house, the time is the highest. On the second day of his camp, he could stack the quilt into a tofu."

"Ah, ah, I don't want to live." Liu Yong broke his head, and Yu Guang just saw a punch into the picture on the shoulder of Ao Ting. I seem to like it very much. These days, I play against each other every day, and teach him what to do, so envy."

Luo Donghao heard the expression of a stiff face. After watching the time, he entered the court and went to the court. He quickly stopped to look at the care of the past, and said nothing to the court. When he touched it, he went into his head and closed his eyes. The vicissitudes of life said: "Don't envy, this is not something you should envy... If you forget it, train it, you can go to the actual shooting training after the day, and then don't hurry to cross the obstacles. Be careful, the instructor will leave you alone. Let you train alone."

Liu Yong heard the tiger's body shocked, and he climbed up from the ground and thought of something. He suddenly looked forward to saying: "When the other projects are strong, maybe the gunwork is very bad? I am the gunhouse. I was holding it from an early age. When the gun grows up, do you think I can win him?"

Luo Donghao looked at his silly and sweet expression, and stopped talking, sighed and went straight.


Two days later, the shooting range.

Luo Donghao used his chin to signal the results he had just scored and asked: "Liu Yong, can you win?"

"This TM..." Liu Yong was crying. Sadness said, "The time is actually a monster. In all his projects, the shooting method is actually the best, and it doesn't make people live."

Luo Donghao patted his shoulder and comforted: "Nothing, there is still a zipper project not done, you still have a chance to win him."

Liu Yong directly shook his hand, and said: "The tempering test is physical strength and endurance, I win a fart!"

Read The Duke's Passion